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Old 03-22-2007, 07:13 AM   #121
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Originally Posted by Magdlyn View Post
Well, technically, an incarnation, but yes. The Logos is an extremely powerful divine figure. Call it a god, an emanation from God, an angel, a spirit.
Can you tel me please not only where John uses the term "incarnation" but (1) states that the LOGOS had a human personal identity before the creation and (2) speaks of the LOGOS as becoming an ANQROPOS?

Isn't the term "incarnation" anachronistic?

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Old 03-22-2007, 07:30 AM   #122
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Default Kenneth Taylor - from whither he cometh ?

Originally Posted by Jeffrey Gibson
rank inattention to the text and language of John 1:1ff John, if you, along with that wonderful eisegete Kenneth Taylor of Living Bible fame (or is that infamy?) .... since Taylor's is infamous for his equivocations and his eisegesis.

I am trying to figger out where and how did Kenneth Taylor get pulled into this at times interesting discussion (putting aside the other issue of par-for-the-course adversarial and combative sniping-language).

Are we dealing with an attempt to impose a genetic fallacy ?

Is Kenneth Taylor even well known for his Christological writings as e.g. are Larry Hurtado or Richard Bauckham ? What specifically even brought Kenneth Taylor into this thread as some sort of negative Christological-doctrinal example .. twice ?

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Old 03-22-2007, 07:31 AM   #123
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Originally Posted by Ted Hoffman View Post
I dont think that conceding that your criticism is correct in certain areas will necessarily mean that he explains how Q fits into his hypothesis anew. Perhaps, just iron out a few creases. You have argued that his explanation is faulty and is underpinned by a defective understanding of K's hypothesis. Of course, his response will include pointing out errors in your own understanding of his (D's) explanation, accompanied by a possible expansion of his thesis and clarification of nuances. He can make concessions where he deems fit but overall, I dont see your critique making any remarkable dent on D's hypothesis.
Whereas your approach is good (thorough, focused etc), it is like a gadfly on the leaping flanks of a rugged bull: a quick flick of the tail takes care of it. It will be interesting to read but nothing major will come from it.
I would encourage you to start working on something else, like, say, Doherty's treatment of Romans, or Hebrews, or Paul etc. Then, the confluence of these streams may result in the raging river that will drown this mythicist bull.
I seem to be doing a lot of horn-tooting lately, and I'm trying not to get an inflated ego, but I think I addressed almost every point of substance Doherty makes about Q, and many that aren't. In retrospect, I realize that I should have also pointed out the problems of his pro-Luke/Marcionitic gospel with the 2 source hypothesis, but I think I was fairly comprehensive. If there is anything large I did not address, please let me know (Jesus' death in Q notwithstanding). My paper was about Doherty's hypothesis as it stands, which I think was made fairly clear, so if he revises it to eliminate these rather large problems and doesn't create any new ones, then I'll be done with this particular issue.

In short:
*How can anything about the Q community stand if his basis for positing a Cynic community (not Cynic-LIKE) have been refuted already and he does not address these arguments? Also, why does he offer preference to Cynic parallels over Jewish ones when positing dependence?
*How can anything he says about the son of man stand if he incorrectly assumes that Daniel 7 is behind the eschatological som sayings in Q?
*How can he claim a vast disconnect between Q1 and Q2 by only appealing to his own authority and old evidence without a meaningful re-interpretation?
*How can his proposal that an HJ does not appear in Q until Q3 if it is based on inconsistent and self-undermining methods?
*How can he dismiss the problem of multiple attestation between Q and Thomas if he doesn't deal with the issue in a meaningful way?
*How can he expect to be taken seriously if he does not submit his work to the same scrutiny that major scholars to their own work?

None of these have been addressed yet, in any way (except number 2 which I hope is not representative of Doherty's scholarship, given its cringe-inducing nature).These seem to be his main points for arguing there was no HJ behind Q, and I addressed each one at its root. The attention to other things serves largely to point out the lack of his credibility when he appeals to his own authority.

