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Old 09-25-2007, 08:05 AM   #201
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
Originally Posted by Lucretius View Post
Thought I would save Dave sometime in typing out his "positive proof" as he appeared to have limited time to do anything other than paste irrelevant old books before but it seems he has beaten me to it
Anyway here is my summary of the "Wiseman Hypothesis"

A Summary of the "Wiseman Tablet Hypothesis "

1) Writing has been found on clay tablets dating to around 3,000 B.C in the Middle East

(How do we know they date to that time? ... Simple we use the verified dating techniques that YECs deride when they are used to date anything older than 4,004 B.C)

2) As the world according to the genealogies in Genesis only dates back to c.4,004 B.C then writing must have always existed.

An assertion completely unsupported by any real evidence

3)As the Book of Genesis purports to record events form Creation then as writing existed it must have been put down in writing at that time .

An assertion completely unsupported by any real evidence

4)Therefore Genesis must have been written on clay tablets

An assertion completely unsupported by any real evidence
5) As the only possible witness to Creation was God he must have written the account on clay tablets (OR dictated them to Adam who wrote on these tablets )

An assertion completely unsupported by any real evidence
6)Noah must have saved these tablets on the Ark during the Flood

2 assertions completely unsupported by any real evidence

7)Moses must have had these tablets and copied them down onto vellum

2 assertions completely unsupported by any real evidence
8)In spite of the fact that more mundane tablets and those containing other myths survived these "Holy Relics " must have been lost.

An assertion completely unsupported by any real evidence.

9)The different sections of Genesis were originally written in 11 parts by 11 different authors ,interrupted by "collophons" .

An assertion completely not only unsupported by any real evidence,but also contradicted by any actual scholarly reading of the texts we possess given that the 11 different authors each show an odd mixture of the 4 different writing styles and usages of words that are easily explained by the DH
Lucretius ... regarding "old books" ... in historical studies, OLDER (that is, closer to the time of the actual events) is BETTER. Do you understand why?

Do you realize that ALL evidence from ancient history is scanty? What does one have to do to convince you of the Tablet Theory? Produce the original tablets? Sorry, can't do that. Yet you demand so little from DH advocates that you would accept a theory with no evidence whatsoever (not even scatny evidence) of J E D and P documents?

What are you thinking? Please give me some reason to think you are more than just a closed minded, biased, recalcitrant skeptic.
Dave in any field of human knowledge it is NOT automatically correct that "the older the work the better " even in historical subjects IF that were the case then there would be no point in having universities anymore as everything that could possibly be written on a subject already has been written .
There is "no evidence whatsoever of the Tablet Theory" not even scatny evidence sic
You claim that the "Tablet Hypothesis" is better because it is "new" elsewhere on this thread ,yet following your own twisted logic as it is not "old" therefore it should be treated as a poorer hypothesis than the "Moses as sole author hypothesis" that has a much longer tradition.
Yet again another example of you wanting it both ways
"OLD" is best EXCEPT when the "NEW" supports my pre-concieved ideas .
Edited to add my reference to "old books" was not in any way a reference to any real eyewitness acounts of historical events but rather the Faber's unusual book referred to by Dave previously.
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Old 09-25-2007, 08:07 AM   #202
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Nevermind, preempted.
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Old 09-25-2007, 08:08 AM   #203
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
Voxrat ...
Most of us are pretty sure this "Adam" character is fictional.
But why? Just because that's what you've been told at Skeptic U? That's not good enough. Give me some good reasons which refute Faber's info.
"Refute Faber's info"?

You think that no one can deem Adam fictional without considering "Faber's info"?

"Faber's info" doesn't change anything about the following very basic fact:

The "Adam" described in Genesis simply couldn't have existed, because his existence would violate just about every known natural law.

End of story.

So stories that depend on the existence of "Adam" are fiction.
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Old 09-25-2007, 08:12 AM   #204
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dave, how is the 'adam story' different from the Hobbit/Lord of the Rings story presented on the previous page?
Can you explain why we believe that this comparison of the Bible and the LoTR casts considerable doubt on any textual claims the Bible might make?
I don't ask if you agree, I ask if you understand our point?
Can you reflect that understanding back to us in your own words?

I strongly doubt it, but hope springs infernal...

no hugs for thugs,
Shirley Knott
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Old 09-25-2007, 08:26 AM   #205
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
Voxrat ...
Most of us are pretty sure this "Adam" character is fictional.
But why? Just because that's what you've been told at Skeptic U? That's not good enough. Give me some good reasons which refute Faber's info.
Quite apart from the actual, real-world nonexistence of Adam...

...What do you imagine "Faber's info" is, regarding the supposed existence of Adam?

How do you get from "Faber says that various ancient cultures knew of writings older than their own"... to "Adam existed"?

