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Old 02-22-2007, 03:58 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Blackwater View Post
Do you understand how these retrovirus insertions got there? They amount to genetic scars and both apes and humans share the same scar, in the same place. How do you explain that?
So the reply would be that with function (these regions seem to help combat retroviral infections, "Who Was Adam?", pp. 241-242) they could be doing the combat-the-viral-dna job (by perhaps resembling viral DNA?) in both primates and humans, and thus could be put in the genome from the beginning for that purpose.
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Old 02-22-2007, 05:02 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by RAFH View Post
This is true of nearly every mythology. So what?
Ludditism has a cure.

Originally Posted by RAFH
The Earl's point is not whether these people were advanced or not 3 millenia ago, but whether or not what any culture believed 3 millenia ago is of any value regarding scientific understanding of reality. One could take it a bit further and suggest their concept of culture, civilization, politics, societal mores and values, relationships and so on has any significant value in today's civilization.
Why don't you read what I've said on the subject?

Originally Posted by RAFH
The bible may be a rich source of semi historical value,
Who's talked about any historical value in this thread?

Originally Posted by RAFH
but even in that aspect, its clear there's been a lot of screen writing and editing involved over the centuries. Until it was actually written down and enough copies were in enough different hands (one reason for having one temple is the same as the RCC's essential ban on translating the bible to common languages - loss of control of the document and in particular of editing control to suit the current needs of those in control or who wanted to be in control) to make it difficult to edit them without anybody being able to question such, those in official possession of the TRUTH, could make it anything that suited their purposes. They could interpret, amend, delete and edit at will and nobody could question their authority.
So don't read the Vulgate.

Originally Posted by RAFH
The OT stands as a record of the story that survived. Ditto the NT.

The name calling about the bible is a wasted effort. Usually one doesn't know enough about the book when they're at the name calling stage. Why attack the book when they should be dealing on the believer? It's a bit like shooting the Beatles for writing the lyrics that Charlie Manson based his crazed cult around. And it won't change the beliefs. Know the book better and you'll deal with the naive believer more efficaciously.

lee-merrill's stuff is his own angst in confronting the fact that the bible isn't scientific enough for his liking and he has to manipulate the bible to make it more acceptable.

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Old 02-22-2007, 07:14 PM   #43
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Hi Spin,

Originally Posted by spin View Post
That's redefining three simple terms, lee_merrill, for no obvious reason based on the text.
Well, why specifically can these words not reasonably have these meanings in these passages?

While you're at it, you need to redefine "night" as well.
As here?

Job 30:17 Night pierces my bones; my gnawing pains never rest.

Also, while you're at it, you might like to say what turning days into ages does to the institution of the Sabbath ...
As here?

2 Chronicles 36:21 The land enjoyed its sabbath rests; all the time of its desolation it rested, until the seventy years were completed ...

Certainly the Sabbath is a principle, and not restricted to one 24-hour day.

Obviously a day is a day, otherwise the creation of light needn't have been at the beginning of the first day: you need light for a day, not an age.
Unless the radiation is for making, say, a solar system?

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Old 02-22-2007, 07:27 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by lee_merrill View Post
Hi Spin,
Well, why specifically can these words not reasonably have these meanings in these passages?
When it comes to the sabbath mentioned in Genesis 1, is that an age as well? Is "night" in Genesis 1 an age as well?

The context does not support those readings. In addition, you are switching back and forth between age and literal day whenever it suits your needs.

As I told you: making this stuff up as you go isn't very convincing.

As here?

Job 30:17 Night pierces my bones; my gnawing pains never rest.
Obviously poetic passage. Not parallel.

As here?

2 Chronicles 36:21 The land enjoyed its sabbath rests; all the time of its desolation it rested, until the seventy years were completed ...
No indication that an age is indicated here.

Certainly the Sabbath is a principle, and not restricted to one 24-hour day.
Except the passage from Chronicles indicates 24 hour days. That is why sabbath rests is plural.

Unless the radiation is for making, say, a solar system?
You think radiation made the solar system?
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Old 02-22-2007, 07:27 PM   #45
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Sauron: Except that the atmosphere reaches all the way down to the water. It's still not separated.
Well, I meant like clouds and vapor clearing.

In those days, there wasn't anything like seas or oceans anyhow. Temperatures would have been too hot to form liquid water.
That’s fine, I just used the late heavy bombardment as an example, but there hasn’t been land in every age.

Lee: Various creation stories start with giants and cows and so on…

Sauron: As well as with other creatures, including simpler organisms.
Yet which stories, specifically? I’m interested in hearing similar creation stories.

Sauron: Except that Genesis does not start with the simplest organism.
I think “plants” could stand in well for algae/protozooans/etc., especially if in each age we are viewing the process, and more especially the start of that process, in this case, the start of plants, which are then traced to their developments.

Many creation myths have man as the last act of creation.
There are some, but which ones did you have in mind?

