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Old 03-20-2007, 06:11 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Malachi151 View Post
Yes quite, but who says what is the anachronism? The Christians?
This historians.

The whole Jesus Myth issue is basically about showing that the traditional view IS the anachronism.
All of it?

It is the Christians who are interjecting later beliefs onto earlier people and cultures.
Which of these are you talking about?

The whole New Testament is setup is indeed FOSTER anachronistic reading!
Is it now? Demonstrate this.
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Old 03-20-2007, 06:17 PM   #32
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By the way, where did all this fucking political shit come from? It doesn't belong in the BC&H forum. This crap is why I avoid the political forum like the plague. I don't hate Bush, I'm going to vote for Rudy Guliani or Fred Thompson if either of them run, and Barack Obama? Give me a fucking break. I will take my chances with Billy Graham as President before I'll vote for some socialist jackass whose plan for dealing with Islamic terror is to wave the white flag.

Being an atheist does not automatically make one a liberal or a Democrat or a Bush-hater, and it infuriates me to no end when people spout this crap like they assume everyone who's reading agrees with it. Again, keep it in the political forum where it belongs!
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Old 03-20-2007, 06:17 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Gregg View Post
Bullshit. What is "crazy" about what Doherty proposes? Once again:

We KNOW there were people in the ancient world who believed in dying/rising savior gods.
No, we do not.

Besides that, the notion that Jesus was viewed as a saviour god in early Christianity is rank anachronism. An agent of a god, yes. One in whom -- as opposed to the divine Torah -- the God of Israel was most bindingly and definitively known, yes. One who deserved allegiance, yes. But a god, let alone a god man (whatever the hell that means) or god, no. And please don't point me to Jn 1 or Philippians 2 or 1 Tim 3:16. They do not proclaim Jesus to be god.

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Old 03-20-2007, 06:19 PM   #34
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Is it now? Demonstrate this.
Well, the Gospels are the first books of the New Testament, yet they are not the first Christian writings. The way the NT reads, you read the later books first, then you interject what you have read in the Gospels into the writings of Paul and Hebrews and the other early Epistles.
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Old 03-20-2007, 06:20 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Gregg View Post
I don't understand your point here, I'm afraid. Doherty may be largely self-educated, but he is not "totally untrained."
I was referring to Malachi151 here. As for Doherty, he has a Bachelor's degree, right? Never pursued a Masters?

And on top of all this, large numbers of these scholars have confessional interests or work for theological institutes, denominational backed colleges, and universities that have a powerful interest in keeping the alumni happy. Am I saying I don't trust Bible scholars as a group to be as objective as scientists? You're damn right I am.
Facts and stats please.

We are not just talking about words in some musty old book here, we're talking about beliefs that millions of people, including a large number of Bible scholars, cherish and hold sacred. I don't think there's any widespread, conscious, deliberate conspiracy to reject mythicist claims, but I also don't think Bible scholars have neglected the mythicist angle because the evidence for historicity and/or against mythicism is overwhelming.
I disagree. Mythicism came out over a hundred years ago, and it became stagnant then. I also don't buy into the Augustinian view of the gospel tradition either for the same reason. Most Biblical Studies scholars aren't "in line" with the conservative Christians, and those that are in line are hardly taken very serious, for example N. T. Wright. There's a reason why he's only gotten so far with his research, and that's because most scholars can smell his bias.

So the fact that the majority of Bible scholars reject mythicism means a great deal less to me than the fact that the majority of biologists reject ID.
That's your bias then.

Bullshit. What is "crazy" about what Doherty proposes? Once again:
As spin was prone to saying: RTFA.
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Old 03-20-2007, 06:22 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Gregg View Post
Doherty was published in the Journal of Higher Criticism (Fall 1997).

I think we will start seeing more papers published on the MJ thesis. My money's on Richard Carrier to really break the logjam.
Oh, please, Journal of Higher Criticism? That was created by mythicists (or quasi mythicists) for the support of radical theories. It's whole existence is to propogate radical theories. RADICAL. It was their intent. I hope you don't mind me dismissing them for purposely destroying their own credibility.

Get him to publish in JBL, JSNT, JECS, Novum Testamentum, or a real journal, and then we'll start talking.
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Old 03-20-2007, 06:24 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Malachi151 View Post
Well, the Gospels are the first books of the New Testament, yet they are not the first Christian writings. The way the NT reads, you read the later books first, then you interject what you have read in the Gospels into the writings of Paul and Hebrews and the other early Epistles.
As far as I know, the majority of educated Christians do not think that the Gospels were written first. Have you ever been to a school of theology?
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Old 03-20-2007, 06:25 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Malachi151 View Post
Could I graduate from a theological seminary school with a thesis arguing that Jesus never existed and that there is no God and that Christianity is a sham that contributed to the decline of Western Civilization?

