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Old 09-13-2004, 10:15 AM   #91
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Originally Posted by Metacrock
... you are letting them set the "Spin"...
I do counsel someone wearing the name "Metacrock" not to play with other people's names.

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Old 09-13-2004, 10:16 AM   #92
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Originally Posted by Sven
Let me ask a short question: Do you think one can estimate how much of this "assumption of all historians" is based on tradition and how much on evidence? I just thought about Gilgamesh (sp?), King Arthur and other legendary figures which also have some "textual evidence" - but these two are not assumed to have existed by historians. The most obvious difference between them and Jesus is religious tradition - so how do you propose to rule out this possibility as the only cause for the "assumption of all historians"?

I want to first point out that historians never assumed aurthar existed, because we have no text by people who can be clealry validated as real, who claimed to know him. BTW I just got through looking into the historicity of Author for grins. I conclude that there was a guy named Aurthar who was some sort of "war chief" (not a king) and was famous for surviving lots of battles. But he may or may not be the basis for the legond.

I think most historians have tended to assume Jesus was real because historians have always accept it and no evidence has ever been produced to justify doubting it, and because there are a few sources which link to historical figures who are principle to the Jesus story; mainly Peter, James, John the B.

From my point of view, exactly the kind of evidence which you demanded was provided (some early critics), but you dismissed it with some blather. But I'm not that educated on the topic, so you could perhaps try to explain your reasoning better.

What evidence are you talking about? If you mean Trypho, it is fairly obvious he was not questioning the historical existence of Jesus of Nazerath. They are just turning a clealry worded stament about the title Messiah into a proper name. it's obvious he was saying You invented a Messiah, not that they invented the guy they said was Messiah. Is that blather? I think its' pretty clear.

Is there evidence against Gilgamesh's existence?

No but he may have existed. You are losing sight of the point.There's a historical probalbity that Jesus existed and there's no reaosn to assume otherwise and they can't offer any kind of evidence to back the assertion and type the scale in favor of doubting it.

Besides just blantly ignoring about 15 sources that say he did within the first two centuries,some of them based upon personal knowledge of his deisciples.

From your latest post:

Sounds like a very poor marketing strategy for selling his book. But according to you, Doherty is really stupid - so this should not surprise me.

I did not say that! this is just typical of you guys changing the spin on my comments. I never said that, and in fact in an early post I said he is intelligent. I don't think of him as stupid. I think some of the assumptions he makes are stupid, I'm sure he thinks the same of me. That is not a reason to think of him as stupid. He's just on a soap box. I've been there too.
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Old 09-13-2004, 10:19 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by spin
I do counsel someone wearing the name "Metacrock" not to play with other people's names.

Ok you are letting them set the Metacrock! :wave:

Really, skeptics have made so much out of my name nothing would schock me now. But my own dyslexia has gotten the better of me. I've called myself everything from Meatcorck to Metacock.
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Old 09-13-2004, 10:22 AM   #94
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Originally Posted by Sven
Hi Metacrock, you didn't answer my question about splitting the thread into several smaller ones, debating lesser points.

I've been considering doing that.

Concerning the huge posts, you could agree on a word limit before the debate. And ask him to clarify his points.

Then why don't you start a thread in Formal Debate Proposals?

I'm considering doing that
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Old 09-13-2004, 10:22 AM   #95
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Originally Posted by Metacrock
Well of course. Just being a Christian means I've lost, it means you refuse to think about what I say, it means you automatically doubt all my evidence as a matter of course, it means you automatically distort my arguments (that's also going to happpen becasue you can't understand them) and it means wont ever consider anything I say in a fair light. But what else is new man? that's been the Sec Web since I discovered it.
For the love of Christ, Meta, come off your little martyr complex...

You don't engage Doherty in any critical way. Your 'critique' is superficial and doesn't deal with Doherty's arguments. For example, you cite 1 Cor.3 as an example of what Paul knew of a historical Jesus, as if Doherty has nothing to say about it. You don't ever try to engage Doherty's reading of certain Epistles like Hebrews. You just don't ever engage Doherty's ideas in a meaningful way. So there is little reason to care what you have to say about it.

