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Old 12-14-2003, 11:43 PM   #41
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Originally posted by Jacob Aliet
One of us wrote to Doherty regarding Laymans link and since I wanted to do the same, Doherty provided me with his response to that person. I post this because this is a matter of general interest and see no reason to treat it as confidential material.
This is actually Doherty's response to me when I took the initiative of alerting him to my links before I posted here regarding them.

I was disappointed that he chose not to respond to my articles, but appreciated his courteous tone. Nevertheless, he responded to Holding, but refuses to respond to me, though he thinks my work is of higher quality, more neutral, and more professional.

Perhaps he will reconsider. He did leave that door open.

If anyone wants to actually do the work of responding on Doherty's behalf, please do so. Simply repeating his conclusory remarks after only "skimming" my articles is certainly not very persuasive.

Let me repeat one last time to layman: Scholarly consensus regarding the historicity of Jesus has zero weight. They have no methodology and are simply coalescing for social purposes and not intellectual purposes.
You can only speak for yourself JA. Most people do care what the experts have to say. Even if you find their conclusions uncomfortable.
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Old 12-14-2003, 11:46 PM   #42
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Originally posted by Jacob Aliet
Indeed, being found with a copy of Doherty's book may cost them their jobs. [/B]
Really? On what basis do you make this whopper?
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Old 12-14-2003, 11:51 PM   #43
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Regarding Robbins, Kirby's article was more comprehensive but its my considered opinion that he missed the point - whereas Kirby seemed to be using logic and simple reasoning, Robbins employed a deconstructionist methodology in analyzing the we passages while factoring in the social context of the authors of the literature examined. I asked him (Kirby) to update me on Robbin's take on his article. He has not and I presume that either he is still refining for later submission to Robbin, or had no intention of sending it to Robbin.

As it is, the jury is still out.

Layman is in of course. But he is not competent to judge the extent to which Kirby's work impacted on Robbins paper(s).
I don't want to get exclusionary now.
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Old 12-15-2003, 12:59 AM   #44
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I was disappointed that he chose not to respond to my articles, but appreciated his courteous tone. Nevertheless, he responded to Holding, but refuses to respond to me, though he thinks my work is of higher quality, more neutral, and more professional.
It is now confirmed that you have a reading problem.

Doherty stated:
You ignore clear statements in my articles (or book) that would deal with the issues you raise and counter your own claims about the texts. You draw your own conclusions mostly based on your own presumptions and paradigms rather than try to reexamine the latter in the light of my presentation.
Holding, in spite of his snot-faced juvenile style, responded to Doherty's work. You were parading opinions of a handful of scholars and exposed lack of familiarity with Doherty's take on those very issues.

Doherty simply can't repeat his thesis to you because you are dissenting. Your article is simply a survey. Why not summarize some of your "Doherty's dubious interpretation of ..." articles and submit to him?

Besides, Lpetrich and Toto have responded to your opinion-ridden article. It is content free and has absolutely no weight as far as Jesus Mythicism is concerned.

Simply repeating his conclusory remarks after only "skimming" my articles is certainly not very persuasive.
You don't need any persuasion. That happened a long time ago. We can only wish you comfort in your side of the matter.
In any case, your article can only be 'skimmed'.

You can only speak for yourself JA. Most people do care what the experts have to say. Even if you find their conclusions uncomfortable.
Who exactly is "most people"? Doherty shows how Scholars run into conundrums when the historicity of Jesus is in question. Many have given up and most assume the historicity of Jesus a priori. They simply lack the tools (methodology plus intellectual rigour) to examine the subject conclusively. Most of them are shallow thinkers, follow beaten tracks in their thinking and have standard, text-book responses to questions. None of them (Fredricksen seems promising and may break from the mould) dares venture to unbeaten ground and attempt to answer questions Doherty has managed to answer. All they seem intent on doing is collect their paychecks and rehash the regurgitated ideas of their predecessors.

A read of the Amazon reviews shows the impact of Doherty's works on those that have read his book. Opinion polls dont get better than that.

Really? On what basis do you make this whopper?
Common sense. You said there is a consensus - right? And the closed-minded vitriol they pour on Jesus mythicism dictates that any colleague found with the work might be accused of endorsing it or exposing students to heretical works.
Such a person would threaten this vaunted consensus - don't you think?

