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Old 08-18-2008, 04:17 PM   #951
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Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post
someone inattentive like you might come along 2000 years later and make a statement that they contradeict because you do not understand the context.
If, like the Gospel passages, these sentences are offered as a description of the same event, then they do contradict and at least one has made a false claim.

thank you for demonstrating the analogy.
Your analogy is simply not analogous no matter how much you protest. It is manufactured specifically to give you the answer you want but it fails to match the Gospels. You fail with the Lincoln analogy as well but it is at least somewhat analogous since it involves the cause of death of an individual.

again, thank you for your help. this is true as in the case of Judas, one account is explaining the cause of death and the other is describing what occurred later in his disgrace.
As descriptions of Lincoln's cause of death, they are contradictory.

As descriptions of the location of Lincoln's death, they are contradictory.

As descriptions of Lincoln's death, they are both the work of imbeciles who have no business trying to tell a story accurately.

Nice work! :thumbs:

I am glad you agree that they do not both describe the cause.
That's how you wrote them. Unfortunately, how you wrote is not analogous to how the Gospel authors wrote. They are both clearly describing how Judas died but only one can be an accurate description because they contradict. One either dies from hanging or one dies from bursting apart.

come on, read the context, the young man in a previously sealed tomb privy to the whereabouts of a resurrected man is obviously alluding to more than a young man.
Does he fly? Does he glow like a lamp? Doesn't sound at all like the explicitly identified angel.
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Old 08-18-2008, 05:26 PM   #952
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Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post

please tell me what an angel looks like? Should be easy for you since you know they do not look like young men.

No reason for 4 different accounts to all mention the exact same things. We would be in this thread wondering why the same book has 4 different names.
I have never seen one so I have no idea what one looks like, but I presume the Holy Spirit (who inspred these writers, right?) would know the difference. All of these writers also knew the word for angel (ἄγγελοι (angeloi)) and used it elsewhere. See for example Mark 1:13 and Luke 2:15. So why would they not use the correct word for angel if that is what they meant? Mark in particular does not give the slightest hint that he is talking about an angel when he writes about a young man in a white robe. Perhaps you should consider the possibility that the other writers "enhanced" the story a little...

They were not afraid to tell exactly the same things elsewhere, even using the exact same words. Compare for example Matt 6:24 with Luke 16:13 or Matt 7:7-8 with Luke 11: 9-10. Riiiight, no reason to mention the exact same things!
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Old 08-18-2008, 09:41 PM   #953
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Originally Posted by thentian View Post
But ssclichter's analogy is not relevantly similar, as it would have been if one newpaper had written that the twin towers were attacked by two planes and another that it was attacked by four.
We will just have to disagree agreeably. sschlicter's analogy appears perfectly relevant to me. Four accounts of an historical event that disagree until you fill in unnammed details.

Originally Posted by thentian View Post
The long and short of it is that it is easy to reconcile the various accounts of 9/11, while nobody has yet managed to reconcile the easter accounts in the gospels. Both you and ssclichter have spent more time writing posts in this topic than it would have taken either of you to write your own account of the events, trying to meet the Easter Challenge. I wonder why that is. If you can't find the time to do it yourself, why not ask members of your congregation to do it?
As I said a long time ago(maybe before you joined?) it has been done many times and I see no reason to do it again. I referenced three sites that do it. (One even does it in a single column, although I think it is easy enough to see when given a parallel column format.) I also have a book or two that has done it.

Originally Posted by thentian View Post

ETA: Come to think of it, you managed to derail my question about the earthquake in Matthew as well, didn't you?

I had almost forgotten about that, but now you can answer me this: Suppose you have been away from your home town a couple of days and on your return you buy a newspaper that has a front-page story about an earthquake which allegedly shook the town yesterday. Concerned, you buy three more newspapers to read all about it, but find to your surprise that none of them mentions anything about it. In fact there is no mention at all about this earthquake anywhere, not even in the national papers (Josephus) or in the more unreliable papers (apocrypha). Surely, at this point you would start to wonder about the reliability of the newspaper that had the story?
Your characterization does not appear valid to me. We have four historical accounts (yes from eyewitnesses (Matt. & John and maybe Mark) or taken from eyewitnesses (Luke and maybe Mark)). They don't have to be identical to all be reliable accounts. One can leave out lots of details and they are still reliable accounts. The people back at the time took them as such and I see no reason to disagree with that now.
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Old 08-18-2008, 09:43 PM   #954
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Originally Posted by Amaleq13 View Post
[Does he fly? Does he glow like a lamp? Doesn't sound at all like the explicitly identified angel.
You are ignorant about angels.
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Old 08-18-2008, 09:49 PM   #955
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Originally Posted by Amaleq13 View Post
Originally Posted by aChristian View Post
The only difference between the 911 story and the gospels is you don't know all the unwritten details about it because you are 2000 years away.
No, I pointed out a significant difference that destroys the analogy. One description with an angel(s) meeting the women at the tomb and one with a young man meeting the women at the tomb is not analogous to one story with 19 hijackers and another referring to a "20th hijacker".
I would have to disagree. There is no significant difference. The analogy holds. A small part of your problem is your lack of knowledge about angels.
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Old 08-18-2008, 10:12 PM   #956
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There are those who claim the Gospels have no contradictions, or difficulties, and that it is a clear proof the Bible is the Word of God.

And there are those who claim the Gospels do have errors, but it doesn't affect the reliability of the Gospels because errors are to be expected.

So if the Gospels have no error, then it is reliable because it is the Word of God. If the Gospels do have errors, it is still considered reliable because it should be expected considering it comes from different authors.

Christians sure love to have it both ways. Errors or no errror, it is reliable no matter what.

Then you have to wonder what would it take to show the Gospels are NOT reliable, if pointing out errors is not enough.
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Old 08-18-2008, 11:57 PM   #957
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I have found this conversation has become rather pointless. No matter how many times we show both aChristian and sschlichter that their examples do not hold water, no matter how many times we show that the gospel accounts do not agree and are full of errors, they will still insist that we have done nothing to prove them wrong.

I wish the best to anybody else who decides to join the conversation if it carries on, and I hope Amaleq13 has enough aspirin next to his/her computer if s/he continues this futile attempt. As for me, I feel that I'm not even beating a dead horse anymore, just the spot where the carcass used to lay.

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Old 08-19-2008, 02:55 AM   #958
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Angels are the size of a virus, or smaller. You have heard it said; how many angels fit on a pinhead?
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Old 08-19-2008, 03:01 AM   #959
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Originally Posted by aChristian View Post
Originally Posted by Amaleq13 View Post
[Does he fly? Does he glow like a lamp? Doesn't sound at all like the explicitly identified angel.
You are ignorant about angels.
Have you ever seen an angel? What evidence do you provide of what they may look like? Human like with wings perhaps? :Cheeky:
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Old 08-19-2008, 04:38 AM   #960
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Originally Posted by aChristian View Post
... until you fill in unnammed details...

We call that "making shit up"...
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