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Old 07-22-2004, 03:30 PM   #111
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Originally Posted by WILLOWevcTREE
The best scholarship agrees that Mark wrote to gentiles, either egyptians or romans.
Could you explain what you mean by "best scholarship"? Can you also provide specific examples of who these scholars are?

Could you provide the specific basis for this conclusion?

I tend to favor egyptians because he was martyred in Alexandria.
What is your source for the death of the author of Mark?

Mark wrote his gospel to convince gentiles that Jesus was the Son of God, yet he constantly has Jesus calling Himself "Son of Man".
Regardless of the intended audience, the author makes it explicitly clear that Jesus is the Son of God in his opening sentence. Also, the very first time Jesus is depicted as referring to himself as "Son of Man", he also claims he has the power to forgive sins and immediately heals a paralytic.

Even if the reader understood the phrase to mean something completely different, the author makes it very clear what he means by the phrase.

Your argument that his use of the phrase would hurt his attempt to identify Jesus as the Son of God is, therefore, not convincing.

Was Paul trying to convince others that Jesus was the Son of God?
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Old 07-22-2004, 03:51 PM   #112
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Default Why question Willow for sources?

Originally Posted by Amaleq13
Could you explain what you mean by "best scholarship"? Can you also provide specific examples of who these scholars are?
Originally Posted by Amaleq13
What is your source for the death of the author of Mark?
Amaleq13, I'd bet my salary it's someone by the name of Dr Gene Scott!
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Old 07-22-2004, 06:40 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by philcya
Amaleq13, I'd bet my salary it's someone by the name of Dr Gene Scott!
If that is the case, then I would prefer it clearly stated. Ultimately, regardless of the source, the basis for the claims will be what is important.

Isn't it illegal to gamble in Wheaton?
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Old 07-22-2004, 06:56 PM   #114
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Originally Posted by WILLOWevcTREE
I have evidenced the prophecy fulfillment of Matthew 21/Psalm 8.

The majority of "refutation" asserted Matthew a liar. This is really a recognition of the arguments veracity and the inability to refute with argument/evidence.
No, we asserted that Matthew constructed this out of the Old Testament. Whether he did so piously or maliciously is not relevant to whether it is an historical truth, Willow.

The issue is -- how do you know that this is a fulfilled prophecy, and not a construction, as many exegetes -- including many Christians -- believe? I am not asking you a question about Matthew. I am asking you a question about methodology.

For example, suppose you ask me -- "Michael, how do we know that the Battle of Alesia was fought?" I could then answer that we have a book from someone who claims he was the commander on the Roman side at the battle, that we have statements from other Roman historians to that effect, and most importantly, we have outside vectors -- archaeological research that, to a great extent, confirms at least the skeleton of Caesar's story. We get into murkier waters when we start speculating on Caesar's explanation of his and others' behavior, but we know that his basic descriptions are for the most part accurate.

So, what I would like to know is: how do you know that this report is history, and not simply fiction made up out of the OT?

Mark is an honest reporter.

Here is how I know:

The best scholarship agrees that Mark wrote to gentiles, either egyptians or romans. I tend to favor egyptians because he was martyred in Alexandria.
I too would like to know about how you know where Mark was martyred. Also how you know that he wrote this gospel to the Gentiles. Jesus remains in Palestine, and there is very little that is overtly about any of Jesus interactions with non-Jews. Famously, he compares the Syro-phoenician woman to a "dog."

Why would Mark, writing to gentiles, who have zero knowledge concerning the Messianic personage Son of Man as reported in Daniel and Enoch, have Jesus refer to Himself as Son of Man ? This hurts his intent to prove Jesus Son of God.
If the gentiles don't know what the son of man is, how could it affect them one way or another? Further, you haven't established that Mark wrote for Gentiles in the first place.

If Mark is a liar perpetuating a fraud of resurrected Christ then he would NOT of had Jesus refer to Himself as Son of Man.
Mark was writing many years after these events. Scholars are divided on how Jesus referred to himself. For example, as Theissen and Merz, two German Christian scholars, note:

"In Mark 14:62 one could see a comparable claim in Jesus' announcement that he is sitting at the right hand of God (Catchpole, Trial, 271). However there is much to suggest that this statement pre-supposes the post-Easter confession of Jesus: Jesus was 'divinized' only on the basis of the Easter experience. Such a 'divinization' would especially be blasphemy if it implied the exaltation of a crucified man to God. Moreoever the combination of the three most important christological titles, Messiah, Son of God, and Son of Man, in Mark 14:62f, suggests a post-Easter perspective and can hardly be historical (cf already Lietzmann, 'Prozess', 255f)."

