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Old 05-05-2007, 08:10 AM   #211
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Originally Posted by spamandham View Post
You have already proven to everyone here but yourself that you are not any kind of fucking messiah. The test is over.
Hey, if you don't think I'm the messiah, even though the Bible explains that the second coming messiah would be an ordinary man, black, and arriving in 1992, then that's your problem. You're either mistaken or deceived otherwise. Because this is REAL and what the Bible says is going to happen is going to, just like everything else that has come true right on time.

Just remember, that nobody believed Noah when he entered the ark, but when it started to rain, everybody was a believer.

This has to be fulfilled too, though:

He said to them: 24 “Exert yourselves vigorously to get in through the narrow door, because many, I tell YOU, will seek to get in but will not be able, 25 when once the householder has got up and locked the door, and YOU start to stand outside and to knock at the door, saying, ‘Sir, open to us.’ But in answer he will say to YOU, ‘I do not know where YOU are from.’ 26 Then YOU will start saying, ‘We ate and drank in front of you, and you taught in our broad ways.’ 27 But he will speak and say to YOU, ‘I do not know where YOU are from. Get away from me, all YOU workers of unrighteousness!’ 28 There is where [YOUR] weeping and the gnashing of [YOUR] teeth will be...

You see? When Christ comes back, he will actually preach to people and they will know him but won't respond to him until some broad miracle or something happens, like when it rained in Noah's day, that will convince people he really is the messiah. But it will be too late.

So the "broad ways" of the world are the internet, where I've spread my little messianic information along with other pro-Biblical information. So this sets up the setting where some people will claim they "know me" personally and my teachings, and they would have. But they don't believe at first. But WHEN they do, based upon whatever miracle God has in mind, it will be too late. They will want to accept me and get into the kingdom but it will be too late.

So this is how THIS scenario will play out. Say someone later on is convinced I'm the messiah but they are locked out of the kingdom. They will feel bad. But they can't claim I didn't come to them and identify myself properly and openly and offer scriptural proof of who I was. So their own predicament is not in my hands.

They will be weeping because they don't get into the kingdom. They will be "gnashing their teeth" because they had the opportunity to investigate further when this first came up, but decided not to.

It's like playing the same numbers in the lottery, every day for 20 years and never winning. Then one day, you decide just for the heck of it to play some other random numbers and that very day all your numbers hit! OUCH! That HURTS! Missing out on the kingdom is one thing in itself. But missing it by such a narrow margin is what makes it even worse.

WHY WOULD ANYBODY MAKE SUCH AN INCREDIBLY PREPOSTEROUS CLAIM? C'MON! But if a person really is the messiah, they have no choice but to admit it. I have no choice but to be considered a crackpot and a crazy person, I understand this. But I AM the real thing, which means no one can disprove it, obviously. They can only be annoyed by it if they decide I'm not the real thing.

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Old 05-05-2007, 10:22 AM   #212
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Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
Hey, if you don't think I'm the messiah, even though the Bible explains that the second coming messiah would be an ordinary man, black, and arriving in 1992, then that's your problem.
Even if the Bible did say this, which it doesn't, in no would that imply that YOU are the fortold messiah, nor would the mere fact that a book makes such a claim imply there is any truth to that claim. The whole messiah crap could just be ancient bullshit, and you are spinning it into modern bullshit.

How about we make a deal, when you start raising people from the dead, you can claim to be the messiah. Until then, I will continue to deam you a lunatic. Sound fair?

Originally Posted by larry-the-messiah-guy
Because this is REAL and what the Bible says is going to happen is going to, just like everything else that has come true right on time.
The Bible is just a bunch of ancient bullshit with no predictive value whatsoever. There will be no second coming, because there was no first coming. You are not even reading it properly. You are just making shit up loosley based on it, the same way the authors of the NT just made a bunch of crap up loosely based on the Jewish scriptures.

Originally Posted by larry-the-messiah-guy
Just remember, that nobody believed Noah when he entered the ark, but when it started to rain, everybody was a believer.
...and remember how everyone thought Tom Sawyer was dead, but he was really alive? Mock it all you want, but this proves Tom Sawyer is really Superman. They're just stories in a old book.

There are no gods running around raising the dead, walking on water, parting seas, or making kangaroos swim across the ocean to a big boat, because these things never happened in the first place.

