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Old 05-14-2006, 10:06 AM   #121
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Originally Posted by Gamera
Show us where, and show us the date of the text. I suspect it is a backformation. Indeed, I have examined this issue carefully and cannot find in any earlier text in any religion the expression found in Matthew 5 relating to loving one's enemy.
Have you examined this passage from the Tao Te Ching, written around 500 years before Christ?
Do good to him who has done you an injury.
Taoism. Tao Te Ching 63

Or this one from the Buddha from around the same time?
Conquer anger by love. Conquer evil by good. Conquer the stingy by giving. Conquer the liar by truth.
Dhammapada 223

or this one from the Ramayana, interestingly, from around the same period?
A superior being does not render evil for evil; this is a maxim one should observe; the ornament of virtuous persons is their conduct. One should never harm the wicked or the good or even criminals meriting death. A noble soul will ever exercise compassion even towards those who enjoy injuring others or those of cruel deeds when they are actually committing them--for who is without fault?
. Ramayana, Yuddha Kanda 115
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Old 05-14-2006, 10:35 AM   #122
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Originally Posted by sunspark
Once again - are we surprised? - we see Gamera and Sheshbazzar trying to "defend" their god by saying the equivalent of "they had it coming", "God didn't mean it", "I don't see you doing anything about it" and "you're just pissed off with God". Is that all you got? Pu-lease.
The first two of your charges do not apply to anything I wrote, the second two, somewhat:
"I don't see you doing anything about it" I did write some about the individual being able to make the world a better place for all men, after someone had expressed the opinion that such efforts were futile.

"you're just pissed off with God". My first post in this thread lampooned the immaturity of the reasoning behind the previous posts, each of which in its own way was expressing a disaffection and contempt for the "gawd" of their misconceptions.

But as for the subject of babies, pregnant women and innocent children dying
by the sword in warfare, by the will of men, or by the express will and commandment of YHWH.
As one who believes in YHWH, and in His mercy, and that the Heavens exist, and are a far better place, it is my belief that these were by the mercy of YHWH, removed from further suffering of the cruelties of that age.
(even as all the millions of babies who are being exterminated in these days)
They are spoken for by The Head of the house-hold of faith, His Amen is spoken for all of whom are because of age, or infirmity of the flesh, or of the mind unable to speak for themselves.
By one Word, all are confirmed, and all that are confirmed, are received, and all that are received are Delivered.
My expectation is to hear them all sing His praises, and to sing along with them, in that age to come. hallel-u-YAH!
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Old 05-14-2006, 10:49 AM   #123
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Originally Posted by sheshbazzar
As one who believes in YHWH, and in His mercy, and that the Heavens exist, and are a far better place, it is my belief that these were by the mercy of YHWH, removed from further suffering of the cruelties of that age.
(even as all the millions of babies who are being exterminated in these days)
Gid is justified in murdering innocent babies because Heaven is a better place than cruel life on earth? That is so sick. You are a dangerous person. So I guess I'm justified in murdering you now?
My expectation is to hear them all sing His praises, and to sing along with them, in that age to come. hallel-u-YAH!
And now you're asking us to praise this genocidal maniac who orders his followers to stab little babies to death? No thank you.
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Old 05-14-2006, 11:00 AM   #124
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Originally Posted by spin
Well, most of this I agree with, right up to the mediaeval suffering claptrap.

Why you necessarily throw the suffering into the equation, I know. You have to assume it otherwise your antiquated religious construction would fall apart. Suffering is a relative term in this day and age. You suffer because your dad won't buy you a gameboy. You suffer because your girlfriend doesn't like to play around. Others suffer for real reasons: you know... real sickness, disease, hardship, war, poverty. This generic suffering stuff is just silly. You should grow up and get over it.
I trust that readers with intellectual honesty will be able to detect that the word "suffer" as I applied it, clearly meant what a person experienced that made them to become as they are.
Suffering has always been a relative term, Pharaoh suffered the burdens imposed by his wealth and power, Cavendish "suffered" his, angst, today, Bill Gates "suffers" his wealth, recently stating that he'd rather not be the worlds wealthiest man.
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Old 05-14-2006, 11:14 AM   #125
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Originally Posted by TomboyMom
Gid is justified in murdering innocent babies because Heaven is a better place than cruel life on earth? That is so sick. You are a dangerous person. So I guess I'm justified in murdering you now?
By your standards, yes, you would justify yourself, even as they who participated in the murder of Steven.
And now you're asking us to praise this genocidal maniac who orders his followers to stab little babies to death?
The same thing Moses, David, The Prophets, Man from Galilee, Steven, Peter and Paul asked.
And yes, they were also well aware of The Scriptures that you are citing as the basis for your objections.
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Old 05-14-2006, 11:29 AM   #126
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar
By your standards, yes, you would justify yourself, even as they who participated in the murder of Steven.
No, Shesh, these are YOUR standards, not mine. By YOUR standards, it is justified to slaughter innocent little babies because they are better off in heaven. I do not accept these standards, and have clearly been decrying them throughout this thread. You are the one here who is advocating infanticide, not me. You are the one who thinks murder is O.K., as long as it is committed in Yahweh's name. In fact, you glorify and praise his name and his actions, including infanticide and genocide. I am only applying these standards to you and asking you to be consistent in your beliefs.

