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Old 04-28-2011, 02:49 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by stephan huller View Post
Wow now I've seen everything here. What's next - AA reveals that he's really a famous Biblical scholar who's been blogging here anonymously all this time?
Please, please, please!!! Why can't you just write what I have POSTED. I did not ever claim I am a famous Biblical scholar.
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Old 04-28-2011, 02:58 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by Iskander View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post

Now read "Chuch History" 2.11-17.
You are doing a runner jus as you did with gurugeorge in”How to judge an argument from silence"
Now, I ACTUALLY gave you sources for the CODES then people accuse me of something else.

Read "Church History" 3 chapters 3,4,and 5 for more CODES.

Gurugeorge has NOT ever given a source of antiquity for his claim that Simon Magus the magician and occultist was Paul and that Simon Magus was NICKNAMED "Paulos".
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Old 04-28-2011, 03:31 PM   #53
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Why can't you just write what I have POSTED. I did not ever claim I am a famous Biblical scholar.
I was joking, ding dong. I think I know that you're not a famous Biblical scholar.
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Old 04-28-2011, 03:38 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by stephan huller View Post
Why can't you just write what I have POSTED. I did not ever claim I am a famous Biblical scholar.
I was joking, ding dong. I think I know that you're not a famous Biblical scholar.
You are a JOKER?
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Old 04-28-2011, 05:06 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by aa5874
I think you read TOO FAST. That is why you can't see THE CODES, OH MASTER GENIUS READER.
See "Church History" 2.10.
Unlike Jake, I am very slow, in everything.

10. Philip also, one of those who with Stephen had been entrusted with the diaconate, being among those who were scattered abroad, went down to Samaria, and being filled with the divine power, he first preached the word to the inhabitants of that country. And divine grace worked so mightily with him that even Simon Magus with many others was attracted by his words.
I acknowledge having not even a vague notion of why this specific passage should prove illuminating, in any way, particularly as a mechanism to unlock a mysterious code that would offer clues to the origin of modification of text of various patristic authors, including, presumably, Origen himself.....

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Old 04-28-2011, 05:48 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by stephan huller View Post
Wow now I've seen everything here. What's next - AA reveals that he's really a famous Biblical scholar who's been blogging here anonymously all this time?
Mr (Ms?) aa sure can be an enigma. I have wondered myself whether he knows more than he lets on, or is what he says he is (an atheist). I know he is from the Caribbean somewhere, and from posts on other boards seems to be from an area where French is spoken. Maybe some place like Haiti or Guyane (French Guiana). My theory is that he is from an evangelical background, and posts as a means to parodize Atheists as baseless speculators without any grounding. He uses odd translations (like the one that mis-spells Galatians as Galations) and makes wild claims that he usually capitalizes and sometimes formats in colors and a variety of fonts sizes. Even so, he does manage to make a few valid observations.

Having unsuccessfully tried to dialogue with the guy/gal, I have finally placed him on my ignore list. For any who wish to avoid frustration, I recommend you do the same.

DCH (who is, I am sure, on several people's ignore list as well - damn facts constantly getting in the way of pointless arguing an all)
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Old 04-28-2011, 06:06 PM   #57
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I always have a soft spot for the mashuganahs. But yes, the evangelical background is there from time to time. But so what. Live and let live is my motto
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Old 04-28-2011, 06:58 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by Toto View Post
Originally Posted by stephan huller View Post
There's nothing like waking up in the morning and reading a sentence like:

Originally Posted by avi
Mountainman has offered the (in my view, not outlandish) hypothesis that all the extant patristic evidence had been created de novo, under Eusebius, aka "big E", et al, as part of the military campaign to create a single, unified, NEW, dominant religion for the entire Roman empire
You know you're in for an intelligent debate. I was thinking about the college of mountainman with the recent birther controversy in the United States. I am sure someone else has brought this up in the past but how do the 'Eusebiers' here explain Maximinus II's interest in the Acts of Pilate to justify the persecution of Christians.

See below for Maximinus. And Toto's comment.

If Eusebius forged the gospel(s) where did the idea that someone who was the Christ being persecuted under the rule of Pontius Pilate come from? You'd have to argue

(a) that Diocletian's persecutions were non-existent
(b) that the core of the Nicene creed was developed from a fake document under a non-existent persecution and then
(c) Constantine and Eusebius decided to develop a religion and a gospel around this hoax.
Pete argues that the persecution of Christians was part of the invention of Christianity, and all references to it were either invented or actually refer to the persecution of the Manichaeans.
Finally at least stephan can actually articulate an approximation of my argument, because essentially I am at least arguing a, b and c above.