To many scholars the "Son of Man" claim looks suspiciously post-Easter.

Additionally, your argument relies on a faulty claim about Gentiles. The Jewish scriptures were respected by many in the empire who were not Jews and had not read them, for they were held to be hoary with age and wisdom. Mark's use of Daniel in presenting the story of Jesus might add authenticity to his claims among gentiles by locating them in an earlier and respected document.

Mark is proven honest - he reported Jesus rose - it is true.
Alas, that is an error. Humans do not rise again once dead. A pity, that. You can believe that by faith, but the historical evidence only allows you to cay that Christians claimed Jesus rose and appeared to them.

Mark could of avoided martyrdom by recanting and not preaching Christ raised. Why would he accept a horrible death if it was not true ?
Why whould 24 members of Heaven's Gate cult have murdered themselves if it wasn't true that they would be carried up to a UFO? People die for their social identities -- happens all the time. In any case this is regarded as legend by scholars. No one really knows who wrote Mark or when and how s/he died.

He was by himself in Egypt, if he recanted nobody would know. He could leave Egypt and claim all went well and nobody would ever know.
Where does this story come from? From the Egyptian Orthodox Church? Alas, it has all the earmarks of legend. Mark's gospel, according to reputable scholarship -- including Christians -- was written after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. See Peter Kirby's excellent page of resources on Mark. The New Testament Gateway also has massive resources for this gospel.

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Old 07-22-2004, 07:28 PM   #115
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The majority of "refutation" asserted Matthew a liar. This is really a recognition of the arguments veracity and the inability to refute with argument/evidence.

...and you still have not answered my previous posts.
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Old 07-22-2004, 07:43 PM   #116
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In Matthew's day, the LXX was the "Bible".
This is a very interesting statement and I would like to explore it a bit further.

First Question:
When was Matthew's day ?

Here is a passage from Luke 4
16 And He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up; and as was His custom, He entered the synagogue on the Sabbath, and stood up to read.
17 And the book of the prophet Isaiah was handed to Him. And He opened the book and found the place where it was written,
You will agree that Jesus was not reading from the LXX.

So Matthew's teacher had a different Bible than Matthew, right?

Second question
Why does Matthew quote from the LXX and not from the same Bible as his teacher?

And do answer my previous posts as well.
Tell us why Matthew abandoned the LXX when he did not like what he found.

I eagerly await your answers.
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Old 07-23-2004, 04:02 AM   #117
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I have evidenced the prophecy fulfillment of Matthew 21/Psalm 8.

The majority of "refutation" asserted Matthew a liar. This is really a recognition of the arguments veracity and the inability to refute with argument/evidence.
Nope, it is really a recognition of the fact that "Matthew" actually was a liar, as evidenced by the Bible itself.

My statement stands. Here it is again:
There's the fradulent use of out-of-context OT scriptures in the "Emmanuel prophecy", the "Bethlehem prophecy", the "Out of Egypt prophecy" and the "Massacre of the Innocents prophecy".

There is also his reference to "scriptures" which don't exist, such as the false claim of "prophecy" that Jesus would be called a Nazarene, or that priests who profaned the Sabbath were "blameless".

There are numerous other examples of misquotes or fabrications, such as the fictional genealogy of Jesus (artificially created to provide three groups of 14 generations from Abraham to David, from David to the Babylonian captivity, and from thence to Jesus) which contradicts both Luke and the Old Testament genealogies in numerous places.
...Now, if you want to discuss any of these proofs of the author's dishonesty (specifically, his tendency to invent nonexistent "prophecy fulfilments" using the Old Testament), let's do that.
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Old 07-23-2004, 05:33 AM   #118
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Originally Posted by WILLOWevcTREE
I have evidenced the prophecy fulfillment of Matthew 21/Psalm 8.
You have done no such thing. You ignored nearly every response on page one of this thread. Several posters, to include me, asked for a demonstration about why these passages should be considered prophetic in nature. Your only response was to one person and consisted of this:
Originally Posted by Pervy Hobbit Fancier
The writer of Psalm 8 (which may or may not have been David, although it was later ascribed to him) wrote it as a praise to Yahweh with no concept that it would be later used as a 'prophecy'.
Originally Posted by WILLOWevcTREE
Irrelevant point.

God uses people all the time for His purposes.

