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Old 09-26-2007, 07:41 AM   #311
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
Dean ...
Notice that "Noah's tablet" stops at a crucial point in the narrative, and doesn't even mention any of his life's work building the ark and sailing in it - hardly the place someone is likely to finish a record of their life that they are leaving for posterity.
Who are you to judge where a father's account ends and his sons' begins? They were an integral part of building the ark and sailing in it as well. It could be argued that they may have been MORE of an integral part, Noah being more the preacher and overseer, them being more involved in the details. This is speculation, of course, but what is NOT speculation is the compelling case for "these are the generations of Noah" signifying the end of Noah's account, that is ... a colophon, similar to many found on ancient Near Eastern tablets.
This is the same issue that I raised: the "cliffhanger ending".

Your response is more of your trademark hypocrisy, Dave. Anyone can see that there's a major problem here... so you invoke the possibility of some alien alternative storytelling tradition, where previously you were trying to argue that Tablet Theory led to a "consistent narrative". Which is it, Dave? Hey, maybe other narratives which DO seem consistent would actually fall apart if your alien alternative storytelling tradition was applied to THEM... but of course you won't do that, so we'll never know...
Originally Posted by afdave
He is, of course, wrong when claiming consistency in style and lack of contradictions, anyway.
Oh? How so? Where are the inconsistencies in the Flood account? Where are the contradictions?
His splitting of the flood account leaves the usual problems in the text (were there two of each clean animal, or fourteen? were the waters on the earth for 40 days or 150 days? and so on...) which the DH takes out because they end up in the separate accounts.
Please explain what problems you see and why they are problems? (Flood account for now only please)
Quite often on these fora, we see an "expletive deleted" comment in a post: generally when an apologist makes a remark that is so mind-blowingly stupid that another poster really can't think of anything better to say. But, here, expletives just wither and die: a sort of numbness takes over.

I'll just repost this bit:
His splitting of the flood account leaves the usual problems in the text (were there two of each clean animal, or fourteen? were the waters on the earth for 40 days or 150 days? and so on...) which the DH takes out because they end up in the separate accounts.
I'll try to clarify by using bold:
His splitting of the flood account leaves the usual problems in the text (were there two of each clean animal, or fourteen? were the waters on the earth for 40 days or 150 days? and so on...) which the DH takes out because they end up in the separate accounts.
...Hmmm. Perhaps this would help:
His splitting of the flood account leaves the usual problems in the text (were there two of each clean animal, or fourteen? were the waters on the earth for 40 days or 150 days? and so on...) which the DH takes out because they end up in the separate accounts.
Are you beginning to grasp this yet, Dave?
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Old 09-26-2007, 07:42 AM   #312
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Originally Posted by VoxRat View Post
Originally Posted by afdave
Oh? How so? Where are the inconsistencies in the Flood account? Where are the contradictions?

Please explain what problems you see and why they are problems?
note the part highlighted in red? Just f'rinstance.
Yes. Why not actually read the posts, Dave? They already answer your questions.
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Old 09-26-2007, 07:50 AM   #313
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
Dean ...
because such division of the text is consilient with the age of the language used in the text, the interests of the text, the duplication of text, and so on...
Really? Can you demonstrate this and explain this please?
Once more, Dave ignores explanations that have already been given.

Saying that we cannot apply our modern concepts of style to ancient writings because the authors would not have recognised them is like saying we can not apply our modern concept of germ theory to explain the Black Death because the victims would not have recognised them.
No, it's not even close. What I am saying is that the DH advocates did not even bother to consider ancient Near East literary styles and practices. Why didn't they? Archaeology was in it's infancy and they didn't have many examples to compare to. But they did have some, and they ignored them.
This is a bullshit objection, Dave. We have already seen—and you have too—that, by splitting the flood narrative in the way the DH advocates, all the internal contradictions and inconsistencies in that account vanish, because they are in separate narratives. Until you can somehow show that some other split in that narrative reduces those contradictions and inconsistencies even further (your own proposed split increases them, you lose.
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Old 09-26-2007, 07:50 AM   #314
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
Originally Posted by Lucretius View Post

The problem is Dave that you have been provided with links many, many times on threads here and then appear to either not read them ,ignore the contents or simply fail to grasp what they are saying.
Maybe if it took you yourself some time and a miniscule amount of effort you may ,just may , actually attend to these problems you appear to have.
I think you are just bluffing. I've gone to hundreds of links provided to me and you know it. I don't think you have any such link.
Try not to get sidetracked, Dave. The issue here is that the DH explains the Flood story far better than your 'tablet' version; the colophons you claim exist don't look anything like colophons found elsewhere in Mesopotamian tablets; you have shifted the goalposts dishonestly to claim a victory that you did not achieve; and you are ignoring posts that contain the very information you're asking questions about.

