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Old 12-26-2005, 06:12 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by mata leao
communism,fascism,monarchy,democracy,etc.....just because there are competing revelations does not mean that all are equal or that all are reliable. Again, no smoking gun errors. Many debates, but no smoking guns.ONe would think that a book of 66 books supposedly written by men without any outside revelation over thousands of years would have at least one undebatable smoking gun error. And, it is not a change of subject, it is the only rational question to someoen who says there is no God but feigns concern for those who do!!!

Jesus' geneology contradicts the OT.

According to the old testament there are 18 generations between King David and the Babylonian exile, whereas the New Testament claims that there are 14. Matthew needed 14 for his 14-14-14 pattern, so he deleted four names.
Either that or he can't copy.

Hebrew Bible ================= New Testament
I Chr. 3:10-16 =============== Matthew 1:6-11
Solomon ......................................Solomon
Rehoboam ...................................Roboam
Abia ............................................Abia
Asa..............................................A sa
Jehoshaphat .................................Josaphat
Joram ..........................................Joram
Ahazia ......................................... ??? (missing)
Joash .......................................... ??? (missing)
Amazia ........................................ ??? (missing)
Azaria .........................................Ozias
Jotham ........................................Joatham
Ahaz ...........................................Achaz
Hezekia .......................................Ezekias
Manasseh.................................... Manasses
Amon......................................... Amon
Josia............................................J osias
Jehoiakim.....................................??? (missing)
Jeconia........................................Jec honias

The fact that you will debate anything does not make this less of a smoking gun error.
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Old 12-28-2005, 07:58 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by Half-Life
Fulfilled Prophecy Tenakh/Hebrew Scripture New Testament
His pre-existence Micah 5:2 John 1:1, 14
Born of the seed of a woman Genesis 3:15 Matthew 1:18
Of the seed of Abraham Genesis 12:3 Matthew 1:1-16
All nations blessed by Abraham's seed Genesis 12:3 Matthew 8:5, 10
God would provide Himself a Lamb as an offering Genesis 22:8 John 1:29

There's just a few.
Micah 5:2 "But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
Too little to be among the clans of Judah,
From you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel
His goings forth are from long ago,
From the days of eternity."

This has nothing to do with Jesus.
First, Bethlehem Ephrathah is not the clan from which Jesus came from.
Second, Jesus never ruled over Israel.
Third, nowhere does it say that this person pre-existed.

Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her Seed;
He shall bruise your head,
And you shall bruise His heel.�

This is not a prophecy.
It does not talk about Jesus at all.
Eve's seed is all of humanity.
This says that Yahweh put emnity between people and snakes.

Genesis 12:3
And I will bless those who bless you,
And the one who curses you I will curse
And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."

This talks about Abraham.
What does it have to do with Jesus?
One needs a lot of imagination to tie this to anything concerning Jesus.

Genesis 22:8
Abraham said, "God will provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering, my son." So the two of them walked on together.

Taken out of context this can be made to say anything.
But if one bothers to read the verses before and after, it becomes obvious that Isaac was the lamb intended here. Nothing to do with Jesus.
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Old 12-28-2005, 08:31 PM   #73
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Jesus did not fulfill any prophecy. Not one.

Please show me one that even comes close.
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Old 12-28-2005, 08:50 PM   #74
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No one can even prove the dude ever existed why argue about what he did?
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Old 01-07-2006, 08:10 PM   #75
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# The Bible was written so that it would only look like Jesus fulfilled prophecy.

1. Then what you are saying is that the New Testament writers lied about Jesus. He really didn't rise from the dead and all those miracles about Him are really false, right?
2. I could see your point, but there is just one problem. How do you account for the writers of the New Testament teaching about truth, love, honesty, giving, etc. all based on lies? Why would they suffer hardships like beatings, starvation, shipwreck, imprisonments, and finally execution for nothing but lies? What you are saying doesn't make any sense and raises more questions than it answers.
The only logical explanation is that the fulfilled prophecies really did happen. Jesus actually rose from the dead. He performed miracles and He forgave sins. He forgave sins then and He can still do it now. My sins are forgiven, are yours?
Please note that many cult members will die for their faith as well. But they die for something they believe in, not that they have seen. Muslims, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses all die for their faith. But the New Testament believers died for what they saw and believed, not for what they believed only. That is a big difference. The NT writers died claiming that they had seen the risen Lord. The cult members die for what they believe and we know that believing doesn't make it true.

