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Old 07-04-2006, 12:41 PM   #281
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Originally Posted by JoeWallack
Oh I think you do understand Jeff.
Perhaps instead of being cryptic you'll be kind enough to let me know what it is you are claiming I understand. Frankly, what you are taking about just isn't clear.

You are The One taking this Thread as Solid Evidence that Doherty should not be taken seriously.
And even if I were taking "this Thread" (what's with your penchant for capitalizing words that are not abstractions?), rather than matters discussed within it, as "Solid Evidence" (there are those capitals again!) that Doherty's analyisis of Gal. 4:4, and therefore one of the major prongs in his MJ position, should not be taken seriously, what's wrong with that? It is whether anyone should take what Earl states about GENOMENON EK GUNAIKOS that is the point under discussion. Do you deny this?

Moreover, why shouldn't I take what is set out in the thread by myself and others and even by Ted as "Solid Evidence" that what Earl has said on this matter should not be taken seriously? Are you actually claiming that there's been nothing put forward in the thread that calls Earl's analysis and the conclusion he bases upon it into question?

Yet you can't even tell me soandso's Name.
Can't or won'?

I have no reason or inclination or obligation to answer this question since it is irrelvant to the matter at hand -- namely, what GENOMENON EK GUNAIKOS meant.

If you have actually have something to contribute to this topic, such an actual evidence based critique of claims made here, please do so. But please spare me -- and the rest of us -- your snipes and your off topic remarks.

Jeffrey Gibson
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Old 07-04-2006, 01:26 PM   #282
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Originally Posted by Wallack
Oh I think you do understand Jeff.
Originally Posted by Gibson
Perhaps instead of being cryptic you'll be kind enough to leyt me know what it is you ar claiming I understand. FRankly, I have no idea what you are talking about,.
You are The One taking this Thread as Solid Evidence that Doherty should not be taken seriously. [ /quote]
And even if I were taking "this Thread" (what's with your penchant for capitalizing words that are not abstractions?), rather than matters discussed within it, as "Solid Evidence" (there are those capitals again!) that Doherty's analyisis of Gal. 4:4, and therefore one of the major prongs in his MJ position, should not be taken seriously, what's wrong with that? Why shouldn't I? Are you actually claiming that there's been nothing in the thread that calls Earl's analysis and the conclusion he bases upon it into question?
God, I wonder what the above looked like before you Edited it. Am I starting to bother you Jeff?

Originally Posted by Gibson
If you have actually have something to contribute to this topic, such an actual evidence based critique of claims made here, please do so. But please spare me -- and the rest of us -- your snipes and your off topic remarks.

"When was that man Born of a woman?"

is "off topic" to a Thread titled Born of a woman?

My point (again) is that your Conclusions here are Overstated. I'll Type it again, but slower so you can understand:

My point (again) is that your Conclusions here are Overstated.

"So much for Burton supporting Ted's claims. And so much for the scholarship of a mythicist being worth much or worth paying attention to"

Did you write this or was it a different Jeffrey Gibson? Maybe one who's not a Doctor? You seem to think that this Thread, or at least the portion of it you want to emphasize is "one of the major prongs in his MJ position". Mr. Doherty doesn't seem to think so. Maybe it's just me but as far as what the most Significant parts of his MJ argument are, I think he'd be a better source than you.

Personally I think the questions you are refusing to answer like:

1) What was that man's name?

2) When was that man Born of a woman?

or a new one:

3) How old was that man when he died?

are much more Significant to the MJ argument than the Greek of "Born of a woman". Maybe I should leave you alone now as the alarming rate of deterioration of your ability to write in English may render your next response illegible.

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Old 07-04-2006, 02:06 PM   #283
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I must not go to the British Museum when I get a chance!

There is a fascinating dichotomy in the bookshop - huge section on greek, roman and other myths and cultures, huge religious section, but nothing on xianity as myth, except hidden deep in the anthropology texts!

Has anyone done a direct comparison of Heracles and Jesus?

Is there something different about Jewish mythology, was it a different genre to the Greek and Roman stuff? Are they considered to be excellent good average or poor story tellers? Was it encourage or discouraged? Who has compared the mythological genres of the Greeks and the Jews?

How does Mark compare as literature with Greek stuff?

Couple of books

Karen King What is Gnosticism Harvard University Press, clearly delineates the roots back to Zarathustra and gives a very different picture to the basically apologist one above.

Barnard /Spencer Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology Routledge

Quotes Geertz that ritual has the role of making the worldview seem real
and Bloch that Ritual legitimises gender heirarchy and state domination through the use of violence.

