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Old 07-26-2006, 08:36 AM   #131
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Hi Johnny -
If a man had four children,…
I don’t think we can necessarily compare man’s actions to those of God in this hypothetical situation. God has sent His only Son to die to save us – we do not deserve that, and we certainly can’t ask for more.
Is it your position that such behavior is just fine because we don't understand it?
Those that follow God find that He can be trusted. We don't always understand; that is part of faith.

God refuses to clearly reveal himself to everyone, so he couldn't possibly love everyone. That alone is sufficient reason for rational minded and fair minded people to reject him.
I assume you mean reason to say that He cannot therefore exist. But I disagree - christians believe on the basis of what has been revealed in the Bbile, visually on the planet and spiritually.

God could easily increase the number of Christians by…
God knows that not all men will turn to Him. But consider the Prodigal Son, and note the reaction to those that do - "I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent" [Luke15:7]
God could not possibly have anything to lose by clearly revealing himself to everyone, and mankind would have much to gain.
How then would you stand face to face before Him, given that He abhors sin? How would your explanation to God go Johnny?
Is it your position that God is not under any obligation now or ever to explain his actions?
By His grace He has described plenty – in the Bible. Knowledge of God’s mind and ‘explanations’ necessarily remain beyond us.

Hi Doug -
So, his death and resurrection were not sufficient if I don't believe?
There is sufficient food for all here, but any that refuse to eat would surely starve.

Hi Diogenes -
What was the point of the crucifixion, by the way. If God wanted to save everybody from himself, why couldn't he just DECIDE not to punish them. Why does he need a mechanism to stop himself from doing something he doesn't want to do?
There are physical laws, which apply universally and cannot be broken. In a similar way there are moral laws (we know when we have done wrong), which should not be broken, but as a result of ‘The Fall’ can be. Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection was required to offer man a way out.
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Old 07-26-2006, 08:53 AM   #132
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Originally Posted by Helpmabob
Hi Sven - There is the perfectly cogent account of the divine and risen Christ. It is your prerogative to believe whatever you feel is right and correct, and appeals to your deepest desires.
This is all you've got as a reply to me pointing out that you ignore evidence and facts?
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Old 07-26-2006, 09:17 AM   #133
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Originally Posted by Helpmabob
Hi Johnny – With respect, you make it abundantly clear that you do not ‘understand the mind of God’ as we, the created being, obviously never properly can.
You're contradicting yourself.

If Johnny is making it 'abundantly clear', by analyzing evidence you are able to discern who does and does not 'understand the mind of god'; thus you are claiming that you do understand.

But then you say that 'we' never can.

If you don't understand the mind of god, you have no basis to judge whether or not anyone else does.

So either

a)you are claiming to understand the mind of god or
b)you are attempting to refute something only because the idea does not mesh with your own ideaology - you have no actual argument, so you respond with a purely emotional, knee-jerk reaction.

I'm not implying any deceitful intentions here, just pointing out that you need to think things through. Your response reeks of 100% dogma, 0% reason. And dogma don't hunt 'round here......
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Old 07-26-2006, 09:25 AM   #134
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Originally Posted by Helpmabob
Hi Diogenes - There are physical laws, which apply universally and cannot be broken. In a similar way there are moral laws (we know when we have done wrong), which should not be broken, but as a result of ‘The Fall’ can be. Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection was required to offer man a way out.
I'm having trouble making sense out of any of this. Doesn't God decide "moral laws" all by himself? If so, then why can't he change them? What's immoral about deciding to save everybody and what moral law would it break to do it without snuffing a hippie?

Also what is "the fall" and why is that my problem? Does your god punish people for something they had nothing to do with?
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Old 07-26-2006, 09:27 AM   #135
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Originally Posted by Helpmabob
God knows that not all men will turn to Him. But consider the Prodigal Son, and note the reaction to those that do - "I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent" [Luke15:7]
Hmmm......So there are people who do not need to repent?

I thought we were all sinners.

But apparently not - after all, the bible says so.

Note that it does not say "persons who have already repented", it says persons who do not need to repent.

Perhaps those of us to whom god does not reveal himself are the "persons who do not need to repent".

