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Old 03-08-2008, 06:12 AM   #111
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Originally Posted by Minimalist View Post
These are all carbon dated 348 CE. I do not need to conjecture about my chronology as do the mainstream pundits.
We don't have contemporary copies of any of the other NT documents, either. If memory serves, the earliest "Paul" writing we have is from the late second century and, like all the others, is a copy of a copy of a copy.
This stuff you will find to have been dated by "paleographic assessment".

What little I've read of the gnostic gospels has suggested that they were copied into Coptic. You seem to be suggesting that there were no original Greek/Latin/Aramaic texts and that these were original Coptic creations, if I read your meaning correctly.
Eusebius tells us of the Greek speaking "Christian Gnostics", and before Nag Hammadi (Coptic) turned up, Eusebius was our main source. I am suggesting that because there were no christians before the 4th century, there were no "christian gnostics" before that date -- they were pagan "Gnostics". The "Nag Hammadi Gnostics" were not necessarily "christian".

IMO "the Gnostics" were simply the Hellenic priests (of Asclepius, etc) whom were all in one form or another ascetic adepts, which is also one very central key theme covered in many of the non canonical christian literature. (And hence the claim that these same Hellenic priests wrote some of the seditious non canonical gospels).

And while they may well have been written in the Greek (after 324 CE) they could not be preserved in that language, and for that reason written again in the coptic and buried.

It's an interesting idea but how the hell do you prove it? Ehrman can show changes from one manuscript to another over time to prove his hypothesis but you have only one set of documents to work with.
I probably need further evidence to appear. Perhaps further C14 results on NT related texts. We are in the situation where literally hundreds of NT related papyri fragments have been dated by handwriting analysis to the epoch before the fourth century, but we have not one NT canonical text the subject of C14 dating. The 2 extant C14 citations are for non canonical gospels (gJudas; gThomas).

Best wishes,

Pete Brown
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Old 03-10-2008, 10:12 PM   #112
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Originally Posted by Roger Pearse View Post
Originally Posted by Minimalist View Post
The whole christians being fed to the lions myth seems to be deliberately created by your christians, Roger.
I'm sure that all of us would be interested to see the ancient data that supports this assertion, if any.

All the best,

Roger Pearse

You can read this if you like...I imagine you won't.

It was only in the third century AD that actual systematic persecutions of Christians took place. And it only happened under the reign of two emperors, Decius (d251) and Diocletian (245-313). As barbarian pressure on the empire increased, the need for national unity increased. The official edict issued in the year 249 by Decius was therefore a political move aimed at ridding the empire of the one group that threatened its integrity and civil traditions the most, the Christians. Decius declared that all citizens, including Christians, must show their loyalty to the empire by offering sacrifice to the emperor. For the next three years, for the first time in history, the Christians were systematically and ferociously persecuted. [14]
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Old 03-10-2008, 10:26 PM   #113
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Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, Pete....busy weekend.

IMO "the Gnostics" were simply the Hellenic priests (of Asclepius, etc) whom were all in one form or another ascetic adepts, which is also one very central key theme covered in many of the non canonical christian literature. (And hence the claim that these same Hellenic priests wrote some of the seditious non canonical gospels).

How would you account for the obvious retort of the writings of Origen, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Justin, etc....all of whom pre-date Constantine and all of whom, to one degree or another, seem to be unabashedly "christian?" Even if "they" were not your "Gnostics" it would seem to be clear that these ideas were rolling around. The problem is not one of carbon dating documents. It is that the ideas seem to be coalescing in the 2d century, well before Constantine.

This excerpt from the Gospel of Truth, for instance.....

That is the gospel of him whom they seek, which he has revealed to the perfect through the mercies of the Father as the hidden mystery, Jesus the Christ. Through him he enlightened those who were in darkness because of forgetfulness. He enlightened them and gave them a path.
certainly seems to be "christian" to a degree.
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Old 03-11-2008, 01:40 AM   #114
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Originally Posted by Minimalist View Post
Originally Posted by Roger Pearse View Post

I'm sure that all of us would be interested to see the ancient data that supports this assertion, if any.
You can read this if you like...I imagine you won't.

