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Old 12-27-2009, 07:33 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by Steven Carr View Post
Originally Posted by ApostateAbe View Post
OK, cool, what is your source for the information on the historical last supper?
What historical Last Supper? The one where Jesus , not knowing he was going to be betrayed, told the cult how to obtain access to his body after his death?

I am pretty certain that if people read a story of a cult founder telling his followers how to conjure up his body during a ritualistic meal, then they would not be so quick to claim it is all history.

Unless the cult was Christianity, of course.
You said, "That is why mainstream Biblical scholars are so certain that Jesus instituted the Last Supper so that the cult could continue after his death..." and I am curious about who those scholars are.
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Old 12-27-2009, 10:20 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by ApostateAbe View Post
.... For example, the origin of Jesus as from Nazareth in Galilee I take to be a historical element, because it is contrary to Christian motivation (they wanted Bethlehem to be the hometown of Jesus). This historical element is not affected by the account of Matthew and Luke that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, except that it serves to reveal Christian motivation.

That is a most absurd and illogical way to confirm that Jesus did exist and went to Nazareth.
You must always presume that Christians are wrong because there can be no such thing as a Christian religion in Christendom if Christian-ity is the end of relgion.

Why not call Nazareth the equivalent or sum total of Joseph's 'religion' which itself is great but for Joseph it was only a small town. This would fit the proper use of religion as a means to the end in the life of Joseph who was an upright Jew with a great deal of intergity that protected his inner sanctum as Jew whence the virgin [re]birth issued forth as the most basic of all human rights = metamorphosis that indeed must come from deep within = from the holy of holies that must be incipient from inner [re]sources.

Bethlehem was not a town and if it was, it was not the Beth-le-hem where the census took place. The sensus was the [non verbal] account Joseph gave of himself wherein he was empty as in non-rational and so was beyond theology as shown in an icon that the Catholic Church has about this journey to Bethlehem. In this painting, Mary (to whom Jesus was bethrothed in the convergeance of true minds that was foreshadowed in Gen. 2:23 long before he left Eden to live his life as a sleeper), was riding the donkey and so was in charge of Joseph's destiny who himself is shown to be 'draging his ass' behind the donkey which itself was the body of Joseph (= now the ego presented as dragging 'his' ass). It just shows that to get the Bethlehem is to be in a non-rational state of mind that so prevails (instead of becoming a 'squacker' at an evangelistic rally, which then is why I call Evangelists 'spiritual fornicators' who deserve a millstone because they so induce a rebirth from below = from the conscious mind instead of the subconscious mind . . . or from Eve instead of Mary = non virgin because Eve is the temple tramp in our own mind = what gives rise to the perpetual virginity of Mary).

That there was no room at the Inn means that his melancholy was persistent and that his lower house (conscious mind) remained empty except for the manger wherein Jesus was laid in Luke but not in Matthew (no swaddling clothes either to keep him pure). I could add here that the ox and mule are present to identify the passified Adam and Eve of the ego consciousness as opposed to chickens squacking in his dreams (as if he laid his first egg) that so prompted his flight into Egypt = no dreams please.

You FIRST need a credible external source that can show that Jesus did exist and secondly you need to provide a source external of the Bible that can show Jesus was indeed born in Bethlehem.
Beth-le-hem means 'house of bread' in this context which designates the Alpha of Joseph that is retained by the woman as "bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh." She here was send to the gate of Purgatory (Galilea they call it) to give birth to the sleeper within and Mary is just a name give to her. She was bethrothed (is not engaged as we know it) as the beholder of his dowry (or soul nature or TOL) over which she presided ever since Joseph became a rational being as if with a mind of his own in the TOK.

Of course the bible shows but not in a literal sense of the word.

In gMatthew, no one knew that Jesus was even born in Bethlehem, except the Magis and the angel, that is why Herod had to kill all the young children.
That is rather obvious and the angel of the Lord is not the Lord but the anti-christ. Mary is the queen of angels and Herod is the sum total of human pride, much like the Titanic was in Hardy's "The Convergeance of the Twain.

In gMatthew, Jesus was described as the offspring of the Holy Ghost and a Virgin.

You cannot use the NT as your source for a man called Jesus. The NT is the history book about the Holy Ghost of God.

