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Old 10-27-2012, 09:36 AM   #71
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The whale tale is what gave birth to the fish tale.

The OT gave birth to the NT, but all of it together is a whopper of a fish tale that reeks like so much dead fish.
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Old 10-27-2012, 09:39 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by Cesc View Post
Originally Posted by outhouse View Post
the attested flood of the Euphrates in 2900 BC is from the Sumerian epic
Can you point me to a link or book or something?

this is a fun link

take it with a grain of salt, but its good reading, hes correct on most of it, other parts you see him reaching.
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Old 10-27-2012, 10:01 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by Toto View Post
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im as close to a minimalist as it gets, while holding a HJ view.

I have never stated the NT or OT represents reliable history, it never has, nor intended as history.
So - explain how you get to such certainty that the central character in this unreliable document actually existed.
as you know, I started in the myther camp.

and it clicked one day when a few friend were explaining why would the scribes would write in a poor poverty stricken teacher who lived a life below a peasant and dieing a miserable death, and then make a deity out of this dude. Unless they were stuck with what they had to work with.

still not having my mind made up, I started focusing on anthropology because I didnt trust any scholar.

Thats where it pushed me over in the historical side. realizing how primitive and barbaric these jews were treated, and how poor most really were, and following their mythology to a core, why would two cultures not one, deify a broke slob.

and it comes down not to theology as much as the root of most evil. MONEY.

I see plenty of traces of a zealot influence in the man they deified

so we factually have a legend, where the romans deify and worship what amounts to a slave, one of their oppressed victims. And then trying to elevate through mythology this person to that more powerful then other living romans emporers called "son of god"

You can see the mythology snowballing and evolving. you take Q and Thomas that are sayings, and probably predated Gmark, and probably portrayed jesus as a man so Q a jewish piece, was redacted for cherry picked content to match the romans needs and culture.

and from Judaism, we see a shooting star, a person with brief and bright Fame, and then failure by the time the temple falls.

The jewish culture was so upset over the jewish governement, and judaism already fragmented into many groups, and half of those stealing from the poor people, its no wonder when someone comes a long that they would be martyered for standing up against the corruption and getting himself murdered for the common hardworking oppressed jew.

We have a martyred jew that caught brief fame in a time when judaism was going in all directions under this one god Yahweh that was so popular. You had different sects of jews worshipping him and you had a large roman population to that worshipped Yahweh, all under his new greek labels.

So a new movement in judaism is not only 100% plausible, it was going to happen and factuially did. so then ask yourself

why would jews and romans stand behind a poor oppressed poverty stricken jew from Galilee who had unique unheard theology in beautiful sayings, unless they believed it to be true??
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Old 10-27-2012, 11:02 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by outhouse View Post
Originally Posted by Toto View Post

So - explain how you get to such certainty that the central character in this unreliable document actually existed.
as you know, I started in the myther camp.
I don't know that. Which authors did you read?


so then ask yourself

why would jews and romans stand behind a poor oppressed poverty stricken jew from Galilee who had unique unheard theology in beautiful sayings, unless they believed it to be true??
So your argument is based on a failure of your imagination? Your failure to appreciate the varieties of human storytelling?

Nothing about the gospel theology was unique. It was a product of Hellenistic Judaism. Jesus' sayings can be traced to Cynic sayings.

Marxists like to emphasize Jesus as the revolutionary worker / peasant. But the gospels have him consorting with rich people, constructing parables told from the point of view of a business manager or landowner. The gospels have him receiving gifts of valuable material from visiting kings, followed by crowds of people, and hailed as a king in Jerusalem. This is not the story of an oppressed peasant.
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Old 10-27-2012, 11:23 AM   #75
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I don't know that. Which authors did you read?
all of them, every single one, and those in between, all trying to build my case against HJ

So your argument is based on a failure of your imagination?
Ive never had a issue there at all. Rather strong actually.

