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Old 05-21-2004, 02:26 AM   #11
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Millhouse was (is) the intellectual Guy in "Simpsons". Consider this. I have annother puzzle for you but I am not the Oompa Loompa Chick. What was that about Terry Pratshits Time Monks? Please tell me more. It could be worth to invest some time there.

d) Atlantis sank and Sphinx built ~ 9600 BC. Consider this.
e) Pay attention how the christian calendar fits into the system of the Jewish.

I'm not telling any supernatural. There are human people fooling us all over.
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Old 05-21-2004, 03:28 AM   #12
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You do not understand this, do you?

e) Pay attention how the christian calendar fits into the system of the Jewish.
Because the Christians derived from the Jews?

Anyway, this all makes a lot more sense once you study the numerology of the Eltanin Antenna!
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Old 05-21-2004, 08:20 AM   #13
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Long long ago there existed the Time Masters. This is a provisoric
name for somebody whoom we do not know closer. One may compare them to
God or such, but we suppose them to be humans just as we are. Who has
read about golden hats and star discs maybe has also read about the
Time Masters as being the bronze age priests. I suppose this group of
people to still be around today. Have they mastered time, have they
mastered death. This is not to be taken illusorical.

Also one must be allways aware of what it can mean. So please look at
the system of calendars of this world, that turns out to be
intentionally interconnected with itself and with the Torah:

I am going to explain it step by step until a full manual page is built.

First of all we must see what is a Mill of Time. A Mill of Time is a
calendric system that is driven by "Gods world Wind", the Ruach Elohim
or the Kamikaze. This fiery air steams from the mouth of the dragon,
that is at the celestial north pole as the sign of Draco.

Around this sign our earth axis does describe a circle within about
26000 years. Each astrological sign gets an age of about 2160 days. 12
of these signs round robin are the Tribes of Israel, where from each
Tribe can be made a full world calendar of 12000 lunar years. This is
clued by the Revelation and the Sepher HaTemunah. Latter reads, every
age has it's own Torah and in the picture we can see the Torah of the
age Taurus or Leo. I'm not sure about the proper attribution. It's
just clear, that such a full world calendar, apparently called
Shemittah by the Sepher HaTemunah (plural: Shemittoth) has two of a
Torah in it.

Shemittoth can translate to "my name is Toth". This gives us a clue to
the over all origin of the system, as does the clue of "Toth" to
hebrew letter Teth (snake), that is on the Tarot card 8 in the Age of
Leo, just in the beginning of the now active calendar, one of 12.
144000 is the sum of all Isrealites, that will be saved, 12000 x 12. I
do not know what "be saved" may mean, but I know that 144000 divided
by 66.6 gives us about 2160, the individual duration of an age in the
cylce of precession of earth axis (sometimes called precession of
equinoxes as this is the most measureable result of it). The 666 must
be divided by 10 here because Abram dies next the 666th verse of the
Torah and gives a tenth of "all what he has" to Melchizedek.
Melchizedek himself appears in the 355th verse and only there. 355 is
the lunar year of 13 sideric months and also the value of the hebrew
word Shanah, meaning YEAR or more litereally a "Sha"-pattern, that
would be a lunar calendar I guess. I have no proper answer for this
tansformation now. Maybe any variation of formula has to be combined,
yet a common technique of Kabbalah, to get the full manual.

It's familiar (maybe) that Hermes Trismegistus, the owner of the staff
with the Snake, was Toth. Hermes can be written HRMS and then read
Hormoshe, Horus-Moses. Horus may have been the egyptic counterpart of
Aaron. We can learn this from the "sons of aaron", that Andis Kaulins
has identified with the "sons of horus" (no affiliation)

and from the fact, that in the Torah-Cosmos the death of Aaron occurs
at the 4333th verse, the revolution cycle of Jupiter, on the mount Hor
(HR HHR - Har HaHor).

Two Torahs of 5850 years build the world calendar, with a mirror or
second start in the middle. The number 5850 and the "levitic"
calendric measures from the pic are derived from the Book of Numbers,
Moses 4, as described in Newsletter #4:

Then comes what is now called the "indian subsystems". Their name is
because these divine calendars of 1144 years appear within the Maya,
Aztec and Cherokee traditions. A subcycle of them is 52 years, so that
1144 are 22 subcycles. The Cherokee claim, that they have got their
system from someone how called himself Yehowah! Also in the book of
Mormon (or close to it) mentions a book of 22 pages of gold. The
Tarot? Mormon - Hormoshe?

