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Old 06-27-2012, 01:22 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by Littlejohn View Post

The pseudo-name Luke, in fact, derives from the Latin LUCOS (grove, little thicket).
Littlejohn S
The name Luke derives from the Greek LEUKOS, meaning white, brilliant.
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Old 06-27-2012, 01:59 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by Huon View Post
Originally Posted by Littlejohn View Post

The pseudo-name Luke, in fact, derives from the Latin LUCOS (grove, little thicket).

Littlejohn S
The name Luke derives from the Greek LEUKOS, meaning white, brilliant.
Why you not try to do some research about the Latin term LUCOS?... I did it!

Several years ago I started doing research about Luke, and I discovered that in a language of the strain 'West Balkan', surely with kinship to Latin, the term 'LUKE' meant CHAPTER!

The 'chapter' (capitolo, in italian) is something that 'brings together', as, for example, a number of lines of a text, or even a number of people, such as 'chapters' of the religious orders, which govern and define the rules of life to 'inside the monasteries.

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Old 06-27-2012, 02:17 AM   #63
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With regard to existence of Jesus, I proclaim myself an agnostic. The choice is now restricted between a historical Jesus made mythical and a mythical Jesus rendered as historical.

Robert M. Price
It's true?...

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Old 06-27-2012, 03:03 AM   #64
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Littlejohn, the latin word "lucus" has nothing to do with the name Luke.
As you said before, it is a place name for a pagan sacred wood.
Some places in France are called Le Luc, in remembrance of this sacred pagan wood.
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Old 06-27-2012, 03:58 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by Huon View Post

Littlejohn, the latin word "lucus" has nothing to do with the name Luke.
As you said before, it is a place name for a pagan sacred wood.
Some places in France are called Le Luc, in remembrance of this sacred pagan wood.
"...Some places in France are called Le Luc, in remembrance of this sacred pagan wood..."

Comme tu peux le voir, tu est d'accord avec moi! .. Étudier plus... en vaut la peine .. ..

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Old 06-28-2012, 01:29 AM   #66
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Default PETER or THOMAS?


In ALL Five Canonized Gospels it is claimed that Peter, a disciple of the supposed Jesus, DENIED that he knew him at least twice on the night he was arrested after the disciple went into the COURT of the High Priest.
Things did not work out like that! .. This is a hallucinating historical mystification on the part of the 'founding fathers', for 'obnubilare' (to cloud) the historical truth! ...

Actually, what Peter (and NOT Thomas!) tried to deny, was the fact that Jesus was really 'resurrected'. Obviously Simon, having together studied with Jesus by the gnostic teacher, as well as 'magician', John the Baptist, knew perfectly well that the 'resurrection' of Jesus (NOT the one of 30s, since it was a mere 'symbolic' ritual of the palestinian gnostic world!) was the result of a trick set up by the Nazarene, probably helped in this by his twin brother Jude THOMAS ...

"..ALL Five Canonized Gospels..."


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Old 06-29-2012, 03:26 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by Littlejohn View Post

..With time, the 'Lucos' word has came to mean any meeting, any assembly held by these pagan religious, regardless of the place (ie it could be kept within a grove or in a building within a city).
The fact that it came called 'Lucos' (from which, surely, LUKE) the team of experts appointed by the secular power (emperor+Senate) to lay the Scriptural basis of the new cult, and also to prepare all doctrinal aspects of CATHO-CHRISTIANITY(*), it is to demonstrate that it was deal of a number of characters closely tied to pagan cults of the time, namely priests involved in the various pagan temples of the time, dedicated to various gods (Dionysus, Heracles, Mithra, Apollo, Hermes, Serapis, Isis, etc.), as well as other people linked to the now dissolved 'Judeo-Christian' world, the one of Jewish orthodoxy, and some deserters from the gnostic-jesuan world: the natural 'riverbed' in which one moved the man known to history as Jesus of Nazareth.

I have to thank the optimal Stephan Huller if I could reconnect the priestly figures which above, to the team of experts who, between 140-150's, they founded the CATHO-CHRISTIAN cult, basing, primarily, on the 'Judeo-Christian' model, because of the figure of the Messiah, that the catho-cristian 'fathers' replaced with their Jesus, making him die, thing truly hallucinating, in the 30's, when it was known by all, especially by the Gnostics and by the Jews of the roman Diaspora, that Jesus had died in the 72 year, in Palestine, when Tito ruled throughout the Middle East region: namely the REAL character (and NOT Pilate!!) who tried to save the life of Jesus!


(*) - Catholic-Christianity

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Old 06-30-2012, 12:10 AM   #68
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"...that Jesus had died in the 72 year, in Palestine, when Tito ruled throughout the Middle East region: namely the REAL character (and NOT Pilate!!) who tried to save the life of Jesus!..."
After having read Josephus and Philo of Alexandria, with regard to Pilate, only the most gullible people may still believe that Pilate had been able to feel pity for a Jew, after he had killed hundreds of them, because he deeply hated the Jews.

