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Old 12-21-2003, 04:57 PM   #41
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Originally posted by Bede
[B]The wonderful irony of the similarity between atheist views of creationism and Jesus mythology really does deserve more comment.
Good. Then perhaps you can provide detailed discussion of how the concensus for the historical Jesus was reached, as well as list the methodology for testing and examining the evidence.

In science, the investigative methodology is well-known; part of the scientific method rests on the ability to reproduce the results of other people's experiments. That's where publishing the experiments, as well as the testing methodology and the assumptions underpinning that methodology, come into play.

Unfortunately, that seems to have broken down here, in regards to HJ research. We have neither the methodology to examine, nor the assumptions that underpin it.

Layman can't provide them. Would you like to take a stab at it, Bede?
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Old 12-21-2003, 05:01 PM   #42
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Ok Mythers! Time to fish or cut bait. Why is it that every single stich of a trace of a record or a methion of Jesus, before the 19th century accepts his historical existence?
Meta, let me know when scholars have a generally accepted, reliable historical methodology for pulling truth out of the gospel fictions.

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Old 12-21-2003, 05:11 PM   #43
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Default Re: Re: Re: perinial issue

Originally posted by Metacrock enemy of Christianity every argued that he didn't exist.
I replied:
Do you have the full arguments of these enemies? Or do you only have what their Christian opponents chose to quote in their rebuttals?

Metacrock responded:
Your job to come up with one.
No, it is still the responsibility of the claimant (i.e. YOU) to provide support for the claim (i.e. YOURS). The unsubstantiated assertion has come from you. Upon what basis did you reach the conclusion that those who taught "another gospel" from Paul's did not deny the historical existence of Jesus?

I see Paul asserting that Jesus was "born of a woman" apparently against this false gospel. Why does that assertion not suggest someone was arguing otherwise?

If no enemies of Christianity questioned the historical existence of Jesus, why does Trypho say the following in his dialogue with Justin?:

"But Christ--if He has indeed been born, and exists anywhere--is unknown, and does not even know Himself, and has no power until Elias come to anoint Him, and make Him manifest to all. And you, having accepted a groundless report, invent a Christ for yourselves, and for his sake are inconsiderately perishing."

Justin clearly indicates he understand Trypho to be calling the Christian gospel a myth when he replies:

"...I shall prove to you as you stand here that we have not believed empty fables..."

If there was no argument against the historicity of Jesus, why would Justin offer this concession?:

"But since I have certainly proved that this man is the Christ of God, whoever He be, even if I do not prove that He pre-existed, and submitted to be born a man of like passions with us, having a body, according to the Father's will;"

Justin is asserting that he has proven Jesus to be Christ by his appeal to Scripture even if he has not proven that he was literally incarnated.

That you have made an unsubstantiated assertion and persisted in refusing to substantiate it makes your closing remark quite ironic:

When are you guys going to start doing more than just making bold assertions?
Since the bold assertion is yours, you should ask this question of yourself.
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Old 12-21-2003, 06:56 PM   #44
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Archimedes Nachos asked a legitimate question, and I would like him to clarify it. Is he interested in whether there is such a consensus that the question can be declared settled and closed based on the evidence, or is he interested in a poll of all historians, living or dead, who have expressed an opinion?
I would say the former question. I'm somewhat surprised by all the responses to this thread, but I guess I should've realized this was a hot button issue.

Is being a Jesus-myther taking a radical position? Do others in the field view them in the same esteem as those who think the US gov't staged the lunar landing in the Arizona desert?

From the responses, so far, am I right in conlcuding that it is somewhat of a radical position to take? The next question would be, with the complete lack of direct evidence, why is that such a controversial stance to take? Is it the societal inertia, which has also been mentioned in this thread?

I wasn't expecting everyone on this board to be in total agreement (come to a total consensus). I haven't taken a religion class since high school, so I'm not an expert, but the as far as I can tell, the most important evidence supporting an historical Jesus is the enormous movement that eventually evolved into Christianity.
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Old 12-21-2003, 07:56 PM   #45
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A.N. -

It's good to know who is doing the responding to you as there is a set of differing beliefs here. I see Vinnie's not here yet, but he'll fall on the side of the HJ scale as opposed to myth.