The poorly thought out and intolerant views of these so-called scholars (popularizers and apologists is more like it) expose the idea that they are intolerant enough to take great exception if a 'colleague' was actually spending time studying work that has been characterised as they have.

Such a suspect would be ostracized, summoned by a comitee and interrogated about his peculiar interest in crackpot theories. Early retirement is not particularly attractive and nobody wants to lose friends.

Otherwise, could Layman attempt to explain why people whose job is to examine all literature, have preponderantly proved to be completely ignorant of a work right up their alley that, going by the reviews in Amazon, is exceedingly well researched, comprehensive and has massive explanatory power?

Why, pray tell, the utter silence and spectacular ignorance? Or they want to be ironical and start a Doherty mythicism movement?

Read Carefully:
The theory that Christianity could have begun without an historical Jesus of Nazareth has been adamantly resisted by New Testament scholarship since it was first put forward some 200 years ago. It has generally been held by a small minority of investigators, usually "outsiders." An important factor in this imbalance has been the fact that, traditionally, the great majority working in the field of New Testament research have been religious apologists, theologians, scholars who are products of divinity schools and university religion departments, not historians per se. To suggest that a certain amount of negative bias may be operating among that majority where the debate over an historical Jesus has been concerned, is simply to state the obvious. Nor is such a statement to be considered out of order, especially in the face of the common 'argument' so often put forward against the mythicist position: that the vast majority of New Testament scholars have always rejected the proposition of a non-existent Jesus, and continue to do so. In fact, the latter is simply an "appeal to authority" and cannot by itself be given significant weight.
It is true that such a bias as may exist in traditional ranks does not automatically mean that they are wrong, or that the mythicist viewpoint is correct. What we need to do is examine the negative position taken by the opposing side and consider its substance. The problem is, traditional scholarship has offered very little of substance in opposing the theory that Jesus never existed, and that is especially true in recent times. Even more progressive scholarship, such as the Jesus Seminar, has never seriously addressed the question (other than an informal opinion poll among the Seminar's members when it first began its work). Not a single first-rank critical scholar that I am aware of has devoted even an article to it, let alone a book.

Something like The Evidence for Jesus (1986) by R. T. France, Vice-Principal of the London Bible College, hardly fills that role, and is devoted to illuminating the figure of an historical Jesus—a largely orthodox one—not just to defending his existence. As a defense it is quite ineffectual, taking no account (since it largely predates them) of recent insights into Q, the pervasive midrashic content of Mark, the modeling of Mark's passion story on the traditional tale of the Suffering Righteous One, and much else that has given ongoing support to the no-Jesus theory. Graham Stanton, in his The Gospels and Jesus (1989), devotes a chapter to addressing the views of mythicist G. A. Wells. Stanton's 'case' against Wells' position is little more than a citation of Josephus, Tacitus and Pliny (discussed below)—and an appeal to the authority that comes with the majority's acceptance "that Jesus existed." Ian Wilson, in Jesus: The Evidence (1984), does much the same, first acknowledging the uncertainty and contradiction in the early evidence, and then having recourse to the same trio of ancient 'witnesses.' All of them raise points that show little or no understanding for the depth and sophistication of the mythicist position. J. D. G. Dunn, in his one-page "Note on Professor Wells' View" in The Evidence for Jesus (1985), falls back on the old timeworn explanations for Paul's silence on a human figure. He, too, asks questions that show he is trapped within the old paradigm and unable to grasp how standard objections to the mythicist position dissolve, as do many of the longstanding problems in New Testament research, when the new paradigm of an evolving historical Jesus is applied to the evidence.

In the past fifteen years we have seen the orthodox Christian story systematically dismantled by critical scholarship like that of the Jesus Seminar, many of whose members have become increasingly secular and scientific in their outlook, something to be applauded. Insights into the dubious authenticity of Christian traditions, into the derivation of the Gospels and their antecedents, into the Christian movement as it developed within the context of its time, have been coming with gathering speed, not to mention radical positions on the historical Jesus that would have been unheard of little more than a decade ago. Within such circles of modern scholarship one might expect a serious and comprehensive defense against the most threatening position ever taken against the foundations of Christianity, one that is gaining an ever greater number of supporters and higher profile, including in several recent books published in both North America and Europe. Yet none has been forthcoming. In the absence of such a defense, an appeal to the majority viewpoint on the question of Jesus' existence is misplaced.

