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Old 11-08-2004, 03:51 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by inquisitive01
... Also, there IS a difference between men's clothes and women's clothes (pants included). Men don't normally wear dresses.
They did in biblical times... as they do today in the same areas... you're basing your position on an eurocentric bias
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Old 11-08-2004, 04:17 PM   #22
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Default You position is only consistent in a purely Christian society

Originally Posted by inquisitive01
Okay, so they're trying to impose themselves on marriage and make themselves part of it, even though the Bible defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman (not 2 men or 2 women).
If you accept biblical law (and biblical definitions) then marriage is only between a man and a woman... period... in this reality anything else is "sinful".

But if you do not... then marriage is merely the willing association of two individuals that choose to share their lives and join forces in their endeavours supporting each other for better or for worst... (and the benefit society gets from such an association is independent of the gender of those participating in it)... in this reality the christian position is pure and simple discriminatory bigotry
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Old 11-09-2004, 12:08 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by LeeBuhrul
If you accept biblical law (and biblical definitions) then marriage is only between a man and a woman... period... in this reality anything else is "sinful".

But if you do not... then marriage is merely the willing association of two individuals that choose to share their lives and join forces in their endeavours supporting each other for better or for worst... (and the benefit society gets from such an association is independent of the gender of those participating in it)... in this reality the christian position is pure and simple discriminatory bigotry

What's next... marriage between a person and an animal?

If you assume NO standard for normalcy (as opposed to chaos), then I guess I would see your points.

Just three examples:

1). A home with two mothers or two dads in it will have a difficult time showing their children how to love someone of the opposite sex.

2). Artificial insemenation comes into play. What do you tell the kids when they ask who their real dad or mom is?

3). The homosexual lifestyle leads to high rates of suicide, depression, HIV, drug abuse, STD's, and other pathogens (which can have negative effects on the children of gay marriages).
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Old 11-09-2004, 01:03 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by inquisitive01
What's next... marriage between a person and an animal?
Animals do not have the right to make contracts. Marriage is a contract. Therefore, you don't have to worry about this.

Originally Posted by inquisitive01
If you assume NO standard for normalcy (as opposed to chaos), then I guess I would see your points.

Just three examples:

1). A home with two mothers or two dads in it will have a difficult time showing their children how to love someone of the opposite sex.
This has not turned out to be the case.

Originally Posted by inquisitive01
2). Artificial insemenation comes into play. What do you tell the kids when they ask who their real dad or mom is?
Lots of kids are born to heterosexual couples through artificial insemination. They manage to deal with it.

Originally Posted by inquisitive01
3). The homosexual lifestyle leads to high rates of suicide, depression, HIV, drug abuse, STD's, and other pathogens (which can have negative effects on the children of gay marriages).
You are repeating old prejudices, and I suspect you have no data supporting this, especially for the sort of homosexual couples who are attempting to form stable relationships through marriage.
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Old 11-09-2004, 09:16 AM   #25
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1). A home with two mothers or two dads in it will have a difficult time showing their children how to love someone of the opposite sex.
Bad news for you...believe it or not, there are polygamists in the US, and there is no indication that the children from those unions are any more or less well adjusted than anyone else. Thje children of single parents also seem to have a reasonable time adjusting to life.

2). Artificial insemenation comes into play. What do you tell the kids when they ask who their real dad or mom is?
What do you tell kids who have been adopted? Same thing.

3). The homosexual lifestyle leads to high rates of suicide, depression, HIV, drug abuse, STD's, and other pathogens (which can have negative effects on the children of gay marriages).
Many heterosexuals have exactly the same problems--or worse. Your point is...what exactly?
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Old 11-09-2004, 09:28 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by inquisitive01
Just three examples:

1). A home with two mothers or two dads in it will have a difficult time showing their children how to love someone of the opposite sex.

2). Artificial insemenation comes into play. What do you tell the kids when they ask who their real dad or mom is?
1. Then I guess we should outlaw divorce...because that's certainly not a good example of two people of the opposite sex loving each other...the vast majority of divorces are nasty, bitter, contentious proceedings...and most people divorcing couples don't do a very good job of hiding those feelings from their children.

