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Old 02-12-2013, 11:45 PM   #951
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Originally Posted by stephan
But why the references to Miriam, Moses, Israel, the holiness of the seventh day, the 364 day liturgical year structured around a sevenfold pentacontad cycle, the relationship to the Essenes, the approval of Philo of their views? With respect to the question of whether Philo made up the group - that's a separate question. I don't see why this is necessary, likely or probable. But even still he is clearly still dreaming up a Jewish sectarian group. I just can't see what benefit Philo derives from making up a group.
Likely Philo was using them to present his own Utopian view of how a Jewish religious community ought to be laid out and function.

Honey for flies as it were, a weak attempt to draw other Jews into actually carrying out this vision.

Many religious people down through the ages have composed this type of religious Utopia literature, and sometimes it inspires others to act out on it.

Philo's benefit, if the inspiration were to bear fruit, would be that he was its generator and spiritual father.
A cult so formed, inspired by his description, would be his legacy. His mark on the world.

Posted this before I saw maryhelena's post. Just a sign that in thinking it through, people can arrive at very similar views.
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Old 02-13-2013, 12:22 AM   #952
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Originally Posted by maryhelena View Post

Hi, Pete

I've not got into this discussion for two reasons. 1) because of the amount of ridicule certain posters bring to the debate. 2) I happen to agree with Rachel Elior re the Essenes not being a historical group but a philosophical ideal of Philo.

If this is so, i.e. that the Essenes are not historical - then Philo's other group, the 'therapeutae', are probably also not historical. I mean really - if the gospel writers can tell stories about JC and his group of followers - why on earth can't Philo also tell philosophical stories??

Anyway, Pete - I'll run before the downpour of ridicule starts....

There is no evidence that Philo invented the Essenes.

The Essenes are multiple attested by multiple writers of antiquity.

Philo, Josephus, Pliny the Elder and Hippolytus identified the Essenes as Jews and living in Judea.
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Old 02-13-2013, 12:25 AM   #953
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by maryhelena View Post

Hi, Pete

I've not got into this discussion for two reasons. 1) because of the amount of ridicule certain posters bring to the debate. 2) I happen to agree with Rachel Elior re the Essenes not being a historical group but a philosophical ideal of Philo.

If this is so, i.e. that the Essenes are not historical - then Philo's other group, the 'therapeutae', are probably also not historical. I mean really - if the gospel writers can tell stories about JC and his group of followers - why on earth can't Philo also tell philosophical stories??

Anyway, Pete - I'll run before the downpour of ridicule starts....

There is no evidence that Philo invented the Essenes.

The Essenes are multiple attested by multiple writers of antiquity.

Philo, Josephus, Pliny the Elder and Hippolytus identified the Essenes as Jews and living in Judea.
Yep, and how many writers can you name writing about Jesus crucified under Pilate??
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Old 02-13-2013, 12:57 AM   #954
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Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
Originally Posted by Toto View Post

Philo used it for his purposes, giving it the normal Greek meaning, which did not require that the worshiper be pagan ......`
Just a minute. The term was used by the pagans consistently for centuries before, during and after the 1st century. Why should the author of "VC" be permitted to subvert the original purpose and meaning of this pagan term? Because of the respect the Church has for "Philo"? The Church propaganda was to get rid of the pagan church and the pagan therapeutae from the memory of antiquity. Looks like they almost succeeded.
This is anachronistic. There were no "pagans" until the Christians used that term for the backwards country folk who had not yet converted to Christianity.

The term applies to religions. Judaism was a religion, along with Isis worship, Mithraism, etc. Just as the words "priest" or "monk" can be used for a variety of religions, the term "therapeutae" could be used for a variety of religions, including Judaism.

It does not appear to me as if the Christian Church has been very successful in erasing the memory of pagans.


I still don't see that you have answered the question of why Philo's therapeutae should be confused with the therapeutae of other gods.

The pagan's coined and used the term long before the author of "VC". The author of "VC" borrowed the term from a long history of pagan usage. The question of why "Philo's" therapeutae should be confused with the therapeutae of other gods must return to the question of why "philo" used this term. If he had instead written this was a group of therapeutae HOBBITS we would not be having this discussion.
So if he had labeled them "hobbits" you would admit that they are Jewish and we could have avoided this thread?
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Old 02-13-2013, 02:30 AM   #955
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There were no "pagans" until the Christians used that term for the backwards country folk who had not yet converted to Christianity.
Is that correct?

Yes, pagan means country bumpkin - an extremely rude term equivalent to the n word or the g word about disabled people, but it was used by xians as a propaganda term against the followers of the true gods, including highly educated sophisticated city people.

The Primitive Celts

Episode 1 of 4
Terry Jones pieces together new archaeological evidence to reveal the startling truth about the Barbarians, in the process discovering how the Roman propaganda machine was able to pull off a great con-trick and turn their enemies into monsters fit for childrens' stories.

In 58 BC Julius Caesar invaded Celtic Gaul. He claimed it was to protect the northern borders of the Empire from these volatile people. But Terry discovers that Caesar's account was a smokescreen for a more sini
ster truth.

