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Old 11-23-2011, 03:49 PM   #261
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Originally Posted by Toto View Post
So is this all based on a confusion over the meaning of postulate?
No. Apart from the obscuration via terminilogical arguments, the confusion actually resides in the formulation of the statement or statements that may be used as being representative of the formal hypothesis that is directly representing the EVIDENCE items being presented in the investigation of the history of christian origins --- for example "Paul" and the "Historical Jesus".

For example can the hypothesis that "I think it more likely that Paul really existed than that he did not exist" be either proved or disproved? If it cannot be proved or disproved what use is it? It's very vague. It may be made more precise. It appears to be a parsimonius way of avoiding the more stringent and simpler working hypothesis that "Paul was a genuine and authentic historical figure".

Toto remarked that some percentage of "investigators" were quite forthright in making such a simple explicit hypothesis about either Paul or Jesus, which of course may be modified by how much these figures can ever be reconstructed. I think it may be argued that those people who do NOT use the simple and explicit hypothesis above, such as Doug, are really using this simpler hypothesis, not explicity, but implicitly.

Positive and Negative Hypotheses & Positive and Negative Evidence

I have posted various presentations of the notion of "Positive and Negative Historicity" which have been understood to varying degrees and misunderstood to varying degrees. This is directly related to the issues associated with "Positive and Negative Evidence", because as we have seen, we are dealing with our hypothetical statements about the evidence in place of the evidence. This evidence can be classified as either positive or negative. For some background reading on negative evidence have a read through Negative Evidence - Richard Levin, Studies in Philology, Vol. 92, No. 4 (Autumn, 1995) (pp. 383-410) Page Count: 28

Originally Posted by Richard Nevin on the issue of NEGATIVE EVIDENCE


"The first point is that we cannot hope to prove any proposition unless we look for negative evidence that might contradict it, and the second point is that many of us ignore the first point, because of the tendancy of our minds (not, of course, of "human nature") to look only for positive evidence that confirms a proposition we want to prove. This tendancy explains the remarkable tenacity of superstitions ... and of prejudices ....


The third basic point ... We must recognise, not only that we cannot hope to prove any proposition unless we look for negative evidence that might contradict it and that we have a tendency to look only for positive evidence, but also that we cannot hope to prove any proposition unless this negative evidence could exist. The principle is well known to scientists and philosophers of science, who call it disconfirmability. They insist that if a proposition does not invite disconfirmation, if there is no conceivable evidence the existence of which would contradict it, then is cannot be tested and so cannot be taken seriously. If it is not disprovable, it is not provable.


When combatants encounter an argument, they do not ask about the evidence for or against it; they just ask if the argument is for or against their side, since they believe ... that "the only real question ... is: Which side are you on".

... we not only tend to overlook or forget negative evidence that contradicts our beliefs, but when others point such evidence out to us, instead of thanking them for this chance to correct our beliefs, we tend to get angry with them, and this anger increases in direct proportion to our commitment to the beliefs.
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Old 11-23-2011, 04:38 PM   #262
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Originally Posted by J-D View Post
By definition, statements derived from postulates are not themselves postulates.
By definition they are reliant upon the assumed truth value of those postulates.
This OP is about the fundamental postulates.

For the context and use of the term "disconfirmable" see the above post mentioning negative evidence.

Possible fundamental Hypotheses about the genuine and authentic historical nature of "Paul"

SAMPLE HYPOTHESIS (1): "Paul was a genuine and authentic historical figure"

The postulate "Paul was a genuine and authentic historical figure" is a postulate which is assumed as far as I can determine by those people who are essentially ON A PROVISIONAL BASIS ONLY arguing that Paul was a genuine and authentic historical figure. This postulate might be true, but it might be false. It is therefore quite disconfirmable.

SAMPLE HYPOTHESIS (2): "Paul was NOT a genuine and authentic historical figure"

OTOH the postulate "Paul was NOT a genuine and authentic historical figure" is a postulate which is assumed as far as I can determine by those people who are essentially ON A PROVISIONAL BASIS ONLY arguing that Paul was NOT a genuine and authentic historical figure. This postulate might be true, but it might be false. It is therefore quite disconfirmable.

SAMPLE HYPOTHESIS (3): "Paul more likely really existed than that he did not exist." (Doug's stated provisional hypothesis)

I can understand what Doug is stating and why he is stating it, but I am not confident that this statement is disconfirmable, I also suspect that while this statement does not explicitly rely upon the sample hypothesis (1), it does so implicitly.