I think D has several alternatives around this Q matter and I am sure he has his sights on bigger and wider issues since the question of Q is not central to his hypothesis and even if you are correct that his understanding of K is faulty, that alone will not be a stumbling block. If he chooses, he can spend considerable effort persuading an amateur on the net that his take on Q is okay, or he can simply write one response and regard the matter as closed. I suspect that you are ready to debate him to the ground on this. My view is that that (engaging you, blow by blow) would be poor allocation of his time.
I'm willing to point out the problems with any unnuanced and misinformed position (hence my involvement with this thread). If he persists in this, then yes, I will debate him to the ground. His conclusions, however much I disagree with them, are not at issue, it is his methods. If he resolves these problems and does not create new ones, I'm done with it.
The choice of course is his. We have seen so many amateurs who want to make a name for themselves by rebutting Doherty. They quickly run out of steam when they realize it is not as simple.
This is not my motivation. My motivation is to expose the huge problems with his work. I hope that once I complete grad school any "name" that is known is for the quality of my work, not an easy target. (I will leave the Lee Strobel rebuttals to Doherty) Especially someone whose work is hardly known outside of web-ophiles like those on this board, and has received essentially no attention in the academy. Besides, to say that it's "many" who have argued against Doherty in essay-like fashion is not accurate, in my opinion. I'm not sure how you would be able to discern their motivation anyway. If I could get Doherty to at least be in synch or on the same playing field as mainstream scholarship, I will be happy. If he wants to point out the unquestioned assumptions of scholars in an academic setting, then more power to him. This, though, is far from what he has done.
My suggestion is: dig up everything you can on Q, then cover more ground.
Your approach seems to be as follows:
Read D's thesis, find a weak point and take it apart, clearly and conclusively and expose his scholarship as bogus and unreliable.
My suggestion is this:
Read D's thesis. Find the central plank if any and take it out. If the pillars are many, take them out one by one. But dont spend a lifetime on one.
The choice, of course, is yours. Do you want to be just one of the faceless overeager upstarts with little stamina like GDon, Christopher Price, Benard Muller, Bede and Metacrock - or are you willing to engage JM hypothesis meaningfully and comprehensively?
No, I'm not willing to do it comprehensively. I have far better things to do with my time. I wrote that paper to footnote myself for another paper I wrote and because I want others to understand Doherty is not as familiar with NT scholarship as they might believe he is. I have absolutely no interest in being known as someone who wasted his time on a marginal hypothesis instead of contributing productively to the academy. Being associated with this hypothesis in any real way (unless it actually does receive attention in scholarship, which is extremely doubtful) is about the last thing I want. I cannot overemphasize this. I do NOT want students, grad schools, or potential employers to search for my name on google and immediately connect me with fringe scholarship. I don't think a lot of people realize how little this hypothesis is going to matter in the long run, and its prominence among the poorly-informed should indicate this.

How Q plays into his hypothesis is his problem, not mine. If it's clear that he is incorrect then I will call him out on it. If he's on the level, then I'll let him be.
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Old 03-22-2007, 07:35 AM   #124
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Originally Posted by praxeus View Post

I am trying to figger out where and how did Kenneth Taylor get pulled into this interesting discussion (putting aside the other issue of par-for-the-course adversarial and combative sniping-language).

Are we dealing with an attempt to impose a genetic fallacy ?
Nope. Have you read Taylor's "translation" of Jn 1:1 in his Living Bible? Have you read his explanations of what guides his "translating" technique?

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Old 03-22-2007, 07:35 AM   #125
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Originally Posted by Ted Hoffman View Post
Peer review is not the only avenue. There is no ID article that has been published in a scientific journal.
That has not stopped scientists from debunking ID.
This excuse is lame Weimer.
I have already exposed the NT scholarship as biased. Peer review in this field is like a nihil obstat. Peer review my foot.
You are taking the analogy too seriously. Do people go to school board meetings asking that JM be taught in schools? Do news programs, when talking about the historical Jesus, have the obligatory fringe-JM advocate?

Switch JM for ID and the answers are reversed. You overestimate the prominence of this hypothesis.

Peer review would catch silly mistakes that Doherty makes, and also eliminate much of the rhetoric that detracts from his work (compare the number of question marks on any given page of Doherty's work to that of a degreed scholar, for example). He wouldn't be able to get by making baseless claims like he can online.
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Old 03-22-2007, 07:44 AM   #126
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Originally Posted by jgibson000 View Post
Isn't the term "incarnation" anachronistic?