However lets get back to how the Acts of Pilate fits in.
I have already stated there are in fact 3 acts of Pilate.
The early one - a report, and two 4th century narratives.
About this 4th century narrative ....

After examining a great deal of evidence my assessment is that
Eusebius simply lies when he said it appeared under Maximinus.

It is far more likely that the blasphemous Acts of Pilate appeared IMO only during the rule of Constantine, and immediately after Nicaea. It was authored as a political reaction to the appearance of Constantine's Bible in the East particularly Alexandria. Eusebius tells us that it was taken around to schools so that the Panhellenic children could learn greek by reading "The Acts of Pilate". Eusebius is our earliest witness for the known 4th century document called the "Acts of Pilate" that is also called the Gospel of Nicodemus.

I dont trust Big E for chronology, not even over a few decades, let alone a few centuries. Remember, we are dealing with Big E here not as a witness for the books of the canon, but as a witness for the books of the heretics. There is a vast difference here because Big E is a Big H, that is, a Big Heresiologist - in fact, the Chief Heresy Hunter.

Thus the way I see it, is that Big C and Big E wheeled the books of the canon into Alexandria c.324/325 CE and they met with reaction from the local Greek academics, who commenced to author their own gospels and acts in reaction. Perhaps this "Acts of Pilate" was one of the first, but it can be seen that there is evidence from Big E, that the document was causing a great deal of embarrassment to the orthodox christians and of course, the Boss was not pleased.

His will was supreme. He called any resistance to his agenda heretical, and he called anyone who disagreed with him, either dead or if still living - a heretic. Out of respect for the christian traditon we now call these people Christian heretics. But in historical reality, they were just PanHellenic people who were in the wrong spot at the wrong time.

Obviously Constantine had been miraculously converted to the Codex Publishing business, and if we may rely on the contents of the Constantine Bible for a guide, aside from a bad choice with "The Shepherd of Hermas" etc, Constantine was representing orthodoxy. The problem was that some of the Greeks at that time opened up a competing Codex publication buisness. They chose their targets well. They performed massive identity theft from the new testament canonical stories to fabricate the acts of Pilate. Eusebius is correct in pointing out that the author was a forger. He was an artist! But he was a heretic!

Originally Posted by Big E

"Having forged, to be sure, Memoirs of Pilate and Our Saviour, full of every kind of blasphemy against Christ, with the approval of their chief they sent them round to every part of his dominions, with edicts that they should be exhibited openly for everyone to see in every place, both town and country, and that the primary teachers should give them to the children, instead of lessons, for study and committal to memory."

(H. E. 9.5.1)

As an addendum we may note that the first entry into the Christian "Index Librorum Prohibitorum" may have been this blasphemous acts of pilate. Eusebius adds a few more forbidden heretical books to the list himself as he earliest witness. Athanasius provides Bible codices for Constantius and then Pope Damasius's list of forbidden books becomes the basis the later Decretum Gelasianum. Readers should have no problems seeing how the Decretum Gelasianum survived in the Vatican until the Index Librorum Prohibitorum appears after Guttenburg.
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Old 04-28-2011, 09:42 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by DCHindley View Post
Originally Posted by stephan huller View Post
Wow now I've seen everything here. What's next - AA reveals that he's really a famous Biblical scholar who's been blogging here anonymously all this time?
Mr (Ms?) aa sure can be an enigma. I have wondered myself whether he knows more than he lets on, or is what he says he is (an atheist). I know he is from the Caribbean somewhere, and from posts on other boards seems to be from an area where French is spoken. Maybe some place like Haiti or Guyane (French Guiana). My theory is that he is from an evangelical background, and posts as a means to parodize Atheists as baseless speculators without any grounding. He uses odd translations (like the one that mis-spells Galatians as Galations) and makes wild claims that he usually capitalizes and sometimes formats in colors and a variety of fonts sizes. Even so, he does manage to make a few valid observations.

Having unsuccessfully tried to dialogue with the guy/gal, I have finally placed him on my ignore list. For any who wish to avoid frustration, I recommend you do the same.

DCH (who is, I am sure, on several people's ignore list as well - damn facts constantly getting in the way of pointless arguing an all)
I did not even know that you existed when I started to post here and don't even know if you can even see my post or if you can even reply to my post or when you can post.

My position on any matter has ZERO or very little to do with anyone's opinion. I only DEAL with evidence from antiquity.
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Old 04-28-2011, 10:35 PM   #60
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Finally at least stephan can actually articulate an approximation of my argument, because essentially I am at least arguing a, b and c above.
You see I am going to be the world's authority on AA and Pete's scholarship. Maybe I will teach a course at a university one day.
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