The Celts, according to Rome, were a warring and illiterate people. Yet Terry discovers that these people had mathematical know-how way beyond the Romans. They also had a society that, in stark contrast to Rome, was compassionate and protected the young and the weak, one built on an advanced and complex trading network that spread way beyond the borders of the Celtic world.

So why was Caesar so hell-bent on the destruction of these civilised people? The latest archaeological evidence has revealed that the Celtic world was built on vast deposits of gold, and the Celts were gold miners par excellence. The ambitious Caesar was in poverty and the rich, sophisticated Celts were there for the taking.

Galatians 3:1 ►

New International Version (©1984)
You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified.
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Old 02-13-2013, 02:42 AM   #956
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Maybe a formal discussion of propaganda would help?

lovely bath
as someone commented about 380 in Constantinople!
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Old 02-13-2013, 04:11 AM   #957
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Originally Posted by Clivedurdle View Post
Were the only forgers xians?
IMO no. Forgery was just as rife in antiquity as it is today.

From Josephus:
"Alexander protested that this letter was forged by Diophantus, the king's secretary, a man without scruples and very clever at imitating any hand" ..[later we learn he was].. . "executed for forgery” (JW, 4).
There was apparently a good trade in Pythagorean originals BCE:

Originally Posted by stanford
By the third century CE, when the first detailed accounts of Pythagoras that survive intact were written, Pythagoras had come to be regarded, in some circles, as the master philosopher, from whom all that was true in the Greek philosophical tradition derived.

By the end of the first century BCE, a large collection of books had been forged in the name of Pythagoras and other early Pythagoreans, which purported to be the original Pythagorean texts from which Plato and Aristotle derived their most important ideas.
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Old 02-13-2013, 07:34 AM   #958
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Originally Posted by maryhelena View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by maryhelena View Post

Hi, Pete

I've not got into this discussion for two reasons. 1) because of the amount of ridicule certain posters bring to the debate. 2) I happen to agree with Rachel Elior re the Essenes not being a historical group but a philosophical ideal of Philo.

If this is so, i.e. that the Essenes are not historical - then Philo's other group, the 'therapeutae', are probably also not historical. I mean really - if the gospel writers can tell stories about JC and his group of followers - why on earth can't Philo also tell philosophical stories??

Anyway, Pete - I'll run before the downpour of ridicule starts....

There is no evidence that Philo invented the Essenes.

The Essenes are multiple attested by multiple writers of antiquity.

Philo, Josephus, Pliny the Elder and Hippolytus identified the Essenes as Jews and living in Judea.
Yep, and how many writers can you name writing about Jesus crucified under Pilate??
I have no actual names of any person who was a contemporary of Jesus, the Son of a Ghost and a Virgin, and wrote that he was crucified under Pilate.

Philo, Josephus and Pliny the elder are real figures of history and wrote about the Essenes and identified where they lived and how they lived and even gave estimates of the number of Essenes.

Who was Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Saul/Paul, James, Peter, and Jude??

Jesus and the Jesus cult were 1st century fakes and the authors of the fiction were anonymous from the 2nd century or later.

Not one author of the NT claimed to have personally met Jesus and Not one author of the Canon has been identified by a non-Apologetic source.
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Old 02-13-2013, 07:52 AM   #959
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Originally Posted by Toto
Just as the words "priest" or "monk" can be used for a variety of religions, e term "therapeutae" could be used for a variety of religions
'Monks' these thereputae were 'monks'. Certainly the word is appropriately descriptive of their ascetic lifestyle with its enforced social isolation.

Which raises another question on which Philo is none to clear on in 'VC';
Did these wonderous 'Theraputae monks', who spent all of their daylight hours six days a week in total solitude studying and fasting, have wives and children? Were they even allowed to?
Or were they expected to remain a totally celibate, 'separated' priesthood, Christian monks?

Given the severe strictures apparent on every other aspect of their daily lives, it seems very highly unlikely that they allowed, -or were allowed-, to engage in the pleasant intimacies of sex. (if they even could given that prescribed starvation diet.)
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Old 02-13-2013, 08:17 AM   #960
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Originally Posted by Toto View Post

The term applies to religions. Judaism was a religion, along with Isis worship, Mithraism, etc. Just as the words "priest" or "monk" can be used for a variety of religions, the term "therapeutae" could be used for a variety of religions, including Judaism...
There is no evidence whatsoever that JUDAISM used the term Therapeutae. There is NO 1st century Jewish writer who stated that the Therapeutae were Jews--NONE.

There is NO evidence that a Therapeutae sect was identified as living in Judea in the 1st century by any Jewish writer of that time--ZERO.

It was about 200 years after Philo that it was claimed the Therapeutae were traditionally considered Christians of the Jesus cult.

Essentially, Only Church writers used the term Therapeutae in Philo's 'VC' for their religion.

No other non-Christian source or religion in antiquity used the term Therapeutae in Philo's 'VC' or made references to Philo's Therapeutae.

The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Talmud do not use the term Therapeutae. ZERO Jewish writings make use of the term Therapeutae in the Jewish religion.
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