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Old 09-09-2009, 05:11 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by semiopen View Post
I read somewhere that a spherical earth was already known around 600 BCE.
From here:

Who knew the Earth was round and when did they know it?
People knew the Earth was round 2500 years ago. They just forgot.

Because Earth-bound observers could only view a small section of the globe at a time, it wasn't possible to tell from direct observation whether the Earth was a flat disk or a sphere. The Greeks were the first to theorize that the Earth was round. Scholars like Pythagoras in 500 BC based their belief on observations about the way the altitudes of stars varied at different places on Earth and how ships appeared on the horizon. As a ship returned to port, first its mast tops, then the sails, and finally its hull gradually came into view. Aristotle, who lived 300 years before Christ, observed that the Earth cast a round shadow on the moon. When a light is shined on a sphere, it casts the same shadow. The Greeks calculated the general size and shape of the Earth. They also created the grid system of latitude and longitude, so that with just two coordinates one can locate any point on the Earth. Greek philosophers also concluded that the Earth could only be a sphere because that, in their opinion, was the "most perfect" shape
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Old 09-09-2009, 06:13 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Eldarion Lathria View Post
Thomas Paine asked the following question. "If Satan showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the earth, how is it he did not discover America?" "Or is it only with kingdoms that his sooty highness is concerned?"
Teotihuacan in Mexico was a pretty good sized kingdom at this time.
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Old 09-09-2009, 08:43 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by MortalWombat View Post
Originally Posted by Eldarion Lathria View Post
Thomas Paine asked the following question. "If Satan showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the earth, how is it he did not discover America?" "Or is it only with kingdoms that his sooty highness is concerned?"
Teotihuacan in Mexico was a pretty good sized kingdom at this time.
It is well known that the Incas were Jewish.

...Three thousand years ago, from the coast of Etzion Gever (near today's Eilat), King Solomon's sailors set sail towards Ophir, a country famous for its gold. We do not know its precise position. It has been variously identified as India, a Red Sea island, the Oriental African coast... what if it were the Americas? ...

Furthermore, South American writings have been found to bear similarities to those of the Semites. Solomon's Temple employed construction techniques identical to those used in the Cuzco Temple. The punishment for adultery was death by stoning in both the ancient Jews and Cuzcovians. The god-creator of the Incas, Wiracocha, could have no form or representation -it was absolutely abstract.
Just joking... or am I. :constern01:
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Old 09-09-2009, 11:58 AM   #24
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Why should we take seriously bullshit like that?

That article did not describe how the Cuzco and Jerusalem temples have some distinctive sort of construction that distinguishes them from other temples, which is what it implies.

Also, the Incas had been idolators on a massive scale.

"Navel of the world" is a rather obvious metaphor for some supposedly central spot.

As to Quechua and Hebrew, there are too many differences -- the "comparisons" I saw were the impressionistic sort that amateur linguists seem to love.

About Quechua, I found
Quechua language

About Hebrew, it's hard to find anything that gives a phonetic transcription, since it is usually written without vowels. So I've had to use the likes of Hebrew language.

Hebrew usually uses SVO and NA word order, while Quechua usually uses SOV and AN word order. Hebrew has prepositions and a very limited case system, while Quechua has numerous noun suffixes/cases. Hebrew has male and female grammatical genders, while Quechua has none. Here's what the personal pronouns look like in Hebrew and Quechua:

Ps. Sg. Pl.
1 ani anahhnu
2 ata (m) / at (f) atem (m) / aten (f)
3 hu (m) / hi (f) hem (m) / hen (f)
Ps. Sg. Pl.
1 ñuqa ñuqanchik (incl.) / ñuqayku (excl.)
2 qam qamkuna
3 pay paykuna
Quechua distinguishes between inclusive and exclusive "we" ("you and I", "I and others but not you")

The Quechua plural suffix is -kuna, while the Hebrew masculine and feminine pluralizations are
masc: -, -im
fem: -a, -ot, ...