The same foramtion can be found in the Bible, showing that the whole
Bible must have been mapped onto that wheel from the start: (no affiliation)

Interpretation is, that there have been the Time Masters sailing
around the world and giving the people LIMITED (limiting the users
into slavery) 'calendars', 'alphabets' and 'holy books' and such FOR
PLAY! You know, you give to a possible 'friend' you TOYS to further
'join' with him.

However Japan, China and similar people do seem to have withtaken a
more sophisticated understanding of 'letters'. This is a reason for
why Anime, japanese television cartoons, are so good and well drawn.
They are trained to remember details much more than we are!

The levitic subsystem of calendrational measures is not supposed to be
a calendar by itself. It is just a set of values that is contained
within the whole system like tools are well sorted in a good toolbox,
each tool with it's own place. You can see egyptian leap year periods
there and the saros and such. Some described in newsletter #4. The
3600 years also are the time one does need to measure precession in a
good quality with the naked eye.

The 7020 is related to the 38-year-cycle lunar calendar (twice a
Meton), that is essentional for the 'life' of Abram and Sarai (brother
Bill Meegan: "The Genesis Formula" - recently updated in no affiliation with
that group) .

The levitic 7020 or 6660 year system takes care of the fact, that in
38 years the lunar count will be about 4 hours more than the solar
count. This makes 1 day in 6 x 38 = 228 years. Now multiplied by a
number of days in a month, 29, 30 or even 31, to get a full month of
intercalation required, 228 multiplied by these numbers of days in
amonth gets symmetrically in the middle of (and around) 6660 and 7020.

The middle is 180 years from both sides. 180 is a common divisor of
the 11700 years (5850+5850) lead system. to the left there in the pic
it's written, that the surplus of the indian systems clues to the
tarot cards 8 and 18. 8 is the key of Leo, the Age where Atlantis sank
and the Sphinx has been built in the beginning of the map. 18 is the
key of Pisces, the age of Christ. The card is called "The Moon" and
means the hebrew letter Qoph. Sometimes it is said, that 8 is the
number of Christ.

The Shinx is a matriarchaic symbol. The woman, Virgo, has mastered the
Lion (Leo). The words "to sphinx" are annother term for "binding
tightly togteher". This is just what Virgo has accomplished. Any
wisdom of Atlantis has been folded together into the Torah, the dog
has been domesticated and until Pisces-Aquarius, the Age of the
Revelation, all the people of the world have been enslaved with
limited calendars, alphabets and 'holy' books. Next there comes the
age of Cancer, meaning a Victory. Age of Gemini is Paradise. The Giza
Plateau may still have been a garden at this time du to the close end
of the ice age by the Milankovich cycles. Counted from the end of
Atlantis in, let us say, 9611 BC, about 12000 years later mankind for
some reason is ready to bring it back to the surface in the age of
Aquarius. Aquarius is the water-carrier. In the body of man this is
the blood, but in our times, this could be a wall built into the
street of Gibraltar (Gebura-Altar), so that the mediterranean sea can
be pumped about a mile down and Atlantis with all it's gimmicks and
gadgets reappers. (no affiliation)

Well, maybe just as a tourist attraction, but the spectacle will
create a lot of 'new' and maybe fruitfull land to settle on?

We can find the Jewish and Christian calendars to be interconnected
through the Torah and the number of Christ. 8880 is 6 times the greek
value of "Christos" 1480: (no afiliation)

The value 1480 also appears in the middle between two double 2555
measures in the Elohim subsystem (see "occult secrets of the Torah"
and newsletter #6).

After twice 2555 verses and a something of further 73 verses (2555 are
divisible by 73), Moses gets annother set of Torah tablets as he has
smited the first ones 'dead'. Jesus is a second Adam?

The feet of the Giant, the diagram may be called the House of God, are
the words Torah and on the other side mirrored as Tarot. Platon wrote
about Atlantis 360 years before 1 AD and the Jewish Anno Mundi of
Hillel II has been accepted 360 years later. The Name "Hillel II" is a
clue by itself: means Morning Star viz Venus and so the two Octaeteris
cycles of the Torah or the two Torah as of the world map of time. It's
a fractal.

In 2012 our world crosses the galactical plane. From there to the end
of the system every year may be a Tarot card. Also the Hitomi-pictures
with thrice 360 = 1080 degree have 78 rings on the word-level. This is
not meant as prophecy or promise, but as the world calendar being a
toolcase that contains measures and ideas. These measures and ideas
have to be taken out from it and used separately. It's not meant, that
especially in the middle years there is the Jesus comming or
something, but as a picture of an eternal law. Tomorrow is not tomorrow.