"It was only in the third century AD that actual systematic persecutions of Christians took place. And it only happened under the reign of two emperors, Decius (d251) and Diocletian (245-313).... (further assertions snipped)"
In view of the fact that even this revisionist web page -- hardly a collection of data -- lists executions for Christianity, and "systematic persecutions", I am unclear how it helps your case? It isn't enough to simply try to explain data away, you know. That's why I wanted to see whatever data you had.

I did enjoy reading the passage where the writer was trying to suggest that immediate execution for Christianity was equivalent to active toleration, tho.

All the best,

Roger Pearse
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Old 03-11-2008, 07:25 PM   #115
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Default particularly Origen and Porphyry

Originally Posted by Minimalist View Post
IMO "the Gnostics" were simply the Hellenic priests (of Asclepius, etc) whom were all in one form or another ascetic adepts, which is also one very central key theme covered in many of the non canonical christian literature. (And hence the claim that these same Hellenic priests wrote some of the seditious non canonical gospels).

How would you account for the obvious retort of the writings of Origen, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Justin, etc....all of whom pre-date Constantine and all of whom, to one degree or another, seem to be unabashedly "christian?" Even if "they" were not your "Gnostics" it would seem to be clear that these ideas were rolling around. The problem is not one of carbon dating documents. It is that the ideas seem to be coalescing in the 2d century, well before Constantine.

My thesis has it that the last three authors were Eusebius.
Eusebius fraudulently quotes Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian,
Justin, etc (ie: all the "church fathers") as if they were authors
other than himself. IMO they had no existence other than in
Eusebius' fiction. Eusebius may have used extant writings to
fabricate some of these texts, such writings being pagan.

Origen is a different case. Origin existed and wrote voluminously
on the Hebrew Bible. Eusebius here forges additional writings in
the name of Origen with respect to the new testament. See this
page on Origen and Porphyry. The Eusebian forgery of Origen was the direct
cause (IMO) of the "Origenist COntroversies" of the late fourth
and fifth centuries, involving people like "The Tall Brothers".

People walking out of the desert and into monasteries on
this time, with an old book of Origen under their arm, caused
all sorts of panic and consternation. Why? Authodoxy was
working with a Eusebian forgery of Origen, who never himself
(IMO) wrote about the NT. When his old (authentic) books
kept turning up, in which there was not one word about NT
related issues, people got very confused. Fortunately, the
tax exempt murderer and terrorist boss, the christian Bishop
Cyril of Alexandria, censored all this business, and endorsed
Origen as a heretic, and thus sorted out the foundation of
the true Christian Christology.

In response to Ted in another thread, I will shortly start a
new thread about this "Eusebian Fiction Postulate" which I
will attempt to explicate in detail. Since your questions
are essentially the same, wait for a full response there.

This excerpt from the Gospel of Truth, for instance.....

That is the gospel of him whom they seek, which he has revealed to the perfect through the mercies of the Father as the hidden mystery, Jesus the Christ. Through him he enlightened those who were in darkness because of forgetfulness. He enlightened them and gave them a path.
certainly seems to be "christian" to a degree.

This is a Nag Hammadi tractate. What "seems" christian at
Nag Hammadi is still being put through the washing machine.
I have made notes on Robin Lane-Fox's commentary on the
Nag Hammadi Codices at this page

Fox says:

Originally Posted by FOX
p.414: Nag Hammadi Library - in Upper Egypt, near Nile
12 books (codices) with leaves from a 13th in jar (1945)
Consistent of 57 Coptic tracts; "spurious gospels".
But "none of the "gnostic christians" wrote/read Coptic."
Eusebius, who tells us all we will ever know about the
(fictional) "gnostic christians" tells us they wrote in Greek.
The "gnostic christians" were part of the fabrication
(of the Galilaeans).

Originally Posted by FOX
"The collection is not a single library, not uniformly heretical, nor even entirely christian." It includes a poor trans of Plato's republic, and a pagan letter of "Eugnostos the Blessed" the letter was then given a christian preface and a conclusion and represented in another copy
as the "wisdom" which Jesus revealed to his Apostles after his death.

Nag Hammadi is a mixed bag of evidence.
IMO it evidences the "christianisation" of literature.
The stuff is carbon dated to the mid fourth century.
Since it was underground for 1600 years or so we
should treat is as "uninterpolated"

best wishes

Pete Brown
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