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Old 10-07-2005, 02:07 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Desty Nova
I find this interesting, because so many xians thoughout my life have said, "Well, it is in the bible, so therefore it MUST be true." :banghead:

Why should they "see no reason to believe" a single silly passage, and yet they believe other, equally silly passages without question? :huh:

Part of the problem here is assuming that Christianity is one thing and that all Christians believe the same stuff. They aren't, they don't. If a passage is weird, but is not critical for the central issue, then it's ignored.

For instance, an evangelical will focus on the "salvation" issue. Does that passage in any way impact the nature of salvation or spreading the gospel. No, it doesn't, therefore why focus on it. Better to focus on aspects critical to the mission. That's the mindset of that group.

Snake handlers, on the other hand take Mark quite literally and they do bring rattlers to their worship services, and if they feel led they will come up and take a snake out of its box and carry it around the church. Some get bit.

For instance, I opened a bible and read a very silly passage myself, in Genesis. It claimed the entire UNIVERSE was created in a few days, and that light was created before there were any stars to produce it, et cetera ad tedium. I personally find this passage (and most of the rest of the bible for that matter) to be very suspect, not to mention absurd, so I see no reason to believe it. But I don't then turn around and claim that the "rest" of the bible is solid fact!

Why should a xian claim the entire bible as factual, then "see no reason to believe" a single passage? :huh:
The reason some fundamentalist will defend the literal creation story is because it hard wired into the salvation story. Without a literal Adam there is no original sin. Without original sin, there's no need for a virgin birth to create a "sinless" savior ... etc.

...Sounds like the "pick and choose" or "cafeteria" xian approach.
To an extent, yes.
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Old 10-07-2005, 02:23 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Voice of reason
I have plenty to live for it is a challenge for christians and christians are too weak in thier faith to listen to their Lord and Saviour who commands them to Drink any poison. Now it is claimed it does not belong?? Then why is it there?? And has been there if not supposed to be??

So much for the bible being the word of God and it is clearly the word of man.

That's because it's been heavily edited over 2000 years.
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