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Old 01-19-2006, 04:35 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Chris Weimer
Not quite. The main difference would be intent. By Mark, yeah, Jesus is fictional. But with Paul - I'm pretty sure he's talking about one man who really existed. How people can throw away Paul so easily is beyond me really. Here's a man to have claimed to met the personal disciples of Jesus.
As Toto said, he claimed no such thing, you are back reading the gospels into Paul. And I don't throw away Paul. he provided no biographical details except possibly that a descendant of David got crucified... that's IT.

Besides this has nothing to do with the idea that several real people being the basis for the gospels is a historicist stance. Which is the context of the reply to which you are replying.

You're beating a strawman here.
I am?

From what I gathered so far, here's my basic outline: man named Yeshua from Galilee taught a bit and was crucified by the Romans. He was apocalyptic, expecting the end-times to come soon. His followers included a James, a John, a Simon Peter/Cephas (I'm not sure about this one, could have been one, two, or three different people), a group known as the Twelve, and quite possibly a Mary. This Jesus was fully Jewish, and was thought to be the Messiah, was thought to come back in a short time after his death to defeat the Romans and restore the Holy Land. There may have been a secret side to his teachings, but I'm more inclined to think that it was invented by Mark.
Not quite a strawman, just an incomplete "man", so you accept and interpolate a few more details than I mentioned above as biographical, it still doesn't make it historical,

Just because I've discarded the more obvious fictions doesn't mean that the whole thing is entirely made up.
Speaking of strawmen, who said anything about "entirely made up"? I'm arguing FOR the idea of several real people being the basis for alot of the gospel stories.

You see, this is where I disagree. I think the genesis of the story is grounded in history and the mythological layers was added on.
Isn't that exactly what I said you did?

Originally Posted by Me
In that sense you are still a historicist, in that you think that there was a living person around whom the religion originally developed.
Frankly I think that if there was a real guy that the religion was based on, he was more an insurrectionist than a cynic style teacher.

BECAUSE of Paul, if he existed then he was crucified (assuming Pauline priority). And if he was crucified, it wasn't for teaching the golden rule, turn the other cheek, render unto Caesar, etc.. , it was because that sword he brought instead of peace was not metaphorical.
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Old 01-19-2006, 04:47 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Llyricist
As Toto said, he claimed no such thing, you are back reading the gospels into Paul. And I don't throw away Paul. he provided no biographical details except possibly that a descendant of David got crucified... that's IT.
Read my post after Toto for clarification.

Besides this has nothing to do with the idea that several real people being the basis for the gospels is a historicist stance. Which is the context of the reply to which you are replying.
Paul claims that a real person named Jesus was crucified. By the time the gospels were written, you have a totally different person. I trash the gospels because they're fiction. However, Paul's epistles aren't fiction. There's a real person behind Paul who I'm (and historicists in general) are trying to extract.

I am?
Yes. I already outlined my position earlier, and then you try to bash an outline which I give no thought to at all. I'm not taking the gospels at face value, why do you feel the need to debunk them?

Not quite a strawman, just an incomplete "man", so you accept and interpolate a few more details than I mentioned above as biographical, it still doesn't make it historical,
Speaking of strawmen, who said anything about "entirely made up"? I'm arguing FOR the idea of several real people being the basis for alot of the gospel stories.
Your exact quote: "Well, what biographical details that exist in the gospels, ARE entirely made up."

Isn't that exactly what I said you did?
I meant I disagree with that position, not your assessment of my position.

Frankly I think that if there was a real guy that the religion was based on, he was more an insurrectionist than a cynic style teacher.
Sure. This is probably why he was crucified. Cynics weren't crucified, the loonies preaching the end-times and trying to overthrow Rome were. I also included this in my position. You did read that, right?

BECAUSE of Paul, if he existed then he was crucified (assuming Pauline priority). And if he was crucified, it wasn't for teaching the golden rule, turn the other cheek, render unto Caesar, etc.. , it was because that sword he brought instead of peace was not metaphorical.
Agree 100%.
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Old 01-19-2006, 04:47 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Chris Weimer
From what I've seen, it's either the fundamentalist historicists sneering or the fundamentalist mythicists sneering. Your quote above appears to be such a sneer. :down:
hi Chris.

Sorry if I offended you - I thought when I wrote that I had distinguished between the class of sneering "historicists" pretending there is such a stark contrast between the "mythicists" and themselves.