Focus, Dave. Try to focus.
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Old 09-26-2007, 07:51 AM   #315
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
Oooooh boy.
Dean gave an example yesterday of how the Documentary Hypothesis divides the Flood Story in the Book of Genesis here ...

Dean concludes thusly ...
That each of these stories stands alone with fluent narrative and with a distinct style that survives the translation into English should be obvious to everyone.

This is what Dave characterises as "mutilating" the text.
Yes, I do because your apparent basis for separating the text in the way that you do seems to be your assumption of "Occidental thinking" applied to Oriental literature. This is a faulty basis IMO and there is a better basis for a different division in the Tablet Theory.
Which I'm sure you will demonstrate... Then again, maybe not.
So yes, to assume an occidental viewpoint and arbitrarily apply this to oriental literature is indeed 'mutilation.'
I wonder what you call YOUR "mutilation" of the text, dave... But more on that later.
That is an intentional UNTRUTH, dave. Dean ignored NOTHING: He EXPLAINED to you WHY these "assumptions" of yours have absolutely nothing to do with the basis for the DH.
We all have eyes, dave, and we all can read.
The only honest thing to do is to RETRACT this claim. NOW.
Assumptions are those hidden "little" things that scholars make, but often don't talk about which make an enormous difference on the outcome of their study. A common assumption I harp about a lot is the assumption of closed systems in rock which scientists attempt to date radiometrically. Assumptions are also made about initial quantities of parent and daughter products in these rocks. In Carbon 14 dating, it is assumed that the Flood of Noah is a fictional or local event and thus the concentration of Carbon 14 in the biosphere has been relatively constant for hundreds of thousands of years needing only relatively minor corrections provided by calibration curves. But if these assumptions are wrong, then results of studies are radically different.
Aaaah yes, another attempt to pass your unsupported assertions of the past as established and unrefuted, while, in fact, they have been thoroughly demolished every time you tried to bring them up (EACH AND EVERY TIME), and you have RUN AWAY from the relevant discussions EVERY time.
Mike PSS is still waiting for that "mixing" debate, dave. For over a year now.
But all this is off-topic, and an attempt to turn this into another trainwreck to save face. Won't work, dave: Go visit those old threads where you got schooled and bailed out, and we'll have the pleasure of schooling you yet again.
In the meantime:
Literature studies are no different in this respect. They also are subject to the assumptions of the investigator. I have listed 5 assumptions of the originators of the Documentary Hypothesis as follows ... These are the presuppositions which motivated the theorists to come up with the DH in the first place. Had the DH theorists been theorizing 50 years later, when the new archaeological finds were very well known, the Documentary Hypothesis would have never seen the light of day.
BALONEY, as your friend Jan Pezckis would say. Your claims that these were the deep motives of the DH "advocates" are entirely without support, and a statement worthy of nothing but scorn, unless you provide a SHRED of evidence for it.
Incidentally, my initial claim that precipitated this debate was not that the DH was wrong (it is, but that was not my claim). My claim was that all the presuppositions which gave rise to the DH have been refuted.
The "presuppositions" you proposed have been shown to be entirely irrelevant to the DH by Dean, and you have utterly failed to refute this. Insisting on the veracity of this claim is dishonest. Again, SUPPORT or RETRACT.
They have, so my mission is accomplished.
They have NOT. SHOW us WHERE you supported these claims, and refuted Dean. SUPPORT or RETRACT, honest Dave Hawkins.
But this is fun, so I will continue.
Oh goody.
But no Dean, I don't have all these original sources assembled yet. That will take much time and I have many subjects I am interested in.
Aaah yes, my predictions are once again fulfilled.
"Don't expect any meaningful posts refuting you anytime soon, Dean, since it's sooooo much work... But in the meantime, let's pretend I already refuted your claims, 'kay?"
Dave Hawkins, SUPPORT your baseless assertions or RETRACT them. Do the right thing.
Now Dean says that none of this stuff about presuppositions matters and he is wrong. It matters a great deal as I have shown. Dean wants me to just focus on the text itself.
Once again, in your favorite boldcaps this time (just in case it works): You have SHOWN NO SUCH THING. If you say you have, show us WHERE. QUOTE please.
Otherwise, RETRACT this untruthful claim.