Go to your chairman and ask him how many of these events, in his opinion, actually happened:

- virgin birth
- raising lazarus from the dead
- turning water into wine
- healing lepers
- healing cripples
- the slaughter of the innocents by Herod
- feeding 5,000 people with a box of twinkies
- walking on water
- rising from the dead three days after crucifixion
- dead man appears before 500

Unless you accept all of those things and more, you are automatically in the "part myth" position. The only question is how far along the "myth scale" you fall. It is not an all-or-nothing proposition.

I'm open to new evidence, and I wish to heck something would get dug up, like some early fragments of Mark or a laminated "Q".

You'll find 21st century scholarship coalescing around a lonely, obscure figure from the North proposing the "composite" approach.
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Old 12-21-2003, 08:05 PM   #46
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Sauron
Good. Then perhaps you can provide detailed discussion of how the concensus for the historical Jesus was reached, as well as list the methodology for testing and examining the evidence.[/quoqte]

Meta: Well sure. See it was never really reached, it was never in doubt. Snince no one every questioned the historicity of Jesus (becasue they never had a reason to) until the 19th century, then Albert schweitzer shot them down in flames, histoirans have just always accepted it because there never a reason not to. In fact, you still can't give me one!

In science, the investigative methodology is well-known; part of the scientific method rests on the ability to reproduce the results of other people's experiments. That's where publishing the experiments, as well as the testing methodology and the assumptions underpinning that methodology, come into play.

Meta: Well in history we have to do it a bit differently, it's a little hard to reproduce the results you see; we can't go back in time and investigate the acuracy of our suppossitions.So historical investigation is about documents.. Historians work through a decision making paradigm called historical probability Now that works a bit different than inductive probability in scinece, because it's not mathematical. you can't give a percentage of probability for, say, Davy Crockett being at the Alamo (althoug now days there are some studies that do deal in mathematical probabilities but it depends upon the subject matter).So we use this idea of probablity which depends upon taking the documents as best evidence and extending the assumptions along the lines of most probable conclusions.

Unfortunately, that seems to have broken down here, in regards to HJ research. We have neither the methodology to examine, nor the assumptions that underpin it.

Meta: No sorry you are confussed. We can't go back in time and see if Jesus really existed. But what we can do is examine the docs that talk about him and access the probability of his existence. Since there is no reason to doubt that, and since people who claimed to have seen him were interviewed by writters whose works we possess there is really a strong probalbity that he did exist.

Layman can't provide them. Would you like to take a stab at it, Bede?

Meta: O sorry, you are confussed again. you see, he doesnt' have to. It is you who must give a reason to doubt it. Jesus existence has presumption because it's never been doubted, it is assume as a historical fact and has been since the first century. Moreover, every history course in the world today teaches that Jesus existed. You can't even show me a publication by a credible academic historian who doubts this.
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Old 12-21-2003, 08:08 PM   #47
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Originally posted by Vorkosigan
Meta, let me know when scholars have a generally accepted, reliable historical methodology for pulling truth out of the gospel fictions.


Meta: No modern scholar, neither Bultmann nor Crosson nor any historian ever doubted every single word of the NT. Every scholar assumes that some of it is true. that would be so foolish to doubt that. for example it speaks of Jerusalem, does that mean they made up Jerusalem?

that's what about Ceasar's Gaulic Wars if we apply your criteria we have to dout ever word in that work including its authorship. That no one does just shows how foolish your criteria is.
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Old 12-21-2003, 08:19 PM   #48
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Default Re: Re: Re: perinial issue

Originally posted by Metacrock
Meta: We have statues of Mercury and Venus. Cesar's Gaulic wars were a political diatribe, by the standards of your citique of the Gosples, that's reason enough to dobut everything in it.
Again you miss the point. We have the statues to show that there was a person, we have inscriptions to give epigraphic data from that person, we have references to that person's deeds. We are going from primary evidence. When we get to the Gallic War we have the full weight of what we have as primary evidence to allow us to deal with that text, which also claims to be primary evidence and I think it can be shown that it is what it claims to be.

You want to talk about reality, Paul met Peter!
Here you are simply shifting data from one page to another and nothing more. History requires primary evidence, which you simply don't have. Can I get it any clearer?

