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Old 07-24-2011, 06:41 AM   #311
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Originally Posted by J-D View Post
....... As far as I can see it isn't inadequate friction which prevents humans from walking on water. There's enough friction for humans to swim through water. There's also enough friction for members of the Gerridae ('water striders') to walk on water. I'm not familiar enough with the physics to be sure, though. What I do know is that it is an empirical question, of physics, and not one of logic. Logic is concerned with the relations of ideas, not with matters of fact.
Well, you have FINALLY exposed your real problem.

You neither understand basic Physics or Logics.
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Old 07-24-2011, 12:22 PM   #312
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Originally Posted by J-D
1. It is logically impossible for somebody without feet to walk (on water or anywhere else)--in the literal sense of the word 'walk', since that literal sense entails moving the feet.
I apologize for being so picky, here, J-D, but, NO, that is not "the literal sense of the word 'walk'". Moving the feet by means of friction, exerting a force against the immovable planet earth, is ambulation, not simply "moving the feet". Ambulation requires that the feet come into contact with an immovable object, in this case, the planet earth, so that, the person can achieve change in position, i.e. movement, despite gravity which seeks to hold us in one place, by virtue of our having mass, i.e. Newton's first law: an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by some external force.

The key point is not amelia, it is friction. Without friction, we also do not move, (i.e. not just those missing their lower limbs). In space, absent gravity, and absent friction, neither we, nor the folks with amelia, can ambulate. So,too, in aqueous phase water, neither we, nor those with amelia, can ambulate atop the waves. We can swim, we can float, but we cannot maintain an erect posture, alternating both feet, in a futile attempt to ambulate, while standing atop the body of water. We cannot maintain an erect posture, attempting to ambulate by alternating positions of our feet atop the body of water, because the mass of our body, multiplied by the gravitational constant (9.8 m/sec^2) exceeds (greatly exceeds) the friction generated between our feet and the surface of the water.
Originally Posted by J-D
2. I am not denying that ambulation requires friction, I am denying only that that is a logically necessary truth.
"I am denying that that is a logically necessary truth.", where the bold "that" refers to ambulation requiring friction.

Well, perhaps you are correct, and I err. In my opinion, there is no such category, as "logically necessary truth". There are facts, laws, hard data, i.e. physics, representing truth, and then there are wishful thoughts, embracing not only some truth, but also some non-truth.

In my opinion, "ambulation requires friction", on planet earth, is about as close to a real, genuine fact, as one can achieve. It is therefore, in my view, a "logically necessary truth". Can you cite some authority to support your contention, else, an authority to repudiate my perspective? I seek a citation explicitly focused on the concept that the phrase "ambulation requires friction" fails to represent a "logically necessary truth". I know of no elements of logic which could explain how "ambulation requires friction" represents the absence of a "logically necessary truth".

Originally Posted by J-D
Yes, there are different categories of truths. Some are logically necessary, some are not. As I said, if you want to discuss logic then I respectfully suggest that you need to acquire more explicit knowledge of the subject first.
My infantile knowledge be damned. No one on this forum is fooled for even ten seconds about my profound level of ignorance. This is not a thread about my oblivious state of mind. This is a thread aimed at exploring whether or not the Hysterical Jesus hypothesis has wings or not. Can it fly? Does it make sense? Is it logical? Is it false? If it is false, and if it is illogical, then, the hysterical Jesus hypothesis is a logical fallacy, precisely as explained by aa5874. If on the other hand, the hypothesis is NOT illogical, or, if someone could show that the hysterical jesus hypothesis is not fraudulent, not phony as a three dollar bill, and NOT FALSE, then one could argue, as you have done, J-D, that aa's criticism of the HJ hypothesis does not fall within the category of "logical fallacy".
Originally Posted by J-D
3. As far as I can see it isn't inadequate friction which prevents humans from walking on water.
Perhaps your ocular prescription is out of date.
It IS, precisely, inadequate friction between human feet/shoes, and water surface, that prevents humans from walking on water.

Originally Posted by J-D
There's enough friction for humans to swim through water.
YUP.....Check out Archimedes

Originally Posted by J-D
There's also enough friction for members of the Gerridae ('water striders') to walk on water.

Originally Posted by J-D
I'm not familiar enough with the physics to be sure, though.
helas, we are all ignorant of physics, even the physicists, themselves.....Best we can do, is study more......

