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Old 02-11-2006, 06:10 AM   #161
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Asha'man quote
But that's the problem, if we accept both accounts as accurate, we run into numerous logical contradictions. At least one of the accounts absolutely has to be wrong in some form or fashion. They simply can't possibly both be accurate. The genealogies are only one part of the problem, for example Matthew and Luke give birth dates for Jesus that differ by at least 10 years. Jesus can't possibly have been born both in 4BC and 6AD.
The only way I can resolve the obvious contradictions is that both accounts are talking about a different Jesus boy----who actually existed----and later became fused into the adult Jesus of the gospels.
That's my question. And, yes, for argument sake I'm asking you to take this supposition seriously.
Would the writers have believed in the possibility of transmigration of souls?
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Old 02-11-2006, 06:19 AM   #162
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Default Two different genealogies of Jesus

Originally Posted by JohnnySkeptic
As far as sophisticated fundies like Glenn Miller and James Holding are concerned, arguments by skeptics regarding the two geneaologies are not any problem at all. Just go to their web sites and find out for yourself. In addition, you can go to the Theology Web and debate Holding regarding the genealogies. Regarding "this needs to be settled," I respectfully disagree. Even if all that we had was Mary's genealogy, Mary's genealogy cannot reliably be traced back to Micah (eighth century B.C.), let alone to Abraham (between 1500 and 2000 B.C.).
Originally Posted by smokester
Me, I understand. However, the two different geneologies are accompanied by two different accounts of the early life of Jesus. Remember, Mark starts with the ministry of Jesus.

"If" both accounts are as accurate as could be expected----I understand and agree with your difficulties re the geneologies----what does that mean? Anything? That is what I meant when I mentioned "this needs to be settled."
As far as James Holding and a lot of other Christians are concerned, it has been settled. Consider the following:

James Holding

Omission of names and telescoping was normal. See, and see, and for the variation in names, and for issues in the next several cites.

Johnny: So you see, smokester, James Holding and Glenn Miller are not in the least bit deterred by the two different genealogies.

I am still trying to get you to understand that it doesn't make any difference whether there is one genealogy, or two genealogies. If all that we had was Mary's genealogy, it would not be of any value whatsoever to Christians. I challenge Christians to prove otherwise.
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Old 02-11-2006, 06:46 AM   #163
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Originally Posted by reflector
Therefore, according to the flesh is referring to the fact that Jesus came and was fully man
I see. And "born a descendant of David" would not have implied that? Because some people believed David could have had some descendants who were not human?
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Old 02-11-2006, 09:15 AM   #164
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Johnny Skeptic quote
I am still trying to get you to understand that it doesn't make any difference whether there is one genealogy, or two genealogies.
You don't have to convince----I agree.
So the question remains why did the writers put in genealogies. Were they stupid, reckless in supporting some Christology, dishonest, telling stroies, or was there a real purpose behind the two different genealogies.
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Old 02-11-2006, 10:11 AM   #165
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Originally Posted by smokester
The only way I can resolve the obvious contradictions is that both accounts are talking about a different Jesus boy----who actually existed----and later became fused into the adult Jesus of the gospels. That's my question. And, yes, for argument sake I'm asking you to take this supposition seriously.
That is not the "only way" you can resolve the obvious contradictions but it is apparently the only way you are apparently willing to attempt a resolution. Another resolution of the "problem" is to recognize they are expressions of faith, not attempts to record history as we define the effort. The same is true for the incompatible and individually incredible birth stories. Each man was writing about his faith that Jesus was the Messiah and it should come as no surprise to anyone that their individual efforts to express their individual beliefs would turn out quite different.
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Old 02-11-2006, 10:35 AM   #166
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Amaleg 13 quote
That is not the "only way" you can resolve the obvious contradictions but it is apparently the only way you are apparently willing to attempt a resolution. Another resolution of the "problem" is to recognize they are expressions of faith, not attempts to record history as we define the effort. The same is true for the incompatible and individually incredible birth stories. Each man was writing about his faith that Jesus was the Messiah and it should come as no surprise to anyone that their individual efforts to express their individual beliefs would turn out quite different.
You are right ----instead of the "only" way, I should have said "a" way to resolve the obvious contradictions. BTW, it is "a" way that doesn't seem to have many takers.
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Old 02-11-2006, 12:18 PM   #167
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Cool Honest, or Not

Originally Posted by smokester
So the question remains why did the writers put in genealogies. Were they stupid, reckless in supporting some Christology, dishonest, telling stroies, or was there a real purpose behind the two different genealogies.
Most likely, they "knew" that Jesus was special, that he must be the Messiah. It was a matter of faith to them, no evidence was needed. However, since they "knew" that Jesus was the Messiah, it must also be true that he was descended from David as scripture required.

So they wrote down what must be true, without realizing that they were essentially fabricating history.

At least, that's one possibility, and a charitable one. An alternative is that the authors of Matthew and Luke were essentially salesmen on commission. They were perfectly willing to lie, cheat, and fabricate any story that would generate converts and therefore cash. Given the existence of televangelists today, men who earn $80 million a year with faith healing and lecture circuits, I think this second alternative is quite plausible. They were careless in that two conflicting stories were generated, but that's not surprising given the speed of comunication in those days.
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Old 02-11-2006, 01:34 PM   #168
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Default Two different genealogies of Jesus

Originally Posted by smokester
So the question remains why did the writers put in genealogies. Were they stupid, reckless in supporting some Christology, dishonest, telling stories, or was there a real purpose behind the two different genealogies.
For that matter, why does the writer(s) of any religious book write what he writes? Assuming that we only had Mary's genealogy, and that we could reliably trace her genealogy back to Abraham, how would that help Christians? If the Bible said that a pig sprouted wings and flew, Christians would believe it. How would that be any different than a talking donkey that the Old Testament mentions?
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Old 02-11-2006, 09:02 PM   #169
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Originally Posted by smokester
So the question remains why did the writers put in genealogies. Were they stupid, reckless in supporting some Christology, dishonest, telling stories, or was there a real purpose behind the two different genealogies.
But smokester, we have already gone through this before. I told you that James Holding and Glenn Miller do not have any problems with the two genealogies. You replied:

Originally Posted by smokester
Me, I understand. However, the two different geneologies are accompanied by two different accounts of the early life of Jesus. Remember, Mark starts with the ministry of Jesus.

"If" both accounts are as accurate as could be expected----I understand and agree with your difficulties re the geneologies----what does that mean? Anything? That is what I meant when I mentioned "this needs to be settled."
I replied:

As far as James Holding and a lot of other Christians are concerned, it has been settled. Consider the following:

James Holding

Omission of names and telescoping was NORMAL [Johnny: emphasis mine] See, and see, and for the variation in names, and for issues in the next several cites.

Johnny: So you see, smokester, James Holding and Glenn Miller are not in the least bit deterred by the two different genealogies.

I am still trying to get you to understand that it doesn't make any difference whether there is one genealogy, or two genealogies. If all that we had was Mary's genealogy, it would not be of any value whatsoever to Christians. I challenge Christians to prove otherwise.[/quote]
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Old 02-12-2006, 07:58 PM   #170
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Default Two different genealogies of Jesus

Now readers, I am still waiting for someone to tell me what difference it makes whether there is one genealogy or two genealogies. Even if all that we had was Mary's genealogy, how would that be of any value to Christians?
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