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Old 05-27-2011, 11:30 AM   #141
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Originally Posted by maryhelena View Post
Originally Posted by jgoodguy View Post

At the moment, I am not dating anything. I am just trying to put the pieces together.

What about early Jewish Christians like the Ebionites? Are they really a 'Jesus' cult as opposed to a Christian cult.

A pet theory of mine is that 'Paul' took used the names of the officials of the 'Jesus' cult at Jerusalem to give his ministry creditability. Assuming a ministry existing at Jerusalem with a reputation. A family business, as it were, into faith healing, charity for the poor and preaching. Then either the credibility and reputation of that Jesus cult was folded into the new direction or the memory and tradition of that cult was adopted.

Maybe what happened is that refugees from Jerusalem (60-70s) fleeing to Alexandra allied themselves with the 'Late Paul' advocates giving the resulting Jerusalem story. As time passed, the Jerusalem story gradually deteriorated in theological importance until just a fragment remained.
The Ebionites? According to Wikipedia they accepted JC as the Jewish Messiah and gave 'Paul' short shift. Early 'Paul' or 'late Paul' - who knows....

I may be mistaken here, but I don't see Jerusalem being the center of Jewish religious interest during Herodian times. Remember Herod had the last Hasmonean High Priest, Aristobulus III, drowned. Herod set up his own High Priests and, of course, set about re-building the Jerusalem Temple. Sure, the temple carried on doing it's sacrifices etc, but it must have been, for the Hasmoneans anyway, a bitter pill to swallow. A double tragedy - Roman and Herodian. The people of an occupied land are not going to be putting all their cards openly on the table. Give Herod's temple it's due - but look elsewhere for the real Jewish intellectual/spiritual developments. Jerusalem was being 'trampled upon' - the seat of authentic Jewish practice was elsewhere - the 'new Jerusalem' - Alexandria. (who knows - but maybe something like that....)
The politics of Roman Jerusalem would compromise the temple. OTOH That leaves the problem of why the pseudo history has Jerusalem origins of the movement in it. The storyline developed elsewhere, but why set the story in Jerusalem?
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Old 05-27-2011, 11:40 AM   #142
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post
..... But out of this 'early' Shaul's writings and Greek rhetorical narratives about The coming Christ, a seed was sown, and it only required the events of history to bring it into full bloom and fruition.
Old Shaul's writings had informed and inspired the eventual creation of the Gospels.
(and provided the -literary fodder- for a multitude of latter pseudo-Paul's to mutilate, interpolate, and add to, at will.)

Now, what credible source of antiquity support your "Shauline" story?

There is ABSOLUTELY no obligation to speculate about "Paul".

It is the "Pauline" writings and Acts of the Apostles that are SOURCES for "Paul" in the NT Canon.

The Pauline story in ACTS is EXTREMELY easy to understand. It is NOT necessary to ALTER, ADD, REMOVE or TAMPER with the story.

In ACTS, Saul/Paul, a persecutor of Jesus Believers, was BLINDED by a bright light and heard the voice of Jesus and had an argument about "KICKING PRICKS".

Jesus had ALREADY Ascended to heaven when Saul/Paul and Jesus had the argument about "KICKING PRICKS".

Sometime later, after SAUL/Paul "RECEIVED" his sight, he began to preach Jesus after CONSULTATION with some disciples in Damascus.

Now, in Acts, SAUL/Paul was in a basket near a wall in Damascus and "Paul" in 2 Cor. claimed he was in a basket near a wall in Damascus.

Ac 9:25 -
Then the disciples took him by night, and let him down by the wall in a basket.
2Co 11:33 -
And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and escaped his hands.
All we need to find out is if the Pauline story is historically sound or was just invented by the authors to falsely create an EARLY history of the Church.

That is ALL we NEED to investigate and there is NO need to SPECULATE and make up stories about "Paul" without credible sources.

It has ALREADY been deduced by Scholars that all the Canonical Gospels WERE most likely written AFTER the Fall of the Temple.

The Church claimed that at least gMatthew and gMark were written BEFORE the Fall of the Temple but Scholars have deduced that such is NOT the case.

We have a PATTERN developing. The Church is ATTEMPTING to place the writings of the Jesus stories EARLIER than they should be.

We ALREADY know that Scholars have deduced that some of the Pauline writings are LATER than the Fall of the Temple.

Now, if 'Paul' was BEFORE the Gospels were WRITTEN and did PREACH his Gospel ALL OVER the Roman Empire then we would EXPECT that the Gospel Jesus would EMULATE the Pauline Jesus.