Originally Posted by J-D
What I do know is that it is an empirical question, of physics, and not one of logic.
where "it" refers to the need for "friction, in order to ambulate", a key point, in view of your insistence that this concept conveys no aspect of "logically necessary truth."

Originally Posted by J-D
Logic is concerned with the relations of ideas, not with matters of fact.
You are certainly entitled to that opinion. My own thought is quite different.
Logic, for me, is represented by Boolean Algebra.
Logic is concerned with the relations of digital circuits, i.e. real material objects, not merely ideas.

x∧y = xy
x∨y = x + y − xy
¬x = 1 − x

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Old 07-24-2011, 02:39 PM   #313
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by J-D View Post
....... As far as I can see it isn't inadequate friction which prevents humans from walking on water. There's enough friction for humans to swim through water. There's also enough friction for members of the Gerridae ('water striders') to walk on water. I'm not familiar enough with the physics to be sure, though. What I do know is that it is an empirical question, of physics, and not one of logic. Logic is concerned with the relations of ideas, not with matters of fact.
Well, you have FINALLY exposed your real problem.

You neither understand basic Physics or Logics.
You are the one who does not understand logic. But that was obvious from the beginning.
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Old 07-24-2011, 02:47 PM   #314
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Originally Posted by avi View Post
Originally Posted by J-D
.....Logic is concerned with the relations of ideas, not with matters of fact.
You are certainly entitled to that opinion. My own thought is quite different.
Logic, for me, is represented by Boolean Algebra.
Logic is concerned with the relations of digital circuits, i.e. real material objects, not merely ideas.

x∧y = xy
x∨y = x + y − xy
¬x = 1 − x

There is no need for all this complication. We can just get a dictionary and find out what "LOGIC" means.

Once Scholars have DISCREDITED the authors of the Jesus stories that Jesus of Nazareth was born of the Holy Ghost in Bethlehem, was the Word that was God, was the Creator, was on the pinnacle of the Temple in Jerusalem with the DEVIL, instantly healed INCURABLE diseases with the SPIT and TOUCH technique, walked on the sea, TRANSFIGURED, was RAISED from the dead and ascended in a cloud then it was ILLOGICAL for Scholars to have used the very sources which they have DISCREDITED.

It is ILLOGICAL to use ADMITTED and known unreliable sources for historical purposes.

The very claim that HJ was an ordinary man with a human father INHERENTLY destroys the credibility of the authors.

When a proper theory is being presented the RELEVANT data MUST be simultaneously brought forward to be examined.

If one theorises that there was an historical Pilate the Governor then the writings of Philo and Josephus can be presented.

No credible historical data of antiquity has been presented for the HJ theory.

There is really no HJ theory without credible historical data from antiquity.

In effect, the historical Jesus has no known credible history.

The HJ theory is a logical fallacy.
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Old 07-24-2011, 02:57 PM   #315
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Originally Posted by avi View Post
Originally Posted by J-D
1. It is logically impossible for somebody without feet to walk (on water or anywhere else)--in the literal sense of the word 'walk', since that literal sense entails moving the feet.
I apologize for being so picky, here, J-D, but, NO, that is not "the literal sense of the word 'walk'".
If you're going to be picky, you should be accurate when you're picky, and you're not. I didn't say that 'moving the feet' is the literal sense of the word 'walk', I said that the literal sense of the word 'walk' entails moving the feet.
Originally Posted by avi View Post
Moving the feet by means of friction, exerting a force against the immovable planet earth, is ambulation, not simply "moving the feet".
It is not a necessary part of the meaning of 'walk' that force be exerted against the earth. People walk along the decks of ships and along the corridors of trains and aeroplanes, and have even walked on the surface of the moon.
Originally Posted by avi View Post
Ambulation requires that the feet come into contact with an immovable object, in this case, the planet earth, so that, the person can achieve change in position, i.e. movement, despite gravity which seeks to hold us in one place, by virtue of our having mass, i.e. Newton's first law: an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by some external force.
But you ignore Newton's Third Law of Motion: 'to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction'. Walking along any surface (including the surface of the Earth) involves reciprocal friction, reciprocal force: both bodies move, the one walking and the one being walked on, even when one of them is the Earth: the Earth moves, and you are wrong in describing it as immovable.
Originally Posted by avi View Post
The key point is not amelia, it is friction. Without friction, we also do not move, (i.e. not just those missing their lower limbs). In space, absent gravity, and absent friction, neither we, nor the folks with amelia, can ambulate.
And yet people in space, and other objects in space also, such as the Earth itself, do move.
Originally Posted by avi View Post
So,too, in aqueous phase water, neither we, nor those with amelia, can ambulate atop the waves. We can swim, we can float, but we cannot maintain an erect posture, alternating both feet, in a futile attempt to ambulate, while standing atop the body of water.
I know that. There is no need for you to belabour a point I have never disputed.
Originally Posted by avi View Post
We cannot maintain an erect posture, attempting to ambulate by alternating positions of our feet atop the body of water, because the mass of our body, multiplied by the gravitational constant (9.8 m/sec^2) exceeds (greatly exceeds) the friction generated between our feet and the surface of the water.
Originally Posted by J-D
2. I am not denying that ambulation requires friction, I am denying only that that is a logically necessary truth.
"I am denying that that is a logically necessary truth.", where the bold "that" refers to ambulation requiring friction.

