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Old 08-04-2006, 12:04 PM   #671
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Originally Posted by dongiovanni1976x
Is it “possible” that Socrates did not exist?
Not really important since nobody claims that Socrates was divine and son of god and that everyone should follow him.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence etc...
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Old 08-04-2006, 12:15 PM   #672
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Originally Posted by EarlOfLade
Not really important since nobody claims that Socrates was divine and son of god and that everyone should follow him.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence etc...
The historical Jesus position is not limited to making a claim of true divinity. All it is saying is that a person existed that others may or may not have later worshiped AS DIVINE.

The HJ position does not make any extraordinary claims. None. How else do you think an atheist like Chris Weimer can simultaneously hold an HJ belief? I myself am a militant agnostic. But I love history and respect it's methodological limitations.
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Old 08-04-2006, 01:03 PM   #673
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Originally Posted by dongiovanni1976x
Is it “possible” that Socrates did not exist? If there is just a slight possibility then you slip down the slope to a point where all we are discussing is what is probable.
If the scholarship is as shoddy as you present it as being then sure. Is there some sort of emotional attachment you think I have for Socrates that would make me cling to an HS over an MS? It doesn’t matter what I want, it matters what IS.

The kind of certainty you are demanding is not in plentiful supply for a great deal of figures from antiquity- and even much later. All we can deal with is what is MOST PROBABLE.
We have the information that we have. If all we have of these figures from antiquity is a mythology then so be it, that’s all we have. Honesty demands that we do not pretend to know more information than we actually do.

Paul is a contemporary of Jesus, though he never met him in person…
Nobody ever met him. That’s why Paul is useless. I’m a contemporary of Indiana Jones and I’ve never met him either.

he claims that he knows of Jesus' brother
I did run into Indy’s cousin, New Jersey Jones, in a bar once.

So to sum up we have three sources, independent from each other, with no agenda for making up this figure named James and all three agree he was the brother of the leader of the group of people who later called themselves Christians.
All we have is baloney from a church with a tremendous political agenda and no evidence.

This is all demonstratable without even making the appeal to Tacitus (whose literary account of the crucifixion is independently supported by Paul
Paul supports something he didn’t see?

[quote] by the archaeological evidence of the Plaque of Pontius Pilate in Caesarea Maritima [quote]
That’s evidence of Historic Pilate… so what? I’ve got evidence of historic Hitler but it means nothing for Indiana Jones.

Therefore, for all intents and purposes with regard to how historians approach figures from antiquity, it is quite obvious why there is a near universal consensus that Jesus was an actual figure in history
You are still in crypto-zoology.

who was: born of a woman
As opposed to what?

was born as a Jew
Who was born a Jew? You are assuming an individual instead of detecting one.
that he had brothers one of whom was named James
That’s part of the story, but it’s not historic.
that he ministered among the Jews
Who did this? Where are you getting this other than the myth itself?
that he had twelve disciples
Which we can discount because it’s a magic number. Although these merry men are always referred to in the bible as the 12 the names of 14 are given. The disciples are part of the story not part of history.
that he instituted the Lord’s Supper
Which is a ridiculous thing for a Jew to do as it was a Zoroasterian ceremony.
possibly that he was betrayed
We are still solely in the province of the story and not of history
and that he was crucified
Again taken from Dionysusian cults at Byzantium. In the story Jesus is removed from the cross. As the purpose of going to all the trouble and expense of a crucifixion is to let the body rot in public view for weeks we have now gotten into a fairy tale.

You cannot get much more evidence for this in antiquity from someone who was reportedly a criminal, who never wrote anything himself and was not wealthy enough to have monuments built in his honor or held any public position.
Most of what you are presenting as evidence of the historicity of the story is the story itself and not evidence.

I feel like a broken record here...why is this not enough to establish a minimalist position that such a human being EXISTED?
Because you haven’t established that there was a human being that even this minimal story applied to. You just have a story.
Not that he rose from the dead, but simply that he was a real person with a brother named James???
You are still in the story and not in history. You are saying parts of the story aren’t weird so they must be history. That isn’t enough. It’s like saying that there must be an historic Superman because he lived in Kansas and ordinary Martha and Jonathan Kent were his relatives. And what’s so strange about being a mild mannered reporter anyway?
The mundane parts of the Jesus story are just as easy to concoct as the more outlandish and do not suggest an historic character.

