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Old 04-11-2007, 04:50 PM   #691
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
There are tons of fiction in the NT. I can go through the NT, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, and point them out to you, for example the entire 8th chapter of Matthew is fictitious, but let me give you a partial list for now.

These events are all fictitious:
1. The prophecies regarding Jesus, as stated in the NT.
2. The birth of Jesus, as stated in the NT.
3. The baptism of Jesus, as stated in the NT.
4. The temptation of Jesus, as stated in the NT.
5. The miracles done by Jesus, as stated in the NT.
6. The transfiguration of Jesus, as stated in the NT.
7. The burial of Jesus, as stated in the NT.
8. The resurrection of Jesus as stated in the NT.
9. The ascension of Jesus, as stated in the NT.
10.The witnesses to the above mentioned events, as stated in the NT.

I have done some investigation and I have narrowed all the possibilities to one possibilty and it is this: Jesus never existed.
If your investigation consists only of the material you have presented to us on this thread, it is logically flawed and hence its conclusion is worthless.
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Old 04-11-2007, 04:51 PM   #692
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
That's because I am using the NT to show that Jesus is fictitious. I myself find the NT terribly incoherent and I wished I had some other source, but since there are no others, I will continue with the NT.

I must warn you in advance, my incoherency will get much worse when I start to quote the book called Revelation, I have never seen so much mumbo-jumbo in my life.

Anyhow, apparently, you seem to think you understand the authors of the NT, but frankly speaking I don't, maybe that is why I appear confused at times.
If you say that you don't understand somebody, but you also say that what they are saying is false, then you are contradicting yourself.
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Old 04-11-2007, 04:55 PM   #693
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
You know everything that I know? If you don't know whether Jesus existed or not then just say so.

I have stated my position, what exactly is yours. I don't waste my time trying to tell you how to make your decisions. Everything you say about me is unsubstantiated speculation .
I can't speak for spin, but suppose just for the sake of argument spin did say: 'My position is that I don't know whether Jesus existed or not.' There are people who say that, even if spin isn't one of them.

How do you respond to people who hold that position?
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Old 04-11-2007, 05:17 PM   #694
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
You use your hunch to come to an HJ, I use evidence to come to a MJ.
No. You misuse it. You rape it and misread it to suit your purposes and you draw absolutely invalid and logically fallacious conclusions from the evidence you appeal to to make your "case".

You conclusion is based on the premise that a report in an ancient document of a person' birth as being the result of a union of a woman with a divine figure decisively and automatically and indisputably renders any claim to the historicity of that person as false.

And yet when you are shown that this obviously is not the case, and that it was made of people who were indeed historical, and not thought by any ancient to have the effect you claim it has, you still insist that your logic and your claim is sound.

In other words, you do not recognize that your premise is faulty and you refuse to allow anything to actually or even potentially falsify your claims -- a sure sign that a claim is bogus. In fact, you have no idea of what would falsify your claims, let alone what sound logic is. In the light of all this, your claim that "evidence" not only supports, but inevitably leads to, your conclusion, is absolute horse hockey.

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Old 04-11-2007, 06:10 PM   #695
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Originally Posted by praxeus View Post
And why is this incompatible ?

Acts 5:34-39
Then stood there up one in the council,
a Pharisee, named Gamaliel, a doctor of the law,
had in reputation among all the people,
and commanded to put the apostles forth a little space;
And said unto them,
Ye men of Israel,
take heed to yourselves what ye intend
to do as touching these men.
For before these days rose up Theudas,
boasting himself to be somebody;
to whom a number of men,
about four hundred, joined themselves:
ho was slain; and all, as many as obeyed him, were scattered,
and brought to nought.
After this man rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of the taxing,
and drew away much people after him: he also perished;
and all, even as many as obeyed him, were dispersed.
Hmm. Judas after Theudas?

So much for Luke as an accurate historian.

Anyone want to bet that to maintain Luke's accuracy as an historian, Steve will say that Luke was simply accurately reporting the speech as Gamaliel gave it and that it was Gamaliel, not Luke, who was the one who was mixed up about the events Luke has Gamaliel mention, despite the facts that these events were separated by some 40 years, and that at the time at which Gamaliel is supposedly speaking (c. 33? CE), the Theudas incident (which occurred during Fadus' stint as governor of Judea -- i.e., 44-46 CE) had not yet happened?

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Old 04-11-2007, 06:47 PM   #696
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Originally Posted by jgibson000 View Post
No. You misuse it. You rape it and misread it to suit your purposes and you draw absolutely invalid and logically fallacious conclusions from the evidence you appeal to to make your "case".
Originally Posted by jgibson000
According to Mark--who knows neither Matthew not Luke--it is through sexual union of Mary and Joseph. According to Matthew, through a man other than Joseph. According to Paul through human generation

Who are you raping and misreading?
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Old 04-11-2007, 07:15 PM   #697
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post

Who are you raping and misreading?
Great riposte! Wat? Are you five years old.