[quote]The same thing Moses, David, The Prophets, Man from Galilee, Steven, Peter and Paul asked.[quote] I realize that all these men also glorified the same genocidal maniac that you do. They were equally wrong.
And yes, they were also well aware of The Scriptures that you are citing as the basis for your objections.
You have no way of knowing what they were or were not aware of, or even whether they existed. Chances are that only the latter three did. In any case, your argument from authority still fails. It doesn't matter whether Jesus did or did not praise Yahweh, he's still the most genocidal tyrant in history, and your only justification for his alleged actions is that heaven is better than earth. Under that logic, murder is always justified, no matter how innocent the victim. Is that how you interpret the ten commandments?
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Old 05-14-2006, 12:15 PM   #127
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Originally Posted by TomboyMom
No, Shesh, these are YOUR standards, not mine. By YOUR standards, it is justified to slaughter innocent little babies because they are better off in heaven. I do not accept these standards, and have clearly been decrying them throughout this thread.
And those standards have apparently been applied by God's earthly representatives. It is reported that when the Spanish conquered Mexico, they used to baptize the babies of the heathen they conquered and then immediately dispatch them off to heaven. Again, every decent person would now say that this was a horrible crime, and that those who committed it had a choice whether to do it or not. But some of these same people will say that God had no choice when he ordered the Hebrews to do the same thing (without even caring whether their victims went to heaven or not). How can this be? Human beings have free will, but God doesn't?

And haven't I often heard that God is "the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow"? So if a massacre of innocents was OK 3000 years ago, why wouldn't it be today?
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Old 05-14-2006, 12:15 PM   #128
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar
I trust that readers with intellectual honesty will be able to detect that the word "suffer" as I applied it, clearly meant what a person experienced that made them to become as they are.
Suffering has always been a relative term, Pharaoh suffered the burdens imposed by his wealth and power, Cavendish "suffered" his, angst,
He wasn't an example I gave. Try the wealthy Bertrand Russell, who didn't suffer very much at all, but lived a long healthy very productive life, that you suffer-minded people would be happy for. If you were realistic, you'd be able to find your own examples. Some of today's entertainers are healthy, wealthy and happy. Bob Hope made it to 100, died happily married and wealthy. You're apparently the sort of person who wants suffering. I can sell you a whip if you like.

Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar
today, Bill Gates "suffers" his wealth, recently stating that he'd rather not be the worlds wealthiest man.
Yup, that's why he gave it all away.

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Old 05-14-2006, 12:29 PM   #129
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Originally Posted by TomboyMom
No, Shesh, these are YOUR standards, not mine. By YOUR standards, it is justified to slaughter innocent little babies because they are better off in heaven. I do not accept these standards, and have clearly been decrying them throughout this thread. You are the one here who is advocating infanticide, not me. You are the one who thinks murder is O.K., as long as it is committed in Yahweh's name. In fact, you glorify and praise his name and his actions, including infanticide and genocide. I am only applying these standards to you and asking you to be consistent in your beliefs.
No,It is not by my standards, "justified to slaughter innocent little babies because they are better off in heaven".

No, I have not, "advocated infanticide", I explained my positon on an 3000+ year old infanticide recorded within The Scriptures, (The matter could have just been omitted, or purged, but was published and retained for a purpose)

What YHWH commanded at that time, He has also since commanded that we shall not do.

No, I do not, "think murder is O.K., as long as it is committed in Yahweh's name."
In that day, He as the Supreme commander over the army of Israel, gave an order that was to be obeyed by every soldier, questions could come latter, but obedience was to be immediate.
We have came a long way from those times, with much more being revealed through His prophets and His Son.
If I thought that "murder is O.K.,as long as it is committed in Yahweh's name" It would be more than likely that I would be writing this from a prison cell, men that commit murder in Yahweh's name are a very rare commodity. Members of my congregations have walked in The Name for many years now, entire lifetimes, living peacefully with all men.

Originally Posted by TomboyMom
It doesn't matter whether -*****- (sic) did or did not praise Yahweh, he's still the most genocidal tyrant in history, and your only justification for his alleged actions is that heaven is better than earth.
What are you accusing The man from Galilee of, to claim that he is the most genocidal tyrant in history? (be certain that your accusation is not the province of another, who went forth in another name)
What are you claiming that He did?
What are "his alleged actions"?
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Old 05-14-2006, 12:39 PM   #130
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Originally Posted by spin
He wasn't an example I gave. Try the wealthy Bertrand Russell, who didn't suffer very much at all, but lived a long healthy very productive life, that you suffer-minded people would be happy for. If you were realistic, you'd be able to find your own examples. Some of today's entertainers are healthy, wealthy and happy. Bob Hope made it to 100, died happily married and wealthy. You're apparently the sort of person who wants suffering. I can sell you a whip if you like.
Bertrand Russell also experienced many things, the loss of friends and loved ones to disease and death, I'm sure if he were here, he would relate to us a few of the challenges, trials, and disappointments of his life.
You are being extremely shallow in your intellectual appreciation of what the broader applications of the word "suffer" entail.
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