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Old 03-02-2007, 04:39 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by judge View Post
Yes I see what you mean. I presume the writer meant that Jupiter wanders WRT to the position of the stars at a particular time of day (e.g. dawn). The stars will (pretty much) be in the same postion at dawn from one day to the next day, but the planet might move relatively speaking.
After re-reading this I think I might need to make a slight correction. No planet wanders only at a particular time of day. The motion of the planets is distinct only with respect to the stars, and then from night to night. Much of the time a planet appears to be moving in a consistent direction (along the plane of the ecliptic) and speed. Due to the difference in the time it takes for Earth to orbit the Sun as compared to another planet, sometimes the planet appears to slow down, stop and even reverse course before once again resuming the original path. This can only be detected by comparing the position of the planet with respect to the stars over a longer period of time or a series of nights. It is never visible to the naked eye just by watching. Check out a planet tonight and see if you can tell it is moving.
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Old 03-02-2007, 07:06 AM   #42
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It's very poor form to ignore a question directed at you and then demand that others answer your own question, especially one that is entirely off-topic. Start a new thread if you have a question about walking on water, and pony up your evidence as soon as you get a chance.

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Old 03-02-2007, 02:55 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Sparrow View Post
After re-reading this I think I might need to make a slight correction. No planet wanders only at a particular time of day.
Yes, I didn't mean to imply this. I was trying to make sense of the statement that jupiter "became stationary among the stars." One way to observe the movement of a planet might be to note the movement WRT to stars at a aprticular time of day. However this would not mean that a planet only wanders at this time.
With the heavens (real stars) turning and the planets "wandering" or moving along the ecliptic, from one day to the next", and stars stopping due to retrograde motion, it is a complex situation to some degree.

So the statement that Jupiter "became stationary among the stars" is not a precise statement but none the less can convey its movement in some relative sense.
Originally Posted by Sparrow View Post
The motion of the planets is distinct only with respect to the stars, and then from night to night. Much of the time a planet appears to be moving in a consistent direction (along the plane of the ecliptic) and speed. Due to the difference in the time it takes for Earth to orbit the Sun as compared to another planet, sometimes the planet appears to slow down, stop and even reverse course before once again resuming the original path. This can only be detected by comparing the position of the planet with respect to the stars over a longer period of time or a series of nights.
Yes, but perhaps it is possible to interpret the actions of the Magi in this light? That they observed these things over many days.

Originally Posted by Sparrow View Post
It is never visible to the naked eye just by watching. Check out a planet tonight and see if you can tell it is moving.
I probably need to go bush for a while to really get into it!
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Old 03-02-2007, 03:08 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by judge View Post
Yes, but perhaps it is possible to interpret the actions of the Magi in this light? That they observed these things over many days.
What I don't get is if the alleged sign were a planet or even a star, how would the night sky look any different over Bethlehem than Alexandria or Baghdad? If Jupiter appears to stop with respect to the stars, that would be true from every place on Earth.
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Old 03-02-2007, 06:00 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Sparrow View Post
What I don't get is if the alleged sign were a planet or even a star, how would the night sky look any different over Bethlehem than Alexandria or Baghdad? If Jupiter appears to stop with respect to the stars, that would be true from every place on Earth.
I can't see how this would be the case either. From what I can see the apologetic argument is that from Jerusalem Jupiter stopped
over the direction of Bethlehem.

Be this as it may, how was it possible for Jupiter to be stationary over the village of Bethlehem at that time? There is not the slightest problem for it to do so. The Bible says the Magi saw the star come to a stop while they were in Jerusalem. And on December 25, 2 B.C.E., at the ordinary time for the Magi’s pre-dawn observations, Jupiter would have been seen in meridian position (directly over Bethlehem) at an elevation of 68 degrees above the southern horizon. This precise position would show the planet shining directly down on Bethlehem while it was stationary among the stars..
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Old 03-02-2007, 06:47 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by judge View Post
I can't see how this would be the case either. From what I can see the apologetic argument is that from Jerusalem Jupiter stopped
over the direction of Bethlehem.
I'm not convinced that a 68 degree angle corresponds to shining 'directly down on'. I'm still confused as to how the view would differ from some other place, given that Jupiter is very far away. And I'm still confused as to why we're focussed on Dec 25th, since we know the shepherds were in their fields tending their flock, which they only do Spring to Fall, not immediately after the winter solstice. Of course Herod was dead by 4 BCE so Jesus was already at least two years old when this astronomical event occurred. That is unless you believe the gospel of Luke where Jesus isn't born until the census that first took place in 6 CE.
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Old 03-02-2007, 11:39 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Sparrow View Post
I'm not convinced that a 68 degree angle corresponds to shining 'directly down on'. I'm still confused as to how the view would differ from some other place, given that Jupiter is very far away.
I don't think the article suggests it would be any different to any other place. From anywhere in that region at least, Jupiter would have apparently been in the southern sky. It is just that Bethlehem was apparently just south of Jerusalem. One had to be viewing from Jerusalem to get the Bethlehem connection.