Taken from
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Old 01-07-2006, 08:15 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by Half-Life
# The Bible was written so that it would only look like Jesus fulfilled prophecy.

1. Then what you are saying is that the New Testament writers lied about Jesus. He really didn't rise from the dead and all those miracles about Him are really false, right?
2. I could see your point, but there is just one problem. How do you account for the writers of the New Testament teaching about truth, love, honesty, giving, etc. all based on lies? Why would they suffer hardships like beatings, starvation, shipwreck, imprisonments, and finally execution for nothing but lies? What you are saying doesn't make any sense and raises more questions than it answers.
The only logical explanation is that the fulfilled prophecies really did happen. Jesus actually rose from the dead. He performed miracles and He forgave sins. He forgave sins then and He can still do it now. My sins are forgiven, are yours?
Please note that many cult members will die for their faith as well. But they die for something they believe in, not that they have seen. Muslims, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses all die for their faith. But the New Testament believers died for what they saw and believed, not for what they believed only. That is a big difference. The NT writers died claiming that they had seen the risen Lord. The cult members die for what they believe and we know that believing doesn't make it true.

Taken from
1. Show us evidence that the Gospel authors suffered these things you claim.

2. Show us evidence as to who actually wrote the Gospels

(hint - you're swimming upstream against even the Xian biblical scholars...)

3. Please stop just cut and pasting from apologetic websites.
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Old 01-07-2006, 08:38 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by Half-Life

* - Aristotle - 5 copies available for comparison
* - Homer - 643 copies available for comparison
* - Plato - 7 copies available for comparison
* - The Bible - 30,000 copies available for comparison (includes 5000+ Greek copies and another 25,000 written in other languages). This wealth of evidence is simply staggering.

Very interesting isn't it?
Not interesting one bit. It simply shows how mankind needs a spiritual crutch. They can't walk on their own--so they need some absurd idea like religion to guide them.

It's disheartening, really.
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Old 01-07-2006, 10:14 PM   #78
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Why would the Bible be written then? Are you claiming every story in the Bible is false? Every book? For what reason did Moses have to lie and claim God gave him the commandments? How could he simply make this up? And why? Where are the refutations from people from his day who lived with Moses to refute that God never showed up?
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Old 01-07-2006, 10:45 PM   #79
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Why would the Book of Mormon be written?

Why would all those Greek myths be written? Babylonian? Celtic? Egyptian?

Originally Posted by Half-Life
Where are the refutations from people from his day who lived with Moses to refute that God never showed up?
Why would they refute something that no one was claiming happened? The events were not crafted into a history until long, long after the people of that time had past.
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Old 01-08-2006, 02:52 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by Half-Life
Why would the Bible be written then? Are you claiming every story in the Bible is false? Every book? For what reason did Moses have to lie and claim God gave him the commandments? How could he simply make this up? And why? Where are the refutations from people from his day who lived with Moses to refute that God never showed up?
Hi Half-life.

There might even be some chance that you mull these questions over sincerely in your mind.

Moses didn't lie. He didn't even exist. But the story sure is designed to make an impression on the people hearing it.

I could see your point, but there is just one problem. How do you account for the writers of the New Testament teaching about truth, love, honesty, giving, etc. all based on lies?
This doesn't follow logically.

Is the goose that laid the golden eggs of no value because it is a "lie"? The little engine that could?

There must be thousands of written fiction pieces teaching lessons on truth, love, honesty, giving, or whatever.

But the New Testament believers died for what they saw
Oh? Who?
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