I do not even know what you mean by "fundamentalist". The Jesus of the gospels is without question a myth, period. Even Paul's "Christ" is a myth by standard definition:

myth (mth)
a. A traditional, typically ancient story dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes that serves as a fundamental type in the worldview of a people, as by explaining aspects of the natural world or delineating the psychology, customs, or ideals of society: the myth of Eros and Psyche; a creation myth.
b. Such stories considered as a group: the realm of myth.
2. A popular belief or story that has become associated with a person, institution, or occurrence, especially one considered to illustrate a cultural ideal: a star whose fame turned her into a myth; the pioneer myth of suburbia.
3. A fiction or half-truth, especially one that forms part of an ideology.
4. A fictitious story, person, or thing: "German artillery superiority on the Western Front was a myth" Leon Wolff.

But with Paul - I'm pretty sure he's talking about one man who really existed
Paul talks mostly about things in the above definitions as opposed to historical details of some person.

The "historicists" have gotten off so easy due to the tremendous cultural inertia behind Christianity.

It isn't enough to claim that by inference there must be "someone" behind the myth.

By all means, identify that person. Shouldn't proof of a "historical" person actually require identifying them? Simon Bar Kochba? The goofy Jesus who was killed by the Roman seige engines during the destruction of the temple? The Jesus who led a bunch of scabber fishermen and such in raids against Romans?

I'm pretty well convinced that these were historical persons. They are not though the "historical Jesus" of Paul or Mark.

Please bring yours forward. And again, sorry for offending you.
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Old 01-19-2006, 04:56 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Chris Weimer
Read my post after Toto for clarification.
I did, still back reading I'm afraid.

Paul claims that a real person named Jesus was crucified.
That is by no means clear.
By the time the gospels were written, you have a totally different person. I trash the gospels because they're fiction. However, Paul's epistles aren't fiction.
ummm you think Paul actually experienced the risen Christ? That the Lord himself revealed the Truth's Paul taught?

Paul is non-fiction? seriously?

There's a real person behind Paul who I'm (and historicists in general) are trying to extract.
Maybe, maybe not.... I lean mythicist but I can't see the evidence as existing to force either conclusion.
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Old 01-19-2006, 04:57 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Chris Weimer
I can only name a handful of mythicist, and half are in the scholarly fringe. We have Doherty, Carrier, Atwill, and....who else? Who else within the scholarly world with publications and credentials?
And what percentage of those historicists do you suppose are affiliated with a relligious department of a university, college, seminary, bible school, or are employed in a religious ministry within the broad scope of Christianity?

If they propose "heretical" points of view publically, what do you think their chances are of remaining employed or part of that religious ministry?

I know for an absolute fact that while I was in the seminary, some of my professors said one thing in print with an imprimatur and nihil obstat, and another thing when they corrected our translation because they said we could not use the status quo translation because we and they knew it was wrong. Some of the professors wrote the 'books on Christian Apologetics' (particularly Roman Catholic). But they would never air those views in public most especially in print. So how would someone like you know what they really thought by reading their status quo, party line cow chips?
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Old 01-19-2006, 05:01 PM   #46
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Here is my favorite Jesus was a myth website:

I am now fully in the Jesus was a myth camp. I was once in the HJ camp, then in the "loose HJ" camp, now I'm in the complete myth camp, and most of that conversion comes from my own reading of early Christian writings from the 1st to 5th century.

If you read many extra Biblical texts of the early Christians you find that Jesus plays an almost nonexistant role.

In both the Bible and in the extra-Biblical writings you find a wide variety of views of who Jesus was, if he was just a god, if he was real, if he was the son of god, where he came from, how he died, why he died, when he died, what he said, what his teachings meant, etc.

The biggest point for me, however, is that pretty much every single teaching and event attributed to Jesus was also already attributed to other mythcial characters in the region.

Then you have the complete lack of any first hand accounts of the guy, the fact that early Christians worshiped the cross for reasons that had nothing to do with crucifixion, the fact that we know for a fact that most of what was written about Jesus was false (his birth story was obviously 100% made up, his mericals were made up, and at the least his resurrection, etc was made up), the fact that there are threee different modes of death attributed to Jesus (first being hung from a pole in the Greek telling of the story, then stoned to death and hung from a tree in the Jewish telling, then crucified on a cross in the Roman telling).

The early Christian writings make it clea rthat there was no greater concensus about Jesus within the first 200 years of Christianity that there is now.

Furthermore, how much of a story about someone has to be "true" before it can be said that the person described in the story existed?

For that matter, as has been said, we can say that the story of Paul Bunyion is based on a true story because there were lumberjacks in America.
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Old 01-19-2006, 05:11 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by rlogan
Sorry if I offended you - I thought when I wrote that I had distinguished between the class of sneering "historicists" pretending there is such a stark contrast between the "mythicists" and themselves.
No, it's alright. I'm still a bit shocked at some here implicating me as an apologeticist. Perhaps I'm just reading too much into these statements.