Think of the main rituals - circumcision - child abuse.
Baptism - drowning
Eucharist - eating the hero's flesh and blood - cannibalism and classic war magic behaviour of eating bits of someone to get their powers.

Maybe there is not much academic comment on xianity as myth because they assume case is closed and ignore apologists!

The encyclopedia had a very interesting discussion of the problems caused by missionary translators importing mindsets and ideas! The discussions above of the meanings of words is probably missing the woods for the trees and is in fact a historical result of the missionary translators!

There is an argument that getting into that level of detail about the meaning of words - (does Tolkien receive that type of treatment?) is in fact xian apologetics!

We need to stop arguing from their "wordy" perspective and get apologists to answer the anthropological, classical and mythological critiques! We are giving up too much ground unneccessarily here!
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Old 07-04-2006, 02:16 PM   #284
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Old 07-04-2006, 02:45 PM   #285
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Originally Posted by JoeWallack


"When was that man Born of a woman?"

is "off topic" to a Thread titled Born of a woman?
Yes, it most certainly is, because, as is clear from what is noted at the outset of the discussion under the heading "Born of a Woman", the only issue to be considered in the thread so titled was whether there is any lexical and lingustic evidence/evidence from usage that supports Earl's claim about the meaning of GENOMENON EK GUNAIKOS and what Paul was saying with that expression in Gal. 4:4.

My point (again) is that your Conclusions here are Overstated. I'll Type it again, but slower so you can understand:
Actually the phrase is "but more slowly".

You seem to think that this Thread, or at least the portion of it you want to emphasize is "one of the major prongs in his MJ position". Mr. Doherty doesn't seem to think so.
Are you actually saying -- it's hard to know from the sentence above -- that Earl does not think that a great deal of his claim about Paul being a proponent of an MJ hangs upon the validity of his interpretation of the meaning that GENOMENON EK GUNAIKOS has in Gal. 4:4? Have you actually read Earl?

Maybe it's just me but as far as what the most Significant parts of his MJ argument are, I think he'd be a better source than you.
And I agree. The question, though, is whether Earl would agree with your assertion that his claim about the meaning of GENOMENON EK GUNAIKOS in Gal. 4:4 is not one of the major planks in his argument that Paul was an MJ proponent.

Personally I think the questions you are refusing to answer like:

1) What was that man's name?

2) When was that man Born of a woman?

or a new one:

3) How old was that man when he died?

are much more Significant to the MJ argument than the Greek of "Born of a woman".
Then you do not understand what the argument - so far as Gal 4:4 is a component of it -- actually is.

Jeffrey Gibson
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Old 07-05-2006, 12:05 AM   #286
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Originally Posted by Jeffrey Gibson
As actual evidence shows, the degree of controversy on ARCONTES is more in your perception of things, and in your misreading of what scholars have actually said on what Paul is talking about in 1 Cor., than in reality
By all means, show me who I have misread below:

1. Paul Ellingworth, A Translator's Handbook for 1 Corinthians, p.46
2. W. J. P. Boyd, '1 Corinthians ii.8,' Expository Times 68. p.158.
3. C. K. Barrett, First Epistle to the Corinthians, p.72
4. Paula Fredriksen, From Jesus to Christ, p.56
5. Jean Hering, The First Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians, p.16-17
6. S. G. F. Brandon., Time History and Deity, p.167
7. Buttrick G.A. (ed.), The Interpreter's Bible, Vol X, 1953, p.37-38,
8. R. Brown, J. Fitzmyer and R. Murphy in The New Jerome Critical
, 1990, p.782 (see [7] below)
9. Others: Delling, Conzelmann, Thackeray, Schmiedel, J. H.
Charlesworth, Ignatius letter to the Smyrnaeans, 6:1