But to answer your question, no one. To see this -- at least with respect to Matthew -- go here.

Now where is your evidence that Mark explicitly speaks, as you've claimed he does, of the conception of Jesus by a "ghost"? Put up or shut up.

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Old 04-11-2007, 07:58 PM   #698
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
I have stated my position,
Which is playing without a full deck. I don't care about belief positions such as yours. I care about what you can show and what you can't show. You ignore what you can't show and act as though what you can show nullifies what you admit not being able to show. The approach is like using the scientific law of uniformity without a statistically significant sample.

You functionally say, because you find certain facts in the Jesus tradition unacceptable, all facts in the tradition are unacceptable. That is not logical.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
what exactly is yours.
My belief system is not up for grabs here and neither should yours be.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
I don't waste my time trying to tell you how to make your decisions.
I'm not interested in your decisions. I'm interested in the evidence you muster for what you want to say.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Everything you say about me is unsubstantiated speculation .
The only meaning I can extract from this is that you have been misrepresenting yourself repeatedly. This is what you have been saying: because you find certain facts in the Jesus tradition unacceptable, all facts in the tradition are unacceptable. Here is a typical example:

Originally Posted by aa5874
There are tons of fiction in the NT. I can go through the NT, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, and point them out to you, for example the entire 8th chapter of Matthew is fictitious, but let me give you a partial list for now.

These events are all fictitious:
1. The prophecies regarding Jesus, as stated in the NT.
2. The birth of Jesus, as stated in the NT.
3. The baptism of Jesus, as stated in the NT.
4. The temptation of Jesus, as stated in the NT.
5. The miracles done by Jesus, as stated in the NT.
6. The transfiguration of Jesus, as stated in the NT.
7. The burial of Jesus, as stated in the NT.
8. The resurrection of Jesus as stated in the NT.
9. The ascension of Jesus, as stated in the NT.
10.The witnesses to the above mentioned events, as stated in the NT.

I have done some investigation and I have narrowed all the possibilities to one possibilty and it is this: Jesus never existed.
Typical reactions to your "investigation":
  1. J-D - If your investigation consists only of the material you have presented to us on this thread, it is logically flawed and hence its conclusion is worthless.
  2. Febble - You post a list of things you don't believe happened as written, and then conclude, on the basis of your own incredulity, that "Jesus never existed".
There are numerous other similar comments from various points of view in this thread. With one glaring exception, they all say very similar things: your conclusions don't follow from your premises. You continue to repeat them unanalysed and undaunted. The combination is also that of the most fundamentalist christian.
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Old 04-11-2007, 10:01 PM   #699
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Originally Posted by jgibson000
According to Mark--who knows neither Matthew not Luke--it is through sexual union of Mary and Joseph.
This statement is full of errors and speculation Mark has never been identified, neither Matthew nor Luke, therefore it is pure speculation to say Mark does not know Matthew and Luke.

There are no passages in Mark that claim Jesus is the product of sexual union of Mary and Joseph. This is a false claim, unsubstantiated by the author of Mark.

Originally Posted by jgibson000
According to Matthew, through another man other than Joseph
Again, this blatantly false, see Matthew 1:18, Mary was found with child of the Holy Ghost.

Originally Posted by jgibson000
According to Paul through human generation.
I have not been able to find a passage in the Pauline Episles to confirm your statement, however I have found a passage, and there are more, that shows one of the Pauls being confused about Christ.
2 Corinthians 12:2, 'I know a man in Christ above fourteen years ago (whether in the body, I cannot tell, or whether out of the body I cannot tell; God knoweth) such an one caught up in the third heaven.

The NT claims that Jesus is the product of the Holy Ghost and Mary, any other claim is false and cannot be corroborated by any known credible source. The Jesus in the NT could not have been born, to claim he was the son of Joseph and Mary through sexual union is contradicted at least 2 times.
Joseph cannot be confirmed to be a real person. Mary cannot be confirmed to be a real person.

One fact remains true and cannot be contradicted and it is this; The Holy Ghost and a female cannot produce a child. Jesus is said to be the product of such a relationship, this cannot happen. Jesus never existed as described in the NT.
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Old 04-11-2007, 10:08 PM   #700
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Originally Posted by spin View Post
There are numerous other similar comments from various points of view in this thread. With one glaring exception, they all say very similar things: your conclusions don't follow from your premises. You continue to repeat them unanalysed and undaunted. The combination is also that of the most fundamentalist christian.
Spin, there are billions of people who do not agree with my view, I aready know that.

Do you support the historicity of Jesus or not and why? That's the discussion.
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