It would be laughable that people take this nonsense seriously, if they didn't take it seriously. That makes it dangerous instead, and you are one of the victims.
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Old 05-05-2007, 09:45 PM   #213
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Originally Posted by spamandham View Post
Even if the Bible did say this, which it doesn't, in no would that imply that YOU are the fortold messiah, nor would the mere fact that a book makes such a claim imply there is any truth to that claim. The whole messiah crap could just be ancient bullshit, and you are spinning it into modern bullshit.
Yeah, modern BS that produces images in the sky that can be recorded. You know, I can see just by this attitude why a photo of the "sign" was provided. Even if you don't see the images or believe they are exceptional, it adds a "reality" layer to the whole, "how do we know it's just not a myth?"

How about we make a deal, when you start raising people from the dead, you can claim to be the messiah. Until then, I will continue to deam you a lunatic. Sound fair?
You don't get it. IF I'm the messiah, I'm looking for a certain type of people for my kingdom? To be with ME, since God gave me the entire universe including angels and every man on the earth as my inheritance? It's not what YOU want, but what I want. Being the messiah is not a popularity contest, you're not voted in, you're appointed. So basically, God is looking for people who can be comfortable with this messiah, ME.

Now, of course, the more people who can be saved, the better, because people are wealth. And I am in competition with Satan who is trying to kill all my people. So there will be losses. But in deciding who will live and who will die, we (God and I) want to be fair. So I'm here to sort of separate the "sheep from the goats", the "wheat from the weeds." Sometimes, that can be a hard choice. It's the bitter part of this job. BUT... if someone volunteers to jump overboard because they don't like me, then that makes my job easier, frankly.

The Bible is just a bunch of ancient bullshit with no predictive value whatsoever. There will be no second coming, because there was no first coming. You are not even reading it properly. You are just making shit up loosley based on it, the same way the authors of the NT just made a bunch of crap up loosely based on the Jewish scriptures.
Yeah, right. I guess I fabricated the photos as well.

...and remember how everyone thought Tom Sawyer was dead, but he was really alive? Mock it all you want, but this proves Tom Sawyer is really Superman. They're just stories in a old book.
Yeah. Well, just use that security long as you can. I hope it's waterproof.

There are no gods running around raising the dead, walking on water, parting seas, or making kangaroos swim across the ocean to a big boat, because these things never happened in the first place.
Dream on!

It would be laughable that people take this nonsense seriously, if they didn't take it seriously. That makes it dangerous instead, and you are one of the victims.

Well, all I can say to that is, that "Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction!"

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Old 05-06-2007, 12:11 AM   #214
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Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
Yeah, modern BS that produces images in the sky that can be recorded.
I'm GUESSING your photo is real, since there's nothing the least bit interesting about it, but then again, there's nothing the least bit interesting about it. You are the only one here who sees anything more than just a cloudscape.

Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
Even if you don't see the images or believe they are exceptional, it adds a "reality" layer to the whole, "how do we know it's just not a myth?"
To those of us actually living in reality, it simply adds additional evidence that you need medical help. Please get it.

Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
You don't get it. IF I'm the messiah, I'm looking for a certain type of people for my kingdom?
Then you are in the wrong place. You should be searching for gullible dumbasses who might actually fall for this shit rather than mingling among seasoned skeptics who reject a dozen messiah-guy(47)s before breakfast.

Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
So basically, God is looking for people who can be comfortable with this messiah, ME.
How many converts have you made here I wonder? Maybe it's time to spread the insane JW bulsshit nonsense messiah crap word elsewhere.

Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
Now, of course, the more people who can be saved, the better, because people are wealth.
How about this, I formally and officially deny you. I hereby accept all consequences of doing that, to include eternity in your absense. As my last request, can you get your absense started early please?

Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
And I am in competition with Satan who is trying to kill all my people.
I have a picture of a rock that proves I'm actually Enki, well, when combined with some paintings, and random passages from the Book of Mormon, the Qu'ran, the Vedas, and even the Bible. If you play 'stairway to heaven' backward, it says 'my sweet satan', which proves I'm Enki, because I'm not all that sweet like Satan is. Plus, I used to be really promiscuous, and the prodigal son wasted all his money on whores, so that cements the case.

Plus, I'm not black, and my face hasn't been run over by a truck, so that means I'm not you, which means I'm Enki!

