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Old 12-28-2006, 03:05 PM   #21
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My next section will be about fulfilled prophecy.
There are several threads about that subject already:

to name the two most recent ones, as well as

You might want to review those before posting whatever you have to say on the subject, or perhaps just add your post to the relevant threads.
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Old 12-28-2006, 03:12 PM   #22
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The Bible’s consistent transmission and preservation far, far exceed any other writing and/or book of which man has possession.
Let's say this is true. So what? We don't need a miracle to explain this. We only need a large body of people utterly devoted to the text for a period of over 2000 years, making them more likely to copy the text and mroe likely to look after copies once they existed. In the case of the bible we know that there were such people.
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Old 12-28-2006, 03:16 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by mdd344 View Post
Without establishing the Bible as what it claims to be it doesn't matter whether it reveals an objective standard or not.
What? If the Bible did reveal such an objective standard, it would seem that would be quite useful whether or not the Bible is what it claims to be (or, really, what people claim it to be...where in the Bible does the Bible claim to be something as a "Bible"? Remember, the Bible wasn't even the Bible until somewhere around 300-400 CE...when the "Bible" was agreed upon by, well, a bunch of plain old ordinary least one version of it...there are several)

The standard is the life of Christ. But if one rejects the Bible to begin with His life, to them, doesn't exist.
Umm, no, the story of Jesus' life is still there, for all to see, whether one "rejects" the Bible or not.

Whether or not Christ's life (as recounted in the NT) is an "objective standard" by which we should live is quite arguable. How is it objective? Am I supposed to get myself crucified? Not get married? Sell all my possessions and become an itenerant preacher? Curse fig trees? Attempt to walk on water or raise the dead? Claim to be God Incarnate, as some claim Jesus did?

There are many, many interpretations as to how we are supposed to live according to Christ's example. There is no one "objective standard" to be read from the Bible.

And again, one could, if one wished, hold "Christ's life" or teachings or portions thereof as an example even if one does not accept the whole kit and kaboodle that goes along with (various kits and kaboodles, actually, since different people interpret the Bible differently as to how we should live according to the Bible.) You don't even have to believe that Jesus existed, or that Jesus was God or God's son, to do so.

So, if Christ's life is an "objective standard", what is that objective standard by which we are to live as exemplified by the story of Jesus?

My next section will be about fulfilled prophecy.
That should be interesting...
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Old 12-28-2006, 03:17 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by mdd344 View Post
One scholar has stated regarding the Isaiah scroll variants:

"For example, we may study the copy b of Isaiah. The text is extremely close to the M.T. A comparison of Isaiah 53 shows that only seventeen letters differ from the M.T. (Massoretic Text). Ten of these are mere differences of spelling, like our 'honor' or 'honour,' and make no change at all in meaning. Four more are very minor differences, such as the presence of the conjunction which is often a matter of style. The other three letters are the Hebrew word for 'light' which is added after "they shall see" in verse 11. Out of 166 words in this chapter only this one word is really in question and it does not at all change the sense of the passage. This is typical of the WHOLE MSS. Even the use of vowel letters and the preservation of archaic grammatical forms are exceedingly close to the M.T."
I'm sure it is remarkably close. That's not the point. You say:

The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls is hugely significant in that their testimony shows that the accuracy of transmission of the Old Testament was unquestionable. Over 1000 years, at least, the variants were nearly non existant.
That's not true. There are plenty of OT variants from the DSS to the Masoretic text. Furthermore, only the portions of the OT which are represented in the DSS can be evaluated. Finally, the DSS says nothing about the first millenium of alleged transmission.
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Old 12-28-2006, 03:38 PM   #25
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In that regard, where are the Egyptian-Caananite linguistic and cultural ties? There seem to be more Babylonian ties to Judaism than anything else.
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Old 12-28-2006, 03:52 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by mdd344 View Post
Not when you consider that the 5% change was entirely misspellings, (i.e. 'honor' to 'honour' type) and slips of the pen.
No, it wasn't "entirely misspellings". There were substantive differences in the text.

Moreover, the DSS only cover a certain time period in history; i.e., AFTER the Old Testament canon was already settled by the Jews - which is when the Essenes came onto the scene. The DSS can't prove anything about whether the text was faithfully transmitted before that time, during the centuries before the Essenes.

In other words, pretend the year is 700 BCE.

In 700 BCE, Scribe A writes some text.
in 650 BCE, Scribe B copies it, but makes 4 mistakes.
In 500 BCE, Scribe C copies it from B, makes some more mistakes and changes some things he doesn't like.
In 300 BCE, Scribe D copies it from C, adds some text he likes better, and makes some new mistakes of his own.

Then the Essenes get ahold of the document from Scribe D. They copy it correctly, word-for-word and letter-for-letter. But guess what: all they've done is copy the mistakes and the revisions that earlier scribes have made. So the Dead Sea Scrolls only prove how good the Essenes were at copying. The DSS don't tell you diddly squat about whether the text they copied was pure, or whether it was corrupted during earlier transmission.

