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Old 10-22-2010, 08:51 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Toto View Post
Littlejohn composes in Italian and runs his text through a machine translator. I have given up trying to make sense of it.
Well that explains allot. It is so easy to assume he is another well educated theist. My bad.
Also my apologies to Little John.
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Old 10-22-2010, 08:51 AM   #22
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There is absolutely NO contemporary evidence that there even was an actual living flesh and blood 'Virgin Mary' or 'Jebus of Nazareth'. If there was, the Church and Christianity would have glommed onto it long ago, and would be trumpeting it from the rooftops.
The first statement is IMO irrefutable but the cause of the lack is not known. The second statement supposes you know the motivation of the Vatican and this we know to be untrue. This is simply a supposition based on your own bias. I find it highly likely that the Vatican has effectively covered up the real Jesus story for many centuries and that moreover, they aspired to cover up any similar information that was to be had across the Atlantic Ocean. The Vatican has a history of destroying information that doesn't suit it's purpose. What it's purpose is should be clear, the spiritual and psychic enslavement of any who fall under it's domination.

Yes that does involve a vast conspiracy but the success of the Vatican and it's great power to me is proof of the conspiracy.

I for one will be interested to read Littlejohns book if it comes out in English.
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Old 10-22-2010, 09:13 AM   #23
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Littlejohn first....
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Old 10-22-2010, 09:16 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by WVIncagold View Post
Originally Posted by Toto View Post
Littlejohn composes in Italian and runs his text through a machine translator. I have given up trying to make sense of it.
Well that explains allot. It is so easy to assume he is another well educated theist. My bad.
Also my apologies to Little John.
It appears from what I can make out that Littlejohn refers to the Virgin Mary, but does not claim that she was a virgin when she conceived and gave birth.

I have taken the liberty of removing your previous post that was based on a misunderstanding.
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Old 10-22-2010, 10:48 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Littlejohn View Post

For example ...?

It is possible understand even from a mile away that your intent is that of pure provocation of racist kind, like they make 'certain' Americans!....
America is not a race. How is anything i said racist?

WON'T and NOT CAN'T!!........Is it clear for you the difference?
A difference without distinction. the end result is exactly the same. It is nothing more than your opinion without evidence. An opinion mind you that you could easily ascribe to being divinely inspired off the box of your breakfast cereal for all I know.

I have already explained the reason of the one a thousand times! ... For what purpose going back on that again? ... We say: 'To good connoisseur, few words'
do it a million times. It matters little since it has the exact same weight when it comes to burden of proof. That number is zero.

If, instead, you think that I 'CAN NOT', well ... these are just your own business ...
Exactly my point you have given me nothing but your word. I Nigerian prince has given me his word that he will deposit 200,000 dollars into my bank account. I do not believe him either.

"Sorry we.."??...What's this? .. A 'plural maestatis'?... On behalf of who are you speaking about? Of "Sheshbazzar", of "show_no_mercy" or who else? ..
I will just chalk this up to a language barrier.

NOBODY forces you to believe what I write (and that, 'strangely', you aren't able to understand ..), but this does not authorize you to impede others, who do not think like you, to judge and evaluate by serenity what I'm writing.
I understand quite well despite the language barrier. You want to push your opinion as fact. that fine just expect me to take it as facts when you have given me nothing to base the decision on. Are you not interested in common discourse? How can questions being asked about your opinion that you have made a prima fascia assertion be interpreted as impeding others? who am I impeding? Or is it that you just wish I swallowed your opinion like it was fact without a single bit of evidence to the contrary.

Contrary to what you have been able to understand (very little), you and other of the 'club', I'm well aware that there are some people here in the forum which have understood much of what I write; people who rarely intervene to write, but whose presence is constant. This is also one of the reasons which force me to be 'miser' of details ...
Thanks I understand quite fine.

You are making the claim (let me rephrase it a bit and send my claim back to you) thus,
Superman is real and came to us from the planet Krypton to save all mankind. I am privy to books and scrolls from eons ago from Krypton that nobody else is privy to. Yet I cannot produce said documents because if I do others will attempt to steal the knowledge that I hold.
So do you now believe Superman is real? Or is just my unsubstantiated opinion and why?

What's a 'poofism'?... It's obvious that I can not comment the' slang ', which I know not!
think supernatural magic and the like. is derogatory for magic think.

I have already explained that about Mary, the mother of Jesus, I don't mean the attribute 'Virgin' in the same way as you, and your 'clap', mean it.. If you are unable to understand, then refrain you from criticisms and limit yourself to just read what others write! ...
Ok any evidence Jesus as portrayed in the bible existed at all? How about the whole census that was used to bring them to Bethlehem? Did your research find this census that no other scholar was able to find? Releasing it would not hurt your book because if you found it other will as well.: cool:

Interpreted by WHO??.... You continue to use the 'plural maestatis'!...
Ummmm me. Are you purposely being obtuse?