Would it help if I present you with some randomly selected Bible passages, and interpret them incorectly, and them tie them together with bullshit?
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Old 05-06-2007, 08:06 AM   #215
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Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
You don't get it. IF I'm the messiah, I'm looking for a certain type of people for my kingdom? To be with ME, since God gave me the entire universe including angels and every man on the earth as my inheritance?
You know, while I mostly pity you for your delusions of grandeur, there is a tiny part of me that really wishes I could be a fly on the wall the day you die of old age, sickness or whatever and suddenly realize that there are no angels waiting to whisk you bodily to heaven and that you've been feeding yourself comforting bullshit all your life. Just a tiny part of me, the rest of me wants to see you get competent medical help fast.
Yeah. Well, just use that security long as you can. I hope it's waterproof.
Let's test that one shall we. Why don't you use your Messiah-skills to find my location (hint: It's currently not where my profile indicates) and cause my running water to overflow and flood my room (or turn the glass of water sitting on my table to wine, that would work too). If you can't or won't do that, please go away since you're not winning any converts, you're not going to win any converts and all you are doing is wasting bandwidth and annoying everybody.
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Old 05-06-2007, 05:25 PM   #216
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Originally Posted by spamandham View Post
I'm GUESSING your photo is real, since there's nothing the least bit interesting about it, but then again, there's nothing the least bit interesting about it. You are the only one here who sees anything more than just a cloudscape.
Well, maybe indeed "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." But I was just looking at this photo and how amazing it is. Just look at the RIVER OF FIRE! I think that a clear, conceptual image, it looks like a lava flow. And this is not the usual billowy white clouds here. The face of the black child is made up with BLACK CLOUDS! I think that's impressive. And the eyes are not just eyes, but they are CLOSED and bulbulous clearly a child's face. So no, this is an amazing message conveyed here. Even the "bird" is desending, not just flying. So see not what you wish. Maybe this was meant just for me and a few others after all, and not so overthetop to convince any unwanted outsiders.

To those of us actually living in reality, it simply adds additional evidence that you need medical help. Please get it.
My mental delusions didn't produce this photograph taken at the specific time of the original "sign of the son of man" seven years later. It's more than this one photo. What is 50 more people who photographed this same scene when they saw it suddenly posted their photos? Hmmmmm? Could happen! Now that might impress you, right? Well for anyone who has their own photo, this public copy means a whole lot more to them than someone who has never seen this. That's why I posted the WTS' mock rendention of this sleeping black face in their publication. It means others have seen it! Don't you get it? This GOD'S OWN CONCEPT of relating several details of the second coming as the black prodigal son. That up-close child's face with the closed eyes done in black clouds! THAT concept came directly from God. How could anyone have then depicted it in artwork if they didn't see it. And can you see the small birdlike image right next to it? (lower left) There's no doubt that that is why this obvious artwork was done this way.

See the messiah is the one who is supposed to release the seals from the secret scroll. Some "anointed" in the WTS understood this to be the messiah who returns "in the flesh" as the prodigal son and they reported seeing and understanding this imagery that confirms it, that of the sleeping black child's face with the bird next to it representing holy spirit. It can't be discussed because it would get too many people thinking and focussing on the apparent, so it shows up in their "subliminal" art message.

So I have more than a DELUSION going on here. I have an image that others have seen and proof that it was seen and understood. (Check out the Revelation Book photo again). So, sorry, but there's more going on here. I'm not the one having problems with reality. You're just not paying enough attention or don't understand what the evidence is.

Then you are in the wrong place. You should be searching for gullible dumbasses who might actually fall for this shit rather than mingling among seasoned skeptics who reject a dozen messiah-guy(47)s before breakfast.
Oh, so suddenly you want to be my manager? Maybe I didn't come here to get converts but just to test the waters, to make sure no one would believe me even if I explained everything in detail? You know, Christ has to make sure everything is fulfilled and that's one of them:

Acts 13: 41 ‘Behold it, YOU scorners, and wonder at it, and vanish away, because I am working a work in YOUR days, a work that YOU will by no means believe even if anyone relates it to YOU in detail.’”

This time, it is supposed to be so weird and unbelievable that even if someone explains everything to you in detail, you can't believe it. You think my claim for being the messiah is hard to believe? Well guess what else has to also be fulfilled? Per the Covenant with Abraham, 12,000 members from each of the 12 tribes have to be sealed into the kingdom in the end-times! How can that be accomplished since the genealogical records are long lost? ANSWER. Jesus chose several members from among the 12 tribes who could prove their ancestry from his day to not die at all and live down to our day. Then about 120 years from the time of the second coming they would marry into the modern population and by the time the choosing of the 12,000 from each tribe was needed, it could be done. Most people today have records back 150 years, easy. Even my slave ancestor records go back to 1880.

