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#91 | |
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Now it came to pass while Fadus was procurator of Judea that a certain enchanter, whose name was Theudas, persuaded a great part of the people to take their effects with them and follow him to the river Jordan, for he told them that he was a prophet, and that he would by his own command divide the river, and afford them an easy passage over it; and many were deluded by his words. However, Fadus did not permit them to make any advantage of his wild attempt, but sent a troop of horsemen out against them, who, falling upon them unexpectedly, slew many of them and took many of them alive. They also took Theudas alive, and cut off his head and carried it to Jerusalem. This was what befell the Jews in the time of the leadership of Cuspius Fadus.What criteria would you use to validate this event? (If you think this Josephus made this event up, then please choose a singly attested passage that you think really does describe historical events, if you would.) This is just a way of seeing what kinds of historical methods we have at our disposal. Ben. |
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#92 | |||||||||
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Silius Italicus wrote the Punica, but in doing so modeled much after Homer. How do you tell what is real, what is fabricated, and what is merely altered? Quote:
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#94 | |
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However, if I discovered that Antiquity of the Jews was all patterned on a Greek story, and this incidence copied directly from an incident in the Greek source, no, I would not assume that this was real history, even if 10 other people quoted the incidence from Josephus. |
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#95 | ||||
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Physics Orthodoxy = PO, Cold Fusion = CF I was not upset at the mention, but at the analogy. However, upon reflection it was clear that there were several levels. Thus, while accepting the overall analogy at a superficial level which aptly describes the state of play re PO/CF and HJ/MJ, I got to thinking about the deeper aspects. Firstly that with which I agreed: Fusione Fredda "Cold Fusion is a pariah field, cast out by the scientific establishment. Between Cold Fusion and respectable science there is virtually no communication at all. Cold fusion papers are almost never published in refereed scientific journals, with the result that those works don't receive the normal critical scrutiny that science requires. On the other hand, because the Cold-Fusioners see themselves as a community under siege, there is little internal criticism. Experiments and theories tend to be accepted at face value, for fear of providing even more fuel for external critics, if anyone outside the group was bothering to listen. In these circumstances, crackpots flourish, making matters worse for those who believe that there is serious science going on here." As GDon is fond of suggesting, substitute MJ for CF and Biblical scholars for scientific. However, I went on to disagree with EL’s assignment of probability, which has drawn CW’s wrath, apparently upon my lack of qualifications to make such an assessment. I note that he did not complain of EL for also having done so. I do not demand that posters at S&S have scientific qualifications. I see no demand at E/C for even more specialised qualies. Do we demand a degree in Politics for the Political Forum or Moral Philosophy for … No, it is open to everyone to contribute as they may. If we are wise we do so within our limitations, and others make their judgements accordingly. So, am I incapable of estimating a balance of probabilities for HJ/MJ? We shall see. Returning to CF, I do not intend to discuss the physics but rather the question of the deeper analogy between PO/CF and HJ/MJ. I shall also discuss E, but not C which is irrelevant. The PO rejects CF for the following three reasons: 1. Lack of reproducible results. 2. Questionable methodology. 3. No theoretical underpinning. The most serious failing is theory. From the perspective of the PO, given 3., the effect of 1. is to suggest the high probability of 2. Note that theory is not under threat from 1. due to its unreliable nature. Is this in any way analogous to HJ/MJ? Data: There is a difference in the quantity and quality of data. Scientific data is quantitative with estimated limits, capable of being made more precise and accumulating. The HJ/MJ data is qualitative, of problematic value and relatively limited. Lack of reproducible results: MJ denies the existence of a human jesus. In essence that is it. There are several formulations but the Doherty Mythical Theory (DMT) is the real bone of contention here. HJ provides a large variety of jesi such as marginal jews, wandering cynics, apocalyptic and social revolutionaries, healers both miraculous and inspirational as well as the more exotic magicians, mushroom eaters and whathaveyou. Questionable methodology: MJ has been attacked by Zeichman re Q, Gibson re translation, GDon re sublunary & 2ndC apologists, Krosero re … HJ has been attacked for the shear inconsistency of methodology employed which is often held to account for the variety of jesi. It would seem, in a sort of hand waving manner, that the analogy is not holding up. Instead it appears to cut both ways with both MJ and HJ perhaps at fault. No theoretical underpinning: I was attempting to keep the discussion succinct and pithy. By No I actually meant extremely small probability. Science deals with probability as a matter of course, so that when I tossed off balance of probabilities, I had in fact considered them. It is the way I think. All propositions are subject to a balance of probabilities. Which is why I become irritated when some MJers make dogmatic assertions and call those with whom they disagree idiots. So let’s crack some numbers using Bayes Theorem! From Goodstein’s entertaining account of CF above, we may extract the following probabilities: P(CF) the probability of CF being a real phenomena At the inter-nuclear spacing in the deuterium molecule, the probability is too small by forty or fifty orders of magnitude. ~10^(-45) P(R) the probability of obtaining positive Results. Pick a number between 0.01 and 1, it doesn’t matter. P(R|CF) the probability of the Results given CF is occuring. In conventional nuclear physics, fusion results about half the time in a, half the time in b, and one millionth of the time in c. To account for the observations reported, with some consistency, by various researchers in Cold Fusion, fusion inside a metal would nearly always result in reaction c. ~10^(-6) P(CF|R) the probability of CF given the Results P(CF|R) = P(R|CF) x P(CF)/P(R) ~ zeroSimilarly a calculation for evolution not being true given the evidence P(~E|e) = zero. Contrast this with the probabilities for HJ/MJ. My own, only slightly tongue in cheek calculation yielded, Quote:
What is the upshot of all this comparing and analogying? Except at a superficial level of social phenomena in the debate of ideas in the case of CF, there is no comparison with HJ/MJ. Let’s cut the crap and get back to history. |
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#96 | |
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One of the reasons that I do not accept Creationism is that the overwhelming majority of professional biologists - if not all of them - tell me that the evidence indicates it is wrong. Nevertheless, I DO accept the possibility that there may not have been a historical Jesus, even though here the overwhelming majority of professional biblical scholars - if not all of them - tell me that the evidence indicates there was such a person. In one case I reject a theory because it is fringe, in the other I allow a theory is possible despite it being fringe. This is clearly double-standards, but is it justified?That's what I've responded to, and most others have as well. The reason I rarely use analogies is that people start attacking the analogy at points not related to the subject at hand. No-one is saying that the MJ case is as weak as the case for creationism. The question is how mythicists view the authority of experts in the field. How do creationists view scholars? How do MJers view scholars? I won't rehash the arguments, but here are some of the comments from this thread: An awareness of the many pitfalls of historical research should tell you that what the "majority" of Biblical scholars and historians claim probably happened must be taken with a grain of salt.Is this the same as how creationists view those authorities of evolution? If yes, then IMHO the analogy succeeds. If no, then the analogy fails. |
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#97 | ||||||||||||||||
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I just got back from "hanging out" with friends, so please excuse the quality of this post.
Yawn. Quote:
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In fact, I have now stopped "investigating" and defending Doherty. I will be writing a critical review of Sanders soon enough. We will do the work. I have no interest in cutting shortcuts so if you want to see published articles, you will see them. But we will still engage you at all levels. Call us what you will. This is not going away. I encourage efforts like Zeichman's and whereas Chris Weimer like-minded friends dont agree with MJers on several things, the debate shall continue. Bede and Layman are raving apologists and it is not particularly helpful to cite them as serious people. They lump easily with Holding. |
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