The five fallacies of NT Research
There are a number of fundamental problems in mainstream New Testament research that can be dealt with under the heading of "Five Fallacies" which that research has traditionally been guilty of. (I will assume the reader's familiarity with Parts One to Three.) The First Fallacy is the idea that Jews, both in Palestine and across the empire, could have come to believe—or been converted to the idea by others— that a human man was the Son of God. Within a handful of years of Jesus' supposed death we know of Christian communities all over the eastern Mediterranean, many of them involving at least some Jewish adherents. Such Christians may have been numerous and troublesome enough in Rome to be expelled by Claudius as early as the 40s. At the very least, Paul in Romans speaks of a congregation of the Christ that has been established in the capital of the empire "for many years" (15:23). Traditional Christian views have maintained that such communities were the product of dusty disciples from Judea who went off to centers big and small and almost overnight managed to convince great numbers of Jews (as well as gentiles) that a humble preacher they had never seen or heard of, executed in Jerusalem as a subversive, had risen from the dead, redeemed the world, and was in fact God's pre-existent Son who had helped him create the universe. This is an incredible proposition.

I said in Part One that Judaism's fundamental theological tenet was: God is one. It is true that the first Jewish Christians, such as Paul, were flirting with a compromise to monotheism in postulating a divine Son in heaven, even though he was entirely spiritual in nature and was conceived of as a part of God; this Son was derived from scripture and was an expression of the prominent philosophical idea of the age that the ultimate Deity gave off emanations of himself which served as intermediaries with the world. But this is a far cry from turning a recent man who had walked the sands of Palestine into part of the Godhead. (It was essentially gentiles who were later to create such an idea, and it produced the "parting of the ways" between the Christian movement and its Jewish roots.) Almost any Jew would have reacted with apoplexy to the unprecedented message that a man was God. In a society in which the utter separation of the divine from the human was an obsession, the Jewish God could not be represented by even the suggestion of a human form, and thousands bared their necks before the swords of Pilate simply to protest against the human images on Roman standards being brought into the city to overlook the Temple. To believe that ordinary Jews were willing to bestow on any human man, no matter how impressive, all the titles of divinity and full identification with the ancient God of Abraham is simply inconceivable.

Paul is not only assumed to have done this, but he did so without ever telling us that anyone challenged him on it, that he had to defend such a blasphemous proposition. His comment in 1 Corinthians 1:23 that the cross of Christ is a "scandal" refers to his idea that the divine Messiah had been crucified (a spiritual figure in a mythical setting), not that a recent man was God.

The Second Fallacy is an extension of the first, and I touched on it in Part Three. Scholars are faced with a bewildering variety of expression in earliest Christianity. Many circles of belief lacked fundamental Christian doctrines, and different aspects of Jesus are said to have been preserved by separate groups. Modern critical scholarship has put forward a curious scenario to explain all this. Various groups who came in contact with Jesus or the missionary movement about him are supposed to have focused on different aspects of him, some exclusively on the teachings, others on the miracles, still others on the message about his death and perceived resurrection as a redeeming act. Some came up with unique interpretations of him. Some of these groups saw him in entirely human terms, while others, like Paul, turned him into God and abandoned all interest in his pre-resurrection earthly life and identity. Burton Mack (in A Myth of Innocence, p.98f) suggests that this cultic deification of Jesus took place under the influence of gentiles in Hellenistic circles like Antioch. But this hardly explains Paul, allegedly a Jew born and bred, who was converted within two to five years of Jesus' supposed death. Did a whole Hellenistic mythology develop around Jesus almost overnight, in the heart of Jerusalem—and Paul accepted it? Or did he not believe in Jesus as the Son of God right from the start? Perhaps we are to view the theology of Paul's letters, our earliest record written two decades later, as a result of the insidious influence of gentiles at Antioch.

Such scenarios fail to provide any convincing explanation for why such an immediate fragmentation would have taken place, why the Christian movement began as "fluid and amorphous" (James Robinson in Trajectories Through Early Christianity, p.114f). Mack admits that "much of the evidence is secondhand, and all of it is later." Out of a record of multiplicity, Christian scholars have deduced a single founder and point of origin which is based on a later stage: the Gospel story, formed by the postulated reconvergence of the original diverging strands. But no document records this initial phenomenon of differing "responses" to the historical man, this break-up of Jesus into his component parts. Given a record whose earliest manifestation is nothing but diversity, common sense requires us to assume the likelihood that this was in fact the incipient state, and that the new faith arose in many different places with many different expressions. Some elements, such as the teachings, would have had no connection to a Jesus in their early stages. Most of this diversity was later to be drawn together and recast under a composite new figure, courtesy of the evangelists.