But can you believe that? NO! Is it practical? Yes. Is it Biblical? Yes. You hear the train coming and you think it's coming to pick you up but you don't realize you're standing on the tracks.

How many converts have you made here I wonder?
Well, just YOU so far. Not much of a turnout, I must say.

Maybe it's time to spread the insane JW bulsshit nonsense messiah crap word elsewhere.
Really? I just got here. Haven't you seen all the other places I've "spread" the word? You'd be accusing me of being partial if I left out the atheists, now wouldn't you. See how nice I am?

How about this, I formally and officially deny you. I hereby accept all consequences of doing that, to include eternity in your absense. As my last request, can you get your absense started early please?
Hey. Were you ever really officially invited into MY kingdom? You can't send in an RSVP unless you first get an invitation. Maybe you've already been rejected. But actually, rejecting me is not going to guarantee your death if you were trying to use me to commit suicide. It's more of what you were doing maybe 2 years ago when that angel came by to check on you is what you will be judged for. Lots of people in the kingdom can't get into the banquet. In the parable of the Prodigal Son, remember the older brother doesn't get into the banquet and thus resents the choice of God for the messiah. God comes out and says, "What is mine is yours." So they are not rejected. So lots are totally upset that God chose a black, ugly drag queen cross dresser to be the messiah, rather than them.

Anyway, unless you've robbed a bank or raped some woman (or man?) recently, you're being blinded to me being the messiah here is of no account. The information I provide, directly and in code is seen by everyone around the world, including my followers, so.... read between the lines. I'm not really looking for anybody to join my cause necessarily, and those that might accidentally are blinded from doing so.

Plus, I'm not black, and my face hasn't been run over by a truck, so that means I'm not you, which means I'm Enki!
Umm, I noticed it's 5 p.m. Isn't it time for your next pill?

Would it help if I present you with some randomly selected Bible passages, and interpret them incorectly, and them tie them together with bullshit?
Why are you taking me SERIOUSLY? Nobody else is. Can't you see this is just a joke? A satire that anybody can take the Bible and make it say what they want? You're the only person who got sucked into this little game. So CHILL. And don't worry. There is only a 99-100% chance I'm actually the true messiah, Jesus Christ. So not to worry!

But.... if you happen to have any secret money hidden, I would spend it in the near future if I were you.

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Old 05-06-2007, 05:39 PM   #217
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Originally Posted by Weltall View Post
You know, while I mostly pity you for your delusions of grandeur, there is a tiny part of me that really wishes I could be a fly on the wall the day you die of old age, sickness or whatever and suddenly realize that there are no angels waiting to whisk you bodily to heaven and that you've been feeding yourself comforting bullshit all your life. Just a tiny part of me, the rest of me wants to see you get competent medical help fast.
I know, I know, I know! But there's really NO CHOICE in the matter. I have no choice but to officially admit who I am, but for those who don't believe, they have no choice but to presume I'm lying or mentally ill. There's no middle ground. But this was prophesied. The messiah must teach "in the broadways" (publically) for a while. Then something will happen to convince those who rejected me to believe and then this scene must happen:

LUKE 13:24 “Exert yourselves vigorously to get in through the narrow door, because many, I tell YOU, will seek to get in but will not be able, 25 when once the householder has got up and locked the door, and YOU start to stand outside and to knock at the door, saying, ‘Sir, open to us.’ But in answer he will say to YOU, ‘I do not know where YOU are from.’ 26 Then YOU will start saying, ‘We ate and drank in front of you, and you taught in our broad ways.’ 27 But he will speak and say to YOU, ‘I do not know where YOU are from. Get away from me, all YOU workers of unrighteousness!’ 28 There is where [YOUR] weeping and the gnashing of [YOUR] teeth will be, ...

So you see, some people will have known Christ from his teachings and known him on a semi-personal basis without responding to him, but later they do. So it's getting to that time, where some who are preached to will change their minds when something more dramatic convinces them and then they will want to get into the kingdom but it will be too late.

But in the meantime the ACTUAL REALITY of why some who heard the teachings of the messiah would still reject him at first is being documented. I'm admitting who I am. I'm showing you scriptures and pictures, but not being accepted, generally. This will be multiplied over the the rest of the population. This is just the test sample group of what I'll find out there in greater numbers. So that's all we're really doing here, fulfilling that prophecy. But unfortunately it means likely the end of the world as we know it, is extremely close. And just in time! Look what a mess the world is in.

