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Old 09-19-2008, 11:17 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post
Originally Posted by storytime View Post
Jesus didn't change the law. Some must have kept the law as God commanded, for Jesus recognized the righteous in the law and said these he was not sent to save. Why? Because they were already justified in their obedience to law, and if obedient to law they could not be condemned by the law.
this is not what he said or meant. Please provide the reference so we know what is getting hacked up to make this claim.
If anything is or has been "hacked up" it is the Christian misapproiation in their invalid claims.

Reference you require is in the statement of Jesus that he did not come to change the law or the prophets sayings, but to fulfill the law. You and I disagree on how Jesus did this. I propose that Jesus as a rabbi and teacher of the law fulfilled his obligation of law as a firstborn son, which relates to the OT sacrifice of firstborn sons in service to God. You seem to think that Jesus destroyed the law.

What did Peter(?) say about the righteous? "Let those who are righteous, be righteous still.." Jesus was not sent to the righteous people in Israel, but the lost sheep. "Those who are well need not a physician". So you can't condemn all the Jewish people as some were evidently righteous. Which says, they did not need Jesus to save them.

Jesus said that none are righteous. Jesus said those who think they are righteous will not find the need in themselves of salvation. He used the anaology, since you claim to see, I will not heal you of your blindness. It is a lack of repentance. No one who earnestly reads the gospels will get the message that you found.
The righteous had no need to repent because they were obedient in their laws. They were justified. This is difficult for theists to accept isn't it? Anyone who actually investigates the bible and the gospel will in 99% of the time, agree with my analysis. I have nothing to gain and nothing to lose. But your Christianity is at stake so you will cling to your misguided doctrine.

That is why this conversation is not going to be useful, because you do not beleive language has any meaning besides the meaning you bring to it.
That's about the lamest excuse I've heard. Thing is, I've left you with no foundation to stand on in your lack of defense for it.

Well, they haven't "come around", and their God and laws and doctrine still excludes Gentiles.

ps. law prevented the Jews from accepting the Gentiles as equals and reason for Jesus excluding them.

thank you for a good conversation, but I do not think there is anything left to discuss. You can have the last word if you like.

I've enjoyed it Steve. Thank you.
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Old 09-19-2008, 01:14 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Look closer at what?
well, you quoted Gen 15:6, Abraham beleived God. Abraham beleived what? It does not just say he beleived in a God. He beleived what God said. What did God say?

Now, if Jesus fulfilled the law, and man is justified by FAITH, then the fulfillment of the law by Jesus was totally unnecessary.

The author has inadvertently made Jesus IRRELEVANT, men are justified by FAITH.
No, you do not understand what faith is. It is the object of faith that is at issue. Those who are justified before God are justifed by their faith IN the work of Christ on the cross. Faith needs an object. It is the object that determines whether faith is warranted or useful.

The law is still at work in those that do not believe. their faith is in their own ability to fulfill the law or their faith is in the fact that their is no law or no God. It is the object of faith that will determine what is right, not the faith or even the amount of faith.

Do you now see that Jesus is very relevant?

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Old 09-19-2008, 03:46 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Look closer at what?
well, you quoted Gen 15:6, Abraham beleived God. Abraham beleived what? It does not just say he beleived in a God. He beleived what God said. What did God say?

Now, if Jesus fulfilled the law, and man is justified by FAITH, then the fulfillment of the law by Jesus was totally unnecessary.

The author has inadvertently made Jesus IRRELEVANT, men are justified by FAITH.
No, you do not understand what faith is. It is the object of faith that is at issue. Those who are justified before God are justifed by their faith IN the work of Christ on the cross. Faith needs an object. It is the object that determines whether faith is warranted or useful.

The law is still at work in those that do not believe. their faith is in their own ability to fulfill the law or their faith is in the fact that their is no law or no God. It is the object of faith that will determine what is right, not the faith or even the amount of faith.

Do you now see that Jesus is very relevant?

Your description of FAITH appears to be erroneous and puzzlingly ambiguous.

Faith is describe in the NT.

Hebrews 11.1
Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Faith is based on HOPE and NO evidence.