You are saying just because David might not of known, then ......
You'll need to provide more than this. Psalm 8 is a song to God. How does Jesus' quoting it in an appropriate situation constitute prophecy regardless of translation? Look at the bones of the phrases in both Psalm 8 and Matthew 21 and point out how, in any way, this is prophecy/fulfillment. What I see (which may well be wrong, mind you) is this (paraphrasing):

Psalm 8:2 You, Lord (give strength to infants)/(make infants praise you) because of your enemies

Matthew 21:15-16 The temple folks saw what Jesus had done and mentioned children crying (out?) and got mad. Jesus quotes (sort of) Psalm 8.

This cannot be prophecy due to its sheer nebulousness. Psalm 8 can be "fulfilled" in perpetuity as long as someone quotes it when children cry around an adversary of the Lord.
Originally Posted by WILLOWevcTREE
The majority of "refutation" asserted Matthew a liar. This is really a recognition of the arguments veracity and the inability to refute with argument/evidence.
You conveniently ignore the fact that pointing out the lies (whether intentional lies or not) in Matthew was an aside to the questions about why in the world these lines of scripture are prophetic anyway. Matthew's lies/mistruths are simply a "by the way" type argument. He is known to play loose with the OT even in chapter 21 so, however good it makes you feel to believe in this "prophecy", you'll find very little agreement to it being "stunning".
Originally Posted by WILLOWevcTREE
I also dismantled the false claim that prophecy failed because Jews are not as the "sand of the sea/stars of heaven". That refutation went unchallenged and it contained a Matthew claim about the lost tribes which I evidenced to be true.
I must have missed that one. I'll go back and look for it.
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Old 07-23-2004, 07:17 AM   #119
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Originally Posted by Javaman
Originally Posted by WILLOWevcTREE
I also dismantled the false claim that prophecy failed because Jews are not as the "sand of the sea/stars of heaven". That refutation went unchallenged and it contained a Matthew claim about the lost tribes which I evidenced to be true.
I must have missed that one. I'll go back and look for it.
You will only find a vague statement drawn from the infamous Scotty tapes again. Here's where the made vague reference was made:
Originally Posted by WILLOWevcTREE
Hosea Chapter 1:

When the LORD began to speak by Hosea, the LORD said to Hosea:

"Go, take yourself a wife of harlotry
And children of harlotry,
For the land has committed great harlotry
By departing from the LORD."

God is going to use Hosea by making him marry a whore in order to depict His pain to see Israel commit idol worship. Then Hosea's wife is going to bare three children whose names God will choose to proclaim a prophetic message.

6And she conceived again and bore a daughter. Then God said to him:

"Call her name Lo-Ruhamah,[1]
For I will no longer have mercy on the house of Israel,
But I will utterly take them away.[2]
7Yet I will have mercy on the house of Judah,
Will save them by the LORD their God

The name "Lo-Ruhamah" means "not having mercy" on the House of Israel.

8Now when she had weaned Lo-Ruhamah, she conceived and bore a son. 9Then God said:

"Call his name Lo-Ammi,
For you are not My people,
And I will not be your God.

The next child is named "Lo-Ammi" and it means "not my people" (Israel) God is divorcing and disowning Israel.

10 "Yet the number of the children of Israel
Shall be as the sand of the sea,
Which cannot be measured or numbered.
And it shall come to pass
In the place where it was said to them,
"You are not My people,'
There it shall be said to them,
"You are sons of the living God.'

What this means is that in the place that Israel is scattered and dispersed to, they will be forsaken and not look like God's people, they will be in a state of not having mercy THEN in this state they will suddenly become "sons of the living God" AND they will be as numerous as the "sand of the sea which cannot be numbered".
When Israel/Northern 10 tribe Kingdom broke free of Assyrian captivity they fanned out across Europe and landed in Britain eventually. They are not Jews, but Hebrews who have lost their Palestinian Hebrew identity, yet they certainly retained many of their ancestral customs and ways. Yet in this state of being "lost" and "not having mercy" they became known as sons of the living God: Christians.
It goes something like this "gee just look at the names London and Denmark, can't you just see that they are from Isreal, like Dan's land". We went thru this in another thread ad nauseum. In the end, the only answer was go listen to the Scotty tapes.... :banghead: Hopefully this won't get rehashed again, since there is no evidence to back up the fabulous story...but again maybe there are UFO's out there...damn I missed the ride on that spaceship behind Hale Bob.
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Old 07-23-2004, 08:49 AM   #120
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Originally Posted by WILLOWevcTREE
Hi Amaleq:
CX ignored my points just like you have done for the second time.
Which points? If so it was an oversite on my part for which I apologize.
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