The above type of scenario involves a Third Fallacy. Scholars have long asked questions like that of Elizabeth Schlüsser-Fiorenza ("Wisdom Mythology and the Christological Hymns of the New Testament" in Aspects of Wisdom in Judaism and Early Christianity, p.34): "Why do the hymns use the language of myth to speak of Jesus of Nazareth who was not a mythic figure but a concrete historical person?" I pointed out in Part One that the very earliest expression about Jesus we find in the Christian record presents him solely as a cosmic figure, the pre-existent creator and sustainer of the universe (Paul and his school), a heavenly High Priest and Platonic Logos-type entity (Epistle to the Hebrews), a descending redeemer in the spiritual realm (the pre-Pauline hymns), and so on. All such presentations of Jesus are said to be ways various circles adopted of "interpreting" the man Jesus of Nazareth—according to sacred scripture and current philosophical and mythical concepts. But it would help if any of these early writers gave us even a hint that such an intention was anywhere in their minds. How are we to understand an "interpretation" when the thing supposedly being interpreted is never mentioned? John Knox (Myth and Truth, p.59) points to Ephesians 1:3–10 as a kind of mythological drama created to explain Jesus, entirely in supernatural terms. Knox speaks of "the remembered man Jesus" and "the wonder of his deeds and words." But where are these things in Ephesians 1:3–10, or anywhere else? He says that the myth has been created based on memories of the Lord, but where are those memories? We cannot accept Knox's claim that the myth in Ephesians is built upon "historical data" when that data is never pointed at or even alluded to. A better explanation would be that the historical data has been added to the myth at a later time. The whole concept that early Christian writers are "interpreting" Jesus of Nazareth even when they never mention him is a blatant "reading into" the text on the part of those who must see the presumed historical figure behind all this scriptural and mythological presentation.

Scholars, in seeking an explanation for Paul's blanket silence on the historical Jesus, have given us a Fourth Fallacy. They rationalize that Paul "had no interest" in Jesus' earthly incarnation, that his theology did not require it. This is difficult to fathom. Paul's faith is centered on the crucifixion. What bizarre mental processes could have led him to disembody it, to completely detach it from its historical time and place, from the life which culminated on Calvary? Why would he transplant the great redeeming act to some mythological realm of demonic powers who were responsible for "crucifying the Lord of glory" (1 Corinthians 2:8)? Why would he give Christ "significance only as a transcendent divine being" (Herman Ridderbos, Paul and Jesus, p.3)?

And what of the details of Jesus' life? Could Pilate not have served Paul as an example of the "wisdom of the world" which could not understand the "wisdom of God"? For Paul, baptism is the prime sacrament of Christian ritual; through it believers receive the Spirit and are adopted as sons of God. Yet we are to assume that Paul, in presenting his baptismal rite (such as in Romans 6), cared nothing about Jesus' own baptism by John, about such traditions that he had received the Spirit in the form of a dove, that he had been adopted as Son by the Father in the voice from heaven. We are to assume that in all the bitter debates he engaged in through his letters, such as on the validity of the Jewish dietary laws, Paul never felt a need to introduce the Lord's own actions and teachings concerning the subjects under dispute. Are we to accept, too, that Jesus' earthly signs and wonders would not have been an incalculable selling point to gentiles, immersed as they were in popular pagan traditions of the wonder-working "divine man," a concept which fitted the earthly career of Jesus to a "T"? And are we to believe that, even if Paul had expunged Christ's human life from his own mind, his audiences and converts likewise felt no interest and did not press him for details of Jesus' earthly sayings and deeds—something of which he shows no sign in his letters? In any event, explanations for Paul's silence and lack of interest would have to apply to all the other early epistle writers, who are equally silent—a situation so extraordinary as to defy rationalization. Amid such considerations, the argument from silence becomes legitimate and compelling.