His crimes were so many and such that he, after a decade of government in Judea-Samaria, came made imprison by his superior, the governor Vitellius, and sent in chains to Rome, to justify himself in front of Caesar (Tiberius, in those days). Among other things, the 'good' Pilate was also accused of have 'caught' a good part of the treasure of the temple of Jerusalem, with the complicity of the corrupt high priest Caiaphas.

Since the manipulators of the 'flavian' works (Jewish War and Antiquities of the Jews) were in need of a valid and serious reason to justify the arrest of Pilate, they got as a pretext an event(*), which certainly played a subordinate role, compared to what REALLY happened in Judea: a REAL rebellion that forced Vitellius to go with his forces in Judea, in order to regain control of a dangerous situation, triggered from the criminal excesses of Pilate, who then was no longer able to control it, so necessitating the intervention of Vitellius.

It was on this occasion that it came captured the man (a rebel leader) who was REALLY done crucify at the time of Pilate! This man later became the MESSIAH of the JEWISH-CHRISTIAN cult! ....

Obviously this character was not the only rebel to have been captured in this dramatic occasion, and this largely explains the presence of other people crucified with 'Jesus'.

This part of the history of Palestine WAS MADE DISAPPEAR from the books of Josephus (Antiquities of the Jews especially) and replaced with the vapid and hallucinating 'Testimonium Flavianum'! ..

The subject will be resumed in a later post.


(*) - It was deal with the story linked to the upstream Goratzim, where the 'heretics' Samaritans had built their temple. Pilate, by mean of a band of knights, made to attack an innocent group of faithful who, for religious reasons, were directed towards this mount.

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Old 07-01-2012, 12:33 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by Littlejohn:

"..which would allow us, at least, to reconstruct reliably the last years of the life of Jesus (from 60 to 72: year in which Jesus was executed by stoning by the Jews of the time).."
Since the Martiriologico (book of Martyrs) of the apostolic Roman church places the death of Judas Thomas, twin brother of Jesus, in the year 72 (although in 'India', sic!), there are many chances that Judas Thomas died in the same event that, afterwards, it brought his twin brother Jesus to death

It is highly probable, if not certain, that own it was Judas Thomas, and NOT PETER , to oppose himself to the arrest of Jesus, remaining, however, killed. Peter, in fact, was dead from about 8 years (64) when Jesus came arrested and tried.

Many clues, about the features which mark the character Judas Thomas (including the attribute 'Thaddeus', transliteration of Hebrew Theudas, meaning 'brave'), they comfortably substantiate the thesis of the extreme sacrifice of Judah in favor of his brother Jesus: an useless sacrifice, since Jesus will be executed not long after.

In this regard, it must be said that the 'Pilate' of situation (ie the character described in the canonical gospels with the features that we well know) was in fact the general Titus, eldest son of Emperor Vespasian. In those times, early 70's, in fact Tito was the highest imperial office in Palestine.

Only a character like Tito, who, among other things, had known Jesus in Rome, becoming almost certainly his friend also, he could feel pity for the Nazarene and also try to save him from his fate, however unsuccessful, because the fierce opposition of the Jewish religious authorities (especially the priests of the temple, which had always hated Jesus). This is also one of the main reasons of deep hatred anti-Jewish and anti-semitic by Christians of all time.

These Jewish religious leaders, to Tito remembered his duty toward the Empire that he represented: duties which required him to severely punish with death all rebels and enemies of Rome, as, for example (the case of the Nazarene) rebels which had fought against the Romans in the first Jewish War (Jesus you had participated in the role of one of various rebel leaders). However, Tito did not feel himself to condemn to death the former friend and decided to 'wash its hands', delivering him to the Sanhedrin, so that the Jews judged Jesus according to their laws.

As us have very well shown Josephus and Philo of Alexandria, Pilate was a 'flower flower' of criminal scoundrel, which had massacred many Jews, whom he hated deeply: like even all those from the Equestrian Order, closely contiguous to the senatorial aristocracy, inspirer source of deep hatred toward the Jews. It's highly unlikely that such a Pilate had tried to save Jesus accused of rebellion against Rome! ...

However, in year 30, when Jesus was a young 'homilist' preacher, Pilate agreed to release the Nazarene (Iesous Bar-Abbas, in the writings of Origin), involved, in spite of him (because he was present to the fact), in the murder of a citizen of Jerusalem (*), which took place in a square or a street of Jerusalem (see the canonical gospels). The release occurred was due to the interest shown by tetrarch Herod Antipas (perhaps because he was solicited for by the mother of Jesus), and only after ascertaining the strangeness of Jesus to the fact of blood (probably the real culprit had confessed under torture)


(*) - something similar happened in Rome. Suetonius accuses 'CHRESTO' (in the historical reality, Jesus of Nazareth) for causing of the riots ('.. impulsore Chresto assidue tumultuantes ..'). Jesus, In fact, was simply involved in such riots, caused by others.

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Old 07-01-2012, 09:05 AM   #70
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Tito : Josip Broz (1892-1980), President of Yugoslavia.
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