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Old 11-15-2008, 08:20 AM   #1
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Default off topic and/or frivolous posts split from Evidence that Peter was the first Pope

Originally Posted by ksen View Post
What evidence is there that Peter was the first Pope?
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Old 11-15-2008, 04:22 PM   #2
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Several popes seem to have been dicks which is really just a kind of peter.

Hope that helps.:devil1:
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Old 11-15-2008, 05:11 PM   #3
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Default Chili w/Cheeze

Doesn't Jesus call Peter Satan, and tells him to get behind him?

I've heard from non-Catholics that the Pope is the anti-Christ so they might have some traction while they're spinning their wheels. Peter was the first Pope and was Satan [Jesus called him that and Jesus don't lie, except when He's prone], all the other Popes were just stand ins until :constern01: enough atheists and skeptic scoffers denounce Christmas [with billboards and bus ads], Biblical prophecy, a young and flat earth, a global flood, promote evolution and the big bang as science.

Then Peter will be resurrected [remember he was hung upside down, anti-Christians use an upside down cross...] and kick Ratzinger out of the Vatican, use all the treasures they have hidden in the basement to save the world's economy and make everyone have to receive the mark of the beast in order to sell, buy or trade.

Since he is an apostle, he'll perform miracles [except one...] and people will worship him thinking he is Jesus [they kinda look a like].

Jesus will finally come back to the planet Earth after he finds out that Peter has amassed all the nations of the world to attack Israel, because Peter finds out that the cock that crowed three times is still alive and living there [after hiding in Miami for two thousand some years] and threatening to once again expose him.

A huge war will result at Armageddon, were people will lose their limbs and lives and the only one who will be able to resurrect the dead and grow back people's limbs will be Jesus. Everyone will realize it is Jesus and stop fighting and bickering.

Yes you heard me right, Jesus will be able to reattach or in some cases make limbs grow back, He has been learning how to do this on another planet for the last couple of a thousand years, that's why he hasn't been seen as much as everyone expects.
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Old 11-18-2008, 01:45 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic View Post
There is not any credible history that shows that Jesus intended for Peter to be the first worldwide leader of the Christian church. That includes the Bible, since it does make a credible case that Peter was the first worldwide leader of the Christian church.
First of all Johnny, there is not such thing as a Christian Church and if there is it belongs to the brother of Jesus called James who preached the 'other Gospel' that created the 'Jesus movement' wherein protestants today find apostolic succession, yes indeed, and that same Jesus movement is still in effect and they still are an abomination in Christendom where only Catholics and Jews can enter heaven to this very day (protestants must die first for better things to happen, which for us is our second death when it is all over).

Let me take you to Rev.13 again where the second beast describes the Jesus worshiper while the first beast is the Jesus crucified and has the stigmata to show for it.

And then, Peter was not the leader but the seat of faith whereupon the new relgion would be built with Paul as the first pope.
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Old 11-18-2008, 01:51 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Chili View Post
Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic View Post
There is not any credible history that shows that Jesus intended for Peter to be the first worldwide leader of the Christian church. That includes the Bible, since it does make a credible case that Peter was the first worldwide leader of the Christian church.
First of all Johnny, there is not such thing as a Christian Church and if there is it belongs to the brother of Jesus called James who preached the 'other Gospel' that created the 'Jesus movement' wherein protestants today find apostolic succession, yes indeed, and that same Jesus movement is still in effect and they still are an abomination in Christendom where only Catholics and Jews can enter heaven to this very day (protestants must die first for better things to happen, which for us is our second death when it is all over).

Let me take you to Rev.13 again where the second beast describes the Jesus worshiper while the first beast is the Jesus crucified and has the stigmata to show for it.

And then, Peter was not the leader but the seat of faith whereupon the new relgion would be built with Paul as the first pope.
That's false the second death is reserved for those that even though they don't believe are confronted by Jesus and his armies and defeated, the second death is the ultimate Sheol where those unbelievers who refuse to conform are going to a lake of fire for all eternity, it might be said then that all unbelievers are not doomed to such a fiath only those that do not accept God even when presented with his avatar. That is far different from what The Bible says, there is a contradiction in revelations that makes me certain that the reason it was included was probably more due to pragmatism than fact. Religions are nothing if not self replicating memes, that evolve.
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Old 11-18-2008, 02:49 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by The Dagda View Post
That's false the second death is reserved for those that even though they don't believe are confronted by Jesus and his armies and defeated, the second death is the ultimate Sheol where those unbelievers who refuse to conform are going to a lake of fire for all eternity, it might be said then that all unbelievers are not doomed to such a fiath only those that do not accept God even when presented with his avatar. That is far different from what The Bible says, there is a contradiction in revelations that makes me certain that the reason it was included was probably more due to pragmatism than fact. Religions are nothing if not self replicating memes, that evolve.
Oh boy, and this is all supposed to happen long after we are dead and buried?
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Old 11-18-2008, 02:51 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Chili View Post
Originally Posted by The Dagda View Post
That's false the second death is reserved for those that even though they don't believe are confronted by Jesus and his armies and defeated, the second death is the ultimate Sheol where those unbelievers who refuse to conform are going to a lake of fire for all eternity, it might be said then that all unbelievers are not doomed to such a fiath only those that do not accept God even when presented with his avatar. That is far different from what The Bible says, there is a contradiction in revelations that makes me certain that the reason it was included was probably more due to pragmatism than fact. Religions are nothing if not self replicating memes, that evolve.
Oh boy, and this is all supposed to happen long after we are dead and buried?
I see you understand then.
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Old 11-18-2008, 03:13 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Chili View Post
Originally Posted by The Dagda View Post
That's false the second death is reserved for those that even though they don't believe are confronted by Jesus and his armies and defeated, the second death is the ultimate Sheol where those unbelievers who refuse to conform are going to a lake of fire for all eternity, it might be said then that all unbelievers are not doomed to such a fiath only those that do not accept God even when presented with his avatar. That is far different from what The Bible says, there is a contradiction in revelations that makes me certain that the reason it was included was probably more due to pragmatism than fact. Religions are nothing if not self replicating memes, that evolve.
Oh boy, and this is all supposed to happen long after we are dead and buried?
No. It's happening right now, you are just missing it...
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Old 11-18-2008, 04:51 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by The Dagda View Post
Originally Posted by Chili View Post

Oh boy, and this is all supposed to happen long after we are dead and buried?
I see you understand then.
Nice religion you have, and until then we sing patient endurance songs while hoping for better days ahead?
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Old 11-18-2008, 04:58 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Blackclaw View Post

Well, ok, if he's God afterall no problem. But what do you have to back this claim? All the history I know of has Judaism pre-dating Christianity. And since Christian faith is founded on the idea that Christ was the promised Messiah as prophisised by the Jews, claiming that Christ came before the Jews is an odd claim.
Just write it off as protestant theology.
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