2. Perhaps homosexual couples could explain artificial insemination to their children the same way heterosexual couples explain it to theirs.
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Old 11-09-2004, 09:44 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by inquisitive01
What's next... marriage between a person and an animal?
Slippery-Slope argument. No one is seriously advocating a cross species relationships.

If you assume NO standard for normalcy (as opposed to chaos), then I guess I would see your points.
What is normal? Who sets the standard?

Just three examples:

1). A home with two mothers or two dads in it will have a difficult time showing their children how to love someone of the opposite sex.
So heterosexual couples have sex in front of their children? Seriously, unless these kids are raised in a vacuume, they are going to see opposite sex couples who are just in love as their parents. Also, many parents fight constantly and do not love one another, but stay together for the kids. Divorce rates are high in heterosexual couples. Your argument is unfounded.

2). Artificial insemenation comes into play. What do you tell the kids when they ask who their real dad or mom is?
Bad example, I know several people who don't know who there biological father or mother are. And homosexual couples sometimes have children from other relationships.

3). The homosexual lifestyle leads to high rates of suicide, depression, HIV, drug abuse, STD's, and other pathogens (which can have negative effects on the children of gay marriages)
This is a blatent misrepresentation, bullshit if you may. Please cite reputable epidemiological, psychological and sociological sources to back up this assertion.
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Old 11-09-2004, 09:44 AM   #28
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Default Consistency

Originally Posted by cweb255
Funny inquisitive. The question was about choosing laws. You say homosexuality is an abomination. Do you eat pork? Do you stone to death a person who touched a menstrating women? Do you kill a slandering son?Hypocrite. :down:
I remember in my fundy days, I confronted this issue in my own twisted way. I sought consistency on this issue of the Mosaic law & believed homosexuality was sinful & gays & lesbians should be put to death-- but not by gassing or the chair-- either stoning, firing squad or some other method that would result in the literal shedding of blood as required in the OT. Didn't eat pork, interracial marriage was also deserving of death, etc.
etc. etc. It was literalism taken to the Nth degree. (this was when I got entangled in the Christian Identity cult in the early 90s). But I was certainly CONSISTENT!

My reasoning was that only the CEREMONIAL laws were "nailed to the cross" & all the other laws were still in force, after all the NT (Paul) defines sin as "transgression of THE LAW" which would include the menstruation laws, eating pork, etc. If by TRADITIONAL marriage you mean marriage as it is understood in the Bible, then polygamy (1 man, several women) is the Biblical standard. I lost my then fiancee to this madness I was involved with (she was a Church of Christ fundy, but I made her look like a goddamn UU compared to the bigoted sh!t I believed in back then!). Consistent literalism ultimately leads to a reductio ad absurdum, but if you really want to be literal, then you HAVE to be consistent.

Inquisitive, are you preapred to be totally consistent with the Bible?

(Trust me it's not worth it.)

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Old 11-09-2004, 07:05 PM   #29
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Default Welcome to the jungle! It's not only against Biblical laws, but the laws of nature.

It was found that "few homosexual relationships last longer than two years, with many men reporting hundreds of lifetime partners" (Male Homosexuality in Western Sexuality: Practice and Precept in Past and Present Times, M. Pollak).

"Behavioral research also demonstrates that a woman's sexual identity is not an accurate predictor of behavior, with a large proportion of 'lesbian' women reporting sex with (often high-risk) men" (from the homosexual newspaper The Washington Blade).

"Bisexual women are at increased risk for contracting STD's (American Journal of Public Health).

Lesbians are "significantly more likely to report past sexual contact with a homosexual or bisexual man and sexual contact with an intravenous drug user (IDU)" (Sexually Transmitted Infections journal).

Lesbians are three times more likely to abuse alcohol and to suffer from other compulsive behaviors: "Like most problem drinkers, 32 (91%) of the participants (Nursing Research).

Nothing sounds too stable here.
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Old 11-09-2004, 07:32 PM   #30
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Inquisitive - according to Christian doctrine, this is just the fallen nature of man, whether heterosexual or homosexual.

There are many heterosexuals who have problems with commitment to the opposite sex, who engage in risky sexual behavior, use drugs and exhibit other dysfunctional behavior - but we do not forbid heterosexual marriage on that basis.
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