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Old 06-23-2008, 06:13 PM   #351
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Originally Posted by Amaleq13 View Post
You haven't correctly understood a goddamn thing in this whole exchange. :banghead:
Perhaps he enjoys pretending to be oblivious due to the reactions he gets out of you?
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Old 06-23-2008, 06:16 PM   #352
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Originally Posted by Kharakov View Post
Perhaps he enjoys pretending to be oblivious due to the reactions he gets out of you?
That would be less depressing but I suspect the obliviousness is genuine.
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Old 06-23-2008, 06:21 PM   #353
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Originally Posted by Amaleq13 View Post

No, you introduce a new equivocation here since "amazed" and "joy" are not synonymous. The definition is actually much closer to "fear". Mark has fear and amazement. Matthew has fear and joy. Neither have doubt and your imported doubt subsequent to Matthew's joy continues to be as implausible as it is non-existent in the texts.
its not new considering I said this like around 5 pages back. Also you're incorrect about joy and amazement not being synonmous

as that is commonly used all the time.

The definition is actually much closer to "fear". Mark has fear and amazement. Matthew has fear and joy. Neither have doubt and your imported doubt subsequent to Matthew's joy continues to be as implausible as it is non-existent in the texts.
now you're just skating around the issue, hitting straw men.
Mark 16
8And they went out quickly, and fled from the sepulchre; for they trembled and were amazed: neither said they any thing to any man; for they were afraid.
Matthew 28
8And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word.

8And they went out quickly, and fled from the sepulchre

8And they departed quickly from the sepulchre
Both accounts state they departed from the tomb.

for they trembled and were amazed:

with fear and great joy
Both accounts state that they had fear and joy.

neither said they any thing to any man; for they were afraid.
Mark says that the last thing they had was fear, so it is entirely plausible that they had fear joy and fear.
refute the way I am interpreting the scripture and the bolded statement.
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Old 06-23-2008, 07:48 PM   #354
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Originally Posted by dr lazer blast View Post
Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post

Yet other persons have already criticized your narrative, and have called the basis of your reasoning into question, you have thus far chosen only to ignore and deflect those questions that reveal the fallacy of of your reasoning.
2 people have criticized it so far, 1 is amaleq and he had valid criticsms all the way up until i pointed out that fear came after joy, thats when he resorted to using fallacious reasoning. Christmyth criticized my narrative, I answered his questions, and he responded with "Talking to dlb is like talking to a brick wall" which isn't a criticsm on my narrative, so I'd say you're wrong on this one.

You previously dodged the answering of these four specific questions by the diversion of a claim of my "missing the point", and the substituting of your complaints about Amaleq.
You dont just get off the hook by making up a (false) claim that other persons here have not criticised your faulty narrative, while you have as of yet failed or refused to answer any such questions as would cause you to review and to change those faults and errors that are presently in your fabricated narrative and faulty reasoning, and which are so readily apparent to others here.
your point about the churches is not valid. There are thousands of interpretations of the bible, not to mention that your the authoritative figures you're appealing to aren't involved in the baker challenge. I am sure, no i am 100% positive(because I've already asked different 'authoritative figures') that the narrative I layed out is entirely plausible. Mary not believing what the angels said is entirely plausible.

There is a difference between criticizing the narrative with VALID criticsms, and criticizing it with fallacious logic, so I don't know where youre getting these false claims from.
Ah Ah Ah doc. Yer doing it again. I asked you four specific questions, citing your own words to assure that they are provided in context.
Originally Posted by dr lazer blast
wrong you're assuming it's their reactions to the angels, and the text does not support that, the text states they DEPARTED with fear and joy, which is stating the fear and joy was during the departure and nothing else, so if there are reactions (i am saying If for the sake of argument here), one should note that the reactions are based upon the departure.

your contradicting assumptions are just that, assumptions.
In order again "doc", Question Number One is;
Dr lazer,
We are told that on departure they experienced "fear", omitting the causes that are related in the preceding Biblical narrative, WHY would they be experiencing any "fear" (or "doubt") on their departure?

Be careful in the twisting and squirming, lest you twist off your tail yet again.
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Old 06-24-2008, 04:22 AM   #355
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Originally Posted by dr lazer blast View Post
its not new considering I said this like around 5 pages back.
OK, your second equivocation rather than "new".

Also you're incorrect about joy and amazement not being synonmous
Try an ancient Greek dictionary for the word.

And the fact that the words, in English, are often used together does not indicate they are interchangeable synonyms.

now you're just skating around the issue, hitting straw men.
Now you're using "straw man" incorrectly. Your argument requires doubt and you simply don't have it in the texts. You have fear.

Matthew depicts Mary as joyful after hearing the message from the angels.

John 20:2 depicts Mary solely concerned about the disposition of the dead body of Jesus.

It is implausible for the latter to follow the former.

Your narrative does precisely that.

Your narrative is implausible.

QED :wave:
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Old 06-24-2008, 02:44 PM   #356
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Originally Posted by Amaleq13 View Post

Try an ancient Greek dictionary for the word.

And the fact that the words, in English, are often used together does not indicate they are interchangeable synonyms.
Did I ever say the same words was used? no I didn't I am laying out a time frame just like you. First fear, joy, then lastly fear. You continue to skate around the issue.