OK, that's fine. Let's focus on the text, and when we do, we find this assumption (a bad one) about occidental thinking made by DH advocates.
And will you explain why? Hmm.
Dean doesn't come out and say it (unaware of it?), but he unwittingly applies his Western thinking about literature to ancient, oriental text.
And this ba-a-a-a-ad thinking is ba-a-a-a-ad becauuuuuse?
Gleason Archer writes ... Gleason Archer is yet another leading scholar critical of the DH. He was a graduate of Harvard University, Suffolk Law School and Princeton Theological Seminary and chaired the Department of Old Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. (See McDowell p. 55)
blah blah blah
Excellent. "I think Dean's thinking is bad, and to prove it, here's a quote by some guy who says Dean's thinking is bad. Arguments? Whassat?"
Dave, if there ever was a class in Logical Fallacies, your posts would be compulsory reading material.
So in Dean's post yesterday, we find that his "Occidental concepts of consistency and style" have indeed been offended by the traditional understanding of the text. Dean says that "each of these stories stands alone with fluent narrative and with a distinct style" and of course this is true, but misses the point.
The point being?
DH advocates are correct in observing that there should be a division of some sort, but what kind of division is warranted is the real key. The important question is "What basis do you have for separating the text into two accounts?"
Isn't the one that Dean EXPLAINED to you good enough? If not, WHY NOT?
It appears that your basis is nothing more than your "occidental concepts of consistency and style."
Another blatant untruth. Dean showed how, the division the DH proposes, gives coherence and clears out all the duplications and repetitions in the text. It makes the text look complete and without inconsistencies, in style AND in CONTEXT. Did you miss that part?
What am I saying- you obviously "missed" the whole thing.
And the obvious question is "Why should we apply those concepts to ancient Oriental literature?" and the answer is "We should not."
I see. We should instead believe that the text was written by many people, and each and every one of them had a schizoid personality disorder, along with Wernicke's aphasia and memory lapses?
The text can also be separated along the lines of the Tablet Theory and doing so also gives two fluent narratives with consistent styles.
Um- NO it DOES NOT, as Dean showed you. the way you propose the division of the text fills the narrative with changes in style, vocabulary and syntax, and infests it with continuous repetitions and inconsistencies (not to mention changing its form in the same way every single time it "divides" it, as we shall see). Again, SUPPORT or RETRACT.
What warrant do we have for doing so? Archaeological discoveries.
Many tablets which have now (after the rise of the DH) been discovered make use of the same type of "colophon" at the end of the account. Many inscriptions contain repetitive accounts with slightly different perspectives, similar to what we find in the Book of Genesis. (I could post examples upon request)
Formal request here, dave. Let's see if those "Toledoths" in the bible have the same character as the ones found, shall we? Because, until now, we have seen NO such thing. You have just ASSERTED it.
So the divisions under the Tablet Theory are warranted and supported by archaeology. The divisions of the DH are not. They are arbitrary and biased by the 19th century, occidental viewpoint of the DH promoters.
Whoa. Can you say "projection"?
Support or Retract.
Simple as that.
Let's observe the divisions according to the Tablet theory (I'll put in quotes to set it off, but I'm not actually quoting anyone) ...



So as you can see, with these divisions, we also have a fluent narrative within each tablet with no apparent contradictions in style or any other problems within each tablet.
Let's check this out, shall we?
First thing that pops up is this: You have split a verse in the middle, each and every time you make the tablet split!
You split 5:1 in two, to assign the "generations of Adam" in the previous "tablet", when it clearly begins the story in Genesis 5 (guess what it talks about? The descendants of Adam).
You split 6:9 in two, to do the same with Noah, although the rest of the verse clearly continues with the story of Noah.
And you are the one who claimed the DH "mutilates" the text.
Niiiice, dave.


Notice the first "tablet". It speaks about the "generations" of Adam, right? Now, adam does not speak about his ancestors, supposedly (how could he? ). He speaks of his children. And their grandchildren. And that is all.
Then we have the "generations of Noah". What does Noah speak of? His ancestors. ALL of them. You know, the generations of Adam. ON and ON and ON. And he starts telling the Flood story, and suddenly stops short. And his children? Oh yeah, he mentions them ONCE.
"Generations of Noah". Suuure.
On to the third "tablet". The sons of Noah wrote that, right?
Do they speak of their ancestors (like Noah did)? Nope, except of Noah.
Do they speak of their descendants (like Adam)? Nope, they just say they had "sons" in the end.
They just tell the flood story from the beginning, and finish the tale of Noah.
Where are those "generations of the sons of Noah", then?
Oh, there they are- in the text AFTER the verse 10:1, that you assigned to the previous tablet as a toledoth- and the generations go ON and ON through the ENTIRE chapter 10.
As if 10:1 was the START of chapter 10 (just like it appears to be).
Funny, eh dave?
"Fluent narrative", was it? Well, maybe by your standards.
PLUS ...

We have a warrant for dividing the text in this manner based on archaelogical evidence, not based on subjective bias of 19th Century Western scholars.
Once again: BALONEY. Like I showed to you, all you have is a subjective bias based on fundie apologetic fantasies, that doesn't even make sense.