Finally, many today find increasingly acceptable the direction which most recent liberal scholarship seems to be following: that Jesus was only a man, a Jewish preacher who was somehow divinized after his death, a death which did not result in resurrection. But here it seems that they face an insurmountable dilemma, a Fifth Fallacy. First of all, such a divinization on the scale that Jesus underwent would have been unprecedented, and there is no more unlikely milieu for this to have happened in than a Jewish one. Nor is this divinization gradual, a graph line which ascends as his reputation grows, as the things he did in his life took on magnified stature and interpretation. Rather, at the earliest we can see any evidence for it, Jesus is already at the highest point, cast in an entirely mythological picture: fully divine, pre-existent before the creation of the world, moving in the celestial spheres and grappling with the demonic forces. Those deeds of his life which should have contributed to such an elevation are nowhere in evidence.

Let's put the dilemma this way: If this man Jesus had had the explosive effect on his followers that is said of him, and on the thousands of believers who responded so readily to the message about him, such a man would have had to blaze in the firmament of his time. That impact would have been based on the force of his personality, on the unique things he said and did. There is no other way.

And yet the picture we see immediately after Jesus' death, and for the next two generations in every extant document, flatly contradicts this. The blazing star immediately drops out of sight. No contemporary historian, philosopher or popular writer records him. There is no sign of any tradition or phenomenon associated with him. For over half a century Christian writers themselves totally ignore his life and ministry. Not a saying is quoted and attributed to him. Not a miracle is marveled at. No aspect of his human personality, anchored within any biographical setting, is ever referred to. The details of his life, the places of his career: they raise no interest in any of his believers. This is an eclipse that does not even grant us a trace of a corona!

If, on the other hand, Jesus was simply an ordinary human man, a humble (if somewhat charismatic) Jewish preacher, who really said little of what has been imputed to him, who performed no real miracles, and who of course did not rise from the dead—all of which might explain why he attracted no great attention and could have his life ignored as unimportant by his later followers—what, then, is the explanation for how such a life and personality could have given rise to the vast range of response the scholars postulate, to the cosmic theology about him, to the conviction that he had risen from the dead, to the unstoppable movement which early Christianity seems to have been? This is an unsolvable dilemma.

If all we have in the earliest Christian record is this cosmic divine figure who moves in mythological spheres—just like all the other savior deities of the day—are we not compelled by scientific principles to accept that this and no more was the object of early Christian worship? If, to support this, we can present within the evidence a logical process by which such a figure can be seen to take on a biography and a place in history, do we have any justification for continuing to maintain that the divine, cosmic Christ grew out of the human Jesus of Nazareth?

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Old 12-15-2003, 06:13 AM   #45
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Originally posted by Layman
If anyone wants to actually do the work of responding on Doherty's behalf, please do so.
If you are referring to "Scholarly opinions on the Jesus Myth", I can't imagine Doherty would have much more to add to my own observations above of the logical errors and false information your "scholars" rely upon.

Do you honestly consider their opinions to constitute substantive arguments against Doherty's thesis?

Most people do care what the experts have to say. Even if you find their conclusions uncomfortable.
Most intelligent and rational people take the time to discover the basis of a consensus rather than blindly accepting it based on an illogical belief that truth is determined by vote.
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Old 12-15-2003, 07:25 AM   #46
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Originally posted by Jacob Aliet It is now confirmed that you have a reading problem.
No. What is confirmed is that you guys really are not interested in an critical evaluation of Doherty's work.

Holding, in spite of his snot-faced juvenile style, responded to Doherty's work. You were parading opinions of a handful of scholars and exposed lack of familiarity with Doherty's take on those very issues.
Actually, Doherty was quite clear that he thought I did a better job critiquing his stuff than Holding.

Doherty simply can't repeat his thesis to you because you are dissenting. Your article is simply a survey. Why not summarize some of your "Doherty's dubious interpretation of ..." articles and submit to him?
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are just ignorant of the four other articles that I have on Bede's site critiquing Doherty. That is what Doherty was responding to. I didn't even ask him to review the article on the scholarly consensus.

Besides, Lpetrich and Toto have responded to your opinion-ridden article. It is content free and has absolutely no weight as far as Jesus Mythicism is concerned.
It's not there just for mythicists. And that article is not a critique of Doherty. The other four articles on the site are.

You don't even have any idea what I or Doherty were talking about.

You don't need any persuasion. That happened a long time ago. We can only wish you comfort in your side of the matter. In any case, your article can only be 'skimmed'.
More evidence that you have no idea what Doherty or myself were emailing each other about.