Possessive suffixes (H and Q):
Ps. Sg. Pl.
1 -i -anu
2 - kha (m) / -akh (f) -khem (m) / -khen (f)
3 -o (m) / -a (f) -am (m) / -an (f)
Ps. Sg. Pl.
1 -y -nchik (incl) / -yku (excl)
2 -yki -ykichik
3 -n - nku

Vocabulary is just as bad. Mark Rosenfelder maintains files of Numbers from 1 to 10 in Over 5000 Languages , but I'll use Wikipedia's version:
# Quechua Hebrew Proto-Indo-European
1 huk 'ahhat *oynos
2 iskay shtayim *duwô
3 kimsa shâlôsh *treyes
4 tawa 'arba` *kwetwores
5 pichqa hâmêsh *penkwe
6 suqta shêsh *sweks
7 qanchis sheba` *septm
8 pusaq shemôneh *oktô
9 isqun têsha` *newn
10 chunka `eser *dekm
I looked at a little bit of the more stable sort of vocabulary, and I found no resenblance there also.
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Old 09-09-2009, 12:20 PM   #25
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I had to check out Gustavo Perednik to make sure he is not a Mormon. Turns out he is a super nationalist (as in Jewish people, not necessarily the nation of Israel) Jew.

But this idea that Israelites came to the new world and colonized it is exactly what the Mormons have been saying since the 1830s: it was Jews, first escaping from the capture of Judea by the Babylonians, and later escaping the Jewish-Roman war of 66-70, who were the Lamanites and Nephites, etc, mentioned in the golden tablets of Nephi.

How could I have resisted the obvious truth so long! I am converted!!


(Now, where do I need to go to find me one of them there additional child brides so I can rule a planet like a god ... or am I confusing Mormons with Scientologists? No, wait, the latter are the ones who think incorporeal alien Thetans have come to colonize this planet ... yeah ... but rule more like the devil with his demons than as a god. Or are the Jews demons?)

Originally Posted by semiopen View Post
Originally Posted by MortalWombat View Post

Teotihuacan in Mexico was a pretty good sized kingdom at this time.
It is well known that the Incas were Jewish.

...Three thousand years ago, from the coast of Etzion Gever (near today's Eilat), King Solomon's sailors set sail towards Ophir, a country famous for its gold. We do not know its precise position. It has been variously identified as India, a Red Sea island, the Oriental African coast... what if it were the Americas? ...

Furthermore, South American writings have been found to bear similarities to those of the Semites. Solomon's Temple employed construction techniques identical to those used in the Cuzco Temple. The punishment for adultery was death by stoning in both the ancient Jews and Cuzcovians. The god-creator of the Incas, Wiracocha, could have no form or representation -it was absolutely abstract.
Just joking... or am I. :constern01:
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Old 09-09-2009, 12:43 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by DCHindley View Post

I had to check out Gustavo Perednik to make sure he is not a Mormon. Turns out he is a super nationalist (as in Jewish people, not necessarily the nation of Israel) Jew.

But this idea that Israelites came to the new world and colonized it is exactly what the Mormons have been saying since the 1830s: it was Jews, first escaping from the capture of Judea by the Babylonians, and later escaping the Jewish-Roman war of 66-70, who were the Lamanites and Nephites, etc, mentioned in the golden tablets of Nephi.

How could I have resisted the obvious truth so long! I am converted!!


(Now, where do I need to go to find me one of them there additional child brides so I can rule a planet like a god ... or am I confusing Mormons with Scientologists? No, wait, the latter are the ones who think incorporeal alien Thetans have come to colonize this planet ... yeah ... but rule more like the devil with his demons than as a god. Or are the Jews demons?)

Originally Posted by semiopen View Post

It is well known that the Incas were Jewish.

Just joking... or am I. :constern01:
The DNA evidence isn't very good either.

There was apparently early Jewish immigration to the Americas as suggested by DNA testing of SE American Indians. But these were apparently Spanish and Portuguese who left because of the expulsion of the Jews.

