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#201 | ||||||||||||
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And you continue to twist my admission that any figure in any story has to have elements modelled on other actual human beings. I try to use analogies such as James Bond was modelled on spies in general but not on one spy in particular, but it sails right over your head. Mark's Jesus gets crucified by Rome because that's what Rome did to rebels and those who stirred up the people. It says zero about whether Mark modelled himself on a particular crucified figure. I do not "reject outright." I point out that there is no basis for your insistence on such a modelling. And I note you try to hang on to Dio Cassius' account of Antigonus as crucified and discredit earlier accounts of him being beheaded (even Josephus!), simply to retain even that small comparison between Jesus and Antigonus, without which you would have virtually nothing, if not indeed nothing at all. And your "What words were put into the mouth of the gospel JC were words put there by the Markan writer" is essentially wrong. With the exception of the words relating to the dying and rising dimension which he has attached to Jesus, Mark's words for Jesus' ministry come from the Q tradition that preceded him. That in itself demonstrates what Mark was "modelling" his Jesus on, the preaching tradition that he was a part of. Where would Mark have gotten his "words" about the coming kingdom prophecies, the Son of Man, the controversy with the Jewish establishment, etc. He just made them up out of thin air? Based on nothing that preceded him? And to suggest that Josephus could have simply "made up" all or even some of the detailed historical material he supplies in his monumental works is one of the most risible things you've put forward yet. A long-dead king Antigonus had nothing whatever in common with that kingdom preaching ethos or tradition. To introduce him alongside the Q preachers when he fulfilled nothing of what the Markan Jesus is all about makes no sense whatsoever. And by dismissing my questions, you have admitted that Antigonus did in fact have nothing to do with any of Mark's interests in his Jesus figure. He was "king of the Jews" according to the plaque on the cross? Is Mark presenting his Jesus as someone who would be king of the Jews in any sense that Antigonus was? Mark has virtually disassociated himself from the Jews. He is a gentile writer with gentile interests. How is his Jesus going to be king of the Jews? The epithet on the cross is presented as a taunt, a belittling by Pilate. Why would Mark create such a thing if he was associating this "kingship" with Antigonus? Was he belittling Antigonus? If so, that hardly fits in with your alleged intended association between the two figures. As for J. M. Robertson, I'm glad for your sake that someone floated the same idea, even if it was a century ago. I have a copy of Pagan Christs, but the book has no index. It would have been nice if you'd quoted page number or even chapter number for people to look up to see the context. In any case, Robertson seems to offer it only as a possibility. And I would ask him the same questions I've asked you. Hopefully, he would answer them a little more professionally than you've done. Anyway, this latest round of exchanges with you has not produced any movement on my part in your direction. Let's leave it at that. Earl Doherty |
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#202 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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As to 'scholarly'. My goodness. Earl, I have watched your posting on forums for about 10 or so years now - and scholarly is the last word I would use regarding any of your posting... Quote:
Yes, Earl, the idea that the Roman execution of Antigonus is the ‘model’ for the gospel crucifixion story of JC has been floated - and will continue to be floated. I suggest that you keep it in mind. Quote:
If you can't do that, if you continue to fight against these historical realities as having a relevance for the gospel JC story - then your legacy in the ahistoricist/mythicist environment will be badly tarnished. A sad reflection of the dangers of dogmatic fundamentalism within the ahistoricist/mythicist camp. |
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#203 |
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Mh, I won't bother to quote any of your previous posting, the readers can look back on it for themselves. I searched in vain for any actual counter-argument to anything I said previously, and failed to find anything. All I can see is more scorn and personal attack on me, ridicule of my own ideas as though that automatically gives credence to your own, and plenty of bluster. Where's the beef?