I doubt it.
Doesn't Price teach at a seminary? There are plenty of secular institutions that teach theology, too. You're overestimating the influence of orthodoxy on graduate education. Additionally, the thesis you are suggesting is far too comprehensive and agenda-driven for a worthwhile dissertation.

Well, this should be no surprise, since anything that is substantially challenging to Christianity is often rejected even by non-Christian scholars out of hand.
Probably because of its quality, not content. Give me some examples to prove me wrong.

He seems to take a very historical view of the scriptures. His work on a lot of things is good, I agree with that. He contributes a lot of useful material, but I think that he dismisses mythicism out of hand and he argues about things as if he knows certain facts about the life of Jesus which it is indeed impossible to know, as many people do.
That Ehrman is still "indoctrinated" does not logically follow from anything you said about him.

I haven't seen his specific position on mythicism, but when I hear him talk about Jesus its sometimes very similar to Tabor. "Jesus was a threat to the social order, and he was doing this and doing that, etc., etc.," as if anyone actually has any evidence of any of this.
Now I'm beginning to wonder if you've read ANYTHING about the historical Jesus by scholars. Crossan deals with this topic extensively.


LOL, I thought you just said that "indoctrination" does not occur in theology eduction. What is an "anachronistic reading"? That's the problem here.
Hurm. Nothing like ignoring the qualification I put on it earlier, eh?
"No credible graduate theology education is going to be indoctrination, other than teaching one the proper methods to use." So please read my full quote before making condescending remarks like that.

Yes I agree with you, but again this just a matter of familiarity with material. This is one of the reasons that I started an atheist led Bible study, so that atheists could get familiar with the material, since most are not. That doesn't even begin got scratch the surface, but its a start for most people.
This doesn't really address my point, but whatever. A bunch of likeminded people with no critical scholarly qualifications (I'm assuming) is exactly like a fundamentalist Bible study, perpetuating unquestioned hermeneutics that are congenial to one's own belief system.

I agree that these types of errors occur due to lack of familiarity, and I know that I have made many such errors myself many times, which is why I come here and discus things because its a quick way to see if something is just obviously wrong, but there are many errors made on the other side of the coin for basically the same reasons as well, taking the conventional wisdom uncritically.
Doherty's work was published 7-1/2 years ago, and I'm, as far as I know, the first person to call him out on this. This seems to be strong evidence against such a model for "review". The internet is NOT a peer-review system, especially going to a message board that is made for people sympathetic to your worldview. It is for this precise reason that I sent my paper to a renowned scholar whose worldview was very close to that against which I was arguing. Otherwise it's just confirmation bias.

No, but someone can read the core primary source materials in a matter of months and be able to come to some of their own conclusions about them that would have a lot of validity. Those then need to be checked against the other volume of material, etc., but let's face it, you have the Bible itself, then some relevant apocrypha, the major 2nd - 4th century writings by apologists and a few heretical scraps, and with that you have a pretty solid foundation.
The fact that the first 1300+ years of Christian Bible scholarship can be relatively safely dismissed from critical discussion at most points is a strong indicator otherwise.

Sure there is more, but you can read all that in a few months time to a year's time.
Surely you are joking.

Well, it depends. Traditional Christianity contains within it many false assumptions. Being taught those false assumptions and accepting them as true indeed puts you in a worse position than no education on the matter at all.
You have been terribly misinformed about the state of Biblical studies in academia.

Oh hey look, that's how Christians and theologists deal with anything that they disagree with, hence my point is proven.
By perpetuating the same backwards mode of thought you're trying to subvert? Laughable at best. Dark-age inducing at worst.

Does Gregg have any basis for his speculation about forthcoming articles on the JM hypothesis? When I sent Doherty the link to my paper I suggested that he do submit something about the crucifixion per Paul, but we'll see what happens? I also think that Gregg overestimates Carrier's commitment to the JM hypothesis.
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Old 03-20-2007, 06:29 PM   #39
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Some of the previous posts remind me of the dificulties faced by those who claim to be atheist.

If someone claims that they believe God exists, they they are asked what Church do they attend. And if they claim that they do not believe, then they are labelled as Communist.

Now, if you claim the non-historicty of Jesus the Christ, you are questioned at lenght about your background. Do you know Greek, Hebrew, are you an historian, what college did you attend, have you ever written a book, do you know latin, have ever read this , that or the other?

Now, if I were to answer all these questions in the affirmative would that make Jesus real?

As far as I know one's ability to reason outweights one's knowledge of Greek.

The main problem of the MJ position is that billions of people are HJers for no reason
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Old 03-20-2007, 06:32 PM   #40
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Well, Gregg, I am satisfied that the rancour between HJ and MJ proponents is nothing compared with the rancour between academic snobs and the great unwashed.
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