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Old 11-24-2004, 06:12 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Follower of Christ
Personally I like hanging out atheists and blasphemers....all the absurd things they say make me study more :thumbs:
:rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
You have so much prejudice, that it is just laughable to see how you have no shame to display it. You must feel so much superior... :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: Like an entomologist studying ants, right?!

Please, tell us, are you afraid of death?
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Old 11-24-2004, 06:19 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Follower of Christ
My support is the bible.
Then you know:
1) Jesus came for the lost sheep of Israel;
2) He was bringing war;
3) Romans were crucifying rebels;
4) Jesus ordered to kill people by beheading;
5) Jesus commited crimes;
6) Jesus wanted to be king
7) Jesus rejected the Roman rule...

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
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Old 11-24-2004, 07:56 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by Follower of Christ
Personally I like hanging out atheists and blasphemers....all the absurd things they say make me study more :thumbs:
You know, I kind of liked this one too... NOT!
FoC says he doesn’t Preach or Convert but he comes here because all the “damned� and destined to hell make him study more. Well how about that? He believes in eternal hell, and believes we are destined to go there but wont try to convert us. One wonders if he really believes in all that hell stuff.
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Old 11-24-2004, 10:04 AM   #44
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Some off topics posts [GD and Chili] were split off here.
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Old 11-24-2004, 03:39 PM   #45
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Sorry didn't know this would cause an argument ^^;;

Perhaps i should give further example, thank you to everyone who has replied so far.

Three interesting articles on that highlight how Christ raised the status of women while in the later epistles that new found status was then lowered again. Then how this theme pervades in the early church.

Maybe Christ just didn't say alot on the issue? As certainly Paul would have had different issues to deal with right?

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Old 11-24-2004, 04:24 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Lavis Knight
Sorry didn't know this would cause an argument ^^;;
Maybe Christ just didn't say alot on the issue? As certainly Paul would have had different issues to deal with right?

Everything here causes an argument I wouldn't worry about it. Whatever Jesus was, I think it was significantly lost in the Pauline transformation within the budding churches of Asia Minor. One verse that always strike me is:
Matthew 5:17-19 "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven,"

Paul directly counters this view several times, in my view, for the purposes of expanding the growth potential of this budding sect in the Gentile world. Now it's explained away by xians to keep it within their now rigid dogma. There are other snipets that I think shed light onto the original, but in general I suspect much of the original man is lost forever.
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Old 11-26-2004, 06:25 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by Follower of Christ
You supposedly dont believe in heaven or hell ( I assume) then why the nasty little red face?
I dont believe in Santa, and Im sure not going to get upset if he leaves me off his list (since it doesnt exist).
You're right Follower of Christ, its irrational to be angry at anything imaginary. I’m angry at myself now. :angry: And I’m angry at my parents who taught me to believe in God. If people have believed that irrational stuff during their impressionable childhood it sometimes still affects them as adults.
At least I can see what’s irrational. You Christians can’t.
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Old 11-26-2004, 07:34 AM   #48
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But Barbara, whatever exists in the imagination must exist in reality as well or it could not enter our imagination. The problem really is that you have distorted snippets of reality in your imagination, such as "pink" and "elephants," and now you are arguing against them. There is nothing wrong with believing in elephants, or in pink, or in God, because, in the end, we are God since we have been created in the image of God, etc. These are just simple teachings but since you have failed to connect "you" with "God" you are trying to shoot down "pink elephants" and they seem to be landing right on top of you.
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Old 11-26-2004, 08:21 AM   #49
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But Chili I can imagine many things, which are contradictory and impossible. I can imagine an Invisible Pink Unicorn I can imagine a wide range of Buddhist Concepts, Hindu Concepts, Neo Pagan Concepts, Islammic Concepts, and other religious or secular concepts. Many things I and others imagine are in no way true.
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Old 11-26-2004, 10:37 AM   #50
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See, I told you so!
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