Well, perhaps you are correct, and I err. In my opinion, there is no such category, as "logically necessary truth".
Are you aware of the manner in which logicians use the term? Do you have a reason for dismissing their approach as invalid? Or are you passing judgement on something you haven't made any attempt to understand? You just said that you might be in error. Why are you unconcerned to check?
Originally Posted by avi View Post
There are facts, laws, hard data, i.e. physics, representing truth, and then there are wishful thoughts, embracing not only some truth, but also some non-truth.

In my opinion, "ambulation requires friction", on planet earth, is about as close to a real, genuine fact, as one can achieve. It is therefore, in my view, a "logically necessary truth". Can you cite some authority to support your contention, else, an authority to repudiate my perspective? I seek a citation explicitly focused on the concept that the phrase "ambulation requires friction" fails to represent a "logically necessary truth". I know of no elements of logic which could explain how "ambulation requires friction" represents the absence of a "logically necessary truth".
Because you know no elements of logic, obviously. As I suggested before, if you are going to discuss logic, you should acquire more explicit knowledge of the subject first. If you want an authority, any elementary text on the subject you can lay your hands on should do.
Originally Posted by avi View Post
Originally Posted by J-D
Yes, there are different categories of truths. Some are logically necessary, some are not. As I said, if you want to discuss logic then I respectfully suggest that you need to acquire more explicit knowledge of the subject first.
My infantile knowledge be damned. No one on this forum is fooled for even ten seconds about my profound level of ignorance. This is not a thread about my oblivious state of mind. This is a thread aimed at exploring whether or not the Hysterical Jesus hypothesis has wings or not. Can it fly? Does it make sense? Is it logical? Is it false? If it is false, and if it is illogical, then, the hysterical Jesus hypothesis is a logical fallacy, precisely as explained by aa5874.
aa5874 has not explained how it is a logical fallacy because, like you, aa5874 does not know what a logical fallacy is.
Originally Posted by avi View Post
If on the other hand, the hypothesis is NOT illogical, or, if someone could show that the hysterical jesus hypothesis is not fraudulent, not phony as a three dollar bill, and NOT FALSE, then one could argue, as you have done, J-D, that aa's criticism of the HJ hypothesis does not fall within the category of "logical fallacy".
Originally Posted by J-D
3. As far as I can see it isn't inadequate friction which prevents humans from walking on water.
Perhaps your ocular prescription is out of date.
It IS, precisely, inadequate friction between human feet/shoes, and water surface, that prevents humans from walking on water.
Originally Posted by J-D
There's enough friction for humans to swim through water.
YUP.....Check out Archimedes
Originally Posted by J-D
There's also enough friction for members of the Gerridae ('water striders') to walk on water.
Originally Posted by J-D
I'm not familiar enough with the physics to be sure, though.
helas, we are all ignorant of physics, even the physicists, themselves.....Best we can do, is study more......
Well, that's what I suggest you do. Study logic.
Originally Posted by avi View Post
Originally Posted by J-D
What I do know is that it is an empirical question, of physics, and not one of logic.
where "it" refers to the need for "friction, in order to ambulate", a key point, in view of your insistence that this concept conveys no aspect of "logically necessary truth."
Originally Posted by J-D
Logic is concerned with the relations of ideas, not with matters of fact.
You are certainly entitled to that opinion. My own thought is quite different.
Logic, for me, is represented by Boolean Algebra.
Logic is concerned with the relations of digital circuits, i.e. real material objects, not merely ideas.

x∧y = xy
x∨y = x + y − xy
¬x = 1 − x

Boolean algebra is not dependent on digital circuits. George Boole lived, invented Boolean algebra, and died, before digital circuits were invented. He worked with ideas, not with real material objects.