And, Abraham did not need Jesus, just FAITH.
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Old 09-20-2008, 07:41 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post

well, you quoted Gen 15:6, Abraham beleived God. Abraham beleived what? It does not just say he beleived in a God. He beleived what God said. What did God say?

No, you do not understand what faith is. It is the object of faith that is at issue. Those who are justified before God are justifed by their faith IN the work of Christ on the cross. Faith needs an object. It is the object that determines whether faith is warranted or useful.

The law is still at work in those that do not believe. their faith is in their own ability to fulfill the law or their faith is in the fact that their is no law or no God. It is the object of faith that will determine what is right, not the faith or even the amount of faith.

Do you now see that Jesus is very relevant?

Your description of FAITH appears to be erroneous and puzzlingly ambiguous.

Faith is describe in the NT.

Hebrews 11.1
Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Faith is based on HOPE and NO evidence.

And, Abraham did not need Jesus, just FAITH.
Why not just read the text, understand it, and then disagree with it. Why do you need to change the obvious meaning.

as in every conversation I have ever had with you, you ignore any attempt to look deeper. What did God tell Abraham that prompted his response of beleif? What did God promise Eve? Same promise, Same object of faith. Just answer the question and then disagree with my interpretation. If you feel the need to always obfuscate, it appears like a weak argument that you do not even beleive yourself but just want to be true.

There is little reason to point this out because your bad interpretation is intentional but Heb 11 says that faith is the evidence of things unseen, not NO evidence. For example, I have not seen you but I have evidence that you exist. I have not seen the wind, but I have evidence that it exists. I cannot see electricity, but I have evidence it exists. I have not seen the God the Father, but I have evidence he exists. I have not seen Jesus but I have evidence he exists. I have not seen the Holy Spirit but I have evidence he exists.

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Old 09-20-2008, 09:30 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post
There is little reason to point this out because your bad interpretation is intentional but Heb 11 says that faith is the evidence of things unseen, not NO evidence. For example, I have not seen you but I have evidence that you exist. I have not seen the wind, but I have evidence that it exists. I cannot see electricity, but I have evidence it exists. I have not seen the God the Father, but I have evidence he exists. I have not seen Jesus but I have evidence he exists. I have not seen the Holy Spirit but I have evidence he exists.


So why did you ignore the first part of Hebrews 11.1?

Now, faith is the substance of things HOPED for, the evidence of things not seen.
Now, if you have evidence of my existence, then you do not HOPE for my existence, you say I exist.

On the contrary, If you have NOT seen any evidence of my existence, then you can only HOPE I exist.

If you have seen the evidence that the wind exist, then you do not HOPE for the wind, you say the wind exists.

And on the contrary, if you have NOT seen the evidence that wind exist, you can only HOPE wind exists.

If you have seen the evidence for electricity, then you do not HOPE for electricity, you say electricity exists.

Again, if you have NOT seen any evidence of electricity, then you can only HOPE electricity exists.

Now you have no evidence for God the Father, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, you only HOPE for evidence, or HOPE that what you have SEEN and call evidence for God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is not evidence for something else unknown to you.

It is almost certain that what you have seen and call evidence for God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is seen as evidence for some other Gods or Spirits by some other persons.

Faith is based on HOPE and no SEEN evidence.
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Old 09-20-2008, 09:50 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post
There is little reason to point this out because your bad interpretation is intentional but Heb 11 says that faith is the evidence of things unseen, not NO evidence. For example, I have not seen you but I have evidence that you exist. I have not seen the wind, but I have evidence that it exists. I cannot see electricity, but I have evidence it exists. I have not seen the God the Father, but I have evidence he exists. I have not seen Jesus but I have evidence he exists. I have not seen the Holy Spirit but I have evidence he exists.


So why did you ignore the first part of Hebrews 11.1?

Now, faith is the substance of things HOPED for, the evidence of things not seen.
Now, if you have evidence of my existence, then you do not HOPE for my existence, you say I exist.

On the contrary, If you have NOT seen any evidence of my existence, then you can only HOPE I exist.

If you have seen the evidence that the wind exist, then you do not HOPE for the wind, you say the wind exists.