Question: if HJ is this nobody with nothing known about him that you present, why is it so important to you that he exist? The MJ doesn’t change one way or the other if there was an HJ or not.
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Old 08-04-2006, 01:52 PM   #674
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Originally Posted by Biff the unclean
Question: if HJ is this nobody with nothing known about him that you present, why is it so important to you that he exist? The MJ doesn’t change one way or the other if there was an HJ or not.
Because it is far easier to explain that Paul actually met James and got into an argument with him than that it is a big made up conspiracy or that he was lying about this given that he would look better to his audience if he didn't have to justify himself all the time.
Because it is far easier to explain that Josephus was recounting an historical event (the execution of this James) than to posit that it was all made up or that he was intentially lying to give credibility to a religion that he doesn't espouse. Also textual criticism supports that this is authentic whereas the TF is an interpolation.
Because the earliest gospel of Mark gives embarrassing details that Jesus was not accepted by his family and friends and it is only with the advent of Matthw/Luke and finally John that we see him evolve from Jesus to Christ.
Because of the accuracy of the New Testament when mentioning Pontius Pilate who was decried byt eh MJ camp as mythic as well until the Caesarea Maritima plaque was discovered.
Because Tacitus, though reporting far from the events gives an account of this crazy superstition and ties it to an executed criminal under this same Pontius Pilate who we can confidently assume was depicted on the Alexamenos Graffiti.
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Old 08-04-2006, 01:59 PM   #675
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Originally Posted by Biff the unclean
Nobody ever met him (Jesus). That’s why Paul is useless. I’m a contemporary of Indiana Jones and I’ve never met him either.
James, his brother undoubtably did. So Paul is a second hand source who is certainly valuable. You toss him out as if he has nothing valuable to say when in fact he our closest link to the early Jesus movement.
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Old 08-04-2006, 02:02 PM   #676
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Originally Posted by dongiovanni1976x
The historical Jesus position is not limited to making a claim of true divinity. All it is saying is that a person existed that others may or may not have later worshiped AS DIVINE.

The HJ position does not make any extraordinary claims. None. How else do you think an atheist like Chris Weimer can simultaneously hold an HJ belief? I myself am a militant agnostic. But I love history and respect it's methodological limitations.
Are you now claiming to know how other persons think, so that makes you know Jesus Christ is historic. So if an atheist, like Chris Weimer, holds a view that Jesus Christ is historic then that's good enough for you.

It is for this very same reason we have fiction in the NT and it is believed to be true because some persons have decided that what others think is more important than the truth and honesty. It is time persons begin to think for themselves.Billions of people now believe that Jesus Christ is historic because some one else thinks for them.

To claim that Jesus is historic because he had a brother named James is extremely weak. Gods regarded as myth also have brothers. Your source, the NT, is not credible, Josephus writings have been interpolated. The interpolation mentions 'the Christ', any other passage which mentions ' the Christ' must be viewed with suspicion.

The unknown author of Matthew claims that Jesus Christ was in Egypt while Herod killed all children 2 years and under, now isn't that an extra-ordinary claim when Luke says Jesus Christ was in Nazareth after birth. The NT is an extra-ordinary book filled with myths and other strange events. Jesus Christ is an extra-ordinary character and any claim about this character is extra-ordinary.

Some may think that it is beyond the authors of the NT to fabricate events and characters, but that does not appear to be true, the killing of the children by Herod is a good example of such fabrication on a international scale.
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Old 08-04-2006, 02:03 PM   #677
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Originally Posted by dongiovanni1976x
Because it is far easier to explain that Paul actually met James and got into an argument with him than that it is a big made up conspiracy or that he was lying about this given that he would look better to his audience if he didn't have to justify himself all the time.
Because it is far easier to explain that Josephus was recounting an historical event (the execution of this James) than to posit that it was all made up or that he was intentially lying to give credibility to a religion that he doesn't espouse. Also textual criticism supports that this is authentic whereas the TF is an interpolation.
Because the earliest gospel of Mark gives embarrassing details that Jesus was not accepted by his family and friends and it is only with the advent of Matthw/Luke and finally John that we see him evolve from Jesus to Christ.
Because of the accuracy of the New Testament when mentioning Pontius Pilate who was decried byt eh MJ camp as mythic as well until the Caesarea Maritima plaque was discovered.
Because Tacitus, though reporting far from the events gives an account of this crazy superstition and ties it to an executed criminal under this same Pontius Pilate who we can confidently assume was depicted on the Alexamenos Graffiti.
Bart Ehrman and Elaine Pagels and Dominic Crossan and other academic historians would agree with you, which was the topic of my original post.

Your post is what Ehrman had in mind when he states academic historians have layed out the criteria for studying history: independent attestation, dissimilarity, and contextual credibility would be best.
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Old 08-04-2006, 02:06 PM   #678
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Originally Posted by aa5874
Are you now claiming to know how other persons think, so that makes you know Jesus Christ is historic. So if an atheist, like Chris Weimer, holds a view that Jesus Christ is historic then that's good enough for you.

It is for this very same reason we have fiction in the NT and it is believed to be true because some persons have decided that what others think is more important than the truth and honesty. It is time persons begin to think for themselves.Billions of people now believe that Jesus Christ is historic because some one else thinks for them.

To claim that Jesus is historic because he had a brother named James is extremely weak. Gods regarded as myth also have brothers. Your source, the NT, is not credible, Josephus writings have been interpolated. The interpolation mentions 'the Christ', any other passage which mentions ' the Christ' must be viewed with suspicion.

The unknown author of Matthew claims that Jesus Christ was in Egypt while Herod killed all children 2 years and under, now isn't that an extra-ordinary claim when Luke says Jesus Christ was in Nazareth after birth. The NT is an extra-ordinary book filled with myths and other strange events. Jesus Christ is an extra-ordinary character and any claim about this character is extra-ordinary.