Who exactly is "most people"? Doherty shows how Scholars run into conundrums when the historicity of Jesus is in question. Many have given up and most assume the historicity of Jesus a priori. They simply lack the tools (methodology plus intellectual rigour) to examine the subject conclusively. Most of them are shallow thinkers, follow beaten tracks in their thinking and have standard, text-book responses to questions. None of them (Fredricksen seems promising and may break from the mould) dares venture to unbeaten ground and attempt to answer questions Doherty has managed to answer. All they seem intent on doing is collect their paychecks and rehash the regurgitated ideas of their predecessors.
Not much to respond to here. If you assume that atheists and skeptics are "most people" you are delusional.

A read of the Amazon reviews shows the impact of Doherty's works on those that have read his book. Opinion polls dont get better than that.
Ah, yes. The 62 reviews. Since it's mostly skeptics and atheists who would be interested in reading his book I'm doubtful we have a sample of what "most people" would think.

Common sense.
Oh yes. Of course.

You said there is a consensus - right? And the closed-minded vitriol they pour on Jesus mythicism dictates that any colleague found with the work might be accused of endorsing it or exposing students to heretical works.
Such a person would threaten this vaunted consensus - don't you think?
What you said was they would be fired for even owning a copy. Please defend the statement you made, not the statement you may have wished to make.

The poorly thought out and intolerant views of these so-called scholars (popularizers and apologists is more like it) expose the idea that they are intolerant enough to take great exception if a 'colleague' was actually spending time studying work that has been characterised as they have.

Such a suspect would be ostracized, summoned by a comitee and interrogated about his peculiar interest in crackpot theories. Early retirement is not particularly attractive and nobody wants to lose friends.
I asked for evidence. Not biased conjecture based on innane stereo-types.

What is more likely is that--for conservative ones at least--sholars who trashed the Jesus Myth would gain more popularity and make a lot of money knocking off people like Doherty. Some scientists have done so targetting creationism.

Otherwise, could Layman attempt to explain why people whose job is to examine all literature,
Please prove that the job of New Testament scholars and historians is to "examine all literature"? That seems very silly to me.

have preponderantly proved to be completely ignorant of a work right up their alley that, going by the reviews in Amazon, is exceedingly well researched, comprehensive and has massive explanatory power?
Right. Reviews on amazon. Wow.

Why, pray tell, the utter silence and spectacular ignorance? Or they want to be ironical and start a Doherty mythicism movement?
Because they have no reason to take the arguments seriously. If it ever gained the momentum or quasi-popularity of creationism they might take time out of their schedules to squash it. But since it's a fringe idea that has barely hung on for a hundred years or so and shows little sign of affecting the opinions of a large number of people, it's likely not even on most of their radar screens.
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Old 12-15-2003, 07:28 AM   #47
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Originally posted by Amaleq13
If you are referring to "Scholarly opinions on the Jesus Myth", I can't imagine Doherty would have much more to add to my own observations above of the logical errors and false information your "scholars" rely upon.
Amaleq. Though you are usually polite, most of what you offer is unfounded opinion. You see a question, you spend a while on the internet figuring out what the Mythicist response is, and you parrot it.

Do you honestly consider their opinions to constitute substantive arguments against Doherty's thesis?
Nope, like I said, it's a report on the status of the argument in the scholarly opinion.

Most intelligent and rational people take the time to discover the basis of a consensus rather than blindly accepting it based on an illogical belief that truth is determined by vote.
Really? I had not noticed that. Most people respect experts because they do not have the time to immerse themselves in a topic. Especially when the topic would require a lot of study into things like Greek, a large body of literature written by various ancient cultures, knowledge of the background of Roman, Greek, and Jewish cultures at a specific time, and so on.
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Old 12-15-2003, 07:33 AM   #48
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Originally posted by Jacob Aliet
Regarding Robbins, Kirby's article was more comprehensive but its my considered opinion that he missed the point - whereas Kirby seemed to be using logic and simple reasoning, Robbins employed a deconstructionist methodology in analyzing the we passages while factoring in the social context of the authors of the literature examined. I asked him (Kirby) to update me on Robbin's take on his article. He has not and I presume that either he is still refining for later submission to Robbin, or had no intention of sending it to Robbin.

As it is, the jury is still out.

