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Old 03-13-2010, 05:19 AM   #101
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Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post
According to Bible, Mary Magdalene and the Apostle Paul spoke Aramaic
Mar used 1 word. That is like me using 'heil' and everyone thinks i can speak German. One word a mastery of a language does not make.

Paul was an educated man, you would expect him to be able to speak aramaic because many of the OT books were written in that language. Thern sayng one word means this in Aramaic does not necessarily mean that he had complete mastery of the language either.

I am not aware of all the languages the disciples spoke, but with the help of the Holy Spirit nothing is impossible and they could have learned, been given the translation or some other reason. I wouldn't read into scriptures if I were you because sometimes we just do not know everything.

You cannot count on wikipedia.
Paul spoke to the Jewish crowd (presumably not as educated as Paul) in Aramaic , proving that the Jewish people of that time spoke Aramaic. That is my point... Jesus uses it when speaking to Paul in Acts 26. Paul uses it to address the crowds in Acts 21 and 22. It's not a question of Mary using one word, it's a question Jewish people using and understanding the Aramaic language, which, according to the Bible, they did... Unless the Bible is wrong, of course.
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Old 03-13-2010, 12:15 PM   #102
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Paul spoke to the Jewish crowd (presumably not as educated as Paul) in Aramaic , proving that the Jewish people of that time spoke Aramaic.
No it doesn't prove that at all. If you go back to chapter 21 you would see this:

27When the seven days were nearly over, some Jews from the province of Asia saw Paul at the temple
This does not mean everyone spoke Aramaic andif Paul used the language it dstill does not mean that everyone spoke it. Your fellow Americans (if you are one) can speak german, french, Spanish, does that mean you can? it is an example and I do not care if you can or not) The point is just because paul spoke to a few people doesn't mean it was the common language.

Jesus uses it when speaking to Paul in Acts 26
Jesus can speak in any language He wants, if He couldn't He would not be God.

It's not a question of Mary using one word, it's a question Jewish people using and understanding the Aramaic language, which, according to the Bible, they did... Unless the Bible is wrong, of course.
What is wrongis your application of the Biblical passages. You are extrapolatying one incident to all Jewish people and the ancient world inspite of the evidence that states Greek was the universal language of the time.
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Old 03-13-2010, 12:34 PM   #103
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Once again, you are wrong. Acts 21, verse 30 states that the whole city was roused against Paul. Now, why would he speak aramaic to the whole city, as Acts 21:40 and again in 22:2 states he used?
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Old 03-13-2010, 01:15 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post
There is NO evidence of ANY eye-witness to Jesus.
If you are simply looking for evidence what kind do you expect to survive 2,000 years? You can't even present evidence that you had an eye-witness for your post, so what do you expect christians or the Bible to provide?
Dozens of early Christian books about Jesus DID survive.
NONE of them contain a claim to have met Jesus, or anyone who ever knew Jesus (apart from the forged 2 Peter.)

None of the Gospels contain a claim to have met Jesus, or anyone who knew him.

None of the epistles contain a claim to have met Jesus, or anyone who knew him.

THAT evidence DID survive.
And shows NO-ONE ever met Jesus ar anyone who knew him.

Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post
Let's do a test: the walls of ancient Jericho have been uncovered and shown to have fallen exactly as the Bible said, and when it said. Kenyon was wrong.
Your attempt to change the subject confirms that you have NO evidence of any kind for the exodus. And - your claims about Jericho are NOT supported by actual archeologists.

Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post
(About exidus evidence mistkane for Egyptian)
I am just pointing out to you the common sense things. I will support by point by referring to the slaves of the american past. Not one of them left any trace, or cultural material and they lived in a time where records were kept. You pick up an artifact from the 16th- 18th centuries AD America and you would not be able to tell who owned or made it.
Once again, you attempt to change the subject to avoid the fact that you are wrong.

YOU claimed exodus evidence would be mistaken for Egyptian evidence. I asked WHERE is that 'egyptian' evidence that is really the exodus?