Nothing about the gospel theology was unique. It was a product of Hellenistic Judaism. Jesus' sayings can be traced to Cynic sayings.
not all of Q or T, I doubt they were even eyewitnesses

Marxists like to emphasize Jesus as the revolutionary worker / peasant.
sources for that.

anyone with credibility follows that. Meyers, Reed, Borg, Crossan, Ehrman and more all which are not marxist

But the gospels have him consorting with rich people, constructing parables told from the point of view of a business manager or landowner
Of course it does, the roman writers places jesus in their shoes Because they had to. they were writing mythology through theology and a poor broke slob only goes so far

The gospels have him receiving gifts of valuable material from visiting kings, followed by crowds of people, and hailed as a king in Jerusalem. This is not the story of an
correct, its taking a poor peasant and competing him with roman emporers.
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Old 10-27-2012, 11:45 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by outhouse View Post
I don't know that. Which authors did you read?
all of them, every single one, and those in between, all trying to build my case against HJ
Give me the names of some authors and books, and some indication that you know what they said.


Marxists like to emphasize Jesus as the revolutionary worker / peasant.
sources for that.

anyone with credibility follows that. Meyers, Reed, Borg, Crossan, Ehrman and more all which are not marxist
You don't think Crossan is a Marxist? Lots of people disagree.

first google hit

"he fiery Irish Marxist John Dominic Crossan"

So you reject all of the parts of the gospel that don't fit your idea, but still think that they prove a historical Jesus existed?
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Old 10-27-2012, 12:16 PM   #77
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You don't think Crossan is a Marxist? Lots of people disagree.

first google hit

"he fiery Irish Marxist John Dominic Crossan"
this is exactly why mythers fail

your posting a blog. do you believe everything on the internet?

most of the people claiming what you are, are right wing religious fanatics, that disount anrcheologist and anthropologist on the subject, claiming he is blasphemous

I almost expect better out of you.

So you reject all of the parts of the gospel that don't fit your idea, but still think that they prove a historical Jesus existed?
theres no rejecting anything.

its knowing exactly why it was written in the first place, not rejection.

without the historical context of first century Galilee and the roman empire and their mythology, you seem to be coming at this in the dark
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Old 10-27-2012, 01:05 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by outhouse View Post
You don't think Crossan is a Marxist? Lots of people disagree.

first google hit

"he fiery Irish Marxist John Dominic Crossan"
this is exactly why mythers fail

your posting a blog. do you believe everything on the internet?
I do know a lot about the Marxist approach to history and I know that Crossan is basically a Marxist (or more likely a lower case marxist.)

most of the people claiming what you are, are right wing religious fanatics, that disount anrcheologist and anthropologist on the subject, claiming he is blasphemous

I almost expect better out of you.
No need to be patronizing. Just supply some analysis, which you have not done so far.

You could start by listing the archaeology that supports you. Hint - nothing. Then whatever anthropology would support. ??

So you reject all of the parts of the gospel that don't fit your idea, but still think that they prove a historical Jesus existed?
theres no rejecting anything.

its knowing exactly why it was written in the first place, not rejection.
Yes it is rejection. You think it was made up.

without the historical context of first century Galilee and the roman empire and their mythology, you seem to be coming at this in the dark
Can you possibly give me a clear statement of your position without insulting me?

You can explain the entire gospel Jesus story as part of the mythology of the time. There's no need for a historical Jesus to set it off.
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Old 10-27-2012, 01:07 PM   #79
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Yes it is rejection. You think it was made up.
that is so silly.

No one discounts the mythology used in theology, less their literalist
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Old 10-27-2012, 01:11 PM   #80
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You can explain the entire gospel Jesus story as part of the mythology of the time. There's no need for a historical Jesus to set it off.

but that is exactly where all the evidence points to. A historical man.

there is no real mythology of the time that come anywhere close to what is left within the jesus legend.

Its why mythers are failing, they have no common theme that works without creating more questions then answers. Carrier is about to tick off all the mythers coming out with his hypothesis that will shoot down all the others soundly.
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