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Old 12-14-2009, 05:53 PM   #281
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
. . The HJ is a most SENSELESS proposition since the Gospels makes no sense unless Jesus was really Supernatural.
Jesus could've been a time traveler from the future and had access to advanced technology which would explain the miracles and such. Just because you judge something to be implausible doesn't mean it didn't happen (see radical logic's argument below) :constern01:

RDA: There probably could have existed naturally relevant differences (e.g. physiological, technological, etc) between Jesus and the rest of humanity that would have enabled Jesus to rise naturally.
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Old 12-14-2009, 06:06 PM   #282
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Originally Posted by Toto View Post

A mythical Jesus is unlikely to burn you in hell.
But a real one would let you choose to avoid heaven.
Originally Posted by Toto View Post
If you treat the NT as myth, you have to use your own intelligence to figure out what it means, and not be a lazy literalist. Then there is at least a chance that you might come out with some useful lessons.
If there was any evidence that the NT is entirely mythical then you'd have a point. All of the arguments in favor of a MJ in this thread are mainly a kind of argument of incredulity ( I can't figure it out so it's all a myth). However, as radical logic pointed out in his arguments, there can be natural explanations for extraordinary events. Thus, a Historical Jesus is a very sensible proposition.
But, let us examine the life of Jesus as presented by the NT and Church writings.

Please identify any event with respect to Jesus that you know is NOT entirely mythical.

1. The conception of Jesus through the Holy Ghost and the Virgin Mary.

2. The temptation of Jesus by the Devil on the pinnacle of the Temple.

3. The miracles of Jesus where he used spit to make the blind see.

4. The raising of Lazarus after being dead for 4 days and rotting.

5. The walking on water by Jesus during a sea storm.

6. The feeding of 9000 men with some loaves and a few fish.

7. The transfiguration with the once dead Moses and Elijah.

8. The trial and crucifixion of Jesus where false witnesses were used and Jesus was still exonerated.

9. The resurrection of Jesus after the third day.

10. The ascension of Jesus when he went through the clouds.

Please show the evidence that Jesus was historical and not mythical.

Now, that you have made a counter proposal that the HJ is A most SENSIBLE proposal I eagerly await your historical sources for your HJ.

And I hope that your are not going to use your imagination and make imaginary "natural" explanations.

After review of the NT and Church writings the information of antiquity suggest that the HJ is a most SENSELESS proposal.
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Old 12-15-2009, 07:30 AM   #283
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by kcdad View Post

No misunderstand me. I tire of your nonsense. YOU make no sense.
That too was predictable.
You don't understand that the nonsense is actually from NT. And unlike you I don't make stuff up about Jesus
The nonsense is your inability to interpret prose. You are far more literal than any fundamentalist I have ever met.
Writing, even the Jabberwocky of Lewis Carroll, must be interpreted by an intelligent, critical mind... OR it ends up meaningless, as your analysis proves itself.

Do you really not get the difficulty of translating a oral culture into a written record? Do you really not understand that Judaism is predominantly an oral culture that later tried to record their oral histories into written form because of the exiles and captivities to which the Jewish people were subjected...

Jesus didn't write anything and his teachings were oral... parables and storytelling.
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Old 12-15-2009, 08:31 AM   #284
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
But, you believe that Jesus, the offspring of the Holy Ghost, had human flesh.


The HJ is a most SENSELESS proposition since the Gospels makes no sense unless Jesus was really Supernatural.
Hi AA,

How can the son of a ghost have flesh and bones? Why did the disciples think he was a phantom even before the alleged crucixion and resurrection, when he went walking upon the waves? How did reusrrected Jesus get behind locked doors if he had flesh and bones? Did demons really talk to him? How did he waft into the heavens? Could he really read hearts and minds?

Is it possible that 1% could be true?
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Old 12-15-2009, 08:32 AM   #285
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Originally Posted by kcdad View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post

That too was predictable.
You don't understand that the nonsense is actually from NT. And unlike you I don't make stuff up about Jesus
The nonsense is your inability to interpret prose. You are far more literal than any fundamentalist I have ever met.
Writing, even the Jabberwocky of Lewis Carroll, must be interpreted by an intelligent, critical mind... OR it ends up meaningless, as your analysis proves itself.
The NT and Church writings are clearly about HOLY GHOST MAN born sometime around the beginning of the 1st century.

The activities of HOLY GHOST MAN, called Jesus of Nazareth, can be found in HUNDREDS of sources of antiquity probable the MOST well-documented MYTHICAL entity in all of EXTANT history.

HOLY GHOST MAN was made an official God of Rome by Constantine in the 4th century after his followers were accused of being atheists and cannibals.

We have the full "history" of HOLY GHOST MAN.

