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Old 05-07-2007, 06:44 PM   #221
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Originally Posted by spamandham View Post
It looks like a sunset to me, but even if it isn't, there's nothing unusual about it.
Well I grant you that. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" as they say. OR, maybe it's time you get better glasses.

Again, you are the only one here who sees the face of a black child there. The only significance of this photo is in your mind. I suspect even your 'followers' find little compelling about that photo.
You miss the point! The image in the hand of Jesus in a book published in 1988 PROVES others have seen it and UNDERSTOOD it was connected with Christ! Why do you think I'm showing you? So here we go, one more time. Notice the black face in the hand of JESUS, with his eyes CLOSED and nearby a cryptic bird like figure. This book was published in 1988. That proves that some of the "anointed" had seen and understood this to be the "sign of the son of man" and confirmed their understanding that he would appear "in the flesh" as the prodigal son, and appear in the body of a black man. So definitely LOTS of other people have seen it. Where do you think the image of the sleeping black child comes from? Why would that image be in the hand of Jesus? What's the point of it? The point is: That this is the alternative belief about the messiah's second coming and the sign those who believe this believe is connected to it.

NOW PAY ATTENTION: See. Very simple. Put on your glasses and see:

1) Sleeping black child in clouds and sleeping black face in hand. If you claim there is no sleeping black face in the hand, then you definitely need an eye exam. LOTS of other people see it, and in fact, I got this from a site that had identified it idenpendently of my focus on it.

Assuming this is true, it's not interesting if they all showed up to photograph at a designated time and place all happened to photgraph the same thing. What the fuck else would they photograph? I seriously doubt there is any merit to your claim that 50 people showed up anyway. That implies you had already duped 50 people.
Again, I apologize. You see, "every eye shall see him" is a promise to the anointed that they would all see the messiah and the sign of the son of man. So the sign appears to different people in their own backyard. The photograph was taken in 1998. People have been seeing the sign since I was born in 1950.

Thus, to the contrary, it would be VERY INTERESTING if lots of people showed up and shared their photograph of the sign if they had it. But the next best thing, of course, since they all have to remain in secret, and having the photo would identify them, is to show you the influence of that imagery that showed up in this subliminal art. It's really not "subliminal" here either, it's soooo obvious. It's more like "cryptic art" because it has a secret meaning but it is clear the sleeping black face was intentional. It was "commissioned" and this is the best the artsists could do. But this is proof that the sign has appeared to lots of other people, and most notably before 1992, the actual second coming!

Challenge accepted. I'm adding you to my ignore list.
Great. bu-bye!

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Old 05-07-2007, 07:05 PM   #222
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Originally Posted by RED DAVE View Post
Do it or shut the fuck up.

Let's make a deal. Either you flood Manahattan, where my wife and I live, according to the plan described above, by, say, June 1, or you stop posting here, under a ban to be carried out by the mods, under Larsguy47 or any other name on that date.

How about that challenge?

Hello? Did I make that challenge for YOU? No. But you can challenge me with your own challenge if you like. Come up with something credible. Something that would make you REALLY BELIEVE!

You know why? Because the issue of miracles connected with me was long ago stated that it wouldn't work. If I raised someone from the dead would you believe I was the messiah? Maybe you would, but a large percentage would think I was the AntiChrist or the Devil himself! That's what happened the last time. I (Jesus) performed lots of wonderful miracles, all good deeds, and they accused him to doing it with the power of the Devil!

Do you realize how much of a commotion it would be if I rasied someone from the dead? It would frighten people! They wouldn't believe I was the Christ. They'd be desperate to kill me or control me. The press would be all over me, not for any other reason but I'm another story to make money!

Then he said, ‘No, indeed, father Abraham, but if someone from the dead goes to them they will repent.’ 31 But he said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone rises from the dead.’”

See it has to be all "Moses and the prophets" even though, the one exception to that, is the "sign of the son of man". I'm seeing soo clearly now why that is so significant, and how brilliant it is that God made that sign a physical one, that could be recorded! So you have "Moses and the prophets" AND a photo of the actual sign, with a confirmatory art from the Watchtower Society that knows this has to be an interpretation they must consider.

