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Old 03-24-2006, 05:57 AM   #31
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Thank you for this; but I think that we may be at cross-purposes.

Originally Posted by Phlox Pyros
Actually, I think what you are looking at are the Eusebian sections, not the kephalaia.
I do not think that I am, since I understand what a table of the canons looks like and (thanks to you) the i/b stuff in the margin of the text that indicates the start of a section.

The entries before the start of Mark on this page are the kephalaia, are they not? Here.

I'll get into this later and point out a picture, but the kaphalaia do not appear to me to have numbers associated with them.
There are numerals to the left of the entries in the above image.

They are just symbols in the text. From what I have seen so far, the symbols are lone "half percent signs" with a horizontal dash below them. That horizontal dash is reproduced inside the text wherever the section begins.
I'm not sure that I understand. The sign you mean I associated with the Eusebian section mark i/b, as it appeared in the margin of the example you worked abov.

I believe that the titloi are at the very top of the page (and are mostly smudged and/or lost). If there are elsewhere as well, someone else may have to point them out.
Anyone else got an idea? This is all very helpful, by the way.

All the best,

Roger Pearse
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Old 03-24-2006, 06:33 AM   #32
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Here is how I understand it. The κεφαλαια is the list on the page before GMark begins. They refer to sections in the text. On the first page of Mark we see the first one. It is in the inner margin of the second column. It looks pretty much exactly like the Eusebian Canons, except for a marker over the capital letter.

That's the first one right there. Notice the capital letter with the scribble over it. If you look further down in that same column I believe you see the next one. Again, notice the scribble over the capital letter. The first one says αλφα (with the vertical line or ιοτα next to it and the ετα underneath) and the one below says βετα with the same markings and so on.

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Old 03-24-2006, 06:44 AM   #33
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Except now I am suddenly confused again. In the κεφαλαια we see this

Notice the πΕΡΙΤΟΥΛΕπΡΟΥ entry with the Δ. When we then look further on we see what I took for a τιτλος, being at the top of the page, but it corresponds exactly to the entry in the κεφαλαια table. Grrrrr...

Allright, I am going to look for help.

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Old 03-24-2006, 07:10 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by Roger Pearse
The entries before the start of Mark on this page are the kephalaia, are they not? Here.
Yes. They are also the start of some of the sections that I noted.

Even though the Kephalaia have numbers (letters) associated with them on the page you pointed out, they do not have any numbers (letters) in the actual text. In the text, they are just the "half percent sign with a horizontal bar below it". Again, I'll try to point these out later, but I see that Julian pointed out the first one correctly.
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Old 03-24-2006, 07:17 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by Julian
Here is how I understand it. The κεφαλαια is the list on the page before GMark begins. They refer to sections in the text. On the first page of Mark we see the first one. It is in the inner margin of the second column. It looks pretty much exactly like the Eusebian Canons, except for a marker over the capital letter.
Yes, and if you look underneath it, you'll see a horizontal bar. It is also just above the K in Kai. Look for the next lone symbol like this with a bar underneath it and you should find the next of the Kephalaia. In one of the Kephalaia, perhaps the next one, there is a horizontal bar under the "half percent sign" and also a similar horizontal bar over the first letter of the section (because it begins, after a space, in the middle of the column). Am I making any more sense on this issue?

One thing that will throw you off is what appears to be versification...that is, there are also those same "half percent signs" that have no underscore. They are not part of the Kephalaia. Very confusing, I know.

The first one says αλφα (with the vertical line or ιοτα next to it and the ετα underneath) and the one below says βετα with the same markings and so on.
I think you are seeing the Eusebian Canon again if you are seeing letters (numbers). Just to confuse things more, the "half percent sign" is also below every one of the Eusebian entries.

So, just to clarify, the "half percent sign" is used in three different ways. Does that help?
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Old 03-24-2006, 07:20 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by Julian
Notice the πΕΡΙΤΟΥΛΕπΡΟΥ entry with the Δ. When we then look further on we see what I took for a τιτλος, being at the top of the page, but it corresponds exactly to the entry in the κεφαλαια table. Grrrrr..
The Titloi have confused me a bit as well (I think Swanson's should clarify, but I don't have it in front of me at the moment). I believe that the Titloi are often the same as or just slightly different from the Kephalaia. If you get better clarification, please present it.
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Old 03-24-2006, 07:21 AM   #37
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Not really. Color me completely confused.
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Old 03-24-2006, 07:23 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Phlox Pyros
The Titloi have confused me a bit as well (I think Swanson's should clarify, but I don't have it in front of me at the moment). I believe that the Titloi are often the same as or just slightly different from the Kephalaia. If you get better clarification, please present it.
I have sent out a summons to the cavalry, we'll see if he posts.

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Old 03-24-2006, 07:26 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Julian
Not really. Color me completely confused.
Heh...tough to point out in a forum. Later in the day, if I can find some time, I'll try to point out the Kephalaia in the text. Use Swanson's GNT and look for the Kephalaia and then try to relate it to the "half percent signs" in Alexandrinus. You'll see the pattern eventually.

Again, those "half percent signs" are confusingly used in three different ways. First, they are found underneath every Eusebian entry. Second, they are used alone for versification. Third, they are used alone except for an underscore to indicate the Kephalaia.
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Old 03-24-2006, 07:56 AM   #40
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The second of the Kephalaia is at the top of the next page in the first column:

Again, it is the "half percent sign" with an underscore right above the capital "O" of Opseias.

The third is a little farther down on the same page. Note the "half percent sign" with an underscore. This is the one I wrote of earlier. The actual section begins in the middle of the column after the space. The initial letter "K" of "kai" of the of this new paragraph has a line over it indicating that it corresponds to the sign. Since the paragraph began in the middle of the column, the "Pi" on the next line is capitalized.

Any more clear?
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