SAMPLE HYPOTHESIS (4): "Paul was actually the genuine and historical Pontius Pilate after retirement". (Received from an email)

The postulate "Paul was actually the genuine and historical Pontius Pilate after retirement" is a postulate which is assumed as far as I can determine by those people who are essentially ON A PROVISIONAL BASIS ONLY arguing that Paul and the genuine and authentic historical figure of Pontius Pilate were one and the same person. This postulate might be true, but it might be false. It is therefore quite disconfirmable.

SAMPLE HYPOTHESIS (5): ?????????????????????

Please feel free to share for discussion other possible hypotheses that might be considered as competing hypotheses in this matter.

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Old 11-23-2011, 04:53 PM   #263
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Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
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(50%) The chances that X is the case are about even....................The chances that Y is the case are about even (50%)
The intermediates are you expressed them above are impossible because you are saying that something is both true and false at the same time.
You are mistaken. At no point did I say that.
I did not say above that something was both true and false at the same time. Possibly you misunderstood what I did say. It is hard to tell. I am not sure which is the 'something' you have in mind.
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Old 11-23-2011, 04:57 PM   #264
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Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
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Originally Posted by J-D View Post
If therefore the evidence is not mute, and is in direct communication with each investigator then it may obviously be saying entirely different statements to each of them.
Perhaps. But if the evidence tells different people different things, that is not the same as the evidence telling us nothing.
The evidence can in some cases tell some investigators nothing.
If it tells them nothing then, by definition, it is not evidence in that context.
When one and the same evidence item tells some investigators something and other investigators something else and yet other investigators nothing at all, it remains the one evidence item in the context of the investigation.
If such a case existed, the item would be a piece of evidence in the context of the investigation of those investigators to whom it tells something but would not be a piece of evidence in the context of the investigation of those investigators to whom it tells nothing.
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Old 11-23-2011, 05:04 PM   #265
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Originally Posted by J-D View Post
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Originally Posted by Toto
I do not think that the existence of Paul is a suitable subject for a postulate.
Why ever not?
For considerations of parsimony. Postulates should be minimised, which means they should be as generalised as possible.
You seem to be saying that because of parsimony we dont need to question the assumed truth of the postulate that "Paul" was a genuine and authentic historical figure.
No, I didn't say that. Toto said that the existence of Paul is not a suitable subject for a postulate, meaning that we should neither postulate it nor postulate the reverse.
Sort of like a transcendental truth?
No, not like a transcendental truth.

What about a provisionally held (hypothetical) truth?

Toto, why do not think that the existence of Paul is a suitable subject for a postulate (hypothesis)? Have you not already admitted that some scholars openly acknowledge as provisionallly true the hypothesis that "Paul was a genuine and authentic historical character"? What are they engaged in? Malpractice?
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Old 11-23-2011, 05:12 PM   #266
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Originally Posted by J-D View Post
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Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
Originally Posted by J-D View Post

(50%) The chances that X is the case are about even....................The chances that Y is the case are about even (50%)
The intermediates are you expressed them above are impossible because you are saying that something is both true and false at the same time.
You are mistaken. At no point did I say that.
I did not say above that something was both true and false at the same time. Possibly you misunderstood what I did say. It is hard to tell. I am not sure which is the 'something' you have in mind.
I was discussing X and not X. You introduced X and Y at post #197
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Old 11-23-2011, 05:15 PM   #267
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Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
Originally Posted by J-D View Post
By definition, statements derived from postulates are not themselves postulates.
By definition they are reliant upon the assumed truth value of those postulates.
This OP is about the fundamental postulates.

For the context and use of the term "disconfirmable" see the above post mentioning negative evidence.

Possible fundamental Hypotheses about the genuine and authentic historical nature of "Paul"

SAMPLE HYPOTHESIS (1): "Paul was a genuine and authentic historical figure"

The postulate "Paul was a genuine and authentic historical figure" is a postulate which is assumed as far as I can determine by those people who are essentially ON A PROVISIONAL BASIS ONLY arguing that Paul was a genuine and authentic historical figure. This postulate might be true, but it might be false. It is therefore quite disconfirmable.

SAMPLE HYPOTHESIS (2): "Paul was NOT a genuine and authentic historical figure"

OTOH the postulate "Paul was NOT a genuine and authentic historical figure" is a postulate which is assumed as far as I can determine by those people who are essentially ON A PROVISIONAL BASIS ONLY arguing that Paul was NOT a genuine and authentic historical figure. This postulate might be true, but it might be false. It is therefore quite disconfirmable.

SAMPLE HYPOTHESIS (3): "Paul more likely really existed than that he did not exist." (Doug's stated provisional hypothesis)

I can understand what Doug is stating and why he is stating it, but I am not confident that this statement is disconfirmable, I also suspect that while this statement does not explicitly rely upon the sample hypothesis (1), it does so implicitly.