Or maybe you're taking a book written by primitive sheep herders way too seriously.
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Old 07-26-2006, 11:56 PM   #136
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Originally Posted by Helpmabob
There is sufficient food for all here, but any that refuse to eat would surely starve.
I am not refusing to eat. What I am doing is not believing you when you say the food is there.

You are pointing to a table on the other side of 10-foot canyon and telling me that I can eat all the food on the table if I will jump the canyon, but table looks bare to me. I am not going to try to jump that canyon until you give me a good reason to believe that there is something to eat on that table.

You are also telling me that God put the food on that table and has made a rule that I must starve to death unless I believe what you tell me about the food being there and jump across that canyon.

Furthermore, considering that there is no way I can jump 10 feet, you are also asking me to believe that if I just start the jump, God will make sure I land safely on the other side.

How am I doing? Good analogy? If not, tell me what is wrong with it.
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Old 07-27-2006, 07:32 AM   #137
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Originally Posted by Helpmabob
There are physical laws, which apply universally and cannot be broken. In a similar way there are moral laws (we know when we have done wrong)[...]
Totally ignoring that morals are quite different among different cultures and have been quite different over time. There were times and cultures where nobody knew that he did wrong when he had slaves, or sacrifies kids.
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Old 07-29-2006, 02:54 AM   #138
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Originally Posted by Sven
… you ignore evidence and facts?
Hi Sven – I don’t believe I am ignoring anything. I truly think the textual and physical evidence points to the fact that Jesus rose from the dead. There is further evidence, which is unfortunately inadmissible in a purely scholarly discussion on the Bible.
There were times and cultures where nobody knew that he did wrong when he had slaves, or sacrifies kids.
Are you sure that they knew they were not doing wrong?

Originally Posted by BruceWayne
If Johnny is making it 'abundantly clear', by analyzing evidence you are able to discern who does and does not 'understand the mind of god'; thus you are claiming that you do understand. If you don't understand the mind of god, you have no basis to judge whether or not anyone else does.
Hi Bruce – I must never judge - that would be futile and unacceptable. I think that those that insist that God doesn’t exist cannot appreciate God’s will. It sounds like a Catch22 situation, but I don’t make the rules.
b)you are attempting to refute something only because the idea does not mesh with your own ideaology - you have no actual argument, so you respond with a purely emotional, knee-jerk reaction.
If the resurrection didn’t take place, then there would be no forgiveness of the christians’ sins.
Note that it does not say "persons who have already repented", it says persons who do not need to repent. Perhaps those of us to whom god does not reveal himself are the "persons who do not need to repent".
Possibly, but personally I would reckon these are hypothetical people. These verses do not claim that there are any who do not need to repent.

Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic
I'm having trouble making sense out of any of this. Doesn't God decide "moral laws" all by himself? If so, then why can't he change them?
Hi Diogenes - Do you think that everyone should just be able to do as they please? Could we could just do away with all constitutional laws, and trust everyone to behave themselves? What if you woke one morning and gravity had disappeared – would you be happy if physical laws were negotiable; could be bought by the highest bidder and sold on for profit?
Also what is "the fall" and why is that my problem?
The Fall = Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. If you do not feel you have sinned, and can present yourself before the living God when you die, then perhaps you have nothing to gain from the resurrection.

Originally Posted by Doug Shaver
Hi Doug - Furthermore, considering that there is no way I can jump 10 feet, you are also asking me to believe that if I just start the jump, God will make sure I land safely on the other side. How am I doing? Good analogy? If not, tell me what is wrong with it.
Hi Doug - You are better at this than me. You make it sound like a heavenly assault course. I would like to write more about but I would be in danger of straying off-topic.
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Old 07-29-2006, 07:50 AM   #139
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Hi Sven – I don’t believe I am ignoring anything. I truly think the textual and physical evidence points to the fact that Jesus rose from the dead.
What physical evidence exist from this supposed event that occurred 2000 years ago? I find this to be a highly dubious claim.

I do however agree that there are ancient stories that assert the claim. If ancient stories asserting dubious events are sufficient enough for you to believe them, that's up to you. I find that I require much, much more, especially for extraordinary claims like this.
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