Originally Posted by Sparrow View Post
And I'm still confused as to why we're focussed on Dec 25th, since we know the shepherds were in their fields tending their flock, which they only do Spring to Fall, not immediately after the winter solstice.
I have not read the rest of the book so I am not sure how they might deal with this.

Originally Posted by Sparrow View Post
Of course Herod was dead by 4 BCE so Jesus was already at least two years old when this astronomical event occurred.
Yes this is that case if we acdcept the 34 years that has been discussed in a recent thread.

In that thread Spin posted
Originally Posted by Spin
Again, BJ 1.33.8, So Herod, having survived the slaughter of his son five days, died, having reigned thirty-four years since he had caused Antigonus to be slain, and obtained his kingdom; but thirty-seven years since he had been made king by the Romans. Antigonus died in 37 BCE. Herod died in 4 BCE.
..and I see no way around what Spin argues there except trying to argue that Josephus got the number of years wrong there and on other occaisions.

Whether one can rely on this 34 years from josephus is another question.
Josephus clearly contracdicts himself WRT to date of the death of Herod. On the one hand he indicates it must have been around 4 BCE (some seem to think 3BCE), on the other hand he is quite plain that there was a lunar eclipse shortly before and that passover followed.

Using this data, also from Josephus 1BCE is the only year that fits.

Originally Posted by Sparrow View Post
That is unless you believe the gospel of Luke where Jesus isn't born until the census that first took place in 6 CE.
Luke refers to the first Census under Quirinius, or perhaps the first one when Quirinius was governor.
Implying here that there were two census, or perhaps that Quirinius was governor twice.
Why would Luke include the word "first"?
If Luke wished to point to the Census in 6BCE he would just have the said "the Census when Qurinius was govenor" wouldn't he?
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Old 03-03-2007, 02:06 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by fromdownunder View Post
I am sorry, but I am not quite sure what you are getting at here. Are you suggesting that the letters legitimately attributed to Paul by most scholars (as opposed to those in the Canon that he did not write) by most people were written after Mark?
Who knows?

Originally Posted by fromdownunder View Post
I would be very interested in your dating (and evidence) of the Pauline letters compared with Mark. (I don't give a fuck about the others - especially John)
No evidence except that the "letters" appeared with Marcion and that they smell fabrication.

Originally Posted by fromdownunder View Post
If one accepts any of the Pauline epistles at all, one must accept that he was writing to people who accepted some form of a "Jesus character", hence, as Toto put it, what we would call today, Christians, who possibly/probably had some sort of a "secret symbol" (let's call it a styalised fish) for recognition.
As said: Marcion.

Originally Posted by fromdownunder View Post
And, if you accept anything relaiting to history as we currently accept it, the author of Mark, as far as we can tell, wrote his book after 70CE, when Paul was, well.. comfortably dead.
Accepting something does not mean it has anything to do with reality. Paul is never dead. Is Tarzan dead?

Originally Posted by fromdownunder View Post
So please tell me which way you wish to jump on this:

Did Paul write any of the books attributed to him?
Were they written before or after the book we know as Mark?

1) Paul is literature, like Tarzan, Superman.
2) Nobody knows. All hypothesis are only hypothesis, that is guess work.
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Old 03-03-2007, 02:10 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by Chris Weimer View Post

It's very poor form to ignore a question directed at you and then demand that others answer your own question, especially one that is entirely off-topic. Start a new thread if you have a question about walking on water, and pony up your evidence as soon as you get a chance.

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
Fish, fishermen are directly linked to the sea. Didn't you know that?

Thanks for evading the question, though. And congratulations for your insight.

Ah and yeah, you know a lot about "form". :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

I'll be waiting in that other thread...
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Old 03-03-2007, 03:32 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Johann_Kaspar View Post
People with a xian mentality understand fish as fish, fishermen as fishermen and walking on the sea as walking on the sea (go figure).
Now if only they could bring themselves to understand "this generation" as "this generation" (Mt 24:34).
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