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Old 10-26-2003, 11:31 PM   #21
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Originally posted by christ-on-a-stick
Magus, sometimes I wonder if you ever really stop to think about this scenario. Picture a three year old child, frozen in terror as the waters rise, clinging to his mother's skirt as she holds his infant brother or sister as high as possible in a vain attempt to save its life, only to invetably succumb, sputter, drown and sink lifelessly in the deep waters sent forth by your loving God.
Here, have this visual aid... courtesy of Jack Chick's fertile mind, of course!

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Old 10-27-2003, 01:34 AM   #22
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Default life's not fair

Originally posted by Magus55
...A brief moment of suffering compared to eternity of bliss, where as if the children grew up and followed their parents, they would have likely been murderers and thieves, destined for Hell...
"Destined." What, they don't have a choice?

Now here's an interesting scenario.

Let's take, oh, "Steve" for a second. Steve is a young child alive during the floodtimes. His wicked, evil parents were raising him with their wicked, evil ways. If he hadn't gotten crushed by the 30 bajillion tons of rainwater per second dropping on his ass during the flood, he would have grown up to become an evil-wicked-person that would go to hell.

Lucky for Steve! He's got a nice gold harp right now.

Now, let's take me for example. I'm born in the nowtimes. You know, where we know all kinds of shit that kind of oh, you know, makes the supernatural look kinda goofy and false. I was raised by evil, wicked parents (they were Catholic) in their evil, wicked ways. I was not crushed under tons of boiling hot floodwaters dropping from the sky to cleanse the world of 'undesireables.'

So now there's a demon in hell with my name on his sodomizing tentacles of doom.

Not so lucky for Novo!

And all because God decided not to flood the Earth again while I was a toddler. I always get the short end of the stick. Damn you Steve!
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Old 10-27-2003, 02:49 AM   #23
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Originally posted by Magus55
Well considering the people were evil, I don't picture parents clinging to their dear children to save them from the rising waters. I picture the parents doing anything they can to save their own skin, while throwing their children in a "dumpster"

If they were that evil, why would they have children to begin with? Shouldn't they all have died out years ago from each woman having an abortion or committing infanticide asap?

You know enough about them to say that they were wholly evil; now explain why god needed to send a flood to drown wholly evil people. They would all have murdered each other.

God also gave them 120 freakin years to repent of their evil and turn to God. But no, just like so many people today ( i.e atheists), they ignore God's warning.

If the messengers of god in that day were anything like the messengers of god today, I can't blame the people for not repenting.

And it would have been a calamity if they had repented. As more and more righteous people climbed on board the ark, the entire thing would have sunk.

Sorry, no sympathy for the adults,

No sympathy for anyone, apparently.

and the children are now in heaven for eternity.

Why? Did they accept Jesus as their lord and savior? If not, how could they be in heaven? Remember, Jesus said, "No one comes to the Father except through me."

Satan opened up a day care center just for those kids, but took the precaution of draining the wading pool first.

Which would you prefer, being killed quickly by rushing waters, or spending months starving to death?

Is your god limited to those two options? And here I thought that with him, all things were possible.
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Old 10-27-2003, 05:25 AM   #24
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Originally posted by Magus55
But no, just like so many people today ( i.e atheists), they ignore God's warning. "Oh it won't happen, its all a myth, Noah must just be building this 450 foot boat for giggles"
No, actually we think Noah didn't exist in the first place, let alone his "Ark".

. A brief moment of suffering compared to eternity of bliss, where as if the children grew up and followed their parents, they would have likely been murderers and thieves, destined for Hell. Children today suffer worse than those in the flood, and its prolonged suffering.
Uh, uh, and who do we have to thank? I say, what use is it for children to endure "prolonged suffering" at all?
Isn't this place made just to make sure we can choose God or not? What's the use of this to some unacountable children?
Some of them die before reaching adulthood. And supposedly get a free pass to heaven. So why did He put them on earth in the first place , if he knew before hand what would happen to them?

What is the point? Perhaps, as the bible says, God created this to show off? Proof of his glory?