The even know that Jesus would be "gay"! The Bible says clearly that JEsus would be "IMPALED IN SODOM AND EGYPT" "Sodom" is a reference to homosexuality and in the Bible to a dog. Dogs lick the wounds of Lazarus, meaning that's his weakness. He likes "dogs" that is bisexual men. But the WTS puts this in their "subliminal" art. This shows Jesus with the "thorn in his side" being a dog, meaning he is impaled by his homosexuality....

So look at it from MY point of view. I have proof that secret opposers to me in high places of the Watchtower organization, clearly know and understand and expected someone like me was prophesied to arrive, but they were divided on this. So it shows up in their subliminal art, probably to have their secret spies continuously look for me when I would arrive. They know from the scriptures that I must "return to God's house" and thus to the organization and then become the messiah.

So a LOT more is going on here that you are ignoring.

The WTS is in "torment" right now. They are the Rich Man in the Rich Man and Lazarus! They are in charge of the organization that I was kicked out of for being gay and leading an active gay life. So they actually WANT me, now that they know they are "out" of God's favor to come preach to them. The "five brothers" are the same as the "five foolish virgins". But God does not send me to them. And he says to them, that they would no more believe someone from the dead, meaning someone miraculous or perhaps performing miracles if they don't believe the scriptures.


Just ignore my posts! All of them! Find out later I'm the messiah when the world is clearly ending at God's hands. Can you do that?

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Old 05-07-2007, 07:10 PM   #223
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Originally Posted by Weltall View Post
Challenge accepted. Get cracking, you've got a lot of city to miraculously flood. Can you provide a timetable here? I'm hoping to hear reports that Times Square is underwater within a week or so.
Name one.
Well, I'll tell you. It may happen. But if it does I'm not claiming responsibility.

In reply he said to them: “A wicked and adulterous generation keeps on seeking for a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jo´nah the prophet.

Hmmm... Jonah left his assignment like the Prodigal Son does.

Anyway, if it happens, I'm going to tell the FBI I don't know anything about it! It's just a "coincidence".

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Old 05-07-2007, 08:15 PM   #224
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Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
Well, I'll tell you. It may happen. But if it does I'm not claiming responsibility.
Just do it. Three feet of water and ice over Manhattan. It happens and I aknowledge you as the messiah and promise not to send the FBI, the CIA or FEMA after you. My shih-tzu might get mad, though, if he has no place to pee. Hell hath no fury like shih-tzu scorned.

June 1 is your deadline. If you don't do it by then, I'll expect you to ban yourself.

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Old 05-08-2007, 02:12 AM   #225
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Originally Posted by RED DAVE View Post
Just do it. Three feet of water and ice over Manhattan. It happens and I aknowledge you as the messiah and promise not to send the FBI, the CIA or FEMA after you. My shih-tzu might get mad, though, if he has no place to pee. Hell hath no fury like shih-tzu scorned.

June 1 is your deadline. If you don't do it by then, I'll expect you to ban yourself.


ROFL! The challenge was not for you and I don't need you to recognize me as the messiah. You will have to in time, but there's no rush.

Performing as Diana Ross allowed me to fulfill Bible prophecy:

Therefore, if people say to YOU, ‘Look! He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out; ‘Look! He is in the inner chambers,’ do not believe it. 27 For just as the lightning comes out of eastern parts and shines over to western parts, so the presence of the Son of man will be. 28 Wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together.

The eagles who gather around, must see me, and when they do, they beat themselves in lamentation. That's because they see the CARCASS of the prodigal son, the time when the prodigal son leaves god and is spiritually dead.... (Luke 15:32 " but we just had to enjoy ourselves and rejoice, because this your brother was dead and came to life, and he was lost and was found.’”)