However, since you mention Boolean algebra, I point out that the theorems of Boolean algebra are logically necessary truths, and that neither the things you have been saying about walking nor the things aa5874 has been saying about 'the HJ theory' are theorems of Boolean algebra. If you can prove something by Boolean algebra alone I will accept that it is a logically necessary truth. Why don't you see how far Boolean algebra alone can get you.
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Old 07-24-2011, 04:06 PM   #316
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Originally Posted by J-D View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Well, you have FINALLY exposed your real problem.

You neither understand basic Physics or Logics.
You are the one who does not understand logic. But that was obvious from the beginning.
Well, are you not the one who claimed Logic is NOT concerned with FACTS?

Originally Posted by J-D
..Logic is concerned with the relations of ideas, not with matters of fact.

You have ZERO idea what LOGIC is.
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Old 07-24-2011, 04:27 PM   #317
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by J-D View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Well, you have FINALLY exposed your real problem.

You neither understand basic Physics or Logics.
You are the one who does not understand logic. But that was obvious from the beginning.
Well, are you not the one who claimed Logic is NOT concerned with FACTS?

Originally Posted by J-D
..Logic is concerned with the relations of ideas, not with matters of fact.

You have ZERO idea what LOGIC is.
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Old 07-24-2011, 05:32 PM   #318
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Default Eusebius submits the very first HJ theory for peer review c.324/325 CE

Originally Posted by J-D View Post
Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
Originally Posted by J-D View Post
Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
The very first Historical Jesus Theory was authored by Eusebius
What leads you to say that?
Eusebius himself,
You have not cited the words of Eusebius you are referring to.
The words of Eusebius to which I and many others have referred to ad nauseum in this forum for years to are to be found in the opening chapter of the Early Christian Church History.

Originally Posted by The words of BIG E AUTHORED between 312 and 324 with revisions
Book I.
Chapter I. The Plan of the Work.

1 It is my purpose to write an account of the successions of the holy apostles, as well as of the times which have elapsed from the days of our Saviour to our own; and to relate the many important events which are said to have occurred in the history of the Church; and to mention those who have governed and presided over the Church in the most prominent parishes, and those who in each generation have proclaimed the divine word either orally or in writing.

2 It is my purpose also to give the names and number and times of those who through love of innovation have run into the greatest errors, and, proclaiming themselves discoverers of knowledge falsely so-called1 have like fierce wolves unmercifully devastated the flock of Christ.

3 It is my intention, moreover, to recount the misfortunes which immediately came upon the whole Jewish nation in consequence of their plots against our Saviour, and to record the ways and the times in which the divine word has been attacked by the Gentiles, and to describe the character of those who at various periods have contended for it in the face of blood and of tortures, as well as the confessions which have been made in our own days, and finally the gracious and kindly succor which our Saviour has afforded them all. Since I propose to write of all these things I shall commence my work with the beginning of the dispensation2 of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ.3

4 But at the outset I must crave for my work the indulgence of the wise,4 for I confess that it is beyond my power to produce a perfect and complete history, and since I am the first to enter upon the subject, I am attempting to traverse as it were a lonely and untrodden path.

I pray that I may have God as my guide and the power of the Lord as my aid, since I am unable to find even the bare footsteps of those who have traveled the way before me, except in brief fragments, in which some in one way, others in another, have transmitted to us particular accounts of the times in which they lived. From afar they raise their voices like torches, and they cry out, as from some lofty and conspicuous watch-tower, admonishing us where to walk and how to direct the course of our work steadily and safely.

5 Having gathered therefore from the matters mentioned here and there by them whatever we consider important for the present work, and having plucked like flowers from a meadow the appropriate passages from ancient writers,6 we shall endeavor to embody the whole in an historical narrative, content if we preserve the memory of the successions of the apostles of our Saviour; if not indeed of all, yet of the most renowned of them in those churches which are the most noted, and which even to the present time are held in honor.

