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Old 11-13-2010, 03:58 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by stephan huller View Post
The only reason that you don't think that expertise matters in the study of Christianity is because you start with the assumption that it is all bullshit. The study of 'bullshit' doesn't need expertise because - well - it is bullshit. It is a circular argument.

Most people would argue that authority is related to expertise. A taxi driver is generally presumed to be a skillful drive. A prostitute is generally assumed to be skillful at laying men.

If you had all the money in the world and were so bored that you wanted to hire idiots to move those rocks back and forth between two flags in your backyard, all day every day it wouldn't matter whether or not they were expert rock carriers because this was a 'bullshit job.'

My point again is that your clearly expressed lack of interest in learning or 'getting the facts right' about Christianity (i.e. 'I couldn't care less if Mani was or wasn't the Paraclete') leads you not to feel the need to read what people who have studied the Manchaean religion for most of their adult lives have to say.

You have already concluded that religion is all bullshit. These people by devoting their lives to the study clearly must view it has some significance so you are already at odds with anyone that could ever have authority over the field of study your trivialize.

Hence your interest in supporting Pete who clearly has no expertise on the Manichaean religion but is always attempting to trivialize any tradition related to Christianity.
What utter garbage you write. If this is an example of the quality of your deductive prowess then your religious theories must be garbage too.
You have sunk your own battleship
Read the following carefully, then re-read it again 20 times so that it will sink into your little grey cells:
I value research done by competent people in all sorts of fields provided, and this is very very very very important, it is backed up by source material references or details of the experiment etc so that it can be repeated.
Please note, in case you have trouble understanding, the latter bit, ie re repeatable experiments, does not apply to the field of historical scholarship.
Now no doubt you will find some devious way of misinterpreting what I have just said - it seems to be what you excell in
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Old 11-13-2010, 06:59 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by stephan huller View Post
The only reason that you don't think that expertise matters in the study of Christianity is because you start with the assumption that it is all bullshit. The study of 'bullshit' doesn't need expertise because - well - it is bullshit. It is a circular argument.

Most people would argue that authority is related to expertise. A taxi driver is generally presumed to be a skillful drive. A prostitute is generally assumed to be skillful at laying men.

If you had all the money in the world and were so bored that you wanted to hire idiots to move those rocks back and forth between two flags in your backyard, all day every day it wouldn't matter whether or not they were expert rock carriers because this was a 'bullshit job.'

My point again is that your clearly expressed lack of interest in learning or 'getting the facts right' about Christianity (i.e. 'I couldn't care less if Mani was or wasn't the Paraclete') leads you not to feel the need to read what people who have studied the Manchaean religion for most of their adult lives have to say.

You have already concluded that religion is all bullshit. These people by devoting their lives to the study clearly must view it has some significance so you are already at odds with anyone that could ever have authority over the field of study your trivialize.

Hence your interest in supporting Pete who clearly has no expertise on the Manichaean religion but is always attempting to trivialize any tradition related to Christianity.
Woah there now pardner!

Right back and true to form!
Yer just keepin a'heaping on them thar insults as fast as ya can shovel 'em!

Normally, as anyone can look back to see, I attempt to answer statements made in posts one by one and point by point.

Tonight however, I am going to first write a little bit about how I spent the remainder of this afternoon, after the entering of my last post here.

I have previously written in these forums, telling of my move four years ago to this farm in the beautiful 'hills and hollers' of central eastern Kentucky.
Today was a gorgeous sunshine filled fall day here, 'heaven on earth' couldn't get much better', with temperatures in the mid 70s, but I spent most of the day sitting at this computer (I'm sure many of you can relate to that)

Anyway, this farm I bought was previously a tobacco farm, and the last owner had raised horses and had stabled them in the barn for many years, never expending much effort at all in cleaning up after them, and the manure just piled up and packed down under the horses hoofs. It mixed in with the the clay soil, rotted, and formed a hard layer of near petrified horseshit that takes a pick-ax to loosen.

