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Old 02-04-2008, 09:56 PM   #21
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Falls Creek, Oz.
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It's simple common sense.
Reserve judgement on the
appearances of things.

We have one side of the story.
But there are two sides to every
story. What are the two sides here?

Best wishes,

Pete Brown
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Old 02-05-2008, 01:01 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Toob Socks View Post
And by what method did you determine this? Do you read the minds of dead people?
It's trivial and obvious for anyone to see who has ears to hear and eyes to see - not the yes of the flesh, but the eyes of the mind who are not midguided by empiricist delusions.

Or is this another one of the dozens and dozens of assertions you throw out without any confirming evidence?
that's what academic hucksters do who still believe in Eusebian lies
like authentic Paulines, first-century gospels, a pre-70 Jerusalem church,
Gnostic posteriority, and similar follies.

Klaus Schilling
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Old 02-11-2008, 05:56 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Toob Socks View Post
Originally Posted by schilling.klaus View Post
no, it doesn't.
what Julian is reported to say and what Julian thought are two completely different things.
And by what method did you determine this? Do you read the minds of dead people?

Perhaps you are thinking of Roberts?

Comments by J. M. Roberts, Esq.

Dont judge a book by its cover.
The author has alot to say as he
interviews a whole series of spooks.
There is much entertainment here.

How about the spook PONTIUS PILATE?

Procurator of Judea.

"My Greeting to you is this:--I was appointed Procurator of Judea in the commencement of the reign of Octavius Augustus. At that time the Jewish nation was in a very turbulent state. Many men were brought before me on all kinds of charges, for these Jews were the most bitter sectarian bigots in regard to their religious views that I have ever met with as a mortal or spirit. There never was brought before me such man or so-called God as the present Christian system claims. There was a Jesus Onanias who was tried before me for highway robbery and was crucified by my soldiers; but of the now renowned Jesus I know nothing whatever. In their Jewish ceremonies, conducted at their own temple in Jerusalem, they were just that kind of element to control as are the Jews of the present day. They were divided into three or four different sects, and each of these was striving to become the master of the others. It required the whole military forces under my command to prevent them from murdering each other in their own temple. At the time of my procuratorship in Judea, there was a great influx of visitors from all over the East--wise men, so-called, who came there for the purpose of trying to understand the Jewish rites and ceremonies; but they were so strictly guarded in their worship that they would allow none to communicate the secrets thereof. You know from history that it was the Roman policy to conquer and rule all nations by allowing them to enjoy without interference their respective religious systems. We did this simply because we found that religious ideas had become so rooted in the minds of different people that they would be subservient to us just so long as we would allow their religions free scope. Now I want to enter into further particulars. There was a sect of Jews called Essenes. They were what you moderns call Communists. They believed in having everything in common. They were also guided by the same principles that now govern the Shakers. The whole Christian story was conceived and framed among the Essenian brotherhood, who were hermits and lived apart from society. Christians to-day cannot prove anything about their man-God; and all their hopes would have been overturned and destroyed but for the destruction by the Mohammedans of the Alexandrian library. Christianity would not to-day have any foothold if it had not been for the Mohammedans. They can thank the bigotry of the latter for the success of their own religion. I was Procurator in Judea in the fourth year of the reign of Augustus. I held the position nine years. In the latter part of my life I was banished for participating in a revolt at Rome, and I died at what is known to you as Trieste, in Austria, on account of being banished. This is the whole sum and substance of my career. As I hope for a happy spirit life, I can say I know nothing of any person, Jew or Gentile, of any Jesus, excepting the one mentioned in this communication. I am Pontius Pilate."
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Old 02-11-2008, 07:20 PM   #24
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Antiquity Unveiled is available on Google books.

For entertainment purposes only. When the spirits speak, your moderators think of Elsewhere.
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