As for the analogy about James Bond, you are simply proving my point. James Bond was based on a class of historical predecessor, not on any individual. It is hardly relevant that all those individuals could theoretically be named, as you continually demand that I do in regard to my statement about historical precedents to the Jesus figure. (You want me to name everyone executed by the Romans in the preceding two centuries?) That he was based on a class is totally natural and inevitable, otherwise he would not make sense to the reader. Do you think that this supports in any way your claim that the Markan Jesus was based on one individual, Antigonus? It simply does not logically follow. Besides, the analogy to what you are claiming would be if you claimed James Bond was based on some figure who wasn't even a spy! I have shown that the figure of Antigonus conforms in no way to the figure Mark creates in his gospel, not even, as it turns out, the element of crucifixion, since we can hardly let Dio Cassius in the 3rd century override Josephus in the first, coming from Palestine himself, and Josephus has Antigonus beheaded. And my series of questions was designed to demonstrate that Antigonus did not fit any of the important features which Mark presents in his Jesus. All of those questions you blithely dismissed as irrelevant, which is complete nonsense. You can certainly give the last word on your own thread, as you call it, but if it is no more substantive than the empty posturing and personal attacks on me that you've restricted yourself to thus far, it won't accomplish anything. Earl Doherty |
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#204 | |||
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"Do you think that this supports in any way your claim that the Markan Jesus was based on one individual, Antigonus? " I suggest Earl, that you withdraw this statement as it does not reflect anything that I have posted on this thread. I have never not made such a claim as you are stating that I have done. Play fair, Earl. This method of attacking your opponents does you no credit. Quote:
Earl, running to charges of personal attacks does you no favors. Your own posts demonstrate your own ability to denigrate your opponents on this forum. You have just told a member of this forum: "You are a disgrace to any DB.". ![]() As to your fleshly sub-lunar JC crucifixion speculation - that is fair game - it's ripe for the picking - and will be continually picked over until such time this illogical and speculative theory hits the dust. |
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#205 | |||
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As for naming names, I’ve done that in my “ground zero” theory of the Pauline Christ. He is based on the expected “Messiah” of Jewish tradition, one turned into a heavenly Son; and he is based on Hellenistic savior gods who CAN be named: Osiris, Attis, Adonis and the like. And if you want a ‘name’ based in my other “ground zero” he is based on the imagined founder developed in the course of the evolution of the Q sect, though we cannot be sure of what that name was, or whether it was initially Jesus. But you won’t find any Antigonus in that list. Quote:
Actually, the whole thrust of Mark’s story is that “the Son of God,” the “Messiah”, the “Son of Man” (a heavenly figure derived from Daniel) was executed. What would be the precedent for this in the history of Antigonus? Was he the Son of God? Was he the Messiah, was he the Son of Man? Did he teach anything, let alone anything resembling what Mark’s Jesus did? Did he speak in parables? Did he have power over the demons and cure people of illnesses? Did Mark regard him as a "ransom for many"? Did he rise from the dead, as Mark portrays it? Was he even crucified, as Josephus would contradict? So on what basis would Mark think to be modeling his Jesus on someone who bears absolutely no resemblance to him other than execution by Rome? What would be the point, and how on earth would Mark’s readers recognize such an alleged parallel? You have provided zero answers to such question, Mh, and all the evasion and red herring scorn (devoid of counter-argument) toward my own theories does not obscure that. And if I call <edit>a disgrace to this DB, it is because of the unprofessional antics he indulges in which I have exposed in spades. You seem not that far behind. Earl Doherty |
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#206 | |||||||||||||
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I am holding you to that statement. Please provide the names, and the historical evidence for such names, that "fed into the myth of the Gospel Jesus,". Quote:
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Consequently, Earl, please keep your Pauline speculation away from this thread. The gospel JC crucifixion story has no need for any input from the Pauline epistles. The above are your own statements. Quote:
You know something, Earl - it is truly frightening the degree to which a theory can hold one in it's grasp. "The worst of all despotisms is the heartless tyranny of ideas." Paul Johnson: Intellectuals (or via: amazon.co.uk) |
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#207 | ||
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It is a violation of Forum rules to so mock or pervert other Forum member names. Quote:
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