And ...wait. Just noticed this:

A brief moment of suffering compared to eternity of bliss, where as if the children grew up and followed their parents, they would have likely been murderers and thieves, destined for Hell.
Likely? Likely?! You mean they wouldn't end up all 100 % evil? They actually could grow up diffrent?
No wait. Before you said:

Only 8 souls were worthy enough to be saved. The rest were pure evil.
So they couldn't. They would all grow up to be certified Pure Evil. No doubt about it.
So did they have any free will? You have to admit that some would have grown diffrent in another family. Was it their fault that they grew up (all this is hypothetical) in a Pure Evil family?

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Old 10-27-2003, 05:42 AM   #25
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Default Re: A Titanic Rage

Originally posted by Aurora Elegance
"Experts built the Titanic, Amateurs built the Ark"
And the Titanic was a nice ship. I don't remember ballrooms and restorauntsnts being on the ark BTW has anyone actually calculated the size of the ark and the inner stresses such a structure would have. The size of waves that would accumulate if the world was covered in water also concern me. After all, there is a limit to what one can build out of wood.
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Old 10-27-2003, 05:50 AM   #26
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"Physical life on earth is no the most important thing. Its insignificant compared to eternity."

The sooner such thinking is annhiliated, the sooner the rest of humanity can get on with improving itself.

Physical life on Earth is important. This spineless self-loathing non-sense has got to go.
If you really thought physical had no importance why do anything to help the world?Why no kill youself?(and do me a favor.) And why not go be insignificant in the dirt all you want.

But to say life is of no importance? How rare it is in the Galaxy and you think it is insignificant?

Life is wasted on people like this who throw it away like seeds, thinking their hopeless illusionall life will drag others to grow downward into caves of dark and muck.

No way buddy! Take your pathetic shit off to eternity and leave us who truly live to our task of making humanity a better creature.

You would have died in the Flood like a pathetic worm too...waving to your homosexual, inscestuous, drunkard of a boat building friend who won't lift a finger to help you...wave bye bye now and imagine drowning...Now watch as you sink deeper into the water as the air leaves you lungs...notice those tiny bloated-blue faces with bulging eyes sinking to the bottom with you, those are dead babies....

But that's okay to you isn't it. Life doesn't's eternity that matters...not those children, not you, not me....

only prescious eternity...OF WHICH WE ARE A TRANSCEIENT PART!
We matter as much to eternity as it does to us. Eternity would not be what it was(looking back from far ahead) if we weren't here and we wouldn't be what we are if eternity wasn't part of us.

How pathetic, I'm almost saddened.
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Old 10-27-2003, 08:57 AM   #27
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Default Re: Re: A Titanic Rage

Originally posted by CoffeeFiend
And the Titanic was a nice ship. I don't remember ballrooms and restorauntsnts being on the ark BTW has anyone actually calculated the size of the ark and the inner stresses such a structure would have. The size of waves that would accumulate if the world was covered in water also concern me. After all, there is a limit to what one can build out of wood.
The Great Republic was the largest wooden ship ever built. It was only 334 feet long, not quite Ark-size. Plus, it was built by one of the best shipwrights in history, Donald McKay, with a large shipyard, plenty of quality wood, and hundreds of skilled craftsmen. It was not built out of scrap wood by a drunk and his family.

Even this finely engineered and well-built ship started leaking during a hurricane and had to be abandoned.
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Old 10-27-2003, 09:07 AM   #28
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Default Re: A Titanic Rage

Originally posted by Aurora Elegance
Experts built the Titanic, Amateurs built the Ark
How many hours did the Ark stay afloat after having her side slashed open by an iceberg?
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Old 10-27-2003, 09:20 AM   #29
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How many hours did the Ark stay afloat after having her side slashed open by an iceberg?
No you fool! The icebergs all melted to provide the billions of gallons of water needed to flood the earth. See, God thinks of everything.

(Well, the numbers don't work, but as Superintendent Chalmers said: "Religion has no place in school just as facts have no place in organized religion".)
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Old 10-27-2003, 10:46 AM   #30
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"Physical life on earth is no the most important thing. Its insignificant compared to eternity."
Tell me, Magus.. do you wear your seatbelt?
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