What, exactly, do you expect to find in the texts useful to the exegetical research? ... Whole chapters that explain for 'wire and sign' things that are happened about 20 centuries ago? ... If you think that, then you're completely insane! .. If there were these texts, do you think they would be in the public domain or that otherwise would have come down to us? ... But why do not you strive to use a little common sense? .. Thus you make the chickens laugh! ...
I think I have asked. E...V...I...D....E...N...C...E. Actually any would be fine right now it is nothing more than unsupported assertion by you. Sorry but I find you highly unconvincing.

What you can find today in the patristic texts and/or in the New Testament ones, are individual data or, if you are lucky, short phrases, which, when placed in the general context, a kind of vast mosaic that demands to be filled with suitable 'tiles ', can acquire enormous importance for the exegesis. The logical and 'environmental' approach of this data, thanks to indications and evidences in other sources, allowed me to rebuild gradually, year after year, the truth that the forger clergy has held jealously hidden for about 19 centuries .
The same thing has been done with Moby Dick. It still reeks of divination and since you cannot provide evidence, regardless of reason, I must interpret it as nothing more then unsupported delusions of a anonymous poster on a far away message board.

"..As far as we know you could be reading tea leaves.."

If think the one provokes to you orgasms galore, no one impedes you from thinking about it, and, however, surely not I. ...
So you are using tea leaves? Not sure what gets you off but tea aint my thing.

"..we tend to not take your word for anything.."

Ah!...I'm desolated..
Yes i can see why.

des•o•late (ds-lt, dz-)
a. Devoid of inhabitants; deserted: "streets which were usually so thronged now grown desolate" (Daniel Defoe).
b. Barren; lifeless: the rocky, desolate surface of the moon.
2. Rendered unfit for habitation or use: the desolate cities of war-torn Europe.
3. Dreary; dismal.
4. Bereft of friends or hope; sad and forlorn.

I highlighted the parts that could be referring to what you mean. But again Why should I accept your word over thousands of scholars who have made it their life’s work? Especially since you provide me with nothing but unsupported assertion.

PS: I take this opportunity to point out that if my interventions provoke widespread impatience among readers of the forum, I can refrain from writing here.

Why would you run away are you not able to present your evidence so it may be scrutinized. Sorry if you want blind assertions to be accepted do not come to a free thought and rational forum. But we are all happy to review your opinions and any evidence you my present. Just keep in mind that until you provide evidence it is nothing more than unsupported assertion. Besides you are providing me tons of amusment.
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Old 10-22-2010, 10:50 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Toto View Post
Originally Posted by WVIncagold View Post

Well that explains allot. It is so easy to assume he is another well educated theist. My bad.
Also my apologies to Little John.
It appears from what I can make out that Littlejohn refers to the Virgin Mary, but does not claim that she was a virgin when she conceived and gave birth.

I have taken the liberty of removing your previous post that was based on a misunderstanding.
Thanks Toto I appreciate it.
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Old 10-23-2010, 12:21 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by WilliamRS View Post

There is absolutely NO contemporary evidence that there even was an actual living flesh and blood 'Virgin Mary' or 'Jebus of Nazareth'. If there was, the Church and Christianity would have glommed onto it long ago, and would be trumpeting it from the rooftops.
The first statement is IMO irrefutable but the cause of the lack is not known. The second statement supposes you know the motivation of the Vatican and this we know to be untrue. This is simply a supposition based on your own bias. I find it highly likely that the Vatican has effectively covered up the real Jesus story for many centuries and that moreover, they aspired to cover up any similar information that was to be had across the Atlantic Ocean. The Vatican has a history of destroying information that doesn't suit it's purpose. What it's purpose is should be clear, the spiritual and psychic enslavement of any who fall under it's domination.

Yes that does involve a vast conspiracy but the success of the Vatican and it's great power to me is proof of the conspiracy.

I for one will be interested to read Littlejohns book if it comes out in English.
Finally a 'breath of fresh air! ...

Fortunately, I see that people of common sense ('good sense' in italian) are no exception in this forum .....

"...I find it highly likely that the Vatican has effectively covered up the real Jesus story for many centuries.."

Unfortunately, all that was not painless ... The Cathars have paid with a cruel genocide for what it was in their knowledge: namely the true story of Jesus, his mother, James and all the other evangelic characters.

Idem for what concerns the order of the Templars, killed for the same reason: that is, for a truth which they had 'borrowed' directly from the Sobiai/Mandaeans, who, in their time, were also called 'Christians of St. John the Baptist '(or simply 'johannites'), in the mistaken belief that John had been a 'christian' and not a gnostic teacher as he was in reality. (at his school flourished, as well as Jesus, Simon Magus and Dositheus, which certainly knew Jesus!)

"...There is absolutely NO contemporary evidence that there even was an actual living flesh and blood 'Virgin Mary' or 'Jebus of Nazareth'.."

This emeritus author of 'bullshit' (stronzate in italian), has turned the 'theory' of non-historical existence of Jesus of Nazareth in a true dogma, and now defends it as (and worse also!) the Catholics are doing with their dogma! ... Truely raving a thing!

"...I for one will be interested to read Littlejohns book if it comes out in English..."

Thank you for your trust!..