LIKE LIGHTENING is specific though. It's bright but it only shines forth for a brief moment! It covers a large area but only for a flash. This is how Christ's secret followers would see him at the time when he is not really the messiah but the pre-messiah, when he's the prodigal son away from his father and a dead carcass.

This was fulfilled two ways: One, I was on national television twice just for a short cameo kind of appearance. In that way anyone in the entire country and even overseas could see me, but just for that brief moment on that one channel (even though there were at least two reruns of one appearance).

Second, I appeared on stage in the theatre specifically from the East Coast (Framingham, MS, Hartford Connecticut, and at the Playhouse on the Mall, right outside of New York in New Jersey; all the way across the country to the other extreme in Honolulu. All within the span of a year. So technically, if you knew I was the messiah, it was possible to see me in person in an inconspicuous manner. Besides I didn't know I'd become the messiah so what could any of them say to me anyway. I had to go through the whole painful process while they watched.

How many other fake messiahs have been on stage or TV? I suppose David Koresh has, but then, he didn't look that much like an "Ethiopian eunuch" to me, so he'd have a problem fulfilling that part of the prophecy.

But it's a deal. If it doesn't flood in New York by June 1, then I'll ban myself from this board on June 2, 2010... make that 2011. Satisfied?!!!

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Old 05-08-2007, 02:59 AM   #226
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By the way, what happens, unfortunately, with the witness organization, is that it becomes apostate like the rest of the Christendom. The "earth" in the Bible relates to everything pertaining to God, such as the Bible or his organization. Thus the 666 beast coming "out of the sea" represents Christendom and the false trinity doctrine. But the Lamb-Dragon beast coming out of the "earth" represents the leaders of the Watchtower organization. It is also called the "false prophet" and it is thrown into the lake of fire along with the 666-Beast "while still alive", meaning suddenly, while they are still operating and functioning.

Even so, as the Rich Man, Lazarus in the end has more knowledge than they do and that knowledge torments them, so much, they are hoping for a break, like a little drop of water on their tongue so they can have some relief from all their sudden false prophecies. Where you have more responsibility, more is expected of you. So their punishment and exposure is a little worse than for others. Case in point is the chronology connected with Shishak's invasion and Solomon's rule.

Right now archaeologists have lots of documentation and consistent dating for when Shisha's invasion occurred. Further, as Israel Finkelstein points out, the Philistine pottery period reaches "well into the 10th century BC." For this reason he dismisses the dating that dates David's rule where it is now which is from 1010-970BCE, which is too early.

Furthermore, as noted, the RC14 dating from Rehov is the ideal dating scenario to isolate the date for Shishak's invasion. There is a 95.4% probability this event occurs between 918-823BCE, with the middle of this range falling near 871BCE which is the true Biblical date.

But unfortunately, Jehovah's witnesses have used their own chronology, not wholly based on the Bible but on secular dating and this has backfired on them. That one secular date the use as a "pivotal date" is 539BCE for the fall of Babylon. They use this to confirm that 537BCE is the year the Jews return from Babylon. Based on this, they date the fall of Jerusalem to 607BCE, 70 years earlier. This is already 20 years earlier than secular dating which dates that event to 587BCE.

But between the fall of Babylon and Shishak's invasion, secular chronology follow Edmund Thiele who introduced co-rulerships during the Divided Kingdom Period. This reduces this period by some 49 years. The result is dating for Shishak's invasion in line with Assyrian dating to 925BCE. But Jehovah's witnesses did not follow Thiele here and decided not to insert any co-rulerships (except for one). As a result, added to the 20 years already mentioned they end up dating Solomon and David's rule substantially earlier than that of secular history. They date the beginning of David's reign in 1077BCE, some 67 years earlier than the 1010 BCE date of secular history. Solomon's rule beings 40 years later in 1037BCE and Shishak's invasion in 993 BCE.

As you can see from this chart that from Rehov, 993 BC is far out of scientific sync for Shishak's invasion and so is 925BCE. The Wathtower Sociey's dating is thus some 68 years earlier than even secular history which is itself 54 years too early. That means they are some 127 years off the mark on the chronology for this period!