Originally Posted by kcdad
Do you really not get the difficulty of translating a oral culture into a written record? Do you really not understand that Judaism is predominantly an oral culture that later tried to record their oral histories into written form because of the exiles and captivities to which the Jewish people were subjected...
As I wrote already, there are hundreds of sources of antiquity that clearly and unambiguously described the nature of HOLY GHOST MAN.

Look at Matthew 1.18 again. This is the description of the conception of HOLY GHOST MAN.

Mt 1:18 -
Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.


Originally Posted by kcdad
Jesus didn't write anything and his teachings were oral... parables and storytelling.
So, we have in effect all the parameters to reasonably conclude HOLY GHOST MAN was a myth. HOLY GHOST MAN wrote nothing, walked on water, transfigured, resurrected and ascended through the clouds.

Now, I will show that it is YOU who far exceeds the fundamentalists with your literal HJ.

1. The fundamentalists claim that HOLY GHOST MAN was God.


It is clear you FAR EXCEED the fundamentalists, you seem unable to tell the difference between myth and fiction.

Now, this is the reality. This my is position. The NT is about a MYTH called HOLY GHOST MAN.

But, YOU and the fundamentalist vehemently disagree with ME and put forward a most absurd notion that HOLY GHOST MAN was really REAL, and only his FLESH is in question.

The HJ is a most SENSELESS proposition since hundreds of sources of antiquity that have survived depicted Jesus as HOLY GHOST MAN.
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Old 12-15-2009, 09:05 AM   #286
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Do you just cut and paste the same post over and over again?

Can you reproduce the following ... Xc43Nt
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Old 12-15-2009, 10:34 AM   #287
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Originally Posted by kcdad View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Do you just cut and paste the same post over and over again?

Can you reproduce the following ... Xc43Nt
You may have become dis-oriented . You are not making sense. Explain your outburst....."Xc43Nt",, OR are you talking in "tongues"???

Now, let us deal with the OP. The HJ is a most SENSELESS proposition.

Why do you believe, like the fundamentalists, HOLYGHOST MAN was literally REAL with human FLESH?

I have repeated over and over again that HOLYGHOST MAN was a MYTH and have produced sources of antiquity that describe him as the offspring of the HOLY GHOST.

It must never be forgotten that Peter, the 1st bishop of Rome, was in the arms of HOLYGHOST MAN while he walked on water during a sea-storm and that a TALKING cloud recognised HOLYGHOST MAN as a beloved SON.

This is found in gMatthew [KJV].

25 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.

26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit. and they cried out for fear.

27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

28 And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.

29 And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.

30 But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.

31 And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him................

And now the TALKING-CLOUD.

Mt 17:5 -
While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, hear ye him.
Please tell me why YOU and the fundamentalists believe there is historical truth about HOLYGHOST MAN?

The HJ is a most SENSELESS proposition after the NT and Church writings have been examined.
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Old 12-15-2009, 10:52 AM   #288
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Originally Posted by kcdad View Post

Do you just cut and paste the same post over and over again?

Can you reproduce the following ... Xc43Nt
You may have become dis-oriented . You are not making sense. Explain your outburst....."Xc43Nt",, OR are you talking in "tongues"???

I asked a simple question any human being could answer...
"Can you reproduce the following ... Xc43Nt"

Watch ... Xc43Nt... see how easy that was?
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Old 12-15-2009, 12:58 PM   #289
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Originally Posted by kcdad View Post
<edited for consistency>

I asked a simple question any human being could answer...
"Can you reproduce the following ... Xc43Nt"

Watch ... Xc43Nt... see how easy that was?
I wonder if you'd do me the kindness of showing here, if I may ask, not only what does your question have to do with the OP, but the pertinence to aa5874's demands for legitimate and warranted information that are the necessary prerequisite to any response or further questions that aa5874 may ask? You are ignoring the fact that it is the conclusion about the meaning used in the particular way it is used that according to Xc43Nt, has to signify in these passages that Xc43Nt draws from this assertion that needs to be evaluated not the assertion of where and of whom Jesus -- to be precise -- if Historical Jesus even knew the difference bewteen an aorist middle masculine singular genitive or a aorist middle masculine singular accusative, then certainly it is not an example of gross birfurcation that aa5874 does.

Signed not a troll
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Old 12-15-2009, 01:06 PM   #290
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Originally Posted by kcdad View Post

You may have become dis-oriented . You are not making sense. Explain your outburst....."Xc43Nt",, OR are you talking in "tongues"???
<edited for consistency>

I asked a simple question any human being could answer...
"Can you reproduce the following ... Xc43Nt"

Watch ... Xc43Nt... see how easy that was?

I'm pretty sure aa... reproduced Xc43Nt in his most recent post.
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