6 This work seems to me of especial importance because I know of no ecclesiastical writer who has devoted himself to this subject; and I hope that it will appear most useful to those who are fond of historical research.

7 I have already given an epitome of these things in the Chronological Canons7 which I have composed, but notwithstanding that, I have undertaken in the present work to write as full an account of them as I am able.

8 My work will begin, as I have said, with the dispensation8 of the Saviour Christ,-which is loftier and greater than human conception,

9 -and with a discussion of his divinity9 ; for it is necessary, inasmuch as we derive even our name from Christ, for one who proposes to write a history of the Church to begin with the very origin of Christ's dispensation, a dispensation more divine than many think.
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Old 07-24-2011, 05:36 PM   #319
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Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
Originally Posted by J-D View Post
Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
Originally Posted by J-D View Post
Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
The very first Historical Jesus Theory was authored by Eusebius
What leads you to say that?
Eusebius himself,
You have not cited the words of Eusebius you are referring to.
The words of Eusebius to which I and many others have referred to ad nauseum in this forum for years to are to be found in the opening chapter of the Early Christian Church History.

Originally Posted by The words of BIG E AUTHORED between 312 and 324 with revisions
Book I.
Chapter I. The Plan of the Work.

1 It is my purpose to write an account of the successions of the holy apostles, as well as of the times which have elapsed from the days of our Saviour to our own; and to relate the many important events which are said to have occurred in the history of the Church; and to mention those who have governed and presided over the Church in the most prominent parishes, and those who in each generation have proclaimed the divine word either orally or in writing.

2 It is my purpose also to give the names and number and times of those who through love of innovation have run into the greatest errors, and, proclaiming themselves discoverers of knowledge falsely so-called1 have like fierce wolves unmercifully devastated the flock of Christ.

3 It is my intention, moreover, to recount the misfortunes which immediately came upon the whole Jewish nation in consequence of their plots against our Saviour, and to record the ways and the times in which the divine word has been attacked by the Gentiles, and to describe the character of those who at various periods have contended for it in the face of blood and of tortures, as well as the confessions which have been made in our own days, and finally the gracious and kindly succor which our Saviour has afforded them all. Since I propose to write of all these things I shall commence my work with the beginning of the dispensation2 of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ.3

4 But at the outset I must crave for my work the indulgence of the wise,4 for I confess that it is beyond my power to produce a perfect and complete history, and since I am the first to enter upon the subject, I am attempting to traverse as it were a lonely and untrodden path.

I pray that I may have God as my guide and the power of the Lord as my aid, since I am unable to find even the bare footsteps of those who have traveled the way before me, except in brief fragments, in which some in one way, others in another, have transmitted to us particular accounts of the times in which they lived. From afar they raise their voices like torches, and they cry out, as from some lofty and conspicuous watch-tower, admonishing us where to walk and how to direct the course of our work steadily and safely.

5 Having gathered therefore from the matters mentioned here and there by them whatever we consider important for the present work, and having plucked like flowers from a meadow the appropriate passages from ancient writers,6 we shall endeavor to embody the whole in an historical narrative, content if we preserve the memory of the successions of the apostles of our Saviour; if not indeed of all, yet of the most renowned of them in those churches which are the most noted, and which even to the present time are held in honor.

6 This work seems to me of especial importance because I know of no ecclesiastical writer who has devoted himself to this subject; and I hope that it will appear most useful to those who are fond of historical research.

7 I have already given an epitome of these things in the Chronological Canons7 which I have composed, but notwithstanding that, I have undertaken in the present work to write as full an account of them as I am able.

8 My work will begin, as I have said, with the dispensation8 of the Saviour Christ,-which is loftier and greater than human conception,

9 -and with a discussion of his divinity9 ; for it is necessary, inasmuch as we derive even our name from Christ, for one who proposes to write a history of the Church to begin with the very origin of Christ's dispensation, a dispensation more divine than many think.
What he says there, even if it is true, is that he is the first to attempt to write a history of the Church from its origins to his own time, not that he is the first to write a 'historical Jesus theory'.
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Old 07-24-2011, 05:46 PM   #320
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Originally Posted by J-D View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
You are the one who does not understand logic. But that was obvious from the beginning.
You have not demonstrated that this is obvious anywhere above, you have merely asserted this to be so, from some perceived authority as a self-confessed logician defending the historical jesus theory from sinking beneath the patterns of the waves of ancient historical evidence.
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