And this certainly isn't the case for all Christians. Check out Bede's page:

Notice anything different about your critique and Chris Price's? Like his being relevant and yours not? Notice how he constructively engages Doherty's ideas and you don't?

You can play that "you haven't read the book" crap all you want. That's a game and you know it. He doesn't say anything in the book he doesn't say on the web site.
Yes, he does say stuff in his book that he doesn't on his webpage (and vice versa). And his ideas in the book are easily followed. Besides, it doesn't appear that you've read much of his web site anyway, so who cares?
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Old 09-13-2004, 10:30 AM   #96
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Originally Posted by Metacrock
But my own dyslexia has gotten the better of me. I've called myself everything from Meatcorck to Metacock.

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Old 09-13-2004, 10:31 AM   #97
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Originally Posted by Metacrock
I want to first point out that historians never assumed aurthar existed, because we have no text by people who can be clealry validated as real, who claimed to know him.
OK, Arthur was a bad example.

I think most historians have tended to assume Jesus was real because historians have always accept it
Here you have it: tradition.

and no evidence has ever been produced to justify doubting it,
Was there any evidence which let us to doubt Gilgamesh's existence?

and because there are a few sources which link to historical figures who are principle to the Jesus story; mainly Peter, James, John the B.
So what? I don't see your point, sorry.

What evidence are you talking [...] Is that blather? I think its' pretty clear.
As I said: I know little about the topic, but your responses indeed looked like evasions to me. It may be only an uneducated opinion, but it's the opinion that perhaps more lurkers share.

No but he may have existed.
So what? Nobody claims that it's impossible that Jesus existed. He also may have existed, so the analogy is a good one, I think.

You are losing sight of the point.There's a historical probalbity that Jesus existed and there's no reaosn to assume otherwise
Same for Gilgamesh who reportedly also had some god-like abilities (if I remember correctly).

I did not say that! this is just typical of you guys changing the spin on my comments. I never said that, and in fact in an early post I said he is intelligent. I don't think of him as stupid.
Sorry, I paraphrased what I got from your writings about him. So there's even more reason to doubt that everything from his book is on his website (according to Intelligitimate, it isn't).
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Old 09-13-2004, 11:10 AM   #98
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Originally Posted by Sven
Originally Posted by Metacrock
I want to first point out that historians never assumed aurthar existed, because we have no text by people who can be clealry validated as real, who claimed to know him.
OK, Arthur was a bad example.
Let me reiterate an example I use, which may be more useful.

A certain Ebion, who was the founder of the Ebionite movement in early xianity, or so thought Tertullian, Hippolytus, Jerome, etc. The name ebionaioi is a transliteration of an Aramaic/Hebrew word, ebion, meaning "poor". This hasn't stopped the early xian fathers from disseminating all sorts of information about this invented figure. Epiphanius tells us where he was born. Jerome cites from his writings!

Fortunately the Ebionites died out, otherwise who knows what sort of fanciful stuff would have been cooked up?

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Old 09-13-2004, 11:28 AM   #99
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Originally Posted by Metacrock
I mean, there are no examples of Jews inventing fictional narratives to fulfill the word of God in other respects.
What would you call most of the Hebrew Scriptures? Jonah and the Whale? The story of Job? The Exodus?
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Old 09-13-2004, 11:31 AM   #100
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Originally Posted by Sven
I, for my part, have virtually no knowledge about Doherty, his thesis, and the evidence for or against it. So it's very interesting to read a debate about it, to learn many new things.

But the way this is going right now doesn't help me at all. Exceptionally long posts, which are hard to read and sometimes even harder to guess who said what when. So for (stupid) readers like me: Isn't it possible to discuss this one point at a time, perhaps in separate threads? Even more interesting would be a formal debate, formatted to make it readable.

What do you think, Ted and Metacrock (who are the main debaters) ?
If you want to follow Doherty's ideas, read his web site ( ) and his book. Many of Doherty's critics have not bothered to read or understand what he writes, and just have an overwhelming emotional reaction against the idea of a mythical founder of Christianity.
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