Let's test that one shall we. Why don't you use your Messiah-skills to find my location (hint: It's currently not where my profile indicates) and cause my running water to overflow and flood my room (or turn the glass of water sitting on my table to wine, that would work too).
No. Let's make this more challenging. How about I flood the entire city of Mahattan. It will be gradual. The water will rise giving people plenty of time to get out. It will flood up to three feet of ground level. Of course, you know how much underground stuff there is in New York. Then I'll cause it to freeze for about three days. Then it will take about 4 months to thaw out. Now I think that's a good SIGN, don't you? Only if you request me to do it, it will be YOUR RESPONSIBILITY and everybody will blame YOU for ordering it. Do you really want to take the responsibility for shutting down New York for six months? Think before you answer.

If you can't or won't do that, please go away since you're not winning any converts, you're not going to win any converts and all you are doing is wasting bandwidth and annoying everybody.
I have lots of converts here and nobody is forcing you to read any of my posts. This is in ELSEWHERE as it is! So actually, you have the POWER to make me disappear. Just don't click on my posts any more. I DARE you not to read another post of mine! No matter what! Can you resist?

If you can't, then I'm "entertaining" and that's worth something. People need a break from their stress day. I serve a purpose.

If you don't like my tune, don't buy a concert ticket. No one is forcing. BUT... I suggest you document everything, you know, so that on Judgment Day you can explain things better, right?

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Old 05-06-2007, 07:59 PM   #218
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Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
But I was just looking at this photo and how amazing it is. Just look at the RIVER OF FIRE! I think that a clear, conceptual image, it looks like a lava flow. And this is not the usual billowy white clouds here.
It looks like a sunset to me, but even if it isn't, there's nothing unusual about it.

Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
The face of the black child is made up with BLACK CLOUDS!
Again, you are the only one here who sees the face of a black child there. The only significance of this photo is in your mind. I suspect even your 'followers' find little compelling about that photo.

Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
My mental delusions didn't produce this photograph taken at the specific time of the original "sign of the son of man" seven years later. It's more than this one photo. What is 50 more people who photographed this same scene when they saw it suddenly posted their photos?
Assuming this is true, it's not interesting if they all showed up to photograph at a designated time and place all happened to photgraph the same thing. What the fuck else would they photograph? I seriously doubt there is any merit to your claim that 50 people showed up anyway. That implies you had already duped 50 people.

Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
So actually, you have the POWER to make me disappear. Just don't click on my posts any more. I DARE you not to read another post of mine! No matter what! Can you resist?
Challenge accepted. I'm adding you to my ignore list.
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Old 05-07-2007, 12:02 AM   #219
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Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
No. Let's make this more challenging. How about I flood the entire city of Mahattan. It will be gradual. The water will rise giving people plenty of time to get out. It will flood up to three feet of ground level. Of course, you know how much underground stuff there is in New York. Then I'll cause it to freeze for about three days. Then it will take about 4 months to thaw out. Now I think that's a good SIGN, don't you? Only if you request me to do it, it will be YOUR RESPONSIBILITY and everybody will blame YOU for ordering it. Do you really want to take the responsibility for shutting down New York for six months? Think before you answer.
Challenge accepted. Get cracking, you've got a lot of city to miraculously flood. Can you provide a timetable here? I'm hoping to hear reports that Times Square is underwater within a week or so.
I have lots of converts here
Name one.
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Old 05-07-2007, 03:39 PM   #220
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Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
No. Let's make this more challenging. How about I flood the entire city of Mahattan. It will be gradual. The water will rise giving people plenty of time to get out. It will flood up to three feet of ground level. Of course, you know how much underground stuff there is in New York. Then I'll cause it to freeze for about three days. Then it will take about 4 months to thaw out. Now I think that's a good SIGN, don't you? Only if you request me to do it, it will be YOUR RESPONSIBILITY and everybody will blame YOU for ordering it. Do you really want to take the responsibility for shutting down New York for six months? Think before you answer.
Do it or shut the fuck up.

Let's make a deal. Either you flood Manahattan, where my wife and I live, according to the plan described above, by, say, June 1, or you stop posting here, under a ban to be carried out by the mods, under Larsguy47 or any other name on that date.

How about that challenge?

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