Meta: That's not secondary evidence. So and so knew this guy and I talked to so and so, that is not any more secondary than "Roger Mudd was at Kason, and I talked to Roger Mudd, so we have report of the battle." That's no more second hand than Papias met Aristion and the Elder John who saw Jesus with their own eyes.
You have a text purporting to be from the beginning of the second century. Is it?? How do you know, given that you don't have any primary sources on the matter and you only have the text that you do through it being cited in a much later text. Is it really what it claims to be? How would you know? You have an epistemological nightmare in your hands.

Nice cliches. But you as well have no evidence to back up what you say. YOu should come back when you have some.

Meta: Interviews of eye witnesses is direct evidence. Besides how much do you need just to prove the guy existed? You Mythers always seem to think if Jesus existed it's the same as saying he was the Son of God! why do you think that? I know many atheists who think Jesus existed and don't think he's the son of God. Why is it so threatening to you?
Heresay in undatable sources is of no value. Try, oh try again, when you understand what is necessary. Hell this is simple enough. Each text you want to introduce must be in some way that your interlocutor can understand validified.

You would wish that this stuff is threatening. It's just bad scholarship.

Meta: Logos of John is not Platonic. It's the euphamism the Jews used when they spoke Greek for the Hebrew "memra" which was the presence of God in the OT. See Edersheim.
Philo, the good Platonic Alexandrian Jewish writer, happily used logos, even though he was not conversant in Hebrew. I don't know of any biblical evidence for memra, but I do know of HKMWT which/who came out of the mouth of God. Could you supply a few biblical references to the use of memra that your source indicates?

Posted by spin
Hey, ya know dude, there may have been a Jesus, but neither you nor I have any of the evidence necessary.

Posted by Metacrock
Meta: Yea we do. We have more evidence for him than for a lot things.
Don't you love it when none of these fellows ever, ever cough up the goods they complain that they have???

Meta: 2 years ago every myther on the net was entoning that name (Osiris) constantly. Now that we've debuncked that one they move away from it.
Isn't that a feel-good response?

The thing that didn't get through was the word "directly". Osiris obviously was a hot topic throughout the first millennium. Even the Romans got a bit of interest... I don't discuont the notion of the dying god being indirectly powerful throughout the Levant.

On Cumont:

Meta: show me something that outdates Cumont on that point. You can't. He's never been outdated on that and contemporary scholars still say the same thing.
Be happy, I'm not near a library.

Posted by spin
Cite a primary source reference [on mithraism].

Posted by Metacrock
Meta: Cumont is primary for that. there are no Mithric texts, almost all we know of them is from aritfacts and art works. So we have to use reports of excavations and the like. Or else go to Ostia and do the excavations yourself.
Cumont is not in any sense primary.

The artefacts are primary. (And I have been through at least four of the Ostian Mithaei.)

Posted by spin
When were the gospels written? 150 CE?

Posted by Metacrock
Meta: Patheic peusdo scholarship. Almost all scholars date them aroud 80. But kosters provest he Passion narrative and other storeis were written as early as 50.
Who gives a hoot about Koester's opinions. We have only a few fragments of texts in the late 2nd century (see Schmidt on P52), and no obvious citations of gospel material until Justin Martyr. Talking about pathetic pseudo scholarship!

Posted by spin
I love authorities. Why don't you let them post and you give me your evidence?

Posted by Metacrock
Meta: why don't you give me some evdience big guy! I don't see you documenting anything! all you know how to do is make bug assertions and stupid insults.
Gosh, what a meaningful response! Methodology 101 might be of use to you. You were giving authorities instead of evidence. Doh.

Posted by spin
And the prevalence of Superman comics "means that we have to take seriously the basic storyline"?

Posted by Metacrock
Meta: It means there was a Segel and Schuster.
At least try to be relevant. You made specious claims about what "means that we have to take seriously the basic storyline". This is not an argument as putting it in other contexts shows.

Posted by spin
I guess this leads somewhere... but where?

And we have Paul's letters to Thecla and to Seneca. They gotta be real.