You FAILED to provide any, because there is NONE. Your posts are all preaching, and no facts.

There is NO evidence for the exodus,
and there WOULD be if it happened.

Archeologists agree - it never happened.

Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post
And there WOULD be a VAST mountain of evidence left behind - such as milllions of tons of dried shit. Where did it all go,
What evidence are looking for? Their clothes and shoes did not wear out. They ate manna, and on occasion meat. drank water and after 4,000 +/- years of natural disasters, wars, construction, subsequent nomads and so on, where do you expect to find this 'evidence'?
What is wrong with your reading comprehension?
I SPECIFICALLY used the example of the millions of tons (seriously, not an exaggeration) of dried shit that would be left behind.

You deliberately IGNORED that point, then had the audacity to say "what evidence" after I GAVE you the example.

That's what I mean by preaching - you don't actually bother to answer the points that people bring up here - you just ignore the facts and keep on preaching.

You seem to be pretending that 600,000 people did NOT have a shit in 40 years ?!

You really believe that 30 million pairs of shoes and clothing NEVER wore out?

What about the millions of campfires?

What about the millions of sacrifices they had to carry out?
Where are the bones?

The exodus never happened - that's the fact.
Preaching your fairy tales is going no-where.

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Old 03-13-2010, 01:31 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post
Read the mormon entries and all you will find are contributions from Mormons, no independent thought, it is all Mormon and whatthey are saying is not true.
Read your posts and all you will find are faithful contributions from apologists, no independent thought, it's all Christian belief, and what you are saying is not true.

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Old 03-13-2010, 02:29 PM   #106
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I've known Arch for a long time and he thinks it is different because he just knows that his 'god' is real and all the others are false.

Now, where have I heard that line of reasoning before? Oh, yeah.... EVERYWHERE!
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Old 03-13-2010, 02:45 PM   #107
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Originally Posted by Kapyong View Post

Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post

If you are simply looking for evidence what kind do you expect to survive 2,000 years? You can't even present evidence that you had an eye-witness for your post, so what do you expect christians or the Bible to provide?
. . .
YOU claimed exodus evidence would be mistaken for Egyptian evidence. I asked WHERE is that 'egyptian' evidence that is really the exodus?

You FAILED to provide any, because there is NONE. Your posts are all preaching, and no facts.

There is NO evidence for the exodus,
and there WOULD be if it happened.

Archeologists agree - it never happened.

Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post

What evidence are looking for? Their clothes and shoes did not wear out. They ate manna, and on occasion meat. drank water and after 4,000 +/- years of natural disasters, wars, construction, subsequent nomads and so on, where do you expect to find this 'evidence'?
What is wrong with your reading comprehension?
I SPECIFICALLY used the example of the millions of tons (seriously, not an exaggeration) of dried shit that would be left behind.

You deliberately IGNORED that point, then had the audacity to say "what evidence" after I GAVE you the example.

That's what I mean by preaching - you don't actually bother to answer the points that people bring up here - you just ignore the facts and keep on preaching.

You seem to be pretending that 600,000 people did NOT have a shit in 40 years ?!

You really believe that 30 million pairs of shoes and clothing NEVER wore out?

What about the millions of campfires?

What about the millions of sacrifices they had to carry out?
Where are the bones?

The exodus never happened - that's the fact.
Preaching your fairy tales is going no-where.

There is no definitive archaeological proof that the exodus happened. However, if genuine (and translated accurately), the Merneptah Stele does establish that there was an antagonistic relationship between the nation of Israel and Egypt.

Israel is wasted, its seed is no longer.
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Old 03-13-2010, 03:05 PM   #108
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
There is no definitive archaeological proof that the exodus happened.
There is no EVIDENCE that it happened at all.
there WOULD be, if it had happened.

This is a conclusive argument that it did NOT happen.

Nowadays, only faithful believers think it did.
Archeologists don't.

Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
However, if genuine (and translated accurately), the Merneptah Stele does establish that there was an antagonistic relationship between the nation of Israel and Egypt.
So what?
Egypt was a power then.
They trampled on many peoples.

That has NOTHING to do with the exodus.

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Old 03-13-2010, 03:36 PM   #109
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Once again, you are wrong. Acts 21, verse 30 states that the whole city was roused against Paul. Now, why would he speak aramaic to the whole city, as Acts 21:40 and again in 22:2 states he used?
Still doesn't prove that all of them spoke aramaic, that is an assumption you cannot prove.

None of the Gospels contain a claim to have met Jesus, or anyone who knew him.

None of the epistles contain a claim to have met Jesus, or anyone who knew him.

THAT evidence DID survive.
And shows NO-ONE ever met Jesus ar anyone who knew him.
I do not claim I have met you, does that mean we do not interact?

Your attempt to change the subject confirms that you have NO evidence of any kind for the exodus.
Once again, you attempt to change the subject to avoid the fact that you are wrong.
Not changing the subject but providing examples for you.n You have proven my theory that americans do not know what examples are anymore. By the way, jericho was at the end of the exodus and the beginning of the conquest.

Archeologists agree - it never happened.
Doesn't matter what they agrre on, they do not count. The events happened whether they accept it or not.

What is wrong with your reading comprehension?
I SPECIFICALLY used the example of the millions of tons (seriously, not an exaggeration) of dried shit that would be left behind.

You deliberately IGNORED that point, then had the audacity to say "what evidence" after I GAVE you the example.
No i didn't ignore it at all. Do you think they just took a crap above ground? Do you think all the toilet areas would have survived earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, windstorms, sandstorms plus the millions of other people roaming the desert who may have used the same spots for their dumping grounds?

What is an example of evidence you are looking for? For all the people taking a crap a Qumran, do you know how many toilets they found? Very few.

You FAILED to provide any, because there is NONE. Your posts are all preaching, and no facts.

There is NO evidence for the exodus,
and there WOULD be if it happened
Wrong again on all points as you may dismiss it BUT the Bible is an ancient document and is evidence.

You seem to be pretending that 600,000 people did NOT have a shit in 40 years ?!

You really believe that 30 million pairs of shoes and clothing NEVER wore out?

What about the millions of campfires?

What about the millions of sacrifices they had to carry out?
Where are the bones?
Actually i do not address many of your points for they are not dealing with common sense or reality. You forget they mayhave found the alter of Joshua, with bones but guess what--it is dismissed like everything else. presenting evidence to people like you is a waste of time because you have the right to accept it or reject it then demand more.

Well you get very little now because you do not want to believe but just like demanding things you cannot have.

Read your posts and all you will find are faithful contributions from apologists, no independent thought, it's all Christian belief, and what you are saying is not true.
You would be wrong and you provide no evidence proving what i say isa not true. You can't for I have spoken nothing but the truth. I can say the exact same thing to you but change apologist to secular.

You argue, as do so many archaeologists, from silence. You do not find evidence for an event thus it must not have happened. I have no evidence you typed and submited your post, thus it did not happen.

Remember the Hittites. No evidence save for the Bible for 1900 years then allof a sudden guess who was discovered--the Hittites and their empire. be careful about dismissing biblical events, you will get embarrassed.

There is no definitive archaeological proof that the exodus happened
Archaeology and archaeologists are not the final say. You need to read K.A. Kitchen's book The Bible In Its World. Archaeology, like all science, is far too limited to dictate what took place in the past.

Stop going to the absurd people and stick to reality. You argue from a limited science pinning your hopes on fallible men over a diviine Bible, I am not the one making a mistake or being irrational.
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Old 03-13-2010, 04:06 PM   #110
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Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post

Remember the Hittites. No evidence save for the Bible for 1900 years then allof a sudden guess who was discovered--the Hittites and their empire. be careful about dismissing biblical events, you will get embarrassed.

I remember post 55 in this thread and other discussion here on the Hittites.
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