Originally Posted by Jeffrey Gibson you realize that this argument -- that the existence of controversy among scholars on topic X means that there is good reason to support and accept case Z, is what creationists appeal to show that their case is legitimate and worth considering? It is not a valid argument.
Creationists have never been able to show that ther is controversy among scientists regarding evolution. Michael Behe, a Biochemist, is the only person that can be called a "scientist", that supports ID. And even then, it has been shown that he was out of touch with latest scholarship and Ken Miller made mincemeat of his conjectures.
Originally Posted by Jeffrey Gibson
Glib dismissals? Have you actually been reading my messages? And wasn't it one of these "glib dismissals" that got you to admit that you were wrong about what you thought Burton said? Are you saying, then, that you are swayed by glibness?
Well, most of the responses are glib dismissals.
Originally Posted by Jeffrey Gibson
But you actually haven't found any support from any "mainstream" scholars. That you think you have is due, as has been demontrated here on more than one occasion, to your having misread and misuderstood and selective perceiving what those whom you adduce as supporting your ideas and claims actually say.
Heh heh heh. You are funny, Professor.
Originally Posted by Jeffrey Gibson
This assumes that you are capable of recognizing and understanding good evidence when you see it, let alone admitting that there is any evidence that could falsify your claims. The track record here (save for your admission that you read Burton incorrectly) does not indicate that you can or are ever likely to. It also assumes, contrary to fact, that to show that the mythicist case is wrong and/or misguided or pooly founded, one must prove that the historicist case is correct. BIG logical fallacy there. Can you name it?
You are cracking me up. The mythicist case best explains the silence regarding a HJ in the documentary record and accounts for peculiar expressions Paul used.
What is your explanation regarding why Paul switched from ginomai to gennaw, and why the gospels all use gennaw and never ginomai (except in John - to refer to incarnation)? Any discernible peculiarity there?
Originally Posted by Jeffrey Gibson
I thought we were looking at one of the major linchpins of the Mythicist case.
You can say that. The only problem is you have examined the case on your own terms. This means that whereas you disagree, the internal consistency of the MJ hypothesis is intact.
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Old 07-05-2006, 05:19 AM   #287
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Originally Posted by Ted Hoffman
Thanks Jeffrey. Mythicism aside, NT scholarship is rife with controversy. I mean look at the meaning archontes! I predict that, as the MJ hypothesis slowly gets attention at the mainstream, and as its flavours and brands multiply (compare Richard Carrier's take, Joe Atwill's take, Tim Thompson's take, Doherty's take and Turton's take [similar to Carrier's] and still counting) these controversies, and the MJ theories will multiply and then the theory with greatest evidentiary support will slowly move towards the mainstream.
It will take time. And at this time, we are happy to do with glib dismissals from individuals like you. It is wholly expected. We are happy to find nuggets of little support in scholarship, even if it is not from the majority of scholars.

The important point, the point that keeps me and several other amateurs in this side of the fence is that if there was evidence for a historical Jesus, you and like-minded people would have used it against us. And we would have folded our tents and gone home.
But if, in the face of your erudition, you cannot swat the MJ hypothesis with arsenals of evidence of the historicity of Jesus, we must be onto something. That is why your best resort is to mock our alleged incompetence and hang onto any defect in the MJ theory and make the most of it.
As Turton put it (and God bless his beard), we will only get better. In the meantime, please attack the MJ theory with everything you have got. I appreciate your inputs and criticisms and I have learnt a lot from you.

"It's difficult to get someone to understand something
when his salary depends on his not understanding it."
--- Upton Sinclair

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Old 07-05-2006, 05:23 AM   #288
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Originally Posted by Ted Hoffman
Creationists have never been able to show that ther is controversy among scientists regarding evolution.
There has certainly been debate among scientists about the details of evolution, and creationists have mined quotes from participants in this debate to give the misleading impression that the broad outline of evolutionary theory is in question. See here for examples of quote mining:
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Old 07-05-2006, 06:02 AM   #289
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Originally Posted by jjramsey
There has certainly been debate among scientists about the details of evolution, and creationists have mined quotes from participants in this debate to give the misleading impression that the broad outline of evolutionary theory is in question. See here for examples of quote mining:
So much for Jeffrey's scholarship.
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Old 07-05-2006, 07:22 AM   #290
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Originally Posted by jgibson000
You need to have a look at the discussion of the term in David Garland's commentary on 1 Corinthians or in Walter Wink's Naming the Powers.
Thanks for the tip, Jeffrey. My sarcasm relates to the use of past conditional in 1 Cor 2:8 in reference to demons. How can they be demons if Paul imputes the origin of their action to privation - to their being denied God's hidden wisdom ? I am not much of a biblical scholar but I have read a lot of sacred texts and mystical treatises, mythology, and fairytales from all over the world. In all of them demons are fixed as demons. They are malevolent by definition; it's their nature and the nature of things.

But the real problem is Ted's claim (made numerous times elsewhere) that all scholars who think that ARCONTES in 1 Cor refers to demonic rather than human powers do not accept, let alone do not profess, the idea that when these powers act so as to affect something in the earthly realm -- let alone to bring about, as Paul says they did in 1 Cor. a crucifixion -- they were known and thought of in the ancient world as always doing so through human agency.

Jeffrey Gibson
I see.....The traffic police would certianly know that in the statement "alcohol was the cause of the accident", "alcohol" means "the driver under the influence".

Jiri Severa
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