Layman is in of course. But he is not competent to judge the extent to which Kirby's work impacted on Robbins paper(s).
I don't want to get exclusionary now.
Darn that Peter Kirby anyway, thinking that logic and "simple reason" is the basis upon which to evaluate a theory!
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Old 12-15-2003, 09:28 AM   #49
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Originally posted by Layman
Though you are usually polite, most of what you offer is unfounded opinion.
I specified the logical errors and false information appealed to in the brief opinions. It is not an "unfounded opinion" that most of your scholars rely on the logical fallacy of an appeal to the majority. It is not an "unfounded opinion" that many of your scholars resort to ad hominem remarks rather than address specific claims with counter-claims. Last, it is not an "unfounded opinion" that one of your scholars appears to be entirely unfamiliar with the contents of Paul's letters.

Your "scholars" offer nothing of substance to rebut the mythicist position in general, let alone Doherty specifically. Again, I consider this to be an accurate representation of the basis for the consensus acceptance of an historical Jesus.

I do not deny that legitimate arguments can be made against specific portions of Doherty's thesis. I do deny that your list of scholars offers anything even remotely resembling such an argument.

You see a question, you spend a while on the internet figuring out what the Mythicist response is, and you parrot it.
I see you are also not unwilling to rely upon ad hominem comments. When an accusation such as this is so completely without any basis in reality, I start to wonder if it isn't better understood as an example of "projection". Rest assured, you have completely misrepresented my actual activities in response to a serious question. I actually tend to start with my own recollection, then my notes, then my books, and, finally, online sources starting with Kirby. Even when I am defending/explaining Doherty's thesis, I am careful to differentiate direct quotes from my own paraphrasing. Even if this were true, it does not explain the absence of any substantive response on your part. This is far more explanation than your snide comment deserves.

Nope, like I said, it's a report on the status of the argument in the scholarly opinion.
And, like I said, it seems to be a fairly accurate summary of the paucity of substance, reliance upon logical errors, and assertion of false information that constitutes the "scholarly response" to theories like Doherty's.

I wrote:
Most intelligent and rational people take the time to discover the basis of a consensus rather than blindly accepting it based on an illogical belief that truth is determined by vote.

Really? I had not noticed that.
Perhaps that is because you are not hanging around intelligent and rational people? To be fair, I have to agree that many people either lack sufficient understanding of the error or lack sufficient motivation to do their own homework. It takes effort to determine whether an apparent consensus view is based on legitimate arguments and evidence. If and when that effort is taken with regard to the consensus acceptance of an historical Jesus, the absence of any legitimate argument or evidence becomes apparent. Again, I'm not saying they can't provide a substantive rebuttal, I'm saying they haven't and your collection of examples does nothing to deny that conclusion.

Most people respect experts because they do not have the time to immerse themselves in a topic.
Not having enough time to check the basis of a consensus does not change the fact that it is a logical fallacy to assume that truth is determined by vote.

Especially when the topic would require a lot of study into things like Greek, a large body of literature written by various ancient cultures, knowledge of the background of Roman, Greek, and Jewish cultures at a specific time, and so on.
I agree that, for certain highly specialized areas, the amateur has to rely on the opinions of various experts. However, it is misleading to suggest that this level of specialization is at all relevant to the issue at hand.
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Old 12-15-2003, 09:34 AM   #50
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Originally posted by Jacob Aliet
Regarding Robbins, Kirby's article was more comprehensive but its my considered opinion that he missed the point - whereas Kirby seemed to be using logic and simple reasoning, Robbins employed a deconstructionist methodology in analyzing the we passages while factoring in the social context of the authors of the literature examined. I asked him (Kirby) to update me on Robbin's take on his article. He has not and I presume that either he is still refining for later submission to Robbin, or had no intention of sending it to Robbin.

As it is, the jury is still out.

Layman is in of course. But he is not competent to judge the extent to which Kirby's work impacted on Robbins paper(s).
I don't want to get exclusionary now.
Several months ago, I alerted Robbins by e-mail to the completed paper on Christian Origins. At the same time I announced the paper to XTalk. Larry Swain remarked, "Congratulations, Peter, very well done!" Brian Trafford said, "Excellent work Peter. I look forward to hearing Professor Robbins' response."

I have just now e-mailed Robbins for the second time about my detailed analysis on the web (the first e-mail was sent in September).

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