The NT is the MANUAL for the MYTH, the MULTIPLE-ATTESTED BIOGRAPHY of the Holy Ghost of God.

The Holy Ghost of God was born in Bethlehem, went to Egypt and then to the CITY of Nazareth in gMatthew.
So far so good but to be reborn from water and spirit is to have a bosom buddy in John the Baptist who was reborn of old to say that it was not a spur of the moment melancholy that befell Joseph but a persistent involuntary melancholy (see Albrecht Duhrer on this) that was intuit upon Joseph by way of circumcision as a member of his own lineage (= Nazareth). Baptism of Jews is and always will be wrong or next you will find Buddha's in our heaven.
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Old 12-27-2009, 10:24 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by ApostateAbe View Post
You said, "That is why mainstream Biblical scholars are so certain that Jesus instituted the Last Supper so that the cult could continue after his death..." and I am curious about who those scholars are.
The last suppper took place in the upper room to show that his richess were assumed into heaven where reason prevailed (Rev.14:13 as opposed to Rev. 14:6-12 .
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Old 12-27-2009, 01:28 PM   #54
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Hi aa5874,

The problem appears to be that those who believe in an historical jesus cannot explain the strange and utter dependency that their belief has in the writings and fabrications of the fourth century writer known as Eusebius.

The authenticity of Christendom rests upon the writings of a known forger.
At the end of the day what can this possibly suggest?

Compliments of the season.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
.....PHASE (1): Yeah Jesus is a collage and a fabrication.
Many people seem to suggest this.

PHASE (2): Details of the ancient history of the fabrication. WHO, WHEN, WHERE. WHAT, WHY, etc, etc

Get the drift.
It would appear that Jesus was fabricated multiple times by many different inventors, the authors of gMark, gMatthew, gLuke, gJohn,and the Pauline writings were some of them.

But the post ascension history of Jesus believers was fabricated under the auspices of Constantine and the Roman Church.

According to a writer using the name Eusebius, he was the first to write the history of the Church, so he was the first fabricator.

This is the writer called Eusebius telling about his plan in Church History 1

This is the confession of the first fabricator using the name Eusebius.

Church History 1.1.4

4. But at the outset I must crave for my work the indulgence of the wise, for I confess that it is beyond my power to produce a perfect and complete history, and since I am the first to enter upon the subject, I am attempting to traverse as it were a lonely and untrodden path.

I pray that I may have God as my guide and the power of the Lord as my aid, since I am unable to find even the bare footsteps of those who have traveled the way before me, except in brief fragments, in which some in one way, others in another, have transmitted to us particular accounts of the times in which they lived.

From afar they raise their voices like torches, and they cry out, as from some lofty and conspicuous watchtower, admonishing us where to walk and how to direct the course of our work steadily and safely.
The writer under the name of Eusebius confesses that he was unable even to find even the bare footsteps except brief fragments but he still managed to write 10 books of "Church History" with exquisite details and used Revelations, Acts of the Apostles, the Pauline writings, the General Epistles, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Ignatius, Polycarp, Julius Africanus, Hippolytus, Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Origen, Tatian, Theophilus of Antioch, Papias,and others.

Now, we know who was the first fabricator of the history of the Church. He wrote under the name of Eusebius.

The writer admitted that he could NOT find anything but brief fragments but SOMEHOW by some miracle he ended up with what appears to be a whole LIBRARY.

And they continued to fabricate their own Church History using other names after the writer called Eusebius.
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Old 12-27-2009, 02:30 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
Hi aa5874,

The problem appears to be that those who believe in an historical jesus cannot explain the strange and utter dependency that their belief has in the writings and fabrications of the fourth century writer known as Eusebius.

The authenticity of Christendom rests upon the writings of a known forger.
At the end of the day what can this possibly suggest?

Compliments of the season.

My position is that the "Church History" as presented by the writer under the name Eusebius is fundamentally fiction.

In the beginning the writer claimed that he only FOUND fragments but ended up with a whole LIBRARY or LIBRARIES of books and even a letter from Jesus.

How did these fragments turn into books to be in libraries all over the Roman Empire?

This is the writer under the name Eusebius in "Church History" 1 when the Libraries all over the Roman Empire were supposed to be filled with books on Jesus, the disciples and the bishops.

Church History 1

....I am unable to find even the bare footsteps of those who have traveled the way before me, except in brief fragments...
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