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Old 02-01-2006, 01:49 PM   #171
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Originally Posted by TedM
And, I believe Jake has provided some references--Detering in particular. Andrew Criddle began a thread the other day which looks at the Marcion priority question. It's a valid question to ask, and I welcome any attempt to present a case for it.
I'm sorry, I didn't see anywhere that Jake has brought up even Detering. And then again, even if he did, it's an argument from authority. I second your opinion to see the evidence in these threads for interpolation.

Originally Posted by Toto
This is a attempt to shift the burden of proof.
I'm sorry, but the burden of proof always lays with the one's making the positive claim.

Chris and others who doubt interpolations: Please review my review here of Interpolations in the Pauline Letters by William O. Walker, Jr. .
If you're going to try to rebut me, at least do so accurately. I never said I doubted interpolations - heck, I've identified a couple myself - but before one can accept an interpolation it first has to be identified and shown to be one.

Walker makes what I felt was a very persuasive case that interpolations in ancient literature were commonplace and to be expected, and that a set of criteria can be worked out to show the most likely interpolations. He also argues that the orthodox church around 180 CE was small enough and organized enough to make sure that all surviving copies of Paul's letters reflected the religiously correct line.
Similarily, it has been shown that Memphis has a high crime rate among young black men. Does that mean it's up to the defense to prove the accused is innocent? No! Never! It lays with the prosecution to show that the defendent is guilty. Or have we abandoned normal logic here?

Christian apologists try to claim that the burden of proof lies with anyone claiming any interpolation or forgery, and then raise the burden of proof so high that no interpolations can ever be demonstrated. This is just an apologetic smokescreen to avoid confronting the real problems in the text and the high probability of interpolation, forgery, or outright deceit.
Toto, I'm ashamed that you would even imply I'm a Christian apologetic. That is very unprofessional of you. Furthermore, no interpolation has even been identified yet, so I have no idea how you feel the standards are too high.

Are you familiar with my work, Toto? Do you read my blog? Have you forgetten the thousands of posts I've made here in BC&H destroying Christianity to pieces, and you still have the audacity to call me a Christian apologist?

This, of course, assumes that there were original pristine letters of "Paul" that the forgers could work on. Robert Price casts some doubts on that in his essay The Evolution of the Pauline Canon.
Yes, I have read Robert Price's work. Very interesting. Now use what he says to make an argument. None of you have even defined an interpolation yet, how can you accuse us of anything is far beyond me.

Makes me wonder why I even bother here anymore.
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Old 02-01-2006, 01:50 PM   #172
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Originally Posted by No Robots
"Quote mining"? Oowee!! From the defeat of the mythicists to the reimposition of Christian dogma: 1 nanosecond.:down:
This is too insulting.
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Old 02-01-2006, 02:13 PM   #173
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Originally Posted by Chris Weimer
This is too insulting.
Very well. My apologies. I hope, though, that you see that insinuations about quote mining are likewise extremely insulting. The implication is that I have no reasoned basis for my position, and that I select quotations on an ad hoc basis. I understand that in the battle against mythicism there has been a need to communicate in severe language. It would be a shame, however, to carry that tone into discussions between people who do believe in Christ's historicity.
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Old 02-01-2006, 02:29 PM   #174
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Chris - I did not state that you were an apologist. If you think I did you need to read more carefully. I only wonder why you are so dogmatic about the burden of proof on interpolations.

This is not a criminal trial where the accused document has constitutional rights to presumption of innocence. It is a literary examination. I don't know what sort of logic you think requires you to throw out normal presumptions from evidence.

We know that there are interpolations in the Pauline letters and lots of forged Christian documents. Why should not the burden of proof be on those who assert that any given passage is not interpolated? That would be closer to the legal standards of authenticating a document.

And no, I don't read your blog. Would you care to give a link and a short summary of what you have said that I should take notice of?
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Old 02-01-2006, 02:41 PM   #175
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Originally Posted by No Robots
The implication is that I have no reasoned basis for my position, and that I select quotations on an ad hoc basis.
Let me clarify then. You failed to take in Matthew's context when you selected the verses.