No such thing happened. There is no evidence any author of the Gospel knew or had heard that OVER 500 people AT ONCE saw the resurrected Jesus.

It must be SPECIFICALLY noted that Jesus TAUGHT his disciples that he would be killed and RAISED on the third day.

This TEACHING of the Resurrection is EXTREMELY important. The author of gMark made mention of the teaching of Jesus.

Mr 9:31 -
For he taught his disciples.... The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and after that he is killed, he shall rise the third day.
Now, if Jesus was ALREADY raised from the dead since around 33 CE and OVER 500 people AT ONCE saw the resurrected Jesus LONG before the authors of Gospels wrote their stories then it would have been EXPECTED that the such a SIGNIFICANT piece of evidence would have been used by the ALL the NT authors.

Not one author of the NT outside of "Paul" made mention that OVER 500 people AT ONCE saw the resurrected Jesus.

"Paul" even claimed some of the 500 people were still ALIVE when he wrote.

So, whether or not "Paul" wrote any epistles, it should have been KNOWN by Jesus believers throughout the Roman Empire OVER 500 people AT ONCE saw Jesus.

1 Cor.15
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
5 And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: 6 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once, of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep....

The MOST SIGNIFICANT evidence for the resurrection of Jesus in the Pauline writings is UNKNOWN to the Gospel authors.

"Paul" was a fraud. His story about the 500 people who saw the resurrected Jesus was invented AFTER the Canonical Gospels were ALREADY written. Not even the author of gLuke, a supposed CLOSE companion of "Paul", mentioned that OVER 500 people AT ONCE saw the resurrected Jesus.

There is NO need to ALTER, CHANGE, ADD, REMOVE or Speculate about "Paul" when the evidence from antiquity SHOW that he was a FRAUD.

We should LEAVE the stories about "Paul" just as we found them as archaeologists would.

The Pauline story JUST DON'T ADD up historically.
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Old 05-27-2011, 12:01 PM   #143
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Originally Posted by jgoodguy View Post
Originally Posted by maryhelena View Post
Originally Posted by jgoodguy View Post

At the moment, I am not dating anything. I am just trying to put the pieces together.

What about early Jewish Christians like the Ebionites? Are they really a 'Jesus' cult as opposed to a Christian cult.

A pet theory of mine is that 'Paul' took used the names of the officials of the 'Jesus' cult at Jerusalem to give his ministry creditability. Assuming a ministry existing at Jerusalem with a reputation. A family business, as it were, into faith healing, charity for the poor and preaching. Then either the credibility and reputation of that Jesus cult was folded into the new direction or the memory and tradition of that cult was adopted.

Maybe what happened is that refugees from Jerusalem (60-70s) fleeing to Alexandra allied themselves with the 'Late Paul' advocates giving the resulting Jerusalem story. As time passed, the Jerusalem story gradually deteriorated in theological importance until just a fragment remained.
The Ebionites? According to Wikipedia they accepted JC as the Jewish Messiah and gave 'Paul' short shift. Early 'Paul' or 'late Paul' - who knows....

I may be mistaken here, but I don't see Jerusalem being the center of Jewish religious interest during Herodian times. Remember Herod had the last Hasmonean High Priest, Aristobulus III, drowned. Herod set up his own High Priests and, of course, set about re-building the Jerusalem Temple. Sure, the temple carried on doing it's sacrifices etc, but it must have been, for the Hasmoneans anyway, a bitter pill to swallow. A double tragedy - Roman and Herodian. The people of an occupied land are not going to be putting all their cards openly on the table. Give Herod's temple it's due - but look elsewhere for the real Jewish intellectual/spiritual developments. Jerusalem was being 'trampled upon' - the seat of authentic Jewish practice was elsewhere - the 'new Jerusalem' - Alexandria. (who knows - but maybe something like that....)
The politics of Roman Jerusalem would compromise the temple. OTOH That leaves the problem of why the pseudo history has Jerusalem origins of the movement in it. The storyline developed elsewhere, but why set the story in Jerusalem?
Where else?? Pseudo-history, in the Jewish context, is an interpretation of history, 'salvation' history. Destruction, restoration - prophetic ideas, messianic ideas. A Jewish 'morality play', could not be set anywhere else. The horse might have bolted, the spirit departed - but the stable, the temple, was still there, albeit compromised....Just perfect for a pseudo-history....
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Old 05-27-2011, 01:13 PM   #144
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by blastula View Post

aa5874, I've never said anything one way or the other about that. I don't even have a "position" on the HJ issue other than that people should support what they say, and they shouldn't pretend that clearly questionable evidence is conclusive (e.g., the thread OP) .
Well, you MUST ALSO admit the EARLY PAUL is questionable evidence.