If you have to ask, then your mastery of this stuff isn't as solid as we had thought. Is self-doubt creeping into your monadic sty of confidence?
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Old 03-22-2007, 08:02 AM   #127
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Originally Posted by Zeichman
Peer review would catch silly mistakes that Doherty makes, and also eliminate much of the rhetoric that detracts from his work (compare the number of question marks on any given page of Doherty's work to that of a degreed scholar, for example). He wouldn't be able to get by making baseless claims like he can online.
I have question marks on several pages of Sanders and Van Voorst. Bottom line: peer review is not the only available avenue so it is an excuse.
If people can publish crap like Tabor and NT Wright and still remain respectable scholars in the rank and file of NT Scholarship, I cannot fathom how correcting an errant "incompetent" amateur like Doherty alone would smear them with an indelibe dung that would destroy a scholar's career overnight.
I am sorry Zeich but it is argument that cannot fly.
They are terrified that if they respond, other amateurs will also read Doherty and soon, many amateurs will realize that for all their Star Trek PhDs, the scholars are full of crap. And Doherty is right.
And that wouldn't be good for the establishment now, would it Zeichman?
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Old 03-22-2007, 08:08 AM   #128
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Originally Posted by Chris Weimer View Post
Scholars attack other scholars the legitimate way - via peer review or scholarly lists. When you go through illegitimate pipes, and then demand to be taken seriously, what do you expect, a cookie?
But this isn't a scholarly forum. It is public forum where people of all kinds can talk about Jeebus.

Originally Posted by Ted Hoffman View Post
No Robots, no disrespect to you but I think you would be fine if you stopped defening Brunner. Brunner's ignorance in matter's concerning Jesus was only paralleled by his zeal and readiness to go charging off in the wrong direction and ignore experts in the field. As far as Jesus is concerned, what Brunner wrote was pure, unadulterated, Grade A prime crap. Even for his time. He had no excuse for doing such a slothful work in 'Our Christ'. I am often embarrased for you when you keep defensing that infernal monument of incompetence.
Well, of course, I feel the same way about your defense of Doherty. No, wait, I'm not embarrassed for you. I admire you for staking yourself to a position and identifying yourself with a text. You have yours and I have mine. You are welcome to be embarrassed for me, but I can tell you that it is only through Brunner that I have learned anything worthwhile at all. Nothing will ever stop me from singing his praises. And I'm in good company, let me tell you.

Originally Posted by jgibson000 View Post
I take it that you've never been at a conference where Bill Arnal has presented his views or read the archives of XTalk in either of its incarnations.
No, but I have read his book, The Symbolic Jesus (or via:, and his contributions in his new discussion group. His view is that Jesus is historically unknowable and unimportant. Smells like teen mythicist spirit to me.

In any case, I note with interest that if the above is in reply to my last message to you, it is a wholesale dodge of everything I asked you there.

Why have you not answered my questions?
I don't want to derail this thread. If you like, I will reply here. I'll pmail you when I post my reply.
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Old 03-22-2007, 08:13 AM   #129
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Default Kenneth Taylor - from whither he cometh ?

Originally Posted by jgibson000
Nope. Have you read Taylor's "translation" of Jn 1:1 in his Living Bible? Have you read his explanations of what guides his "translating" technique?
However I didn't ask for an analysis of the deficiencies of Kenneth Taylor's translation and commentary. I did ask for his relevance to this thread. Does Taylor even have a body of respected Christological writing, like Hurtado and Bauckham, that might cause it to be analyzed for this thread ?

Or do we have simply an attempt to impose a strained genetic fallacy ?

Before anything else existed, there was Christ, with God. He has always been alive and is himself God. He created everything there is -- nothing exists that he didn't make.- John 1:1-3 (Living Bible)

Has *anybody* used this or Taylor's 'translation techniques' as a point of backing for any view on this thread - before Jeffrey brought him up as a duckshoot target ?

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Old 03-22-2007, 09:19 AM   #130
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Originally Posted by Ted Hoffman View Post
They are terrified that if they respond, other amateurs will also read Doherty and soon, many amateurs will realize that for all their Star Trek PhDs, the scholars are full of crap.
You really imagine NT scholars wringing their hands in private meetings over Doherty, hoping his book does not get into too many amateur hands?

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