The problem, of courses, is that Genesis has insects and amphibians and reptiles all coming on Day 6 - along with mammals. Totally, absolutely wrong.
Why do you conclude day 6 refers to insects and amphibians? The phrases there, I have argued, indicate larger animals such as mammals, especially if day five includes amphibians.

But since birds are descended from a variety of "creeping things" (terrestrial dinosaurs), then Genesis does indeed create birds in the wrong order.
That could be, I don’t mind reptiles then, only I hold amphibians are indicated back on day five.

Humans are part of a continuum of evolution; the idea of special creation is not supported by the fossil record.
Well now, let's examine these conclusions. Neandertal DNA does indeed indicate that they may well not be part of the human descent tree, which they were thought to be before.

So you know biblical Hebrew now, do you?
I’m willing to learn, now do you know of an instance where “olam” functions as a noun? I hope this is not just a blustery wind.

Why wouldn't we? That's how common descent works.
And common function, the facts fit either view, so this doesn’t decide it for us.

Moreover, you have not shown that the original events are 1% chances…
This was simply a way of showing that several remarkable correspondences are not erased by any accompanying errors.

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Old 02-22-2007, 08:21 PM   #46
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Except that the atmosphere reaches all the way down to the water. It's still not separated.

Well, I meant like clouds and vapor clearing.
No, that's what you *now* mean, since I corrected you. The problem still remains: Genesis speaks of a separation, yet no separation exists.

In those days, there wasn't anything like seas or oceans anyhow. Temperatures would have been too hot to form liquid water.

That’s fine, I just used the late heavy bombardment as an example, but there hasn’t been land in every age.
My, how quickly the backpedaling begins. The point is that the claim that the land and seas were separated is wrong, since land and seas have always been separated.

Your other made-up claim about "there hasn't been land in every age" is not merely wrong, it contradicts the Genesis claim. In v2 we see:

GEN 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

So at the very start there were waters and earth - at least according to the mythology that the Hebrews borrowed from Mesopotamia.

As well as with other creatures, including simpler organisms.

Yet which stories, specifically? I’m interested in hearing similar creation stories.
As soon as you finish all your work in this thread, I can introduce you to other creation stories. However, I'm not going to allow you to de-rail this thread merely because you're in trouble. Stay on topic.

Except that Genesis does not start with the simplest organism.

I think “plants” could stand in well for algae/protozooans/etc.,
1. No, you'd *like* for that to be the case - desperately like for that to be the case, I'd guess. However, they are not plants.

2. What's more, Genesis does not list life in the ocean as the first life anyhow. It lists "grasses" on the land as the first life. A far cry from the origin of life as science describes it.

Many creation myths have man as the last act of creation.

There are some, but which ones did you have in mind?
As I said: I'm not going to contribute to your often-observed tendency to sidetrack a thread when you're in trouble. Stick to the current topic first.

The problem, of courses, is that Genesis has insects and amphibians and reptiles all coming on Day 6 - along with mammals. Totally, absolutely wrong.

Why do you conclude day 6 refers to insects and amphibians?
1. Because the text says "creeping things". That is far more than just mammals and livestock.

2. The only place in the creation myth where insects, lizards, etc. fall - without adding or rearranging the verses - is Day 6.

The phrases there, I have argued, indicate larger animals such as mammals, especially if day five includes amphibians.
1. You have merely asserted - you have not argued anything;

2. There is no evidence that Day 5 included amphibians - but in a world where you consider yourself free to add, change, and remove text to support your creationism, I'm sure that's not a problem for you;

3. You are trying to make the text say only mammals and livestock. But the text says cattle, AND creeping things:

GEN 1:24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
GEN 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

Not only that, it also says EVERY thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Finally, this is the same term used in Leviticus to refer to kosher insects for the Hebrews to eat:

LEV 11:21 Yet these may ye eat of every flying creeping thing that goeth upon all four, which have legs above their feet, to leap withal upon the earth;
LEV 11:22 Even these of them ye may eat; the locust after his kind, and the bald locust after his kind, and the beetle after his kind, and the grasshopper after his kind.

It must suck when skeptics know your bible better than you do. :rolling:

But since birds are descended from a variety of "creeping things" (terrestrial dinosaurs), then Genesis does indeed create birds in the wrong order.

That could be, I don’t mind reptiles then, only I hold amphibians are indicated back on day five.
1. There is no evidence for amphibians on day 5, since they're a "creeping thing" they come on day 6.

2. You've just admitted that Genesis is wrong about the order of created animals. Just checking to make sure you realize that.

Humans are part of a continuum of evolution; the idea of special creation is not supported by the fossil record.

Well now, let's examine these conclusions. Neandertal DNA does indeed indicate that they may well not be part of the human descent tree,
1. No, it does not indicate that.

2. Whether or not there was interbreeding has zero to do with the issue of special creation. There is no support in the fossil record for special creation, and invoking Neanderthals isn't going to help your case for special creation.

So you know biblical Hebrew now, do you?