And on the contrary, if you have NOT seen the evidence that wind exist, you can only HOPE wind exists.

If you have seen the evidence for electricity, then you do not HOPE for electricity, you say electricity exists.

Again, if you have NOT seen any evidence of electricity, then you can only HOPE electricity exists.

Now you have no evidence for God the Father, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, you only HOPE for evidence, or HOPE that what you have SEEN and call evidence for God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is not evidence for something else unknown to you.

It is almost certain that what you have seen and call evidence for God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is seen as evidence for some other Gods or Spirits by some other persons.

Faith is based on HOPE and no SEEN evidence.
No, you are confusing evidence with proof. I only have evidence God exists and that he rewards those who seek him. I do not have proof that he exists.

I do not have proof you exist. You could be a composite of 6 different people that share a moniker. You could be a computer program that spits out illogical assumptions every once in a while. Who knows, but I have only evidence that you exist, no proof.

The HOPE is not related to the evidence. The hope is for what is promised by the one I have evidence for. I have no hope that you exist because you have not promised to reward those who seek you and you have not given sufficient evidence to prove you are capable of the kind of reward I seek.

(although, on a personal note, I certainly hope you are well. ).

Once again, what was Abraham promised that caused him to believe and be justified. What did the same author say was promised to Eve? You must have a Bible, you quoted from Gen 15:6. What is in the verses prior, my friend?

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Old 09-20-2008, 10:30 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post

No, you are confusing evidence with proof. I only have evidence God exists and that he rewards those who seek him. I do not have proof that he exists.
You are the one who do not understand that PROOF is synonymous with EVIDENCE.

Please check a dictionary.

It is completely contradictory to claim you have evidence but still have no proof. You are admitting that your evidence is bogus since your evidence proves nothing.

I do not have proof you exist. You could be a composite of 6 different people that share a moniker. You could be a computer program that spits out illogical assumptions every once in a while. Who knows, but I have only evidence that you exist, no proof.
Now, I HOPE you see that you are admitting that your evidence of my existence is extremely weak, you really don't know if aa5874 exists?

In your previous post you claim you had evidence that I exist, now you are not really sure if I am a computer program or a six persons.

Jesus may have been 14 characters.

The HOPE is not related to the evidence. The hope is for what is promised by the one I have evidence for. I have no hope that you exist because you have not promised to reward those who seek you and you have not given sufficient evidence to prove you are capable of the kind of reward I seek.
This is hopeless.

In your previous post you claim that I exist, now you are claiming you have no HOPE that I exist because I did not promise you a reward.

Well since neither electricity or the wind will ever promise you anything, there is no HOPE they will ever exist.
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Old 09-20-2008, 03:08 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post

No, you are confusing evidence with proof. I only have evidence God exists and that he rewards those who seek him. I do not have proof that he exists.
You are the one who do not understand that PROOF is synonymous with EVIDENCE.

Please check a dictionary.

It is completely contradictory to claim you have evidence but still have no proof. You are admitting that your evidence is bogus since your evidence proves nothing.

Now, I HOPE you see that you are admitting that your evidence of my existence is extremely weak, you really don't know if aa5874 exists?

In your previous post you claim you had evidence that I exist, now you are not really sure if I am a computer program or a six persons.

Jesus may have been 14 characters.

The HOPE is not related to the evidence. The hope is for what is promised by the one I have evidence for. I have no hope that you exist because you have not promised to reward those who seek you and you have not given sufficient evidence to prove you are capable of the kind of reward I seek.
This is hopeless.

In your previous post you claim that I exist, now you are claiming you have no HOPE that I exist because I did not promise you a reward.

Well since neither electricity or the wind will ever promise you anything, there is no HOPE they will ever exist.
I have all the evidence I need that you exist for having a conversation. If you ask me to send you money, then I probably will require more evidence.


that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof


evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true, or to produce belief in its truth.

evidence, as I am using it tends toward proof. Proof is sufficent evidence to establish a thing as true.