Forget the doubt, why do you keep talking about doubt? doubt was removed like 3 pages ago, I said Mary didn't believe what the angels said, not one single part of what the angels said, so I don't know where you're getting doubt from.
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Old 06-24-2008, 02:51 PM   #357
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post

Ah Ah Ah doc. Yer doing it again. I asked you four specific questions, citing your own words to assure that they are provided in context.

In order again "doc", Question Number One is;
Dr lazer,
We are told that on departure they experienced "fear", omitting the causes that are related in the preceding Biblical narrative, WHY would they be experiencing any "fear" (or "doubt") on their departure?
I guess you missed the part where I said the reason I said that is because I was showing amaleq how his OWN logic was flawed. I was basically using his logic and showing him how it didn't make any sense, meaning his 'stick to the text' logic didn't make sense at all if you really 'stick to the text'
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Old 06-24-2008, 06:06 PM   #358
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Then we are to understand that your statement;
Originally Posted by dr lazer blast
wrong you're assuming it's their reactions to the angels, and the text does not support that, the text states they DEPARTED with fear and joy, which is stating the fear and joy was during the departure and nothing else, so if there are reactions (i am saying If for the sake of argument here), one should note that the reactions are based upon the departure.
your contradicting assumptions are just that, assumptions.
-does not actually represent your interpretation of the text?
that your statement as written was actully intended to be the stinking pile of crap that it is?

Pardon me when I point out that this about the most bass-akwards and disingenuous form of presenting a sensible argument that could possibly be devised.
Who in the hell is to be expected to follow your reasoning, if you engage in composition of statements that deliberately misrepresent your interpretation of the Biblical narrative?
It is difficult enough to follow some of the abstract and arcane ideas and interpretations being imposed upon these texts, even without the introducing of such queer and duplicitous use of quasi-logic to misrepresent your own actual position.
Are you then conceding that the question presented is unanswerable, solely because that your own statement was intentionally fallacious?
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Old 06-24-2008, 06:39 PM   #359
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Originally Posted by dr lazer blast View Post
Originally Posted by Amaleq13 View Post
Originally Posted by dr lazer blast
wrong you're assuming it's their reactions to the angels, and the text does not support that, the text states they DEPARTED with fear and joy, which is stating the fear and joy was during the departure and nothing else...
With no connection to the angel or the information they had just received?

Quote dr lazer blast: if there are reactions (i am saying If for the sake of argument here), one should note that the reactions are based upon the departure.

The women are joyful and afraid because they are leaving? :rolling:

There is nothing plausible about such a ridiculous reading of the passage.
you miss the point, the point is you're assuming things. An actual reaction from the angels is not supported by the text at all, you're just assuming their departure with fear and joy has to do with the angels, and contradict yourself telling me that I can't assume a reaction of my own from the angels, because in actually a reaction is not supported
Reviewing this discourse "dr", what about this? there is certainly nothing obvious in your above reply that would indicate that you are intending the employment of some sort of reverse-logic on Amaleq.
The sense of it is that Amaleq is wrongly "assuming things", and that YOUR position is;
" An actual reaction from the angels is not supported by the text at all, you're just assuming their departure with fear and joy has to do with the angels,"
Reading your statement clearly presents you in opposition to Amaleq's "plain reading" of the text, (as is also clear by a review of the foregoing posts)

with YOUR opposition being;
"An actual reaction from the angels is not supported by the text at all,"
Nothing present or preceeding indicates that this statement was ever originally intended as a ploy to illustrate Amaleq's (allegedly) flawed logic.
To all appearances it presents YOUR OWN opposing position, one which you now are attempting to to abandon by the ruse of inventing contrived ad-hoc explanations.
More contrived apologetics to cover up for faulty apologetics, figures.
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Old 06-25-2008, 01:15 PM   #360
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post
-does not actually represent your interpretation of the text?
that your statement as written was actully intended to be the stinking pile of crap that it is?

Pardon me when I point out that this about the most bass-akwards and disingenuous form of presenting a sensible argument that could possibly be devised.
Who in the hell is to be expected to follow your reasoning, if you engage in composition of statements that deliberately misrepresent your interpretation of the Biblical narrative?
It is difficult enough to follow some of the abstract and arcane ideas and interpretations being imposed upon these texts, even without the introducing of such queer and duplicitous use of quasi-logic to misrepresent your own actual position.
Are you then conceding that the question presented is unanswerable, solely because that your own statement was intentionally fallacious?
your post and the one underneath it show that you have no idea why I wrote what I wrote. If you actually followed the thread, you would see where I constantly wrote to amaleq "if we follow your logic, then we should come to this conclusion (said conclusion being a fallacious one)" there were even posts wehre I took what he said and showed how he was being fallacious. Considering the fact that you're just jumping in the middle of the conversation with no prior knowledge of the discussion between amaleq and I, I'd say your criticisms have no bearing whatsoever, also the very fact that you are using a red herring fallacy and not talking about narrative or critcizing it in any way shape or form(you're just critcizing an off tangent display of amaleq's logic) I'd say you fall into the category of "If you're not going to criticize my narrative, either PM me,set a thread or wait for this challenge to be over, and I'll address your off topic questions"

So unless you want to criticize my narrative, I suggest you either PM me, make a new thread, or wait.
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