Why do you imagine there is anything to refute, Dave?

Are you going to give us something first?
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Old 09-25-2007, 08:27 AM   #206
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Just re-reading Dave's posts on this subject really makes me despair.
It appears that Dave's knowledge of literary analysis is as bad as his knowledge of evolution ,biology,geology , history,archaeology or any other academic discipline, if that were not bad enough his knowledge of the Bible itself seems remarkably scanty.
Thanks again for that "chopping up " of Genesis, as no doubt Dave would call it Dean. (I did worry that I would have to do it myself to show Dave how this all works )
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Old 09-25-2007, 08:29 AM   #207
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The "Adam" described in Genesis simply couldn't have existed, because his existence would violate just about every known natural law.
Like what? Name ONE law his existence would violate.
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Old 09-25-2007, 08:31 AM   #208
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
The "Adam" described in Genesis simply couldn't have existed, because his existence would violate just about every known natural law.
Like what? Name ONE law his existence would violate.

Created from dust
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Old 09-25-2007, 08:34 AM   #209
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
I have posted the material from Faber entitled "Respecting the Sacred Books" which to me is quite convincing that there did exist written records prior to the Flood.
Dave, this might come as a surprise to you, but no one here doubts that there are written records extending back in time before 2,750 B.C. This isn't even an issue. Why are you laboring to find evidence for an assertion that isn't even in controversy?

Given that you believe Adam lived 6,000 years ago, and that there is evidence of written records at least in China dating back that far, that's not even controversial. What is controversial, and what you have no evidence for, is that anything written by some bloke named "Adam" actually ever existed, or became part of the Torah.

But to summarize, it is highly significant that ...

a) it is beyond doubt that written records were in use all the way back to Adam,

b) that "signatures" at the end of family history tablets were in common use in the Ancient Near East and many such tablets have now been discovered (these were not known to Wellhausen and other DH advocates), and

c) Points 1 & 2 above practically seal the case that at least the earlier sections of Genesis must have been written originally by the person(s) named at the end of the section.
What? Are you high? This, for you, is "positive evidence"? The fact that some tablets—not the tablets you believe existed at some point, but other tablets—internally claim to be written by someone, with no extrinsic evidence to support those assertions—that, for you, is "positive evidence"?

No wonder you're a biblical literalist, with evidentiary standards like that.

While the DH criticism that the Pentateuch is not the sole work of one author -- Moses -- there is much evidence that Moses WAS the editor and compiler of much of the Pentateuch.
Where, Dave? Where is this "much evidence"? You don't even have any evidence that Moses actually existed, let alone that he ever compiled anything together. And if he did, then he did virtually no editing at all, given the clear textual and stylistic differences between various parts of the Pentateuch.

Now, before I pile on more evidence—
JFC, Dave, before you "pile on more evidence"? What freaking evidence? You haven't presented any evidence. You've claimed there is such evidence; where is it? You've presented no evidence:
  • for the existence of any "tablets" which were the original sources for the Pentateuch;
  • that any purported "tablets" were written by any particular individual;
  • that Moses ever existed;
  • that he had anything whatsoever to do with compiling the Pentateuch

I want to stop there and hear from Dean. I have the following questions for him ...

1) Do you disagree that Adam, Seth, Enoch and the other ante-diluvian patriarchs were real persons?
Why would he? Have you provided any evidence that they were?
Do you disagree that they probably kept written records? If you disagree with this position, why do you think this? What evidence do you offer that they are mythical and/or did not keep written family histories?
Certainly someone was keeping written records in the fifth millennium B.C.E. Were those someones the aforementioned "Adam, Seth, etc."? Did such personages actually exist? Well, you haven't provided any evidence that they did.

2) Do you agree that there is more evidence for the existence of written source documents resembling Wiseman's tablets than there is for the existence of any of the J E D or P documents? If not, why not?
"More" evidence? You haven't supplied any evidence that they ever existed! We already know that the J, E, D, and P documents exist, because they're in the freaking Bible.

3) Do you still not see why the 5 presuppositions that I have listed which I showed to be held by leading DH advocates (there are many more I could have cited) must have had a powerful influence on the origination of the DH? Do you still not see that the chopping up of text into small bits and pieces was in large part motivated by these presuppositions?
No, they were not. The motivations for the DH are irrelevant in any case, but they were surely motivated by the characteristics of the text in question itself.

But it's nice to know that, eight pages into this thread, Dave has finally, sort of, more or less, at least figured out what the DH even is. Prior to today, I couldn't find any evidence that Dave even knew what the DH's claims are.
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Old 09-25-2007, 08:39 AM   #210
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Dean (or anyone) ... do you have a link to a site which shows ALL the divisions of the DH? The divisions you gave for the Flood story segment are very helpful.
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