You apparently don't understand the first thing about textual criticism.
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Old 12-28-2006, 04:06 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Coleslaw View Post
There are several threads about that subject already:

to name the two most recent ones, as well as

You might want to review those before posting whatever you have to say on the subject, or perhaps just add your post to the relevant threads.
Point him to the Tyre and Babylon threads. :devil1:
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Old 12-28-2006, 04:20 PM   #28
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Default So what?

Hi, how’s it going?

There is no question that people need objective standards in life.
There is no question to you, but I think there’s more discussion about this kind of thing than you realize.

Even atheists need objective standards, patterns to follow, etc. Consider the Humanist Manifesto.
Not all atheists are humanists. Just FYI.

Even among those who reject any supernatural being the fact is they set for themselves standards/guidelines to follow. Effective parents are those who set guidelines for their children. Governments are most effective when they are consistent, and consistency comes from objective standards. Consider the example of the Federal Bureau of Standards of the USA, which guarantees uniformity of weights and measures. They follow an objective standard, an authority, a guide. Imagine the mass confusion in that realm alone if the weights and measures changed value daily, without warning or reason.
We recently lost a probe to mars because calculations were not converted correctly from one system of measures to another. Mass confusion? Hardly. Human society has dealt with inconsistent standards and measures for quite a long time. Your assertion is unsupported.

consistent transmission and preservation
The bible contains many, many internal inconsistencies that you choose to ignore. Also, The Art of War has also managed to be textually preserved for over 2,000 years. So what?

verifiable prophecy fulfilled
Prophesy violates the laws of physics and you will need to demonstrate that this is even possible before it is rejected by default.

because of its uncanny unity
Irrelevant personal observation.

because of its scientific accuracy
Utterly and unequivocally untrue. Laughably wrong. This claim flies in the face of almost all the scientific discoveries made in the last thousand years in almost every field. Physics, biology, anatomy, philology, cosmology, chemistry, anthropology, geology… they can all demonstrate that the bible is not scientifically accurate.

I strongly suspect your only rebuttal will be: “I believe the bible is correct, therefore science must have everything wrong.” This is not a convincing argument.

agreement with archaeology
Demonstrably false. Archeology repeatedly challenges alleged historical happenings in the Bible (Like the Exodus). It also disproves many other absurdities contained in its pages like the flood.

all of which together show that the Bible does not have its source from man, but from the One God of which it speaks.
God remains unproven and the bible remains absurd and incomprehensible.



A. The Old Testament:

…The findings?

Whether one believes the Bible is from God or not, he must admit in the face of overwhelming evidence (clearly not all presented in the above) that the Old Testament we have in our modern Bibles can be trusted to be what it was originally…
Even granting that the Bible today is 95% accurate to the original dead sea scrolls, so what? This does not solve any of the internal inconsistencies and absurdities that have been accurately copied by these scribes. The cure for leprosy in the bible still calls for bird blood. There are still inconsistencies with respect to salvation (faith, works?) There are still absurdities including that the sun was made to stand still, that people tried to build a tower to reach god in heaven, that a firmament with windows opens up to let rain come down, that people can come back to life after dying, that snakes can talk, etc ad nauseum.

You assume the bible is more than a patchwork of literature but you have not provided evidence that it is more than a book of stories.

B. What about the New Testament?

… It stands to reason that the Bible would be much less questioned than it is based on that evidence.
I don’t question whether the bible is the same now as it was back when it was patched together. It’s irrelevant. What I care about is what the bible makes claim to and whether that is supported by evidence.

The Bible’s consistent transmission and preservation far, far exceed any other writing and/or book of which man has possession. The text of both the Old Testament and the New Testament is unquestionably reliable and intact. While the preservation and consistent transmission of the text does not in and of itself prove the existence of God, it is a strong part of the evidence that hopefully will lead one to do so when considered as part of all of the evidence available. Whether one believes in the One God or not, he must admit that the scholarship done in the realm of the transmission and preservation of the Bible text is above all reproach.
Even granting that biblical text is largely unchanged (I’m certain very few others will grant this), your argument amounts to: A book has been copied over many centuries with little variation.

My response: So what?

Looking forward to your attempts to support that the Bible:

-fulfilled prophesy
-is scientificly accurate
-agrees with archaeology
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Old 12-28-2006, 05:50 PM   #29
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I read your post. You said, "God remains unproven and the bible remains absurd and incomprehensible." But you seem well able to comprehend a great deal of it in assessing its truthfulness and accuracy. I look forward to the other sections as well. Thanks.
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Old 12-28-2006, 06:04 PM   #30
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It is not so much that the Bible is incomprehensible in terms of understanding the actual words. However, if one tries to envisage a world in which all the claims in the Bible are true, the result is an incomprehensible conception, because it involves some self-contraditions and some contradictions of clearly perceptible reality.
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