But that hasn't stopped you before, has it?
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Old 09-26-2007, 07:53 AM   #316
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
Originally Posted by Constant Mews View Post
My apologies. You are, by the way, doing a superb job. When Dave is reduced to subterfuge and has to change his original claims, then you have shown how clearly vacuous his points are to the uninitiated lurker. :notworthy:
Really? What claims have I changed? And BTW ... how's the Googling? Found that complete online chart of J E D P divisions yet?
Dave, once again you ignore assertions that have already been made and backed up with evidence.

And why does CM need to find a complete chart of J, E, D, and P? The parts we've already seen utterly defeat your argument, Dave. If you think you can somehow undo that damage by looking at a complete chart of those divisions, then perhaps it is you who needs to be doing the Googling.
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Old 09-26-2007, 07:56 AM   #317
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
Originally Posted by Lucretius View Post

The problem is Dave that you have been provided with links many, many times on threads here and then appear to either not read them ,ignore the contents or simply fail to grasp what they are saying.
Maybe if it took you yourself some time and a miniscule amount of effort you may ,just may , actually attend to these problems you appear to have.
I think you are just bluffing. I've gone to hundreds of links provided to me and you know it. I don't think you have any such link.

Well just to prove you wrong here it is .....

You don't really think I would fall for that do you ?
Dave if this is so important for you ,why don't you look it up yourself ?
IF anyone here were to provide such a link you would probably say that it wasn't what you wanted in any case.
ONLY you know exactly what you want the "chart " to look like, so go and find one that provides the information you think you need.
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Old 09-26-2007, 07:58 AM   #318
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
Originally Posted by Lucretius View Post

The problem is Dave that you have been provided with links many, many times on threads here and then appear to either not read them ,ignore the contents or simply fail to grasp what they are saying.
Maybe if it took you yourself some time and a miniscule amount of effort you may ,just may , actually attend to these problems you appear to have.
I think you are just bluffing. I've gone to hundreds of links provided to me and you know it. I don't think you have any such link.
Dave, since your defeat has not depended on whether anyone else actually has such a link, no one really cares whether you think anyone does or not. If you think the DH does a worse job of reconciling the obvious and patent contradictions and inconsistencies in the Pentateuch than your tablet theory does, then it's incumbent upon you to show that. Your division of the flood account according to your theory does not do nearly as good a job as the DH does. That means that you have lost.

Not that anyone expects you to realize that.

And you still haven't read Theobald, a link I gave you over sixteen months ago.
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Old 09-26-2007, 08:01 AM   #319
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Jack ...
I'll try to clarify by using bold:
His splitting of the flood account leaves the usual problems in the text (were there two of each clean animal, or fourteen? were the waters on the earth for 40 days or 150 days? and so on...) which the DH takes out because they end up in the separate accounts.
...Hmmm. Perhaps this would help:
His splitting of the flood account leaves the usual problems in the text (were there two of each clean animal, or fourteen? were the waters on the earth for 40 days or 150 days? and so on...) which the DH takes out because they end up in the separate accounts.
Are you beginning to grasp this yet, Dave?
I'll assume Dean's momentary silence is because he is busy or he is typing ... so I'll take Jack's post and assume for the moment that it reflects Dean's view (Dean ... punch Jack if I'm wrong, not me, OK?) ...

What's the problem with 40 vs. 150 days? The 40 days refers to the "Inundation Phase" of the Flood (you know ... rain, fountains of the deep breaking up, super volcanoes, tsunamis, etc.) (See 7:12) The 150 days refers to how long the waters covered the earth. Can you see that when all the cataclysmic events stopped, the water didn't just vanish ... presto? It took quite a while for everything to settle out again.

As for the 2 vs. 14 animals, could you be more specific? What's the problem?
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Old 09-26-2007, 08:04 AM   #320
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Originally Posted by Constant Mews View Post
More importantly, I note that Dave is shifting the goalposts and dishonestly claiming that he established something that he did not.

The very first line of his OP is
have elsewhere claimed that the Documentary Hypothesis (JEDP Theory/Oral Tradition) is receiving increasing skepticism by scholars and I have claimed that the assumptions which underpin the DH have all been refuted. (emphasis added)
And yet now Dave claims
My claim was that all the presuppositions which gave rise to the DH have been refuted. They have, so my mission is accomplished.
So Dave - unable to refute Dean's points - simply changes his story and declares victory.

This is dishonest, I'm afraid.

Dave, you have done nothing to even establish that your 'presuppositions' underpin the DH. Nothing.

Should we expect this kind of nonsensical moving of goalposts, and irrational behavior for the remainder of this thread? That is, until you are faced with too many contradictions and you bail out.
Dave asked for this information and I simply want to make sure that he is aware of it.
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