Slowly, year by year, as I've found the time, I have been breaking it up and shoveling into a cart, taking it out and using it to fill in various holes and low spots.
So after I got off the PC this afternoon, I put on my 'barn' working clothes and gloves and went on up the hill to the barn, picked up my pickax and shovel and went to work at clearing away more of that old, rotten, and petrified horseshit.
Oh yes, it is labor intensive work, and there is still quite a bit more that remains to be removed, but I am not the least bit discouraged, as I am confident that one of these fine days, all of that old, rotten, and petrified horseshit will at long last be removed from my barn, and I'll leave this place clean and in good repair for my children and grandchildren.

But you know, as I was breaking up and shoveling out today's two cartloads of that old, rotten, and petrified horseshit, I could not help but think of you, and of the ancient 'history' that is so often discussed in this forum.

Being a Hebrew, I am by nature and inclination, a 'spiritual' man, yet hard working and very practical minded.
My eyes are firmly fixed upon a vision, and upon a goal not yet accomplished,
I'll clear away more and more of that old, rotten, and petrified horseshit tomorrow, and again the next day, and the next.

Originally Posted by stephan huller View Post
The only reason that you don't think that expertise matters in the study of Christianity is because you start with the assumption that it is all bullshit.
No, no no. I firmly believe that it is all HORSEshit.
but then, even horseshit is not without its place and its pupose in the greater scheme of things.
Originally Posted by Stephan
If you had all the money in the world and were so bored that you wanted to hire idiots to move those rocks back and forth between two flags in your backyard, all day every day it wouldn't matter whether or not they were expert rock carriers because this was a 'bullshit job.
Silver and gold have I none, Never bored foolish idiot that I am I do my own rock carrying all day every day because it is a HORSE-shit job that requires the expertise of an idiot only.
Originally Posted by Stephan
My point again is that your clearly expressed lack of interest in learning or 'getting the facts right' about Christianity (i.e. 'I couldn't care less if Mani was or wasn't the Paraclete')
'Getting the facts right' when no one knows what those facts are= conformity to constantly repeated horseshit,
A fleeting lucid moment...Hey yeah! I remember- when and where it was that you said that -you- didn't 'care' but that's all right, swallowed up in the night,
up tight & clean outta sight.
Originally Posted by Stephan
leads you not to feel the need to read what people who have studied the Manchaean religion for most of their adult lives have to say.
Read it, breed it, bleed it. Munchkins sing songs of sorrow for what religionist have to say for most of their adult lives. Out of the Devourer came forth meat, and what shall they eat? out of the weak came forth bitterness, and what shall they drink? From the cup of indignations the dregs of fornications!
Originally Posted by Stephan
You have already concluded that religion is all bullshit.
HORSE Shit! dude, vile, old, and rotten HORSE Shit! Religious ritualised writing rigmarole satisfying the flesh while murdering the spirit. Shquer ea'SUS l'tshuah!
Originally Posted by Stephan
These people by devoting their lives to the study clearly must view it has some significance so you are already at odds with anyone that could ever have authority over the field of study your trivialize
What value in being esteemed by the ignorant to be in authority over a pile of old, rotten, horseshit pack of lies? None. Done.
Yep, I'm at odds. Let the horse toss the rider, and the wheels fall from the chariots, and all her riders perish in the flood of their iniquities.
Bum ba bum bum....BUM!
Originally Posted by Stephan
Hence your interest in supporting Pete who clearly has no expertise on the Manichaean religion but is always attempting to trivialize any tradition related to Christianity.
Like a bridge over troubled waters, I will lay me down. Can't trivialise what is already trivial, or there would be nothing at all left.
And there has got to be some left for יהוה אלהי to destroy when the heavens are rolled together as a scroll and the elements melt with fervent heat. Burn baby burn.
"Th-th-th-that's all folks!"

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