The word in Hebrews 1 refers to being confident in that thing you do not see. I am condfident that the God, which I cannot see will redeem me in the end. that is what he is saying. IT DOES NOT SAY that even though their is no reason to beleive God exists, I sure hope he does.

wind and electricy have sufficient evidence to be accepted as true for the purpose that they serve. It powers the things in my house and I pay a bill. If i touch the wrong combinations of wires, it hurts. I have no hope in it but that has nothing to do with its existence or the evidence of its existince.

Abraham?? what was he promised? Do you need me to supply the verse for you? What was Eve promised?
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Old 09-20-2008, 04:13 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post

You are the one who do not understand that PROOF is synonymous with EVIDENCE.

Please check a dictionary.

It is completely contradictory to claim you have evidence but still have no proof. You are admitting that your evidence is bogus since your evidence proves nothing.

Originally Posted by sschlichter
]I have all the evidence I need that you exist for having a conversation. If you ask me to send you money, then I probably will require more evidence.
Now, if you want to send some money to Jesus, like other believers, how do you get evidence to do that?

Originally Posted by sschlichter

that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof


evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true, or to produce belief in its truth.

evidence, as I am using it tends toward proof. Proof is sufficent evidence to establish a thing as true.
So, as I told you before, Proof is synonymous with Evidence. You erred greatly when you claimed you have evidence but no proof.

Originally Posted by sschlichter
]The word in Hebrews 1 refers to being confident in that thing you do not see. I am condfident that the God, which I cannot see will redeem me in the end. that is what he is saying. IT DOES NOT SAY that even though their is no reason to beleive God exists, I sure hope he does.
You have lost me again. You cannot be confident about anything if you cannot find proof or evidence that would reasonably make you confident about some expectation.

Hebrews 11.1 surely says," faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen," and you have NOT seen God, all you really have is HOPE that your God exists.

You sure HOPE he does.

wind and electricy have sufficient evidence to be accepted as true for the purpose that they serve. I power the things in my house and pay a bill. If i touch the wrong combinations, it hurts. I have no hope in it but that has nothing to do with its existence or the evidence of its existince.
And what things are powered by your God, Jesus and Holy Spirit?

The things called HOPE and FAITH.
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Old 09-20-2008, 04:47 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Now, if you want to send some money to Jesus, like other believers, how do you get evidence to do that?
I do, but I require massive amounts of evidence that the money I send goes to the poor or the needy as I am commanded to care for them. I do not find anyone on television that meets that criteria, if that is what you are getting at.

So, as I told you before, Proof is synonymous with Evidence. You erred greatly when you claimed you have evidence but no proof.
fine, then substitite in this conversation everywhere I used the word evidence with 'tending toward proof'.

You have lost me again. You cannot be confident about anything if you cannot find proof or evidence that would reasonably make you confident about some expectation.
I am confident that you exist, however I do not care if it is true or not so I have no hope associated with your existence. The reason I think you exist is because I have emails from you and they all are just as annoying as the last one. The arguments in them lack support consistently and they all ignore any facts on an issue that do not support the unsubstantiated claims that you make. This tends toward proof of your existence.

I can surmise that God exists thru multiple philosophical arguments. I can see his effects on nature and the universe. I can guess as to some of his attributes by looking at creation. I, like nearly all of humanity expect he is a loving God. I beleive he clarifed and revealed himself, the nature of mans' predicament, and his plan to fix it in the Bible. I see a promise made to Eve, Abraham, his descendants, and his people. The promises contain prophecies and oracles which when fulfilled provide evidence. I see Christ fulfilled much of those prophecies and his apostles who struggled to spread the news of Christ and his fulfillment of prophecy, themselves fulfilling the very promise made to Abraham to bless the world by carrying this message to the point of death. I have personal experiences that attest and confirm the presence of God in my life and in those around me. This tends toward proof and I have confidence that it is true. On top of that, I hope it is true which unrelated to the weight of the evidence.

I will assume at this point that you know what Abraham was promised and since it does not support your argument, you refuse to discuss it. On that note, I do not see any reason to continue arguing about this trivia when you will not discuss in any depth your original argument.

Instead, I will just agree with you. Yes, Hope, and Faith - I can only pray that I am as guilty of those as you claim me to be.

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