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Old 10-17-2004, 08:17 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Magus55
Did I say Americans? If so I meant Christians or people in general, not a billion americans. So quick to attack people over something so simple as putting in the wrong word. Issues much?
No, you said "people." I took it as all over the world.
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Old 10-17-2004, 08:25 PM   #32
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So Magus, would there be any time, if you could live indefinitely, that you would say that the rapture, or the "the end" was not going to happen? If you lived to the year 2525, as they said, would you think then that it was still about to happen? What about the year 6510, when people might have populated several other planets, contacted extraterrestrial intelligence, and overcome disease?

The "prophetic" year 2000 has passed, and so is the "prophetic" year of 2004 about to. When would you say we could quit anticipating the imminent "end?"

What about the year 850,000?
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Old 10-17-2004, 08:48 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Magus55
Did I say Americans? If so I meant Christians or people in general, not a billion americans.
In his defense Magus55 doesn't say Americans, at least not
here He just says that 95% of the United States might be Raptured. Which is false. [ and might be where the confusion sneaked in]

Originally Posted by Magus55
So quick to attack people over something so simple as putting in the wrong word. Issues much?
Hey, noone is attacking people, but a person. Throwing out misinformation like that might cause people to think your a false prophet or somethig
Old 10-21-2004, 02:37 PM   #34
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Has anyone here read the Left Behind Books? They're supposed to be about the Rapture and 7-year Tribulation peariod that follows. I bought the first one a week ago and have just finished it today. According to the book, there is a "literal" Rapture where several people (all children, "true Christians," and even unborn babies) vanish into thin air. Just like that. Some of the dissapearences are caught on tape and you can see people there one second, and then they're gone, their clothes falling in a pile in a pile on the floor. (They went naked?). The people who were left behind, were not "true Christians" and therefore did not go to heaven. The seven years that follow will be very hard for them because it's the Tribulation, and if they want to go to heaven they have a second chance to change. It's really interesting and Left Behind #1 has lots of info on the Rapture if anyone wants to know more about it.
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Old 10-21-2004, 03:20 PM   #35
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Cool Review by the Queen

Originally Posted by Psychophobia
Has anyone here read the Left Behind Books?
Our beloved Queen of Swords read at least one, and produced this Review
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Old 10-21-2004, 03:27 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Psychophobia
The people who were left behind, were not "true Christians" and therefore did not go to heaven.
I'll bet they weren't Scottish either!
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Old 10-22-2004, 07:03 AM   #37
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For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.
It's real simple, folks. Let's not let LaHaye & co. define the parameters of sound interpretive criticism. What is described above metaphorically would have been taken for granted (understood as common sense) by any reader of the first century (not to mention up to the 14th): Just as a king is met outside of the city by his subjects and ushered into it, so too will be the return of King Jesus. It's about coming to establish a visible kingdom on earth — not abandoning it.

Whatever form the actual return takes, make no mistake: all that Paul intended to say in the passage above is that at Jesus' "appearing" those who are still alive will be "transformed" so that their mortal bodies will become incorruptible. The extra-metaphors are there to enhance the message, that's all.


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Old 10-22-2004, 07:26 AM   #38
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Epictetus wrote:
"Evangelical" in the U.S. (help me out here, guys, if I am off base) is much broader than in Sweden and does not denote simply one denomination. It crosses denominational lines.
Indeed, it is trans-denominational.

It refers to any Christian who sees it as his/her primary duty to convert others to his/her brand of Christianity; i.e. The Great Commission.
Usually what is emphasized is the simple the need for "a personal relationship with Jesus." The particulars come after they get you "in."

Evangelicals in this country are quite obnoxious.
This is an American thing, not particularly evangelical.

Evangelical is often linked with Fundamentalist here
Not really, that is, not by folks who know better. Evangelicals, while coming out of the fundamentalist movement, can no longer be considered "fundamentalist." What is more, the large majority have always considered their secondary duty to be a concern with social issues (markedly different than fundamentalists).

... meaning not only do these people believe in a literal Bible, inerrant in every word
Not so much any more, which is why the two (fund. and evang.) ought to be distinguished. I'm not saying that Evangelicals don't hold to inerrancy; I am saying that it is not deemed the issue as it is for fundamentalists.

Also, fundamentalists are "second-degree separationists" (if not third or fourth), which simply means that not only do they separate themselves from those with whom they disagree, they also separate themselves from those who do not actively oppose those with whom they disagree.

To be sure, the lines are still very fuzzy — especially south of the Mason-Dixon, but I think our friend from the Svens kakyrkan would find more in common with the Evangelical than the Fundamentalist.


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Old 10-22-2004, 09:47 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Chili
The "number of Man" is 666 which is not the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast is the number of "that certain man" and this number is not given.
Yes. It's ages since anyone had three digit numbers. He's probably changed it loads of times since then. Apart from the Police of course, and they do have the odd beast among them. Did you get his badge number? Perhaps that would give you a lead to which station he worked in.

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Old 10-22-2004, 09:53 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by DISSIDENT AGGRESSOR
In his defense Magus55 doesn't say Americans, He just says that 95% of the United States might be 95% Raptured
I think this whole story stems from WWII. While Germany used Lord Haw Haw to say that soon 95% of England would be captured, the Japanese tried a similar thing on America using Muttley.

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