I do not even know what you mean by "fundamentalist". The Jesus of the gospels is without question a myth, period. Even Paul's "Christ" is a myth by standard definition:
Yes, undoubtedly, but that doesn't mean that Christ started as a myth.

The "historicists" have gotten off so easy due to the tremendous cultural inertia behind Christianity.
Perhaps this is true for some, but certainly its not true for others. If the Chrsitian intertai was so strong, why would I be adamantly an atheist? I think we ought to drop this line of arguing once and for all. It's no good to accuse others of the intellectual dishonesty, even implicitly. Plenty of historicist defy Christian convention, yet still argue for an historical Christ - including me.

It isn't enough to claim that by inference there must be "someone" behind the myth.
The inference was in Paul's language.

By all means, identify that person. Shouldn't proof of a "historical" person actually require identifying them? Simon Bar Kochba? The goofy Jesus who was killed by the Roman seige engines during the destruction of the temple? The Jesus who led a bunch of scabber fishermen and such in raids against Romans?
Does he have to be famous? Josephus lists dozens of crucified Jesus who would otherwise be unknown. As for who Jesus was, I listed what I've gathered so far earlier.

I'm pretty well convinced that these were historical persons. They are not though the "historical Jesus" of Paul or Mark.
How do we differentiate?

Please bring yours forward. And again, sorry for offending you.
No, sorry for being too pugnacious. Let's direct our attention to civil discussion though, shall we?

OK - I outlined my position earlier. I'll repeat it here:

"From what I gathered so far, here's my basic outline: man named Yeshua from Galilee taught a bit and was crucified by the Romans. He was apocalyptic, expecting the end-times to come soon. His followers included a James, a John, a Simon Peter/Cephas (I'm not sure about this one, could have been one, two, or three different people), a group known as the Twelve, and quite possibly a Mary. This Jesus was fully Jewish, and was thought to be the Messiah, was thought to come back in a short time after his death to defeat the Romans and restore the Holy Land. There may have been a secret side to his teachings, but I'm more inclined to think that it was invented by Mark."

I guess my only point of contention would be that even though this man was the original inspiration of the earliest Christian traditions, it doesn't matter how they are portrayed by later authors. I can agree that Mark is mostly fiction, and Paul assumes a radical view which departs greatly from other contemporaries. It's also unfortunate that none of the earliest Christians wrote anything - which I already explained in the Yeshu thread why.
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Old 01-19-2006, 05:15 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by openlyatheist

I asked very much the same question here a while back. Allow me to share my answers with you:

Jesus Myth: does it take an historian?

Earl Doherty himself sent a reply via a moderator. Here's a quote:

Someone mentioned that the qualification for competency ought to be further restricted to the "biblical historian". The problem is that such 'historians' invariably come out of a religious-confessional background. (I'd challenge anyone to give me much of a list of "biblical historians" who do not.) Are they going to approach the question in an unbiased manner, using the methodology of the historian's craft in a neutral manner? Again, a rhetorical question. Can anyone show us how a "proper" historical methodology has arrived at a demonstration of Jesus' existence--beyond the type of argument I've mentioned above?

It seems to me that the majority of historians fail to question the existence of Jesus for the same reason everyone else does; it is generally taken for granted.

Here's a link on alternative Messiahs in history that I found too. Enjoy.
That seems to be the state of the art at the moment. The question is simply not adressed a lot by professional historians yet.

They will acknowledge however that the evidence is few and ambiguous.
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Old 01-19-2006, 05:15 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Llyricist
That is by no means clear.
How so? Seems pretty clear to me.

ummm you think Paul actually experienced the risen Christ? That the Lord himself revealed the Truth's Paul taught?
I never said that.

Paul is non-fiction? seriously?
Yes, by definition Paul is non-fiction. They are epistles, aren't they?

Maybe, maybe not.... I lean mythicist but I can't see the evidence as existing to force either conclusion.
Well, I'm not concluding anything either. But some here have concluded such and thus its not up for debate for them. I've given my position, but no one has seriously touched it. If your opinion isn't closed, why would you merely dismiss it?
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Old 01-19-2006, 05:17 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by darstec
And what percentage of those historicists do you suppose are affiliated with a relligious department of a university, college, seminary, bible school, or are employed in a religious ministry within the broad scope of Christianity?
Is this one some resort to, claiming intellectual and academic dishonesty? That's just shameful.
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