Some may think that it is beyond the authors of the NT to fabricate events and characters, but that does not appear to be true, the killing of the children by Herod is a good example of such fabrication on a international scale.
Paul states he met with James, "Brother of the Lord" and Josepheus writes how this James lost his position to Caiphus.
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Old 08-04-2006, 02:13 PM   #679
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Originally Posted by Biff the unclean
I must be confused. I thought if it was mentioned in the Gospels then it was part of the Jesus story. Now I see that it must be mentioned where it is convenient for you in the Gospels.
You keep alluding to the "Jesus story" and "the Gospels". That is bunk. That is for Christians to keep. A real historian knows that they must pick and choose out of the selected works to find out what really happen.

You don't think that Alexander the Great was really the son of Zeus, do you? Yet ancient sources say he was. But if he wasn't the son of Zeus, then does that mean he didn't exist?

You are employing a double standard here.

I said the story is traced back to ancient India. You find the same mythological motif reoccurring many times over the centuries and not just in the bible.
This is your claim. Now prove it. Where's the evidence that it is traced back to India? How do you know that the story in India is older than the Hebrew version?

And since you and I are conversing in an Indo-European language the travel required to transmit a story is minimal. Do you think that people don’t talk to those around them?
Hebrew isn't an Indo-European language.

Close your eyes and stick your fingers in your ears and Euripides might go away. La, la, la, la, la.
I'm sorry, where do you see

Let me guess. West Side Story is not taken from Romeo and Juliet because there are no dancing Porto Ricans in Shakespeare.
Sure it is. But Romeo and Juliet comes from an older tale, the oldest being Pyramus and Thisbe. But that doesn't mean that West Side Story came from Pyramus and Thisbe, or any number of the "star-crossed lovers" stories that predate Romeo and Juliet. Moreover, it doesn't exclude the possibility that something akin to Romeo and Juliet really happened in history before. Chances are pretty good, actually, that a man killed himself because he thought his beloved has died. If you were to watch a movie that began "based on true events" but seemed awfully similar to Romeo and Juliet, what would you think and why? What if you read a news article earlier stating that indeed the story was striking, but that it really happened. What would you think?

What historicity? I’m open to any historicity you have to offer. But so far you’ve presented none.
Do you know what historicity means?

Then let me help you. The date was already the holyday of the Goddess of the dawn, Easter, because that was the day she resurrected Adonis. That’s why there are still sun rise services on that date, the same as there were 3000 years ago.
It's still entirely irrelevant. You must be confusing this with Christianity.

In other words “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. The Great Oz has spoken.” Perhaps you should try some real scholarship and not just biblical “scholarship”
As a matter of fact, I'm a classical scholar first and foremost. But you, on the other hand, seem to be devoid of either.

Actually it’s been known for centuries that it is very good scholarship indeed as it observes myths in the context of their history and how they spread and evolve through neighboring cultures.
But you never mentioned spreading and evolving. You said it "came from India" without showing who did what, where, when, and how. A blanket statement is the epitome of sloppy "parallel" scholarship, a joke in every academic community.

Justin Martyr made quite the ass of himself when confronted by his myths previous owners because he refused to consider this scholarship.
Yeah, Christians do that sometimes.

Which question? Was it one of the many asked to avoid answering my simple request of what information is available on HJ?
It has been given. Reread the thread, then read a book.
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Old 08-04-2006, 02:21 PM   #680
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Originally Posted by dongiovanni1976x
Because it is far easier to explain that Paul actually met James and got into an argument with him than that it is a big made up conspiracy or that he was lying about this given that he would look better to his audience if he didn't have to justify himself all the time.
The alternative explanation is that "Brother of the Lord" was a title - an easier explanation than trying to reconcile James' status in Mark with his leadership of the later church.

Because it is far easier to explain that Josephus was recounting an historical event (the execution of this James) than to posit that it was all made up or that he was intentially lying to give credibility to a religion that he doesn't espouse. Also textual criticism supports that this is authentic whereas the TF is an interpolation.
Textual criticism has little to say about this reference to the brother of Jesus - it is an awkard turn of phrase that might have been an innocent interpolation.

Because the earliest gospel of Mark gives embarrassing details that Jesus was not accepted by his family and friends and it is only with the advent of Matthw/Luke and finally John that we see him evolve from Jesus to Christ.
The details are not so embarrassing to Jesus, and might have a theological purpose. And while some theologians see an increase in Christology from Mark to Matthew to Luke to John, Paul's Christology is higher than any of these.

Because of the accuracy of the New Testament when mentioning Pontius Pilate who was decried byt eh MJ camp as mythic as well until the Caesarea Maritima plaque was discovered.
Sorry - this is not true. No mythicist has been located who ever thought that Pontius Pilate, who is mentioned in both Josephus and Philo, was mythical.

Because Tacitus, though reporting far from the events gives an account of this crazy superstition and ties it to an executed criminal under this same Pontius Pilate who we can confidently assume was depicted on the Alexamenos Graffiti.
Any confidence in anything in this area is entirely unwarranted.
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