That is quite an embarrassment!

So as you can see, the Rich Man is in torment now, since obviously these leaders are intelligent and understand the strength of this archaeological evidence, especially in light of being challenged on the doctrine of their misdating.

It's a message to them that Yhwh has abandoned them and now exposing them to public shame:

Rev 3:18 I advise you to buy from me gold refined by fire that you may become rich, and white outer garments that you may become dressed and that the shame of your nakedness may not become manifested, and eyesalve to rub in your eyes that you may see.

The Governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses claim they have "God's holy spirit" and that they are the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" and require that all the witnesses honor them. But they have made themselves a God in this way. For that reason Yhwh has cast them out and part of that is now the embarrassment of having their chronology wrong.

You see, it's not just a matter of correcting it. It's the embarrassment that in so doing everyone will wonder why Jehovah didn't show them this directly like with other things? And if others have this special knowledge, then doesn't that mean they are from Yhwh? and not the WTS? Yes. That's exactly what it means.

Because they failed in their commission, God has given the light to others and now they are most embarrassed. Thus 2 Tess. 2:4 is also about them and how they have made themselves a god in god's own organization, and among the other anointed who make up God's temple, the "temple of THE God..."

3 Let no one seduce YOU in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. 4 He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone who is called “god” or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple of The God, publicly showing himself to be a god.

The other "anointed" are like angels who are considered "gods" but by making themselves God's "channel" the Governing Body have forced everyone to agree with them, thus making themselve above the other anointed ones.

But now that's all changed, and this also has to be fulfilled. Whoever the messiah is as Lazarus, he must have more knowledge than the Rich Man and his knowledge tortures the Rich Man with no relief.

"23 And in Ha´des he lifted up his eyes, he existing in torments, and he saw Abraham afar off and Laz´a·rus in the bosom [position] with him. 24 So he called and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Laz´a·rus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in anguish in this blazing fire.’ 25 But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that you received in full your good things in your lifetime, but Laz´a·rus correspondingly the injurious things. Now, however, he is having comfort here but you are in anguish."

Exposing the incredibly false chronology is part of the fulfillment of their torment and Lazarus, the messiah, having been granted the advanced knowledge.

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Old 05-08-2007, 06:11 AM   #227
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Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
ROFL! The challenge was not for you and I don't need you to recognize me as the messiah. You will have to in time, but there's no rush.


But it's a deal. If it doesn't flood in New York by June 1, then I'll ban myself from this board on June 2, 2010... make that 2011. Satisfied?!!!
Of course not. You punked out in a childish manner just like I knew you would. June 1, 2007 or it's bullshit.

But we already know it's bullshit.

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Old 05-08-2007, 01:33 PM   #228
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Originally Posted by RED DAVE View Post
Of course not. You punked out in a childish manner just like I knew you would. June 1, 2007 or it's bullshit.

But we already know it's bullshit.


Of course it is! You're the only person who takes me seriously about being the messiah! I know the photos might be hard to explain, but c'mon... you don't really think the Bible might be true do you?

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Old 05-08-2007, 07:56 PM   #229
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Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
Of course it is! You're the only person who takes me seriously about being the messiah! I know the photos might be hard to explain, but c'mon... you don't really think the Bible might be true do you?

I pity the fool as crazy as you.

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Old 05-08-2007, 08:40 PM   #230
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Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
Well, I'll tell you. It may happen. But if it does I'm not claiming responsibility.
You said you would do this so there's no may here. You're either gonna do your Messiah thing or not. I'll go with Red Dave's timeline. June 01 2007 or bust. No dodging around the point, you said you'd flood the city and I'm going to hold you to that. No ducking the point by claiming that it might happen four years from now, do it or shut up.
Anyway, if it happens, I'm going to tell the FBI I don't know anything about it! It's just a "coincidence".
Yeah yeah, whatever. If you actually are the Messiah and keep your word and flood New York, I'll take responsibility. Now get started.
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