Now, Please do NOT divert from the issue. You appear to have a problem with Eusebius when he makes statements that do NOT agree that with the claim that "Paul" wrote BEFORE the Fall of the Temple.
I have a problem with portraying Eusebius's wrirtings as conclusive evidence for anything that first or second century people did, wrote or believed.

Well, Eusebius did claim "Paul" wrote Epistles before he DIED under NERO and that the same "Paul" WAS aware of gLuke.

But, there is a MASSIVE problem, it has been deduced by Scholars that gLuke was WRITTEN AFTER the the death of NERO.
Your appeal to "scholars" here is inconsistent with your frequent dismissal of scholars elsewhere, such as...

It must be REASONABLE to deduce that it may be true that "Paul" was AWARE of gLuke and that it may be false that "Paul" wrote Epistles BEFORE the Fall of the Temple.
Not if you go by the majority of scholars.

It's probably safest to say the Pauline writer was aware of traditions about Jesus, but not so probable to say he was aware of any particular gospel (except perhaps the pseudepigrapha writers).
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Old 05-27-2011, 01:48 PM   #145
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Originally Posted by maryhelena View Post
Originally Posted by jgoodguy View Post

The politics of Roman Jerusalem would compromise the temple. OTOH That leaves the problem of why the pseudo history has Jerusalem origins of the movement in it. The storyline developed elsewhere, but why set the story in Jerusalem?
Where else?? Pseudo-history, in the Jewish context, is an interpretation of history, 'salvation' history. Destruction, restoration - prophetic ideas, messianic ideas. A Jewish 'morality play', could not be set anywhere else. The horse might have bolted, the spirit departed - but the stable, the temple, was still there, albeit compromised....Just perfect for a pseudo-history....
Jerusalem had a 'history' so a pseudo history would have the credibility of a real place, with a real history for the scene to stage the 'morality play'. I've ordered James the Brother of Jesus: The Key to Unlocking the Secrets of Early Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls James the Brother of Jesus: The Key to Unlocking the Secrets of Early Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls (or via:
by Robert H. Eisenman which may be interesting. It is a bit dated, but it may have some interesting ideas if the comments are accurate.
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Old 05-27-2011, 03:29 PM   #146
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Originally Posted by blastula View Post
...I have a problem with portraying Eusebius's wrirtings as conclusive evidence for anything that first or second century people did, wrote or believed.
I have a problem with people who constantly refuse to admit that I did not ever claim to use Eusebius alone to DEVELOP my theory that the Pauline writings were ALL late or AFTER the Fall of the Temple.

Originally Posted by blastula View Post
...Your appeal to "scholars" here is inconsistent with your frequent dismissal of scholars elsewhere, such as...
It is completely unreasonable to suggest that I must dismiss all scholars. I am not here to join a cult. You seem not to be engaged in a rational discussion but are making meaningless accusations.

Originally Posted by aa5874
It must be REASONABLE to deduce that it may be true that "Paul" was AWARE of gLuke and that it may be false that "Paul" wrote Epistles BEFORE the Fall of the Temple.
Originally Posted by blastula View Post
...Not if you go by the majority of scholars.

It's probably safest to say the Pauline writer was aware of traditions about Jesus, but not so probable to say he was aware of any particular gospel (except perhaps the pseudepigrapha writers).
Not if you go by the EVIDENCE from antiquity given by Christian writers like Justin Martyr, Aristides, Arnobius and Eusebius.

Not if you go by ALL the Canonical authors of the Jesus stories.

And NOT if you go by the Pauline writings.

Do you NOT even understand that "Paul" claim he PERSECUTED the FAITH?

A PERSECUTOR, above all persons, is EXPECTED to have INTRICATE details of those he PERSECUTES.

"Paul" must be EXPECTED to be able to IDENTIFY the Christian Faith, and Identify those who preach the Christian.

And further, "Paul" was AWARE of over 500 People who SAW the resurrected Jesus.

I deal with EVIDENCE from antiquity but it seems that you COUNT the number of people who support your position.

Counting people DON'T count. That is the first FUNDAMENTAL thing that an ATHEIST learns.
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Old 05-27-2011, 08:18 PM   #147
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Originally Posted by aa5874
<snip> .......

The Pauline story JUST DON'T ADD up historically.
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