I think the Mormon position has been refuted, kind of a dog bites man story... or is it? :constern01:
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Old 09-09-2009, 06:30 PM   #27
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Another thing: Hebrew verb conjugation is very different from Quecha verb conjugation. Hebrew verbs use lots of prefixes, suffixes, and internal vowel shifts, while Quechua verbs mostly use suffixes -- and lots of them.

Members of the Indo-European family have been the best-studied, and they have often had plenty of reorganization of word morphology and plenty of sound shifts and vocabulary turnover, but one can still recognize some continuity in many cases.

That being said, I'll list the ancestral Indo-European personal pronouns
Ps. Sg. Pl.
1 *egô (nom) / *me- (obl) *wei (nom) / *nes- (obl)
2 *tû (nom) / *te- (obl) *yû (nom) / *wes- (obl)
nom = nominative case
obl = oblique-case stem

Demonstratives ("this", "that") were used as third-person pronouns.

Originally Posted by DCHindley View Post
I had to check out Gustavo Perednik to make sure he is not a Mormon. Turns out he is a super nationalist (as in Jewish people, not necessarily the nation of Israel) Jew.

(Mormons: Native Americans are fleeing Israelites...)

(Now, where do I need to go to find me one of them there additional child brides so I can rule a planet like a god ... or am I confusing Mormons with Scientologists? No, wait, the latter are the ones who think incorporeal alien Thetans have come to colonize this planet ... yeah ... but rule more like the devil with his demons than as a god. Or are the Jews demons?)
Mormons believe that the Mormon God was once a man who had been a very good Mormon, and who was rewarded for that by getting his own planet and lots and lots of wives. Not surprisingly, they also believe that being a very good Mormon can get you your very own planet.

Scientologists think that our planet is a dumping ground for the thetans (souls) of people that Xenu had wanted to get rid of. Scientology is sort of like a science-fictional version of Gnosticism, with Xenu being much like Yaldabaoth.

Originally Posted by semiopen View Post
The DNA evidence isn't very good either. ...

I think the Mormon position has been refuted, kind of a dog bites man story... or is it? :constern01:
Mormons often backtrack, claiming that only some of the Native Americans are fleeing Israelites. But which ones?
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Old 09-09-2009, 07:50 PM   #28
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Because I did not have unilimited time I was unable to twist my musings to resemble the rambling biblical exposition given by Jules Winnfield in Pulp Fiction:
There's a passage I got memorized. Ezekiel 25:17.
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."
I been sayin' that shit for years. And if you ever heard it, it meant your ass. I never really questioned what it meant. I thought it was just a cold-blooded thing to say to a motherf--ker before you popped a cap in his ass.

But I saw some s--t this mornin' made me think twice. Now I'm thinkin': it could mean you're the evil man. And I'm the righteous man. And Mr. .45 here, he's the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the valley of darkness.

Or it could be you're the righteous man and I'm the shepherd and it's the world that's evil and selfish. I'd like that. But that s--t ain't the truth.

The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin, Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be a shepherd.

Originally Posted by lpetrich View Post
Originally Posted by DCHindley View Post
I had to check out Gustavo Perednik to make sure he is not a Mormon. Turns out he is a super nationalist (as in Jewish people, not necessarily the nation of Israel) Jew.

(Mormons: Native Americans are fleeing Israelites...)

(Now, where do I need to go to find me one of them there additional child brides so I can rule a planet like a god ... or am I confusing Mormons with Scientologists? No, wait, the latter are the ones who think incorporeal alien Thetans have come to colonize this planet ... yeah ... but rule more like the devil with his demons than as a god. Or are the Jews demons?)
Mormons believe that the Mormon God was once a man who had been a very good Mormon, and who was rewarded for that by getting his own planet and lots and lots of wives. Not surprisingly, they also believe that being a very good Mormon can get you your very own planet.

Scientologists think that our planet is a dumping ground for the thetans (souls) of people that Xenu had wanted to get rid of. Scientology is sort of like a science-fictional version of Gnosticism, with Xenu being much like Yaldabaoth.

Mormons often backtrack, claiming that only some of the Native Americans are fleeing Israelites. But which ones?
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