I understand that in the battle against mythicism there has been a need to communicate in severe language. It would be a shame, however, to carry that tone into discussions between people who do believe in Christ's historicity.
I think you have misread me. I'm not in a "battle" against mythicism nor do I particularly "believe" in Christ's historicity. I'm an historian, and I look for evidence and judge whether I should give some credence to certain events. I am in a battle against those who employ dishonest tactics when debating, though, historicists and mythicists alike.
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Old 02-01-2006, 02:55 PM   #176
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Originally Posted by Chris Weimer
I'm an historian.
Very well then. You have only given your own decontextualized reference (Matthew 8.10-12) and some ad hoc justifications for the following contentions:

Matthew especially is very anti-Jewish - in one verse he basically says the kingdom will be taken away from the Jews and given to the Gentiles. Doesn't sound a lot like reforming Judaism to me. It sounds like creating a new religion where both Jews and Gentiles are accepted. Separate and distinct.
Can you cite some authorities on this?
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Old 02-01-2006, 02:56 PM   #177
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Originally Posted by Toto
Chris - I did not state that you were an apologist. If you think I did you need to read more carefully.
You first claim that I am attempting to shift the burden of proof. Then you claim that Christian apologists shift the burden of proof. It's akin to you're doing what my enemy does, thus you're my enemy.

I only wonder why you are so dogmatic about the burden of proof on interpolations.
Because it's ludicrous to make someone prove a negative. What am I supposed to do, go through every verse of Paul and try to maintain its innocence? You do realize how absurd this is, don't you?

This is not a criminal trial where the accused document has constitutional rights to presumption of innocence. It is a literary examination. I don't know what sort of logic you think requires you to throw out normal presumptions from evidence.
What presumptions am I throwing out, that every verse of Paul is interpolated? You've yet to identify even one interpolation, yet you still claim that I have to defend him.

We know that there are interpolations in the Pauline letters and lots of forged Christian documents. Why should not the burden of proof be on those who assert that any given passage is not interpolated? That would be closer to the legal standards of authenticating a document.
When you authenticate a document, you compare it to a standard which is known to be true. But here, all you're doing is claiming that Paul is interpolated and expect me to verify every verse I use from Paul as Pauline. Leaps and bounds, Toto, leaps and bounds. You're accusing the document of being fake - on what grounds do you do so?

And no, I don't read your blog. Would you care to give a link and a short summary of what you have said that I should take notice of?
Actually, yes.

Interpolation in Matthew

This is where I point out a possible interpolation in Matthew. You see how I do it? I first come across a reading that seems suspect from internal evidence, check for external evidence (unfortunately, the manuscripts agree, so if it is an interpolation, it must be early), and then present my evidence in the form of an argument. In a debate, the defendent also rebuts the arguments. That is the way things are done. Why should you have it any differently than I?
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Old 02-01-2006, 02:58 PM   #178
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Originally Posted by Toto
We know that there are interpolations in the Pauline letters and lots of forged Christian documents. Why should not the burden of proof be on those who assert that any given passage is not interpolated?
This isn't a direct answer to the question, but there has to be some balance between giving the text too much credence and using the claim of interpolation as a deus ex machina to explain away contrary evidence.
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Old 02-01-2006, 03:00 PM   #179
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Originally Posted by No Robots
Very well then. You have only given your own decontextualized reference (Matthew 8.10-12) and some ad hoc justifications for the following contentions:
Matthew especially is very anti-Jewish - in one verse he basically says the kingdom will be taken away from the Jews and given to the Gentiles. Doesn't sound a lot like reforming Judaism to me. It sounds like creating a new religion where both Jews and Gentiles are accepted. Separate and distinct.
Actually, I've written a whole paper on it. So far 3 out of the 5 reviewers found it convincing, with two of them holding opposite beliefs prior. I'm still waiting for a certain Loren Rossen and a certain Ben Smith to reply with their criticism before I polish it up. And if you want to discuss whether Matthew was Jewish or not, start a new thread on it.

Can you cite some authorities on this?
Do you always move from one fallacy to another this quickly?
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Old 02-01-2006, 03:10 PM   #180
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Originally Posted by Toto
We know that there are interpolations in the Pauline letters and lots of forged Christian documents.

Why should not the burden of proof be on those who assert that any given passage is not interpolated?
Because the only reason we know all those Christian interpolations and forgeries to which you refer exist is because somebody met their burden of proof. You have to meet yours, too, case by case.

That would be closer to the legal standards of authenticating a document.
The legal standard for authenticating a document is to assume that every passage in interpolated unless proven otherwise? That seems a self-contradicting position. How can a text consist solely of interpolations? Is not one way of demonstrating an interpolation comparison with its context? How is that even possible if the context, too, is presumed to be interpolated?

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