I’m willing to learn, now do you know of an instance where “olam” functions as a noun?
That isn't the question. The question is why should we trust you on the meaning of this word, when you have so often postured as being knowable about things in the past - only to be exposed as someone who willingly makes things up on the fly?

Moreover, olam also means "world" - as in "the world to come", or "el-elohay ha-olam", the god of this universe (world). So there are instances of it being used as a noun.

So at this point, it doesn't seem like you even know how to recognize a noun when you see it in a sentence. As I said: why should anyone trust your word about Hebrew? Or anything else?

I hope this is not just a blustery wind.
No, it's an attempt to get you to tell us why anyone should take your word for anything at all.

It seems those are functional, however, so this becomes the same question as to why we share any genes with any creature.

Why wouldn't we? That's how common descent works.

And common function, the facts fit either view, so this doesn’t decide it for us.
Uh, wrong.

1. Your original position (italics above) was there was no reason for the two species to share it. Now that you've been informed otherwise, you're trying to shift the goalposts and say that it fits either framework (science vs. creationism).

2. The reason that the facts do not fit either view is because science has a observable, testable mechanism to explain the presence of these common genes. You have shown absolutely no such mechanism for your view - in spite of being asked multiple times to provide it.

This was simply a way of showing that several remarkable correspondences are not erased by any accompanying errors.
The problem is that you haven't shown them to be (a) remarkable or (b) correspondences at all.

1. You've twisted the text, added to it, rearranged it to create what you think are corespondences - which means that probability doesn't apply anymore, because you are tampering with the initial conditions to create the outcome you desire; and

2. Even if correspondences occurred without your deliberate monkeying around with the Genesis text, you haven't demonstrated that such correspondences are unlikely or unusual. You are not going to be able to make a claim for a 1% chance without proving it. As I told you before: if you thought you were going to be able to pull a probabilty out of your ass and get us to simply accept the number at face value, you're sadly mistaken. Given your piss-poor understanding of probability and your past attempts to misuse it for your own ends, you are going to have to demonstrate where you got that 1% number.
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Old 02-22-2007, 08:56 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by lee_merrill View Post
Well, why specifically can these words not reasonably have these meanings in these passages?
This is simple, lee_merrill. You have absolutely no evidence for reading the words any other way than what they simply mean in the passage.

[You work on the assumption that, if a text talks in the same passage of ducks, geese, chickens, cows and goats, without any indication that these are code words, we are almost certainly dealing with just plain ducks, geese, chickens, cows and goats.

A day has day and night, morning and evening. The combination insisted upon by the writer, without any indication that these are code words, must compel us to read them as they were written.]

Originally Posted by lee_merrill
As here?

Job 30:17 Night pierces my bones; my gnawing pains never rest.
Plainly the text itself compels you to read the word "night" differently from its simple meaning. We understand that from the textual evidence, which puts "night" into a different light, here "night" is the subject of a verb which usually requires a human subject. "Night" is obviously being used metaphorically.

Now, show me from the specific text any evidence which requires you to take day, night, morning and evening as anything but what their simple meaning communicates.

Originally Posted by lee_merrill
As here?

2 Chronicles 36:21 The land enjoyed its sabbath rests; all the time of its desolation it rested, until the seventy years were completed ...

Certainly the Sabbath is a principle, and not restricted to one 24-hour day.
Would you like to try to explain untroubled sabbaths have anything to do with your unsupported redefinition of words in Gen 1?

Originally Posted by lee_merrill
Unless the radiation is for making, say, a solar system?
Is this Star Trek physics?

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Old 02-23-2007, 01:16 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by Apikorus View Post
Is this Robert L. Friedman related in any way to Richard E. Friedman?
Oh, shoot, that's who I meant. I got him confused with a similarly named writer. Thanks for the correction.:redface:
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Old 02-23-2007, 05:25 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by spin View Post
This is simple, lee_merrill. You have absolutely no evidence for reading the words any other way than what they simply mean in the passage.
You should perhaps take this up with Gleason Archer, a recognized Hebrew scholar, much of this is his reading of the text.

Now, show me from the specific text any evidence which requires you to take day, night, morning and evening as anything but what their simple meaning communicates.
As in when evening and morning are referred to before the sun is marking them off?

Would you like to try to explain untroubled sabbaths have anything to do with your unsupported redefinition of words in Gen 1?
Well, they're sabbath years, you know, not sabbath days in this instance.

Is this Star Trek physics?
Not at all, radiation from a star clears the gas, the solar wind is involved, I think, and it might also help the clumping of gas into planets, but this I'm not sure of.

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Old 02-23-2007, 05:58 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by lee_merrill View Post
So the reply would be that with function (these regions seem to help combat retroviral infections, "Who Was Adam?", pp. 241-242) they could be doing the combat-the-viral-dna job (by perhaps resembling viral DNA?) in both primates and humans, and thus could be put in the genome from the beginning for that purpose.
Where is this function published outside of a creationist's book?
I am going to start a thread back in E&C about this.

ETA: The new thread is here.
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