Posted by Metacrock
Meta: Straw man argument. I'm impressed that you know of that correspondence. But it doesn't prove anything. The existence of fake letters does not disprove the genuine ones. Moreover, almost no scholar questions Paul's autoriship of all but Pastorals.
Where have you been for the last century? Who believes that Paul wrote Colossians or Ephesians? or for that matter most of Philippians?

And still I don't care about the opinions of the bulk of nt academics. Opinons are only opinions and numbers of believers doesn't make anything more credible.

Posted by spin
Name me one guaranteed writer from the 1st century who "speak of him as a factually existing character". Hey, I know, Josephus the devout Jew who calls Jesus "the Christ". Yeah, sure. Bowdlerized text that nobody in antiquity knew about.

Posted by Metacrock
Meta: No source before the 19th century! no one ever questioned his historicity before those clowns that Schweitizer debuncked.
I guess you're with the idiots who still believe in the flat earth.

And historical thought has become somewhat more sophisticated and demanding than the fellows you're used to.

Posted by spin
Has anybody ever argued that Superman didn't exist?

Posted by Metacrock
Meta: Segal and Schuster existed. Segal was athletic and poweful, Schuster was a wimp. So they based Superman on Segal's personality and Clark Kent on Schuster's. I didn't say I could prove Jesus was the son of God, I said he existed! How much trouble does that take to prove he existed?
OK, the idea hasn't dawned on you. You take a text, any text whose content cannot be anchored to history. You have no way of showing whether the characters therein existed or not. It's not sufficient to assume that because they are in a text they must have existed. You need to look at the significance of the analogy not so much the specifics.

Posted by spin
Thrill me with a Mishna source from the 1st century.

Posted by Metacrock
"While these sources are written much latter than the first century (Sanhedrin from second century to fourth) it is generally understood that they draw upon material that is much older, some of it perhaps form the first century, some even contemporary with Jesus."
See what I mean: "it is generally understood that they draw upon material that is much older, some of it perhaps form the first century". No evidence at all.

Posted by spin
Great job, dude, but I wished you'd read this stuff before you sent it, so that you could make it a little easier to read by reducing the vast number of spelling mistakes. Ya know, I don't mind the occasional error, but there are limits.

Oh, and history is about evidence. You ain't got it, then you ain't doin' history. Get it?

Posted by Metacrock
Meta: Yes that's so clever of you to make fun of my spelling. that makes you very smart to be able to spell. Of course I have a problem in my brain that causes me to process information differently, it's called "dyslexia." but you could make fun of the way I look, that's real intellectual too.]
Excuses, excuses. I know all about dyslexia. I have dealt with it all my life. My editing skills are reasonably good. Now that you've got it out of your system

I don't see you offer once scarp of evidence for any of your idotic assertions.
Did you get that insult out of your dictionary?

Fact little known to you: substantive claims require substantive evidence. You adhere to the substantive claim and I have been asking for evidence. I have asked you and a wave of other irate apologists who simply cannot cough up the goods. We have come to expect this.

I've offered a lot more evidence than you have.
You have shown no attempts to go beyond giving other people's opinions and citing undatable sources. This is not particularly useful evidence.

i also don't think you have either the training
You don't know what my training is, so stop talking about what you don't know.

or the God given common sense...
Hey, you're the religionist. I think I've got common sense on my side.

Quote: see what contsitutes good evidence and what is a fallacy of raising the bar too high for the oppent to reach. Too bad you don't attempt the bar yourself.
As I have said above, substantive claims -- hey, you do claim that Jesus was a historical figure don't you? -- require substantive evidence.

I've seen what you consider evidence. Hearsay, opinions, and texts you know next to nothing about. It doesn't augur well for your God given opinions.

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Old 12-21-2003, 08:22 PM   #49
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: perinial issue

Originally posted by Amaleq13
I replied:
Do you have the full arguments of these enemies? Or do you only have what their Christian opponents chose to quote in their rebuttals?
Metacrock responded:

No, it is still the responsibility of the claimant (i.e. YOU) to provide support for the claim (i.e. YOURS).

I wish you guys would learn something about argumentation! No dude, we are not the "claimant" as you put it. We are not pushing a change form the status quoe, we are the status quoe, the consensus scholarly opinon.