I'm 'caressing' the idea, once finished the composition of the book, to groped for a its translation into English, with a view to possible publication in America, rather that in Italy, where surely i would go encounter to the fierce ostracism of the Vatican. However, the aspect most 'disturbing' about the whole thing is, for the moment, the prospect of having to find a publisher brave enough to decide the publishing of book, having regard to its 'deflagrating' contents for the 'holy' lies of the clergy!



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Old 10-23-2010, 05:20 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Littlejohn View Post

I'm 'caressing' the idea, once finished the composition of the book, to groped for a its translation into English, with a view to possible publication in America, rather that in Italy, where surely i would go encounter to the fierce ostracism of the Vatican. However, the aspect most 'disturbing' about the whole thing is, for the moment, the prospect of having to find a publisher brave enough to decide the publishing of book, having regard to its 'deflagrating' contents for the 'holy' lies of the clergy!
Ooooooh! The Vatican and Catholicism are just so terrified! You are going to let all of that deep dark secret information, and 'real' history that they have worked so hard for the last two thousand years to hide, and had to destroy all those millions to conceal!!

You are so so... brave! Aren't you afraid they will come after you and your book? Don't know the Inquisition is still secretly operating their torture chambers deep under the Vatican? They'll simply have to kill you.

Guess we won't need to be figuring out your convoluted claims much longer.
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Old 10-23-2010, 09:52 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post
Originally Posted by Littlejohn View Post

I'm 'caressing' the idea, once finished the composition of the book, to groped for a its translation into English, with a view to possible publication in America, rather that in Italy, where surely i would go encounter to the fierce ostracism of the Vatican. However, the aspect most 'disturbing' about the whole thing is, for the moment, the prospect of having to find a publisher brave enough to decide the publishing of book, having regard to its 'deflagrating' contents for the 'holy' lies of the clergy!
Ooooooh! The Vatican and Catholicism are just so terrified! You are going to let all of that deep dark secret information, and 'real' history that they have worked so hard for the last two thousand years to hide, and had to destroy all those millions to conceal!!

You are so so... brave! Aren't you afraid they will come after you and your book? Don't know the Inquisition is still secretly operating their torture chambers deep under the Vatican? They'll simply have to kill you.

Guess we won't need to be figuring out your convoluted claims much longer.
"..Ooooooh! The Vatican and Catholicism are just so terrified!.."

I did not know you were a 'paladin' of the Vatican! .. What is this? ... Are you a Swiss Guard in premium license? ..

"..You are going to let all of that deep dark secret information.."

It so happens that the link (or entry) to my forum has been made to disappear from the pages of Google (though it remained in those Yahoo!). In another forum, attended by people writing all over the world, one of my thread had reached over 110,000 'contacts' (and I apologize if it is little!). Now the forum is no longer accessible ... All 'casual', just? ..

In any forums in which I write, there's always a 'clap' of catholic-fundamentalists that attack me 'fiercely', even by claiming to be 'atheists' (more or less what happens here!), and this is because the Vatican's strategists have solved that by presenting their reasons through mock atheists to their service, they become more credible.(sic!)

Usually on the Italian forums I'm attacked by catholic-fundamentalists and fake atheists, while the true atheists and the agnostics really have nothing to be criticized in my writing, inasmuch saying that Jesus was a real historical figure does not mean to say that God exists, since he has been a man and not a God or son of God! .. The fact that Jesus, during certain periods of own life (obviously outside of Palestine), said the one, was only for better live on shoulders of the gullibles: exactly as is the case today with his 'heirs'!

Your skepticism and that of your 'mates snack', about the historicity of Jesus and of his real historical vicissitude, is determined by an absolute ignorance of the facts, typical of those who propose itself using arrogance, as hoping with this to hide what even a child would understand !....

The clergy is composed of unscrupulous individuals, but certainly not fools! They understood perfectly what you would not understand in the course of your lifetime! ..

They are well aware of the potential danger represented from me, and try to impede me in any way: especially with the use of 'pasdarans' willing to sacrifice their dignity of reasonable people, just to try to fight me as best they can. Most often, if not always, they flee away with his tail between his legs!

"..You are so so... brave! Aren't you afraid they will come after you and your book? Don't know the Inquisition is still secretly operating their torture chambers deep under the Vatican? They'll simply have to kill you..."

I see you're confirming your role as a defense lawyer of the Vatican...The thing does not surprise me, as I had guessed the one. This is because often, on the Italian forums, I 'clash' with fake atheists who pose as defenders of the 'holy' truth of faith!

Do you think your ridiculous sarcasm it makes you a 'guy' more intelligent than the one that actually you are not?... In reality all that is merely reiterating your limited intellectual resources, which do not allow you to subdorare the historical evidence to which I'm refering!

"...Guess we won't need to be figuring out your convoluted claims much longer..."

As 'twisted' there is only your 'coarse' ignorance, which I doubt it will can evolve into something that even remotely resembles to the knowledge...


PS: I reiterate the advice: come back you to playing with Big Jim and leave in peace the exegetical, which is not for you ....

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Old 10-23-2010, 12:12 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Littlejohn View Post
I did not know you were a 'paladin' of the Vatican! .. What is this? ... Are you a Swiss Guard in premium license? ..
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