Someone, let us say Solon from Athen (Sol-on, the sun or son, the city
of the sun in egypt, Ankh-aten, viz aten as the DISC of the sun)
signals us that the Time Masters are still at work.
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Old 05-21-2004, 08:39 AM   #14
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Is 2012 the final "end date" of all known prophecies? I'm just wondering what everyone, from Atlanteans to Mayan doomsayers to the Pyramid chamber forecasters, are going to do once we get past that year? Sure, they'll come up with excuses and recalibrations and such, but at that point are there any more dates to leap towards, or is 2012 the "oldest" date to be warned about?

Just wondering, not out of a desire for one of them to be true, but for the possible lack of material to help kill the whole end time silliness (as if that will happen).
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Old 05-21-2004, 11:29 AM   #15
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I did not claim that the world ends. What i wrote literally is, that the map of time, which is a calendar, that ends. And only this one out of 12 that are allways nested around the cycle of precession. YOU saw the world ending beacuse of the very sick end-of-world hype. I did not claim that. It's an intellectual system that ends. Well, theoretically. Practically nothing happens. You just know now what they are fighting with/about: a windmill - with a giant Guymelef hidden inside.
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Old 05-21-2004, 07:33 PM   #16
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Millhouse was (is) the intellectual Guy in "Simpsons".
No, duh. He is not the "intellectual" guy. In fact, he is quite an idiot. Just because he wears glasses does not mean he has brains.

What was that about Terry Pratshits Time Monks?
First of all, it is Terry PratCHETT. Second, they are a bunch of monks started by the man who fell in love with Time. In Pratchett's universe, as long as humans believe there is a anthropomorphic embodiment of a universal aspect, then there is an anthropomorphic embodiment of that universal aspect (ie- a god/embodiment). God of mushrooms, dead-things-left-at-the-back-door, Crocodile god, Blind Io, Om, and my personal favourite, Fate.

The monks distribute time across the world, because, obviously, in some places it builds up and in other places it's stretched out, because of the magic fields of Discworld. With the spinning tops and the sand mandalas they go about it, supposedly stopping the Disc from imploding, sometimes dumping the extra time into the sea, sometimes spreading it out across different parts, etc etc. Also, they can time-splice, which is a cute effect for the story.

The mystic who started it fell in love with the Goddess of time, and they had a child together, well, two, actually. Kind of. It's a long story. Read Thief of Time, and you'll see.

But honestly, it has nothing to do with "theory".

It's an intellectual system that ends.
Not possible. Some more recommended reading for you: The Year 2000 Will Not Take Place, by Jean Baudrillard.
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Old 05-22-2004, 05:00 AM   #17
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I'm in love with time? I married time I guess.
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Old 05-22-2004, 07:28 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Dilandau
I'm in love with time? I married time I guess.
How's that work then?

Are you aware of the Time Cube theory described by Dr Gene Ray at There seems to be parallels with your theory, and both you and he communicate with a special sort of eloquence which you don't see often.
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Old 05-22-2004, 09:27 AM   #19
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Why do people often introduce to me the time cube? I once or twice looked at it and had some interesting ideas, but failed to get the actual message from the writer, because the design of the page blasted away my consciousness. If you have problems with my pages, please report. I am going to do my very best to make it comprehensible. I know that my material in amount, level and quality is far ahead of the time-cube. Latter page is on the web since years without change and the author did not react on any mail of mine. My pages are relatively new and I work on them almost all the time and I keep a good contact with my readers and scholars as far they want to.
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Old 05-22-2004, 09:38 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Dilandau
Why do people often introduce to me the time cube?
Let's see now...

Garbled language, check.
Unusual outlook on time, check.
Weird diagrams which make people more confused, not less, check.
Bizarre website choked with gibberish, check.

I once or twice looked at it and had some interesting ideas, but failed to get the actual message from the writer, because the design of the page blasted away my consciousness.
Actually I'm being a little unfair to you: this part makes sense.

I know that my material in amount, level and quality is far ahead of the time-cube. Latter page is on the web since years without change and the author did not react on any mail of mine. My pages are relatively new and I work on them almost all the time and I keep a good contact with my readers and scholars as far they want to.
Are you disrespecting the Wisest Human, Dr Gene Ray?

How dare you?
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