You are the ones who want to make a radical break with that which has been understood as historical fact for 2000 years, of course your burden of proof! how foolish that is! that's absurd to think otherwise! that would be like the consipriacy buffs saying it's the Warren commissions job to prove there was no conspiracy, or the scienist's job to disporve creationism, or the Air Force's job to disprove UFO's. The one who argues for making the radical break with historical fact and that which has always been understood as true, is the one who has the burden of proof to make good his claims!

Historical Jesus has presumption!

The unsubstantiated assertion has come from you. Upon what basis did you reach the conclusion that those who taught "another gospel" from Paul's did not deny the historical existence of Jesus?

Meta: who are you quoting?

I see Paul asserting that Jesus was "born of a woman" apparently against this false gospel. Why does that assertion not suggest someone was arguing otherwise?

Meta: "Born of a woman" has to do with prophetic background in OT--he's not asserting that as proof agaisnt their argument. Their argument of another Gospel has nothing to do with Jesus status as existing or not exiting in the flesh, their other gospel was anti-Grace. the examples given have to do wtih no eating with Gentiles.

If no enemies of Christianity questioned the historical existence of Jesus, why does Trypho say the following in his dialogue with Justin?:

"But Christ--if He has indeed been born, and exists anywhere--is unknown, and does not even know Himself, and has no power until Elias come to anoint Him, and make Him manifest to all. And you, having accepted a groundless report, invent a Christ for yourselves, and for his sake are inconsiderately perishing."

Justin clearly indicates he understand Trypho to be calling the Christian gospel a myth when he replies:

"...I shall prove to you as you stand here that we have not believed empty fables..."

Meta: You have taken that so far out of context it's not even funny. that says to me you surely don't know what's going on in this subjectmatter!

Trypho is not saying Jesus wasn't born in flesh. There is no way you can understand that passage to mean that. The reason you do is becuase you think Christ is his name! Christ is not his name, it's his title! They were looking "the Christ" the Messiah to come. They did not have a particular identity of who he would be, they were looking for a man with the title, not a partciular indivudual known to them. When he says Christ has not been born that doenst' mean "O we think Jesus of Naz didn't come in the flesh as a real guy" it means the guy with the title hasn't showen up yet!

If there was no argument against the historicity of Jesus, why would Justin offer this concession?:

"But since I have certainly proved that this man is the Christ of God, whoever He be, even if I do not prove that He pre-existed, and submitted to be born a man of like passions with us, having a body, according to the Father's will;"

Justin is asserting that he has proven Jesus to be Christ by his appeal to Scripture even if he has not proven that he was literally incarnated.

Meta:NONONONONONNON! that is so halarius! Wait till I show my class!

Talking about pre-existing he means the Messiah was though to exist in heaven before he came to earth. this was controersy among the jews. He's saying even if I can't prove the pre-mundane nature of the Messiah, I can show that Jesus filled the bill.

good Lord!

That you have made an unsubstantiated assertion and persisted in refusing to substantiate it makes your closing remark quite ironic:

Since the bold assertion is yours, you should ask this question of yourself.

Meta:we are not making a bold assertion, we are assuming what is taken as historical fact the world over for 2000 years. YOu seek to change the status quote, it is your burden of rpof. and you have no evidence and you can't give me one reason to think otherwise.
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Old 12-21-2003, 08:25 PM   #50
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Originally posted by Metacrock
Meta: No modern scholar, neither Bultmann nor Crosson nor any historian ever doubted every single word of the NT. Every scholar assumes that some of it is true. that would be so foolish to doubt that.
Well, isn't that hunky dory?

for example it speaks of Jerusalem, does that mean they made up Jerusalem?

that's what about Ceasar's Gaulic Wars if we apply your criteria we have to dout ever word in that work including its authorship. That no one does just shows how foolish your criteria is.
It sad to see this stuff being even posted. We know Julius Caesar from his statues which fit well with the physical descriptions we have of the man. We have his inscriptions. We have secondary texts which fit well with the primary evidence and the combination of the primary ande that secondary evidence give validity to the Gallic War. The text has to be dealt with because people can lie or get things wrong or give conscious or unconscious bias to what is said, but we are dealing with nice ordinary historical materials and valid methodologies. You don't have the lack of material to turn your problem with your texts against the Gallic War -- you might find a better text to rail against, but I probably wouldn't want to use the text as evidence.

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