SAMPLE HYPOTHESIS (4): "Paul was actually the genuine and historical Pontius Pilate after retirement". (Received from an email)

The postulate "Paul was actually the genuine and historical Pontius Pilate after retirement" is a postulate which is assumed as far as I can determine by those people who are essentially ON A PROVISIONAL BASIS ONLY arguing that Paul and the genuine and authentic historical figure of Pontius Pilate were one and the same person. This postulate might be true, but it might be false. It is therefore quite disconfirmable.

SAMPLE HYPOTHESIS (5): ?????????????????????

Please feel free to share for discussion other possible hypotheses that might be considered as competing hypotheses in this matter.

If you refer back to my earlier exchanges with Doug, you will see that we established that the question under discussion was this: 'Why are those documents known as 'the Pauline epistles' attributed to the authorship of somebody named Paul?'

I don't know whether that's a question you're interested in discussing. None of the statements you list above as sample hypotheses are (as they stand) fully relevant to that particular question. Perhaps you have some other question in mind and can state it clearly.

Again, if you refer back to my earlier exchanges with Doug, you will see that I listed the different possible explanations that occurred to me for attributions of authorship. If you can think of any that didn't occur to me, I'd be interested to see them.

Finally, if you refer back again, you will see that Doug summarised his reasons for preferring one of the possible answers to this question over the others. Doug did not say that the one preferred answer had been proved true or that the others had been proved false, but argued that the preferred answer was much more likely to be the case than any of the others mentioned. Reasons for the estimate were given and that opens the way for anybody who has grounds for disagreement to point out flaws in the reasoning or to refer to other reasons in support of a different estimate. You said yourself that comparative evaluation of 'postulates' is a necessary process. A comparative evaluation is exactly what was produced in this case. I regard that as a reasonable and useful sort of outcome for a historical investigation.
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Old 11-23-2011, 05:18 PM   #268
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Originally Posted by J-D View Post
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If therefore the evidence is not mute, and is in direct communication with each investigator then it may obviously be saying entirely different statements to each of them.
Perhaps. But if the evidence tells different people different things, that is not the same as the evidence telling us nothing.
The evidence can in some cases tell some investigators nothing.
If it tells them nothing then, by definition, it is not evidence in that context.
When one and the same evidence item tells some investigators something and other investigators something else and yet other investigators nothing at all, it remains the one evidence item in the context of the investigation.
If such a case existed, the item would be a piece of evidence in the context of the investigation of those investigators to whom it tells something but would not be a piece of evidence in the context of the investigation of those investigators to whom it tells nothing.
It is being assumed that the investigation is not being defined by any one investigator but by the sum total of findings by all investigators. Therefore although an item of evidence MAY NOT represent a piece of evidence in the context of the investigation of those investigators to whom it tells nothing, so long as in the context of the investigation, the item of evidence says something to at least one of the other investigators, it is not mute with respect to the the sum total of findings by all investigators.
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Old 11-23-2011, 05:20 PM   #269
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Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
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Originally Posted by Toto
I do not think that the existence of Paul is a suitable subject for a postulate.
Why ever not?
For considerations of parsimony. Postulates should be minimised, which means they should be as generalised as possible.
You seem to be saying that because of parsimony we dont need to question the assumed truth of the postulate that "Paul" was a genuine and authentic historical figure.
No, I didn't say that. Toto said that the existence of Paul is not a suitable subject for a postulate, meaning that we should neither postulate it nor postulate the reverse.
Sort of like a transcendental truth?
No, not like a transcendental truth.
What about a provisionally held (hypothetical) truth?

Toto, why do not think that the existence of Paul is a suitable subject for a postulate (hypothesis)? Have you not already admitted that some scholars openly acknowledge as provisionallly true the hypothesis that "Paul was a genuine and authentic historical character"? What are they engaged in? Malpractice?
It may be appropriate, in the appropriate circumstances, to accept provisionally as true one or another specific statement about 'Paul', and Toto never said otherwise. What Toto said is it's not a suitable subject for postulation, and I agree. Provisionally accepting a statement as true is not necessarily the same thing as postulating it.
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Old 11-23-2011, 05:33 PM   #270
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Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
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Originally Posted by J-D View Post

(50%) The chances that X is the case are about even....................The chances that Y is the case are about even (50%)
The intermediates are you expressed them above are impossible because you are saying that something is both true and false at the same time.
You are mistaken. At no point did I say that.
I did not say above that something was both true and false at the same time. Possibly you misunderstood what I did say. It is hard to tell. I am not sure which is the 'something' you have in mind.
I was discussing X and not X. You introduced X and Y at post #197
I still don't get your point. At no point did I say that X is both true and false at the same time.
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